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Yelp Wanted

Court Rules Yelp Did Not Defraud Shareholders

A judge dismissed a lawsuit claiming that Yelp executives sold off $81 million in "artificially inflated stock."


Lawsuit Against International Culinary Center by Former Students Gets Dirty

Brace for legal mudslinging.


Court Dismisses NJ Turnpike's Logo Lawsuit Against Florida Pizzeria

The logos are very similar.

News 1 Comment

French Foie Gras Producer Cleared of Cruelty Charges

The lawsuit was filed by an animal rights group.

Drinks 4 Comments

California Winemakers Sued Over High Levels of Arsenic in Wines

Might want to rethink buying that box of Franzia.

North Carolina

Police Officer Sues Starbucks for Coffee Burns

There are worse things than the barista misspelling your name.

The Chains 1 Comment

McDonald's Workers Claim Managers Recommend Treating Burns With Condiments

28 workers have filed federal complaints against the chain.

Minnesota 6 Comments

Family Sues Pancake Restaurant After Allergic Reaction Kills Son

The teen had a severe dairy allergy.


Ina Garten Reaches Settlement With Copycat 'Contessa' Food Line

The "Contessa Chef Inspired" frozen foods were not affiliated with the cookbook queen.

The Chains 1 Comment

McDonald's Sues City of Seattle to Stop Minimum Wage Increase

McDonald's and other chains argue that the mandatory increase violates the Fourteenth Amendment.

New York

Former Red Robin Employee Claims He Was Fired for Being Gay

He is suing for damages and wants his job back.

Controversies 28 Comments

Applebee's Customer Burned by Fajitas While Praying, But He Can't Sue

When religion gets litigious.

Yelp Wanted

Yelp Sues Company Attempting to Profit From Fake Restaurant Reviews

Yelp Director claimed it invented software to generate positive reviews and filter out negative ones.


Judge Dismisses Aunt Jemima Heirs' $3 Billion Lawsuit Against PepsiCo

The heirs failed to prove that they were related to the lady who posed as Aunt Jemima.


Jim Beam Slapped With a $5 Million Lawsuit Over Use of 'Handcrafted' on Label

Jim Beam's parent company is calling the lawsuit "frivolous."

News 1 Comment

Ina Garten Sues Copycat 'Contessa Chef Inspired' Food Line

The packaging and recipes are nearly identical.

The Chains

Olive Garden's Sister Restaurant Seasons 52 Sued for Age Discrimination

The lawsuit alleges that the restaurant does not hire people over the age of 40.


Red Bull Inexplicably Files Complaint Against Brewery Over the Word 'Ox'

The energy drink giant goes after Old Ox Brewery.

France 1 Comment

Chef Joël Robuchon Fights Back Against Harassment Claims by Former Cook

Robuchon has filed a lawsuit for defamation against the cook.


P.F. Chang's Charges More for Gluten-Free Items Because of Economics

It costs more to make gluten-free dishes.

The Chains 72 Comments

Woman Sues P.F. Chang's Over 'Discriminatory' Gluten-Free Menu Pricing

She believes the menu's surcharge violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.

San Francisco

Joshua Skenes' Upcoming Fat Noodle Concept Slapped With Trademark Lawsuit

SF's Chubby Noodle takes issue with the Fat Noodle name.


Workers Sue McDonald's for Racism, Sexual Harassment, and Wrongful Termination

The suit was filed this morning in Virginia.


Gordon Ramsay Loses Lawsuit, Must Pay $1.2 Million Annual Rent

Ramsay claims his signature was forged on the lease.


Was This Cook Fired for Reporting a Sexual Assault?

The restaurant denies the claim.


Lagunitas Believes Sierra Nevada Stole its IPA Label

Lagunitas filed a lawsuit, but plans to drop it today.

Beer Here 3 Comments

How to Get a Refund if You Thought Kirin Beer Was Brewed in Japan

You may be entitled to $50.


Gordon Ramsay Fails to Shut Down 'Gordon Ransay's' Impostor Restaurant

The faux-Ramsay restaurant serves three courses for the low low price of €7.95.

The Chains

Lawsuit Claims 'Tainted' Bob Evans' Meatloaf Killed Couple

The case will hit federal court early next year.


Woman Who Drank Poisoned Tea Reaches Settlement With Restaurant

Dickey's Barbecue Pit will implement "extensive changes."

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