HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for web pages. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of webpages.
HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>
), within the web page content. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1>
and </h1>
, although some tags, known as empty elements, are unpaired, for example <img>
. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, tags, comments and other types of text-based content.
The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page.
HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML webpages.
Learn HTML in 12 Minutes
Learn HTML in 15 Minutes
Introduction to HTML Programming
Web Development Tutorial for Beginners (#1) - How to build webpages with HTML, CSS, Javascript
HTML and CSS Tutorial Create Your own Complete Website
Curso Basico de HTML desde 0 - Introduccion
أسهل طريقة لتعلم لغة HTML من البداية حتى الاحتراف Part1
Mozilla browser.html experimental browser on Ubuntu 15.04
HTML Tutorial for Beginners - part 1 of 4
Kurs HTML odc.1: Tworzenie stron www - pierwszy projekt, wiedza podstawowa
Kurs HTML odc.2: Budowanie struktury strony www
Curso de HTML e CSS para iniciantes - Aula 1
HTML 5 Tutorial
Cours Complet HTML CSS - Tutoriel pour Débutants et Confirmés [Partie 1/3]
Learn HTML in 12 Minutes
Learn HTML in 15 Minutes
Introduction to HTML Programming
Web Development Tutorial for Beginners (#1) - How to build webpages with HTML, CSS, Javascript
HTML and CSS Tutorial Create Your own Complete Website
Curso Basico de HTML desde 0 - Introduccion
أسهل طريقة لتعلم لغة HTML من البداية حتى الاحتراف Part1
Mozilla browser.html experimental browser on Ubuntu 15.04
HTML Tutorial for Beginners - part 1 of 4
Kurs HTML odc.1: Tworzenie stron www - pierwszy projekt, wiedza podstawowa
Kurs HTML odc.2: Budowanie struktury strony www
Curso de HTML e CSS para iniciantes - Aula 1
HTML 5 Tutorial
Cours Complet HTML CSS - Tutoriel pour Débutants et Confirmés [Partie 1/3]
HTML and CSS Tutorial for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Learning HTML and CSS
Curso Basico de HTML - 3. Enlaces
Curso Basico de HTML - 7. Formularios
Learn HTML/CSS - #19 - Build a Full HTML Site Layout
Curso de HTML5 - 00 - Site Completo - by Gustavo Guanabara
HTML5 Tutorial For Beginners - part 1 of 6 - Getting Started
Day 1: Your First Webpage (30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS)
Day 20: Relative and Absolute Positioning (30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS)
Basic HTML and CSS Website for Beginners
#2 - HTML - Aula 1 - Estrutura básica e primeiros comandos HTML
HTML bài 1: cơ bản về HTML
สอนสร้างเว็ป HTML แบบ Frame พื้นฐาน
Curso de HTML e CSS para iniciantes - Aula 9
Tutorial: Webseiten erstellen #1: Einführung, Html Grundlagen
Learn HTML and CSS Tutorial. Howto make website from scratch
Crear una Fanpage en Facebook: Instalar Static HTML Iframes - [Actualizado 2014]
Creating a Website with HTML and CSS From Scratch Tutorial
How to Make Photo Gallery in html.
Curso de HTML - Aula 012 - Como criar FORMULÁRIO em páginas HTML
Tutorial HTML - Completo - Aula 1 de 4
Tutorial Photoshop - Passando template de .PSD para HTML & CSS - Parte 1.
How To Build A Website - Lesson 1 - Basic HTML
How to make basic webpage HTML - Tutorial
How to send HTML formatted email from Gmail to Yahoo or others like a professional
HTML (для продавцов)
יצירת דף HTML ראשון
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coding of html web page
coding of html
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create a web page in html
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HTML is not hard to spell,
When I'm with you, when I'm with you
Binary code is just ones and ohs
I thought you knew
You are so swell, just like DSL
You touched my modem, you touched my modem.
We went to the bop, my heart gigaflopped
When I saw your...
W W W, whoa-oa-oa
dot com
I typed OMG, should be you and me
You wrote LOL, wrote LOL
My browser froze right down to my toes,
I said go to hell.
I should have seen, I'm only 15
And you're 32, you're 32
You don't love me, I went and asked Jeeves
He told me it's true, told me it's...
W W W, whoa-oa-oa
dot com
Last night while you were offline,
I googled your name
And I found out that you're a 40 year old intertube
salesman from Ohio!
WTF?! I thought you were the one for me
But you're just a major loser
And now I will always be... lonely girl 15.
W W W, whoa-oa-oa