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Booze News


Woman Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Rémy Cointreau For Not Paying Her Overtime

She claims she had to work through her lunch hour.

CrimeWire 1 Comment

Nine Indicted in Massive Pappy Van Winkle Heist

The thieves have stolen more than $100,000 worth of booze over the years.

Coming Attractions

Wine-Themed Hotel Throws Open Its Doors in Washington Next Year

Every guest room will be named after a different winery.


Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott Chugged a Beer In Six Seconds Flat

He probably does a mean keg stand.


New Ben & Jerry's Beer Will Corrupt American Children, Say Critics

The ice cream makers are releasing a beer, upsetting some people.


Massachusetts Restaurants Want to Ban Palcohol

The restaurant association in the Bay State wants to outlaw the powdered spirit.


Charcoal Is the Newest, Most Unlikely Cocktail Ingredient

It apparently has health benefits.

Beer Here

Yuengling Dethrones Sam Adams to Become Top Craft Brewery in America

When you come at the king, you best not miss.

CrimeWire 1 Comment

Drunk Man Calls 911 Twelve Times Over $30 Bar Tab

He now faces a $1,000 fine and one year in jail.


Higher Alcohol Taxes Shown to Reduce Drunk Driving-Related Deaths

Fatal alcohol-related car crashes decreased by 26 percent after taxes on booze were increased.

News 1 Comment

Southern Comfort Launches Drone Booze Delivery Program

After four years of research.


New Automated Jell-O Shot Maker is a Frat Boy's Dream

It can make 20 shots in 10 minutes.

Disaster Report 21 Comments

Toddler Accidentally Served Sangria Instead of Juice at Texas Roadhouse

She was taken to the hospital.


Scientists Are Developing a Hangover-Curing Beer

They're adding electrolytes to reduce dehydration.


Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker, and Ciroc Will Now Display Calorie Counts on Bottle

It's a voluntary move by the world's biggest spirits maker.

Drinks 4 Comments

California Winemakers Sued Over High Levels of Arsenic in Wines

Might want to rethink buying that box of Franzia.


This Could Be the First Hangover-Free Wine

Sharpen your "genome knife."


Two West Coast Craft Beer Giants Set to Invade the East Coast

Virginia will soon be home to San Diego's Green Flash and Stone Brewing Co.

Eater IDK

This Lucky Charms Cocktail Beats the Hell Out of Green Beer

Cereal milk meets booze just in time for St. Patrick's Day.


Cocktail Guru Jim Meehan's New PDT App Features 400 Cocktail Recipes

It costs $9.99.


End of Days: Powdered Alcohol Hits Shelves This Summer

The government has approved Palcohol once again.


New Museum Exhibit Tracks America's Boozing Habits

in 1830, Americans consumed three times as much alcohol per year as they do today.


Boozing Is Banned During 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Film in Idaho

State law apparently prohibits Idahoans from imbibing during racy films.

Drinks 1 Comment

Craft Distiller Makes Refreshing 'Cantaloupe Gin' to Rival Hendrick's

Would you drink cantaloupe gin?


Why Bartenders Are Spiking Your Cocktail With Vinegar

Sour drinks are in.


Stoner Icons 311 Prepare to Launch Their Own Craft Beer

It's from the same brewers that brought you Hootie and the Blowfish beer.


America Exported a Whopping $1.5 Billion of Wine Last Year

90 percent of it came from California.

Hot Hot Heat!

The Hottest Cocktail Bars From Coast to Coast

Cocktail heatmaps from around the Eater universe.


Meet Chareau, a Versatile New Aloe-Based Spirit

Move aside St. Germain, Chareau is here.


Celebrate Presidents' Day by Learning How to 'Party Like a President'

AKA the American presidents who really liked to get trashed.

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