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Batman Movie Massacre in Aurora/Denver Colorado | Breaking News
Breaking NEWS Denver Colorado Cinema Shooting YouTube
Breaking news another UFO sighting over Denver Colorado
WATCH: Real UFOs Flying Around In Denver Colorado Sky Video Footage - Camera Compilation ✔
Breaking News: UFO Sighting Denver (Lakewood), Colorado, this week
Breaking News UFO Sighting Denver Colorado
2013 NHRA Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series from Denver, Colorado
Denver TV News: Minecraft for history & culture in Colorado
Aviator & News Cameraman films UFO in Denver Colorado
MUFON on Texas UFO Denver Colorado NBC 9 News Jan 19 2008
Denver increases curfew enforcement
Done Plumbing and Heating Fox 31 9PM News Denver Colorado
Denver TV 9 News Coverage of Recent Project Veritas Action Video in Colorado
Actors Jenelle Lee Vela (actress), Bob Flyzik (actor), George Chatalas (actor), Lance Segal (actor), James Henriksen (actor), Greg Mannino (director), Leo D. Kirkpatrick (composer), Xander Flores (actor), Art Lohman (actor), Micki Hernandez (editor), Elijah Coate (actor), Debbie Zehfus (actor), Susan B. Kramer (actress), Mitch Gingras (writer),
Luke: Can you imagine being alone on your own pagan holiday?::Paul: Oh, that would be very disappointing.::Luke: Very disappointing.
[Woodrow exchanges gifts with Paul]::Paul: Well in that case, we would like to offer you this magazine.::Luke: And life after Armageddon destroys everyone else.
Actors Daniel Hogg (writer), Daniel Hogg (director), Daniel Hogg (editor), Daniel Hogg (producer), Denver Jackson (actor), Matthew Graham (actor), Amanda Verhagen (actress), Simon Basch (actor), Charmaine Niebergall (actress), Roderick Glanville (actor), Charmaine Niebergall (miscellaneous crew), Laura Pringle (miscellaneous crew), Matthew McLaren (actor), Mark Paterson (actor), Holly Jonson (actress),
Meet the elusive Susie Bell
Actors Luke Hayden (actor), Dimitri Basil (actor), Anca Tiribeja (actress), Heather Vann (editor), Sophie Batsford (director),
His father, her mother, his mother and her father all in one day.
Pour eux les fêtes sont un vrai cauchemar. (For them the holidays are a real nightmare.)
Connor: Do you know who I am?::Brad: What?::Connor: Google me bitch! I might be famous one day.
Howard: Boys, I don't want to speak ill of your mother on Christmas, but she's nothing but a common street whore.
Darryl: Look, Brad. I'm not trying to be your father, you already got one of those. I'm just hoping for a chance to be your friend.::Brad: You were my friend, Darryl. You were my best friend. We grew up together, we rode bikes together, we used to smell each others hands. But now you're sleeping with my mom and it's a little bit weird for me. Can you appreciate that?::Darryl: I never had a sexual thought about your mom until I was 30.::Brad: Can you leave it alone? You can't be my friend anymore. You can't be sleeping with my mom and still be my friend, ok?
Brad: My childhood was like the Shawshank Redemption, except I didn't have some old, warm, black man to share my story with!
Brad: I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a ten dollar spending cap.::Howard: Well, maybe if you came home more than once a decade, you'd know crap like that!
Howard: Your grandmother's boyfriend is a first-class ass sniffer! And you can tell him that I said so.
Gram-Gram: [Thinking of a non-material, spirtual Christmas gift] I could increase the frequency with which I pleasure Milt with my hands and with my mouth!
Kate: Cassie! That marker in your mouth, I peed on it!
Actors JoAnn Fregalette Jansen (actress), Sissy Spacek (actress), Dwight Yoakam (actor), Kristin Chenoweth (actress), Carol Kane (actress), Colleen Camp (actress), Jon Voight (actor), Jon Favreau (actor), Vince Vaughn (actor), Jack Donner (actor), Robert Duvall (actor), Tim McGraw (actor), Peter Billingsley (actor), Reese Witherspoon (actress), Mary Steenburgen (actress),
Actors Crisaldo Pablo (director), Ynez Veneracion (actress), Crisaldo Pablo (producer), Crisaldo Pablo (actor), Crisaldo Pablo (writer), Mark Dionisio (actor), Rodel Dapulag (actor), Ray An Dulay (actor), Isha (composer), Med Valentus Jr. (producer), Andro Morgan (actor), Arnel Ariate (actor), Arlan Degullacion (actor), Melai Lubigan (actress), Nesty Ortiz (actor),
Actors Bevan Bell (actor), Ted Alderman (actor), Jon W. Sparks (actor), Jon W. Sparks (writer), Drew Smith (actor), M. David Lee III (director), M. David Lee III (producer), M. David Lee III (writer), M. David Lee III (editor), Forrest Pruett (actor), Shaun Green (actor), Arnita Williams (actress), Sarah Ewell (actress), Jason Perry (actor), Corie Ventura (actress),
Actors Honey Wilder (actress), Eric Edwards (actor), Paul Thomas (actor), Randy West (actor), Sharon Mitchell (actress), Tigr (actress), Brooke West (actress), Richard Hieronymus (composer), Jeffrey Fairbanks (director), Jeffrey Fairbanks (writer), Anna Ventura (actress), John Nicholson (editor), James Patrick (actor), William Stuart (actor), Timothy Clegg (actor),
Only The Lord Of The Dead Could Unleash Them!
Sir James Forbes: I, I find all kinds of witchcraft slightly nauseating and this I find absolutely disgusting.
Sir James Forbes: Someone in this village is practicing witchcraft. That corpse wandering on the moors is an undead, a zombie.
Sir James Forbes: High-ate-ee is how he pronounces Haiti.
Sir James Forbes: "High-ate-ee" is how he pronounces Haiti.
Actors Michael Ripper (actor), John Gilling (director), John Carson (actor), André Morell (actor), Anthony Nelson Keys (producer), James Bernard (composer), Jerry Verno (actor), Ben Aris (actor), Peter Diamond (actor), Brook Williams (actor), Louis Mahoney (actor), Roy Royston (actor), Chris Barnes (editor), Jacqueline Pearce (actress), Alexander Davion (actor),
THEIR NAMES SPELL TERROR FOR BANDITS! WARNING: Outlaws Who Don't Leave Town Will Be Carried Out! (original poster)
HOT LEAD IS THEIR LAW! Three fightin' fools clean up the black spot of the WEST! (original poster)
THEIR SIX-GUNS RULE THE RANGE! Three daredevils challenge the power of a kill-crazy bandit gang! (original poster)
WARNING! Outlaws Who Don't Leave Town Will Be Carried Out!
Actors S. Roy Luby (editor), Lynton Brent (actor), George Chesebro (actor), Richard Cramer (actor), Jack Curtis (actor), Cecil Weston (actress), George W. Weeks (producer), Robert Emmett Tansey (director), Victor Adamson (actor), John Elliott (actor), Frank Ellis (actor), Elmer (actor), Jack Evans (actor), Augie Gomez (actor), Charles King (actor),
Actors Barney Beasley (actor), Hank Bell (actor), Ed Brady (actor), Ralph Bucko (actor), Roy Bucko (actor), Horace B. Carpenter (actor), Ben Corbett (actor), Edward Coxen (actor), William Dyer (actor), Frank Ellis (actor), Olin Francis (actor), William Gould (actor), Jack Henderson (actor), Sheldon Lewis (actor), Hooper Atchley (actor),
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Must see UFO approaches thick cloud and comes out on the other side. Truly amazing video.
Something is buzzing around the sky in Denver. It has been captured by at least two videographers and has at least one aviation expert baffled. According to a FOX TV affiliate, KDVR, a Denver man, wishing to remain anonymous, gave the television station home video that, he claimed, showed unidentified flying objects quickly zig-zagging and maneuvering in the sky over a populated section of the mile-high city. The man told the station that the UFOs have been appearing several times a week, generally between noon and 1 p.m., and launching and landing somewhere in the Denver metro area. Fox 31 Denver news reporter Heidi Hemmat investigated the sightings and the video. "He captured the images on his digital camera from a hilltop in Federal Heights, looking south toward downtown Denver," Hemmat reported. "The strangest part is that they are flying too fast to see with the naked eye." "They're bugs! Set up two cameras side by side and triangulate the distance to the object. Clearly they consulted a man in the wrong profession," according to Doubtful News writer Chew. "Get someone who has studied UFOs. Or an entomologist." KDVR reported that both the FAA and NORAD couldn't confirm unusual activity in the skies over Denver during those noon-to-1 p.m. time frames. UFOs, debris, bugs? Check out the video above and the individual screen shots we've provided and make up your own mind. Extra UFOs , UFO 2015 Information:
So many UFO sightings this month, what is going on??
Don't get left out!!! Subscribe Now For The Best UFO Sightings!!! Check Out Our Mobile App For Exclusive Sightings: Apple:
Denver, Colorado For the latest news and racing updates go to Subscribe to the NHRA YouTube Channel: Like us on Facebook: Join the Conversation on Twitter: Follow #NHRA #AllAccess on Instagram:
Denver TV News broadcast: Colorado history and culture in Minecraft PARTICIPATE: Schools, sponsors and corporate collaborators are welcome to participate. For details on how to participate contact the Immersive Bent's Old Fort committee at On November 19, 2014, the Immersive Education Initiative announced that Bent’s Old Fort, a unit of the United States National Park Service located on the Santa Fe Trail in Colorado’s Otero County, will be reconstructed virtually in the video game Minecraft and also as a fully immersive 3D virtual reality (VR) environment. One of several new activities under the Initiative’s Immersive Arts and Culture program, Immersive Bent’s Old Fort is being developed in collaboration with the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, the City of La Junta Colorado, Otero Junior College, and Colorado’s East Otero School District. Through the Initiative’s Learn to Earn program students in Colorado, working in collaboration with Stanford University’s Architecture Design Program, will actively participate in reconstructing the fort in both Minecraft and virtual reality (VR). Immersive Bent’s Old Fort, along with corresponding history curricula and teaching materials, will be available free of charge to the general public and to schools around the world. Online virtual tours of the immersive fort will be available to schools as a complement to the in-person tours currently conducted on-site at the fort by National Park Service rangers. For details visit CASTLE OF THE PLAINS Known as the “Castle of the Plains,” Bent's Old Fort was a 1830s - 1840s adobe fur trading post on the mountain branch of the Santa Fe Trail where traders, trappers, travelers, and the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes came together in peaceful terms for trade. A unique center of cultural exchange at the time no less than seven different languages were spoken at the fort including English, Spanish, French, and numerous American Indian languages. Today, living historians recreate the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of the past with guided tours, demonstrations and special events. Bent’s Old Fort served as an instrument of Manifest Destiny and a catalyst for change in the United States. The fort’s influence with the Plains Indians and its political and social connections in Santa Fe helped pave the way for the U.S. occupation of the West and the annexation of Mexico’s northern province during the U.S.-Mexican War. Along with El Camino Real, the Santa Fe Trail was part of a trade network linking Europe, New York, and St. Louis with Santa Fe and Mexico City. Opened in 1821, the Santa Fe Trail followed old trade routes established by American Indians that were later used by Spanish, Mexican and American troops, traders and other travelers. Development of Immersive Bent’s Old Fort begins in January 2015. PARTICIPATE: Schools, sponsors and corporate collaborators are welcome to participate. For details on how to participate contact the Immersive Bent's Old Fort committee at
Aviator & News Cameraman films UFO in Denver Colorado
The local Denver Colorado NBC affiliate, 9 News, covers the Stephenville Texas UFO sightings. This piece features an interview with Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) board member and co-founder, John Schuessler. John has worked with NASA in the past and has been present in the command center when astronauts have reported UFOs during missions. He has an amazing collection of official government documents referring to UFOs from many departments of the military and government. The news story on this clip can be found at: For more information about MUFON visit: For more information about the Colorado MUFON chapter visit: For the latest news stories on this case visit:
Denver police begin enforcement of the city's spring-to-fall curfew. ◂ The Denver Channel, 7News, brings you the latest trusted news and information for Denver, Colorado, Mile High and the Rocky Mountains. Our mission is to provide useful, interesting news and updates on breaking news to people in the Denver metro area, all across our beautiful state of Colorado and all over the world. For more download the 7News mobile app: iPhone: Android:
Follow up Plumbing story from Fox News.
Here's some local coverage from the latest Project Veritas Action video regarding voter fraud in Colorado. James O'Keefe's new book, Breakthrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy, is available on Amazon here: Follow Project Veritas Action at:
News open from Gannett's KUSA-TV 9, an ABC affiliate. It is the top station in the market.
We got reaction from both sides after the Colorado civil rights agency says a bakery didn't discriminate against a Christian by refusing to make anti-gay cakes. ◂ The Denver Channel, 7News, brings you the latest trusted news and information for Denver, Colorado, Mile High and the Rocky Mountains. Our mission is to provide useful, interesting news and updates on breaking news to people in the Denver metro area, all across our beautiful state of Colorado and all over the world. For more download the 7News mobile app: iPhone: Android:
Denver PPG Squadron pilots Christopher Montes & Nathan Finneman submitted some clips of footage we obtained while flying our paramotors over the flood zones,...
Fewer homes, prices are shooting up - makes for fierce competition and sometimes second thoughts. Average cost is $327,000, up 6%, up 18,000 from a year ago. 30 year for 4.25 to 4.5%. This is the year for current homeowners thinking about buying and selling to DO IT, but do your research first. ---------------------------- Meet Wade Perry, Managing Broker, ABR, CNE, e-PRO, GRI, SFR For more than 20 years, Wade Perry has been assisting people with the most significant investment decisions of their lives. Wade’s philosophy is simple. “It’s not about me.” We can get all we want only by first helping others get what they want. These are his guiding principles. ------------------------- Wade appears on 9News regularly to give real estate tips. Please visit their site: for your local news as well as national and world. In the beginning, Channel 9 was merely a single TV channel. Today, we broadcast programming on KUSA Channel 9 as well as KTVD Channel 20 (since 2006) and digital channels 9.2 (24 hour weather programming) and 20.2 (Me TV). In addition, 9NEWS is now very much launched in the 1990s and now a vital news source for Coloradoans that updates news, weather and sports 24 hours a day.
Excerpt from NBC 9News Wants to Know story about Denver County's DUI Sobriety Court. In this story, Denver DUI attorney Jay Tiftickjian is critical of the program and its potential for increased sentences and supervision.
Report on the billboards with the message "God is an imaginary friend" sponsored by the Colorado Coalition of Reason. - [January 24, 2012] More campaigns: - Sponsor homepage: -
GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo. - An online gamer's video shows the moment armed officers burst into an office in Littleton Wednesday afternoon to investigate a report of an "active shooter." The report proved to be false, but the investigation caused nearby schools to enact security procedures and businesses to be evacuated. Pranksters : @screwpain @spiky
Behind The Scenes at KCNC-TV in Denver, Colorado. A documentary / reality show shot in 1998 with the journalists of News4
On August 30, 2006, local members of the Coalition delivered thousands of petition signatures supporting Net Neutrality to the Denver off...
BREAKING NEWS: Denver Colorado Car Chase (March 12, 2014.) -Colorado Police Catch Car Chase Suspect Tied to Amber Alert Real Life GTA 5: Colorado Car Chase *FULL VIDEO* (NBC News) The man who allegedly stole an SUV with a child inside from a Colorado gas station faces a slew of charges after he led cops on a high-speed pursuit that included striking a state trooper and hijacking two other cars. Ryan Stone, 28, eventually smashed into a car at an intersection north of Denver as a cruiser closed in after 8 a.m. local time (10 a.m. ET) Wednesday, said the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. The suspect ran away and was nabbed as he tried unsuccessfully to scale a fence. See the full story: Adams County, Allen Chavarria-Rodriquez, Allen Rodriquez, Car Chase, Carjacking, Copter4, Douglas County, E-470, Interstate 25, Interstate 76, Longmont, Ryan Stone, Stolen Car Colorado Police Catch Car Chase Suspect Tied to Amber Alert Colorado Police Catch Car Chase Suspect, Woman Carjacked During Colorado Police Chase Colorado Police Catch Car Chase Suspect, Woman Carjacked During Colorado Police Chase Colorado Police Catch Car Chase Suspect, Woman Carjacked During Colorado Police Chase Our Official Twitter: We are also doing one Giveaway for our subscribers! Go enroll if you haven't already! COD Ghosts Giveaway: Best gaming headphones, Astro Gaming: Top of the line capture cards, Elgato gaming: (C) Team GeNeSis
World War II veteran Bill Moore tears up reading the long-lost love letter he wrote to his future wife, Bernadean, 70 years ago. Lindsay Watts reports. ◂ The Denver Channel, 7News, brings you the latest trusted news and information for Denver, Colorado, Mile High and the Rocky Mountains. Our mission is to provide useful, interesting news and updates on breaking news to people in the Denver metro area, all across our beautiful state of Colorado and all over the world. For more download the 7News mobile app: iPhone: Android:
In a warehouse in northeast Denver, the Williams family is building up Medicine Man, a business that they hope to turn into the biggest pot retailer in Ameri...
Presenter: Marcel Bolintiam - Director of ESL Academy ESL Academy | English as a Second Language (ESL) Academy at the University of...
Charles Eisenstein discusses his book Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition. This talk was filmed at Denver's Green Spaces on Ap...
English as a Second Language (ESL) Academy at the University of Colorado Denver: enter a new world of academic, cultural, and career opportunities. This ES...
Brothers Scott and David Menough's small business is for the birds. Literally. As owners of individual Wild Birds Unlimited franchises in the greater Denver ... Earn Extra Money In A Bad Economy Denver, Colorado. Mass Profit Sites is a revolutionary software that creates fully monet...
Unemployment is up and revenues are down. What does 2009 hold in store for Colorado's economy? How does Colorado's economy compare with other states? For per...
Unemployment is up and revenues are down. What does 2009 hold in store for Colorado's economy? How does Colorado's economy compare with other states? For per...
The Leeds School of Business Denver South Metro Chamber Denver South Economic Development Partnership and Colorado Business Roundtable Present: A presentatio...
A Day at Denver International Airport with its' Amazing Architecture at DIA: Scenes of Colorado & DIA Denver International Airport. - THUMBS Up & Share..! Pl...
Workshop during the Global Sciences Congress in Denver, August 2000. "Africa never had good medical care" "Federal Reserve" "Fedwatchers" Speculation Acceptances Rothschilds "Paul Warburg" "International Acceptance Corporation" "Secret Meeting Jekyll Island 1910" "Panic of 1907" "Banking Reform" "president Theodore Roosevelt" "National Monetary Commission 1908" "First Name Club" "Republicans and Democrats" "Nelson Aldridge" "Woodrow Wilson" Rockefeller "President Taft" "Congressman Charles Lindbergh" "Lindbergh Museum" "Congressman Carter Glass" "triumph of democracy" "Senator Harry Bird" "Kuhn, Loeb & Co" "Senator Willis Robertson" "Senate Banking Commission" "Pat Robertson" "Christmas vacation" "Central banks always bankrupt the countries" "J.P. Morgan" "Henry P. Davison" "American Red Cross" "Alan Greenspan" "World War I" "400 million dollars" "German Kaiser" "World War II" "Pearl Harbor" "Japanese attack" "George C. Marshall" "Bernard Baruch" "Central banks constantly plan wars" "Ezra Pound: Wars are created to make debt" "War gives you the Big Money" "Cost Plus Ten Percent" "Ezra Pound on Radio Rome" Sicily "If you have a central bank behind it, real strategy in war is not how to win it, but how to keep it as long as possible" "Hitler was financed by the Bank of England, governor Montagu Norman" "Hitler was disliked by the German manufacturing class" "Hitler was broke when he went into office in 1933, so we had to fly a couple of lawyers to Cologne to meet with him and to assure him that he would get the money to keep it going" "War crimes trials" "John Foster Dulles" "Alan Dulles" "Sullivan & Cromwell" "Henry Schröder Company of London" "F.C. Tiarks" "Lieutenant General Schroeder" Nuremberg trials "The only reason for the Nuremberg trials was that they wanted to silence the German generals who had knowledge about all this, duplicity, and how the Bank of England had financed Hitler" "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is called the money center bank" "All the Federal Reserve power is in New York" "George Baker" "Harvard School of Business" "George Baker made an investment of 25 million dollars to assure that the students in Harvard would never been told of anything what's going on, would never find out what they have been doing" "No long term development strategy for Harvard Business School students, only short term profits, which is very destructive" "The Federal Reserve controls the economy through two ways. One is the interest rate, but the real operation is done through what is called The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee" "Time Magazine founded by the bankers in 1923" "Alan Greenspan is just doing what he's told to do" "Henry Gonzalez, chairman House Banking Committee" "Ross Perot" "Richard Nixon" "Nothing for nothing" "Bill Gates" "The Federal Reserve is a system of robbery, because they take money from people and give nothing in return" "mortgage rates" 52:00 "John D. Rockefeller" "Rockefeller Foundation" AMA "Income Tax" IRS 1:02:00
Subscribe to Chase here: Chase is a title sponsor of Denver Startup Week, a celebration of everything entrepreneurial in Denver. Chase Basecamp is a centralized location that hosts mentor sessions, keynote speakers, and Leadership Spotlight Series. In this Leadership Spotlight Series, Denver Startup Week co-founder and Colorado Technology Association CEO Erik Mitisek speaks with Chase Business Baking CEO Scott Geller about what they're seeing in terms of capital and growth of the entrepreneur sector of the US economy. Chase serves 4 million small businesses and is investing in the entrepreneur ecosystem in Denver and around the country. Follow the conversation on Twitter @Chase #DENstartupweek. The views and opinions expressed by the participants of this panel are those of the individuals speaking and do not reflect the views and opinions of JPMorgan Chase & Co or its affiliates. Chase is the U.S. consumer and commercial banking business of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.3 trillion and operations in more than 60 countries. We are the neighborhood bank for thousands of communities across the country. We serve approximately one of out of every six Americans through more than 5,500 bank branches; 19,500 ATMs; mortgage offices; online and mobile banking; as well as relationships with auto dealerships, schools and universities. Connect with Chase Online: Follow @Chase on Twitter: Chase Official Website: Chase Mobile: Chase En Español: Find a Branch or ATM near you: Check out Other Chase YouTube Channels: My New Home from Chase: Chase Community Giving: Chase Sapphire: Chase Freedom: Chase Blueprint: Ink From Chase: Chase Paymentech: Denver Startup Week 2014 – Leadership Spotlight Series – Erik Mitisek & Scott Geller
"New Denver Mayor" for "Global Opportunities" to "energize growth" for not only "Denver's Economy", but for our surrounding counties of Arapaho County, Douglas County, Jefferson County shall we continue, how about all of "Colorado's 64 Counties Economies". "Denver Mayoral Candidates" will need "New Ideas" as "Denver's Next Mayor"to build for "National and Global Opportunities" to "Energize Growth for Denver and our Sector Partnership Economies". GP7Anews & Politics: "Marcus Giavanni" will have the solutions needed to build a new path for "Denver's Future". The other "Denver Mayor Candidates" are Incumbent "Mayor Michael Hancock" who has gotten "Michael Hancock" wish; when he was 14, to be the mayor of Denver. (To which it is a proven fact that it was candidate Marcus Giavanni that gave him that opportunity) Now the romance is over and as the smoke clears. We can see what has happened to "Denver's reputation across the Nation and Global markets". In order for "Denver's economy to proper", we need to restore Denver's Integrity and restore power to the "Voters of Denver". On this day of "May 5, 2015 will be the most important day in "Denver's Municipal General Elections". Not only will "Denver Voter's" be able to chose a New Denver Mayor, but all all "13 City Council Seats" up for elections/grab for the "City and County of Denver". These 13 City Council Seats are the legislators of Denver's Laws, Policies, and Procedures. We need to replace every single councilperson, at the city council table of the 13 City Council Seats. If Denver is going to change, then lets do it right, and start all over??? New Denver is all about Innovation Love and Peace Brought to you by: "Expert Authority Marcus Giavanni" Google It! "Denver's Information and Technology Department" will actually have a "New Mayor like Marcus Giavanni" who will understand, your codes, polynomials, algorithms, cyber-security, encrypted emails, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Viruses. And the wall we will need to protect the "Clouds of Denver and "Denver Citizen Voters" from Invasion that could wipe everyone out in just minutes, from domestic, national and international Hackers of the worse kind. This is what Marcus Giavanni does for a living, and Giavanni wants to share it all with the Citizens of Denver. Mayoral Candidate Marcus Giavanni wants to make sure that everyone children, great grandchildren. great, great grandchildren will be able to go to college, and for those who are like Marcus Giavanni, who because of "learning disabilities" and "bullies" in school. All of my life's experiences have brought me to the point where we all can just say "Funk It! Slap that Bass..kind of Funk!! Take Denver back...for it is the parents, grandparent and great grand parents, who we all are going to have to make sure they are loved, taken care until it's time to say goodbye. Now you know the rest of the story??? This CU Denver Business School course examines the impact of economic activity on the natural environment and the regulato...
Prof. Ben Powell debunks the following three popular myths about immigration: 1) Immigrants are a net drag on our economy 2) Immigrants steal our jobs 3) Imm...
In July 2012, the Department of Commerce announced the selection of Denver as the location for a new satellite patent office. Over the past two years, Bennet...
Prof. Ben Powell and Gov. Richard Lamm discuss the issues of immigration. In their discussion, they cover population growth, prices of goods, displaced workers, depressed wages, job loss, implications for the welfare state, resource depletion, terrorism, and global warming. Credits: This lecture was delivered in 2009 at the Metropolitan State College of Denver School of Business, as part of the Exploring Economic Freedom Lecture Series, directed by Prof. Alexandre Padilla. This video was produced and directed by Scott Houck, and edited by Adrienne Christy. Video production provided by the Educational Technology Center at Metropolitan State College of Denver. Video used by with permission. Watch more videos:
President Obama Signs the Economic Stimulus into Law (ARRA) Denver, Colorado February 17, 2009 Text of Part 1: It is great to be back in Denver. (Applause.) ...
The economy in Denver, Colorado, is experiencing a big boom since sales of recreational marijuana were first allowed in January. CBS News' Barry Petersen rep...
Steve Dubb, Research Director at The Democracy Collaborative, discusses sustainable economic growth in Denver, Colorado, on September 7th, 2013
Romney's 'Big Bird' debate comment stirs social media Melanie EversleyShare bigbird Photo: By Todd Plitt, USA TODAY) Tags Media Business Government and polit...
It's been about eight months since the U.S. state of Colorado legalized recreational marijuana. A new study shows cannabis shops are pouring a lot more money into the community than more traditional retail stores. CCTV America's Hendrik Sybrandy reports from Denver.
The first televised debate of the upcoming US elections took place in Denver, Colorado last night, as the two candidates hoping to take the White House locke...
It's now a worldwide phenomenon. Music, Food, Fun, Peace, Marijuana... Scenes from the 420 Fest Denver, CO - See More at
Here's a great story of what can happen when someone sees his community suffering and says "No". Brother Jeff has become a bit of a legend in his beloved neighborhood of Five Points in NE Denver. A successful hip hop music promoter who was traveling around the country, Brother Jeff was struck by a pattern he observed in decomposing African-American neighborhoods everywhere. It goes something like this: first, the jobs go away; then come drugs; then violence and death, and eventually the prison industrial complex. When the pattern started becoming apparent in Five Points, Brother Jeff decided to act. He dropped his music career and repurposed his skills towards community organizing. In the span of two decades, he has managed to gather very diverse segments of Denver’s society together to create many artistic, cultural and educational projects that work to counter the influence of drugs and violence. His incredible success with the Brother Jeff Cultural Center and Community Health Initiatives stand as models of positive community organizing.
Holiday travelers at Denver International Airport (DIA) were surprised with an entertaining treat when a flash mob broke out in Jeppesen Terminal on November... (SATURDAY) JUNE 16TH - WE HAVE EXTENDED THE FESTIVAL TO 2 DAYS!! On WELTON BETWEEN 23RD-28TH FREE!! THE OHIO PLAYERS 15 LIVE ...
Caribbean Curry Q at The City of Axum Park in Denver, CO. Spreading love through the black community with a little music food and Caribbean culture. ~Gracie Phoenix
Created with Magisto ( Magically turn your everyday videos into beautifully edited movies, perfect for sharing. It's free, quick, and...
Dear Friends Namaskar ! It is our great pleasure to invite you and your family members, friends and neighbors to the 10th Annual ANMA/NASeA Joint Convention 2014 which is jointly organized by Association of Nepalese in Mid-West America (ANMA) and Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA). Our convention will be held in Denver, Colorado during the Labor Day weekend from August 29 to 31, 2014. The convention is jointly hosted by two prominent nepali organizations from Colorado namely Rocky Mountain Friends of Nepal (RMFN) and Nepali Ghar. This Convention will bring together hundreds of key members of the Nepali Diaspora in the US to participate in a range of panels on important issues, including, but not limited to indigenous people, healthcare, common investment, youth programs, cultural program, women's issues, leadership development, immigration, tax etc. All of us involved in organizing this convention as well as the participants will be extremely honored to hear your remarks to set the tone for a successful convention. Just for your information, we invite many distinguished delegates and representatives such as Governor, Senators, Congressmen, H. E. Ambassador of Nepal to US, H. E. Permanent Representative to the UN and leaders from different organizations and many prominent figures from different back grounds. Many of us are involved in the planning and preparation of the convention and are determined to make the convention a grand success. We realize that you are very busy and highly appreciate your consideration of our request; your engagement at the convention would be very valuable to us. See you all in Denver, Colorado. Sincerely, Sharad Acharya Chairperson, Annual ANMA/NASeA Joint Convention 2014 Denver, Colorado
ที่ระลึก "งานพุทธวรารามนุสรณ" พิธีมอบสัมฤทธิบัตร ประจำปีการศึกษา 2554-2555 และงานเลี้ยงอำลาครูอาสาสมัครประจำการ 1 ปี โรงเรียนพระพุทธศาสนา (ภาคปกติ) วัดพุทธวร...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration and took place at the Civic Center Park in Denver, Colorado on July 18th, 2013. It was a night of fiesta, music, live performances, activities, interactive workshops, traditional games, a film, great food, and culture in general. This series of 9 videos totaling more than two hours show the stage performances. It was presented by the Mexican Cultural Center Denver in association with many other organizations and with the help of sponsors and more than 300 volunteers. Visit our website at to learn more about our programs and events. This first part shows performances by the Danza Matachina Guadalupana (directed by José Flores) and Fiesta Colorado (directed by Jeanette Trujillo), and an introductory speech by the Deputy Consul General of Mexico in Denver, Adrián García.
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration ...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration ...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration ...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration ...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration ...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration ...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration ...
La Noche de México (Mexico Night), hosted by Luis Canela, was a celebration of Mexican Culture as part of Denver's 2013 Biennial of the Americas Celebration and took place at the Civic Center Park in Denver, Colorado on July 18th, 2013. It was a night of fiesta, music, live performances, activities, interactive workshops, traditional games, a film, great food, and culture in general. This series of 9 videos, totaling more than two hours, show the stage performances. It was presented by the Mexican Cultural Center Denver in association with many other organizations and with the help of sponsors and more than 300 volunteers. Visit our website at to learn more about our programs and events. This ninth and final part shows the third part of the performance by Mexico Denver Allstar Band -- México de mis Recuerdos with Francisco Rodríguez from Mariachi Sol de Mi Tierra (guitarrón, vihuela), Alonso Bejarano from El Trío Tres Treboles/Grupo Ilusión (bass, guitar, percussion), Santiago Ramírez from Mariachi Colorado (violin), Ulises Ramírez from Mariachi America (violin), Juventino Romero from Mariachi Sol de Mi Tierra (trumpet), Guadalupe Zarate from Mariachi Internacional (trumpet), Dolores Ramírez from Mariachi Colorado (violin), and Kenny Passarelli, a special guest (keyboards).
This is the keynote lecture I gave for the April 28 2012 Denver, Colorado "Brown Suga Youth Festival". It is Part I. I talk about solidarity, decolonizing ou..., Song written by Gabrielle Louise, audio from a live performance at The Steamplant Theater. Edited by Chris Garre You're Italian, I'm...
We went to New Orleans in November, 2011, and took a bunch of video on the trip. This is it! There's the food we ate at Bayona, Commander's Palace, Café Beig... - On Nov.13 2010 unsuspecting shoppers got a big surprise while enjoying their lunch. Over 100 participants in this awesome Christmas Flash Mob. This is a must see! *You can now purchase the audio from this performance on ITunes, and! Just search "Christmas food court flash mob" or use these direct links;=uo%3D4 This flash mob was organized by to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! To learn more about Alphabet Photography Inc. and to receive news and updates join our facebook page!
Colorado Luxury Real Estate Auction at Luxury awaits in ski country. Located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, this mountain retreat is central to the ski resorts of Vail and Beaver Creek. Whether you choose to live here year round or use it as a seasonal escape, you'll discover the rustic lifestyle and never look at nature the same way. Now is your time to own this amazing mountainside retreat. Selling by Luxury Absolute Auction with No Minimum & No Reserve! Nestled on the hillside, with its private forest setting, this custom-built home features three levels in an open floor plan. Access the heated driveway and park your vehicles in the two-car heated garage. Leave your skis and boots in the mudroom next to the separate ski-tuning room, or use the convenient custom dumb waiter to transport groceries or luggage from the car to the kitchen with ease. The main level's great room with its soaring two-story cathedral ceiling and abundant space is perfect for entertaining family and friends. Natural light flows in through giant picture windows, through which you can bask in the breathtaking views of the mountains, national forest, and Eagle Vail golf course below. Enjoy the ultimate Colorado lifestyle with year-round amenities, unsurpassed natural beauty, and a winning mix of family, friends, and community. Enchantment abounds both in the home and nearby. Walk out the front door and you're just moments from 18 holes at the Eagle Vail Golf Club, White River National Forest, pristine hiking and biking trails along Stone Creek, and the new community pool, tennis courts, park, and pavilion. This custom, luxury retreat backs up to national forest land with Beaver Creek a short five miles away and only eight miles to Vail Village. Fly into Eagle Regional Airport (EGE), which is only 40 miles away, or enjoy the scenic drive from Denver International Airport. Offered by the original owner, this residence has only been used as a vacation home and rental income property, and the owner has meticulously maintained its unspoiled appearance and charm. Now is your time to own this amazing mountainside retreat. Don't let this unique opportunity blow away in the wind. Neighborhood & Area Known as the "Heart of the Valley" for its geographic location as well as its strong sense of community, diverse culture, and family-friendly atmosphere, Eagle Vail is home to both year-round residents and seasonal visitors. Base camp in Eagle Vail provides access to the world-class amenities of the Vail Valley. Summer activities include International dance, music, wine, and food festivals. Winter activities feature World Cup ski racing, snowboarding championships, cross-country skiing, dog sledding, and other outdoor adventures. Whether skiing, hiking, or golfing, you will appreciate the nearby villages filled with excellent restaurants, shopping, and art galleries. At an elevation of 7,430 feet, the population consists of 6,500 year-round and 3,500 part-time residents who frequent the nearby stores for their shopping needs. The area is complete with public and private schools, parks and playgrounds, churches, and several renowned medical centers. -- On Saturday, October 30, 2010, the Opera Company of Philadelphia brought together over 650 choristers from 28 participating orga...
The Colorado Project is a Non Profit based in Denver Colorado. Their aim is to bring glass pipe artist together to benefit the community. This video covers t... - The absolute best in home health care and senior in Colorado is Barton Home Care, serving the Denver metro area (including Li... JEREMIAH DESMARAIS KEYNOTES AT WARNER PACIFIC SPRING SYMPOSIUM, MAY 2, 2013 IN DENVER COLORADO; DELIVERS INSURANCE...
Take a Video Tour of the Centura Health Seniors The Villas at Sunny Acres in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Charles S. Barotz Denver CO Dentist 303-242-8755 Award-winning dentist Dr. Charles S. Barotz has been a pioneer in enhancing ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Englewood, Colorado, Jan 6, 201 5 | Body Renewed introduces its best alternative to health and beauty with the use of its innovative fitness and alternative health equipment. The company offers personalized services to customers who want to improve their overall health, fitness, and wellness. Body Renewed prides itself in providing customers with a unique variety of fitness and alternative health equipment which provides an alternative to traditional exercise programs. The company offers InfrafitX+J, Power Plate and Magnetic-Resonance-Stimulation equipment. All are proven and tested to be effective in promoting fitness, health, and beauty with their innovative designs and functionality. Its InfrafitX+J fitness equipment helps reduce as well as eliminate cellulite while helping the body lose fat. It is ideal equipment for body contouring as well body detoxification. This modality can dramatically improve the client’s body appearance and skin texture with the use of its infrared light technology. Body Renewed also introduces its power plate fitness equipment which provides a host of benefits to clients. It helps improve blood circulation and increase muscle flexibility and strength. The equipment is engineered with technology based functionality which improves range of motion while decreasing cellulite in clients. It also benefits customers by improving their bone mineral density and aids fast recovery by reducing the soreness and pain in the body. The company also boasts its magnetic-resonance-stimulation (iMRS) device, which works by assisting the body’s repair cycle and cleansing through optimizing the healing capacity of the body’s cells. This equipment helps the body increase its capability for metabolism, detoxification, and nutritional absorption. It also helps boost the body’s immune system, energy levels, and initiates productive sleep without harmful side effects. Body Renewed is comprised of a team of professional staff members who possess a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding health and fitness. They are able to provide customers with the best fitness, health, and beauty services with the use of innovative fitness equipment which is proven to produce results. The company also offers private sessions, including fitness therapy which addresses the cause of the body’s pain and other issues. They have a team of qualified therapists who can provide quality massage therapy to customers. They also offer personal training services and private pilates sessions to clients. ### Know more about Body Renewed and the services it offers by visiting the company’s official site at For inquiries, call (720) 428-2347 or visit its centre located at 88 Inverness Circle East, Suite A-105, Englewood, CO 80112. Company: Body Renewed Contact: Jacque Stevens Address: 88 Inverness Circle East, Suite A-105, Englewood, CO 80112 Contact Number: (720) 428-2347 Website: Email: Pictures of the INFRAFITX, the power plate, and a massage picture.
Acupuncture Therapy Denver Boulder Arvada Colorado - True Health Acupuncture Kira Murphy L.Ac. Acupuncture How Can Acupu...
Join Women for Obama: http://OFA.BO/3C7BeJ President Obama held a grassroots event in Denver, Colorado where he highlighted how health reform has helped wome...
Take a Video Tour of the Centura Health Seniors The Gardens at St. Elizabeth Senior Living Community in Denver, Colorado.
The Greater Metro Denver Healthcare Partnership (Partnership) is an industry led, workforce, education and economic development collaborative designed to mee... Affordable Health Insurance Quotes Colorado. Free instant quotes without giving us personal information. Best rates. Serving all of Colorado. - Affordable Health Insurance Quotes Colorado. Free instant quotes without giving us personal information. Best rates. Serving all of Colorado.
Natural Flow Health, Dr Jennifer Vitaro, ND provides naturopathic treatment for a variety of aliments facing adults and children these days.
Peace of Mind Massage and Wellness providing Sports Massage, Therapeutic Stretching, Deep Tissue Massage, Acupuncture, and more at the South Pearl Street Hea...
The Colorado Daylight project focuses on advancing access to Mental Health and Substance abuse Centers for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in Colorado. ...
Hundreds Turn Out In Opposition To Cap On Patient Number By Lance Hernandez, 7NEWS Reporter DENVER -- The state Board of Health has voted down a proposal to ...
Reviewed: Lowry Pediatric Dental Health is a top-reviewed Dentist in Denver CO and the Greater Denver area. This videos shows a few of the many excellent client reviews for Lowry Pediatric Dental Health. Real reviews from real clients! For more information and to contact: Lowry Pediatric Dental Health 8111 East Lowry Boulevard, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80230 Phone: 303-343-2803
This is a green screen end result edited video for a health care video production incorporating green screen video with interview testimonials. Keywords include Nick Teti, Colorado sound recordist, Denver sound recordist, Denver CO, director of photography, HD video production, green screen, videographer, interview. For links to our websites with services: - for video crews (including HD, NTSC, PAL, up to 5k), film crews, camera crews or crew members. - for DP/DOP - director of photography summaries, as well videographer, still photographer & cameraman services. - for a HTML website that works on phone, tablet, computer summarizing sound man & sound guy services. - for a Word Press blog and web site on sound man & sound guy services.
Denver Colorado Small Group Health Insurance: Save 20-50% by locking in 2013 Rates by 12/1/13 This video discusses how small group with 2-25 highly paid workers (wage base over $50,000 a year) who do not qualify for Connect For Health Colorado SHOP Group Exchange can SAVE THOUSANDS of dollars on their 2014 premiums by getting a group quote and enrolling for a 12/1/13 effective date
Complete video at: Dr. Elinor Christansen, former President of the American Medical Women's Association, rebuts the ...
Natural Flow Health, Denver Colorado video testimonial
Tony's testimonial of his experience with Natural Flow Health, Denver Colorado
Peace of Mind Massage and Wellness providing Sports Massage, Therapeutic Stretching, Deep Tissue Massage, Acupuncture, and more at the South Pearl Street Hea...
Click below to see our specials on!
On Twitter: @AkiemBailum A bunch of sports PDs in the Mile High City are lucky they're not in Canada right now. In a story that Radio-Insight first reported ...
Flew from Seattle, Washington to Denver, Colorado for this game, the greatest game I have ever been to! GO BRONCOS!!!! Super Bowl!!!!!! Manning Entrance: 02:...
Recorded By: JMartinez.
San Diego Chargers vs. Denver Broncos Final Score: Chargers - 23 Broncos - 30 Sports Authority Field Denver, CO 11-18-2012.
Friendly match beetwen mexican vs indonesian at lowry sports park Denver Colorado! Final scores 10-4 for the indonesian colorado FC!
Recorded By: JMartinez.
December 7, 2014 Sports Authority Field at Mile High, Denver, Colorado Buffalo Bills 17 at Denver Broncos 24 F Scoring Summary: C.J. Anderson 6 Yard Run - Broncos 7 Bills 0 Dan Carpenter 44 Yard Field Goal - Broncos 7 Bills 3 C.J. Anderson 1 Yard Run - Broncos 14 Bills 3 C.J. Anderson 3 Yard Run - Broncos 21 Bills 3 Connor Barth 50 Yard Field Goal - Broncos 24 Bills 3 Chris Hogan 14 Yard pass from Kyle Orton - Broncos 24 Bills 10 Kyle Orton 1 Yard Run - Broncos 24 Bills 17 Top Performers: Peyton Manning 14/20 173 yards 2 INT C.J. Anderson 21 car 58 yards 3 TD Juwan Thompson 4 car 63 yards rushing 1 rec 14 yards receiving Wes Welker 6 rec 82 yards Emmanuel Sanders 4 rec 56 yards Kyle Orton 38/57 355 1 TD 2 INT Fred Jackson 8 car 35 yards rushing 10 rec 37 yards receiving Sammy Watkins 7 rec 127 yards Scott Chandler 8 rec 81 yards Chris Hogan 7 rec 54 yards 1 TD David Bruton 9 tackles 1 TFL 1 PD Bradley Roby 9 tackles 1 TFL Brandon Marshall 9 tackles 3 PD 1 INT Malik Jackson 6 tackles 1 Sack 2 TFL 1 QB hit Chris Harris 5 tackles 1 Sack 1 TFL 1 QB hit 1 PD 1 INT T.J. Ward 5 tackles 1 TFL 1 PD Steven Johnson 3 tackles 1/2 Sack 2 QB hits Von Miller 2 tackles 1 Sack 1 TFL 1 QB hit Terrance Knighton 1 tackle 1/2 Sack 1 QB hit Nigel Bradham 6 tackles Preston Brown 6 tackles Corey Graham 5 tackles 1 PD 1 INT Stephon Gilmore 3 tackles 1 PD 1 INT This video contains still photos and analysis from the game. This video is covered by fair use under news reporting and commentary.
Great Plays & Highlights from the Game! Eaglecrest High School vs Denver East High School 8/30/2013 (Raptors vs Angels) See More of the Best Plays Ever at: h...
Colorado School of Mines picks up the win against MSU Denver with a buzzer beater by #23 Caleb Waitsman in overtime making the final score of the game 59 to 57.
October 23, 2014 Sports Authority Field at Mile High, Denver, Colorado Thursday Night Football San Diego Chargers 21 at Denver Broncos 35 F Scoring Summary: Emmanuel Sanders 2 Yard pass from Peyton Manning - Broncos 7 Chargers 0 Keenan Allen 2 Yard pass from Philip Rivers - Broncos 7 Chargers 7 Emmanuel Sanders 31 Yard pass from Peyton Manning - Broncos 14 Chargers 7 Emmanuel Sanders 3 Yard pass from Peyton Manning - Broncos 21 Chargers 7 Juwan Thompson 2 Yard Run - Broncos 28 Chargers 7 Antonio Gates 4 Yard pass from Philip Rivers - Broncos 28 Chargers 14 Juwan Thompson 1 Yard Run - Broncos 35 Chargers 14 Antonio Gates 10 Yard pass from Philip Rivers - Broncos 35 Chargers 21 Top Performers: Peyton Manning 25/35 286 yards 3 TD Ronnie Hillman 20 car 109 yards rushing 3 rec 29 yards receiving Emmanuel Sanders 9 rec 120 yards 3 TD Demaryius Thomas 8 rec 105 yards Philip Rivers 30/41 252 yards 3 TD 2 INT passing 1 car 17 yards rushing Keenan Allen 9 rec 73 yards 1 TD Antonio Gates 5 rec 54 yards 2 TD Brandon Marshall 10 tackles 2 TFL 1 PD Aqib Talib 7 tackles 1 TFL 2 PD Von Miller 2 tackles 1 Sack 2 TFL 3 QB hits Chris Harris 4 tackles 1 PD 1 INT Rahim Moore 1 tackle 2 PD 1 INT Eric Weddle 11 tackles This video contains still photos and analysis from the game. This video is covered by fair use under news reporting and commentary.
Stephen Curry scored 22 points for the Warriors in the third quarter giving Golden State the win. Visit for more highlights. About the NBA: The...
Recorded By: JMartinez
There isn't a better way to start a school year than with a pep rally. At Hamilton Middle School in Denver, teachers began the year with a pep rally -- but i...
These people are playing a sport called "Ultimate Frisbee" in Denver, Colorado. "When you mention that you play Ultimate Frisbee they either ask if it's Disc Golf or if it's the sport where you throw a Frisbee to your dog. No, it's neither of those unfortunately." "Scores like football. Runs a lot like basketball. But kind of has positions and plays like soccer." "Ultimate Frisbee is, basically, kind of like soccer with a disc." There are no referees or judges in Ultimate Frisbee. "With Ultimate, there's something called 'the spirit of the game'" "It's a self-officiated sport, so everybody's responsible for settling their own disputes on the field." "People cheer each other on. The other team congratulates you on good play, and that's the way it should be, I think." "It's awesome. So I bring my little girls...and they love it. Because I think it teaches them that girls can do anything. They can compete with men. They can beat men -- even better." On this day, each team has both men and women. "This is a coed sport. Every team has to have three of each gender on the field at all times." Age does not keep people from playing. "I'm a 50-year-old guy, and I can come out here and play and still be competitive against younger people and I get a workout that I can't make myself do other ways." I'm Milagros Ardin.
Psalm One CHILD SUPPORT album, written and recorded with America SCORES students in nine cities this past fall, is NOW AVAI...
The San Francisco Giants wins the second game of the three-game series over the Colorado Rockies at Coors Field in Denver Colorado by a score of 11-6 on Satu...
Here's a collection of over 800 images compiled for a time-lapse video from the Week Six NFL matchup between the New York Jets and the Denver Broncos at Inve...
Looking for Birding in Denver, Littleton CO & Bird walks Visit: @ Front Range Birding Company, Littleton and Denver CO 80128? we al...
Check out highlights of the the 2013 National Underclassmen Combine in Denver, Colorado. Camp Date: 6/1/13 - 6/2/13 Athletes Include: Alec Abercrombie Keagan...
Recorded By: JMartinez
Tune in Saturday, November 10, at 1:00 PM EST to see Soccer Boys Championships LIVE at Dick's Sporting Goods Park, Commerce City, Colorado. Kent Denver vs Co...
Two teams heading in opposite directions in recent weeks meet when the LA Galaxy play host to the Colorado Rapids on Friday evening at StubHub Center before an NBC Sports Network audience....
More pictures and info:
Keith E. Greene, a master framer of 35+ years, shows us how to custom frame a jersey at FastFrame of LoDo. FastFrame of LoDo was Voted Best Custom Framing in...
Based off original song: "Hustlin'" By Rick Ross Filmed on location at University of Colorado School of Medicine Starring - Santiago Rodriguez Directed by - Tyler Barr and Alex Ghincea Music Created and Recorded by - Joseph Adewumi Lyrics by - Tyler Barr Featuring (in order of appearance) Chris Ghincea Tyler Barr Brooke Bredbeck Sarah Allexan Danielle Gonzales Alex Ghincea Myles Tamsen Bill Brandenburg Joseph Adewumi Quan Bui Dr. J.J. Cohen Ryan Caldwell Chris Frederick Associate Producer- Dr. Mark Deutchman The nature of education is changing. With CU Online, the pedagogy of the University of Colorado Denver has been extended globally sin...
Founded in 1864 by Colorado Territorial Governor John Evans, the University of Denver is the oldest institute of higher education in Colorado. From Rufus "Po...
From 130 countries around the world, international students arrived in the Rocky Mountains this year ready to start classes at UC Denver. The international ...
How would you like to be CEO of an Energy Company of the future? You have to go to school first!!! Here's the place! MS in Global Energy Management The Maste...
Video provided by the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Visit our YouTube channel: Subscribe to our channel: Visit our website: Visit our newsroom:
Take a look at the campus, the outstanding faculty and students who are changing lives, saving lives and building futures on a community and global level.
With 13 schools and colleges and more than 132 degree programs, the University of Colorado Denver and the Anschutz Medical Campus offers a hands-on, real-world education in a vibrant city in the heart of the energetic west. Regis University // Denver, Colorado Support for Colorado Public Radio comes from Regis University, a community of impact se...
Colorado Heights University in Denver, Colorado provides opportunity to individuals through education to reach their full potential. The core mission is to serve local immigrant and first-generation college students along with international students. At CHU, a student receives a quality education with personalized support from staff and faculty who know them by name. Every student has the opportunity to meet with Admissions and Student Services staff members individually to find the best fit, explore services and begin their educational journey knowing someone at CHU cares. We invite you to explore our website and learn about Colorado Heights University's unique educational opportunities. Feel free to look online through our Course Catalog for more detailed information about our programs. Ryuichiro "Drew" Iwanami: Chair of Executive Committee Jon Wilkerson: Assistant Dean for Business Programs Venera, Kyrgyzstan: BA Student Florence, Ghana: Student Government President Marina, Russia: MBA Student Jason, China: English Student Regis University // Denver, Colorado This is more than just your average lunch, more than just bread, meat, bread. This is 1...
Video provided by the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Visit our YouTube channel: Subscribe to our channel: Visit our website: Visit our newsroom: Regis University // Denver, Colorado This is more than just your average practice. This is Friday night. 10:30. When all of ... Regis University // Denver, Colorado This is more than just your average math lesson more than just numbers, equations and solutions This is staying late with a student, no matter how long it takes to make sure he understands, that he's worth it. Career. Elevated. Produced by Regis University Brand Marketing Featuring Dawn Axelson, Regis University alumna
Noel Copeland, Resident Architect of the Anschutz Medical Campus UC Denver, explains the past, present and future of this new education, research and patient...
The cradle of mankind becomes a classroom for CU Denver students at a Tanzania field school. Anthropology students attempt to find more historic hominid foot...
Discover how much CU Denver’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers our students, our Denver community and the world. Video provided by the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Visit our YouTube channel: Subscribe to our channel: Visit our website: Visit our newsroom: Regis University // Denver, Colorado This is more than just color on paper, more than just line, shape and form. This is a conversation starter, a social commentary an invitation to look at the world again, and to see things differently. Produced by Regis University Brand Marketing Featuring Tony Ortega, Regis College Associate Professor of Fine Arts
The Denver Broncos and Colorado State University announced the creation of The Denver Broncos Sports Management Institute. This unique program, partnering the Broncos with one of the nation’s top research universities, will debut this spring by offering three courses to select CSU undergraduate students. The classes will count toward a newly developed minor in sports management at Colorado State, pending faculty council approval. Regis University // Denver, Colorado This is more than just your average study session This is 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning,...
University of Colorado School of Medicine - Senior Student Profile. Dr. Charles S. Barotz Denver CO Dentist 303-242-8755 Award-winning dentist Dr. Charles S. Barotz has been a pioneer in enhancing ...
Rising from the western edge of America's High Plains, and shadowed by the Rocky Mountains, is Colorado's capital, Denver. An easy walk from Denver's downtow... Denver is the largest city and the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado. Denver is also the second most populous county in Colorado after El Paso County. Denver is a consolidated city and county located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. The most important places to visit in Denver are: Rocky Mountains (located close to Denver, Rocky Mountains are one of the great mountain ranges of this planet offering an immersive experience with nature), The Colorado State Capitol Building (a highlight of the Denver skyline, it looks like the US Capitol Building. Its shining gold dome commemorates the Colorado gold rush), Denver City Hall (this beautiful city and county building was constructed in 1932. It is known for its grand display of lights during the Christmas season), Garden of the Gods (step outside the city and soak in this fascinating place. Massive rocks and unusual formations are sure to mesmerize you), Downtown (called the mile high city because of its closeness to Rocky Mountains, Denver downtown is a bustling commerce and cultural metropolis) and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Denver travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
The signs of Denver's economic high times and progressiveness can be found in the city's innovative art, nightlife, food and shopping scenes. Produced by: Fritzie Andrade Read the story here: Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: Subscribe on YouTube: Watch more videos at: --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube. What to Do in Denver | 36 Hours: Video Travel Tips | The New York Times
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Denver, Colorado - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi I wou...
Travel video about destination Colorado. Colorado is situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a land of remote valleys and high mountains.Denver is the state capital and is located on a sunny high plateau sixteen hundred metres above sea level where the local inhabitants enjoy more sunshine throughout the year than in California’s San Diego or even Honolulu. Skyscrapers between the prairie and the Rockies, a somewhat surreal city in which various power industry companies are to be found. The 16th Street Mall is the city’s pride and a splendid avenue that boasts the longest pedestrianised area in the USA plus a free bus service! It contains several shopping malls, restaurants and all kinds of shops with products from all over the world. The shining red rocks on the outskirts of Colorado Springs are a striking spectacle within the Garden Of The Gods. The huge red sandstone rock formations rise to a height of up to a hundred and fifty metres. The natural monuments are a reminder of the geological past of this extraordinary region situated at the foot of the Rocky Mountains Directly next to the caves at the foot of Pike’s Peak are the caves in which the Anasazi Indians once lived, the famous Cliff Dwellings where one can gain a fascinating insight into the culture of the native inhabitants of North America, how they lived, their culture and beliefs. The Indian Museum features Indian culture and work tools and is an impressive record of a long forgotten time and a people that almost became extinct. Sprague Lake is one of the region’s many glacial lakes and is ideal for walkers as well as anglers and boat enthusiasts, and several ranches offer accommodation. Ghost towns, gold mines, ancient cultures and mountain paradises, Native Indians, explorers, fur traders and gold prospectors, all the ingredients of the colourful history of America’s wild West. Colorado is indeed a place of spectacular nature and breathtaking adventure!
World Travel Denver, Colorado, America Travel Guide Denver - Colorado - America Travel Guide, T...
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions. 9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks. 8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle. 7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles. 6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid. 5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system. 4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period. 3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib. 2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency. 1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015. A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy. The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
World Travel Denver, Colorado, America Travel Guide Denver - Colorado Tours, Travel Tips Denver...
Infographic travel guide about DENVER in a nutshell. DENVER - City Guide Overview DENVER - Basics [00:02]: Practical information on location, area, populatio...
This video learn about top 10 tourist attractions in Colorado. Rocky Mountain National Park, Pikes Peak, Mesa Verde National Park are places you should visit in Colorado. photo credit: Dinosaur National Monument By Mark Stevens Colorado National Monument By Philip Great Sand Dunes National Park By Jason Ahrns Mount Evans By pam Morris Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness By Matt Santomarco Garden of the Gods By Dave Soldano Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park By Charles Carstensen Mesa Verde National Park By Mark Pikes Peak in Pike National Forest By Jasen Miller Rocky Mountain National Park By Lorraine Paulhus
Denver, officially the City and County of Denver (/ˈdɛnvər/; Arapaho: Niinéniiniicíihéhe'),[12] is the largest city and capital of the State of Colorado. Denver is also the second-most populous county in Colorado after El Paso County. Denver is a consolidated city and county located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. The Denver downtown district is located immediately east of the confluence of Cherry Creek with the South Platte River, approximately 12 miles (19 km) east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Denver is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile (5,280 feet or 1,609.344 meters) above sea level, making it one of the highest major cities in the United States.[5] The 105th meridian west of Greenwich, the longitudinal reference for the Mountain Time Zone, passes directly through Denver Union Station. Denver is ranked as a beta world city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. With a 2013 estimated population of 649,495, Denver ranks as the 22nd-most populous U.S. city.[13] The 10-county Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area had an estimated 2013 population of 2,697,476 and ranked as the 21st most populous U.S. metropolitan statistical area.[14] The 12-county Denver-Aurora, CO Combined Statistical Area had an estimated 2013 population of 3,277,309, which ranks as the 16th most populous U.S. metropolitan area.[14] Denver is the most populous city of the Front Range Urban Corridor, an oblong urban region stretching across three states with population of 5,467,633 in 2010.[15] Denver is the most-populous city within a 500-mile (800 km) radius and the third most-populous city in the Mountain West and the.
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World Travel Denver, Colorado, America Travel Guide Hotels in Denver, Colorado, America With lo...
World Travel Denver, Colorado, America Travel Guide Restaurants in Denver, Colorado, America Th...
World Travel Denver, Colorado, America Travel Guide Transport in Denver, Colorado, America Public transport: Denver has an excellent public transport system run by the Regional Transport District. The RTD bus system has more than 10,000 stops. There's also a light rail network with 37 stations across the city, and a number of special services, including the SkyRide airport buses. The light rail runs every 10 minutes throughout the day. The main line is between the intersection of Interstate I-25 and Broadway, to 30th Street and Downing Street, including various stops Downtown. There are two extensions that run south to Mineral Avenue and US 285 in the suburb of Littleton, as well as two extensions that run to Lincoln Station in the city of Lone Tree. The local bus service is comprehensive, covering all areas of Metro and Greater Denver. The free Mall Ride shuttle runs the length of Downtown's 16th Street Mall, which extends from Union Station to the Civic Center Station on Broadway. You can buy tickets and passes at any RTD sales outlets, which include light rail stations, Denver International Airport's west terminal, and selected King Soopers and Safeway stores. Taxis: Taxis in Denver can be hailed on the street, but they don't consistently stop. Visitors can commonly find them at taxi ranks outside of major hotels, as well as bus and train stations. The best option is often to telephone for one in advance. Denver Yellow Cab (tel: 303 777 7777) and Metro Taxi (tel: 303 333 3333) are easily Denver's most popular taxi companies, likely because their phone numbers couldn't be easier to memorize. Tipping is customary, usually 15 to 20% of the fare. Driving: A car is not necessary if your visit is limited to downtown Denver, as everything is within walking distance or accessible by public transport. If you choose to get around by car, it's easy outside of the peak rush hour periods when there's congestion on major roads such as the I-25, I-70 and US36 to Boulder. Parking is expensive downtown, and while most major hotels have guest parking facilities, these usually come with a fee. Most blocks downtown either have parking garages or on-street, metered parking. Car hire: The minimum age for hiring a car in Denver is 21 years, although those under age 25 have to pay a higher premium. For British nationals, a full UK driving licence will suffice. Other foreign drivers will require an International Driving Permit and a full licence from their own country. A major credit card is also required to cover the deposit and optional insurance expenses. Bicycle hire: Campus Cycles hires out bicycles for up to four hours, overnight, or by the week. Child bikes and trail-a-bikes are also available. Denver Bike Sharing Stations allows a person to check out a bike for as long as they please. When they're finished, they simply drop the bike off at the most convenient bike sharing station. ================================== Denver Tourism, Tourism, Vacation, Denver Vacation, Travel Guide, Denver Travel Guide, Colorado Tourism, Colorado Travel Guide, Colorado Vacation, America Travel Guide, Denver Attractions, Denver Hotels, Denver Restaurants, Denver Museums, Denver Transport, Denver Shopping, Denver Nightlife == Denver - Colorado - United States of America Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
VISIT DENVER - Convention/Meeting Overview Video - "Let's Go"
Taking you with us as we go on adventures in Denver, CO. Even though we didn't get to go to the ski resorts but we did visit many tourist spots and tried well known restaurants. Didn't film a hotel tour this time because we stayed at Hyatt Place in Denver which was very similar to the San Jose one featured in one of my videos. Thanks for watching! :) All music used in accordance with the Apple Inc. iLife Software Agreement, 2. G. iii EA0804 Rev. 9/12/11. Music Beginning at 3:43 ("Anderson, Dean Hugh-Hoe Down Harvest") is therefore Royalty-Free.
World Travel Denver, Colorado, America Travel Guide Denver - Colorado Attractions, Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation, Museums Things to see in Denver Butterfly Pavilion Imagine being surrounded by 1,600 free-flying tropical butterflies. This is possible at the Butterfly Pavilion. It's a place where anyone can learn about science education and experience interactive fun in five different exhibit areas with daily educational programs and outdoor exploration. Make sure you learn how you can attract butterflies to your own yard. Opening Times: Daily 0900-1700. Admission Fees: Yes Disabled Access: Yes Unesco: No Address: 6252 West 104th Avenue, Denver, United States Coors Field Denver is a sports fanatic's heaven. Visitors can choose from American football with the Denver Broncos, ice hockey with the Colorado Avalanche, basketball with the Denver Nuggets and finally, some baseball at Coors Field with the Colorado Rockies. Opened in 1995 and costing a cool US$215 million to build, Coors Field is a great place to experience the weird and wonderful world of American sports. With tickets starting at US$4 and regular games from February to September, you will always be able to get in. Admission Fees: Yes Disabled Access: Yes Unesco: No Address: 2001 Blake Street, Denver, United States Denver Art Museum More than 40,000 works of art are housed in the two magnificent buildings that make up the Denver Art Museum in the heart of downtown Denver. The main building was designed by I M Pei, architect of the Louvre pyramid in Paris, while the huge expanse of the Hamilton building was designed by Daniel Libeskind. The museum contains collections of American, European and Asian art, but the undoubted highlight is the fabulous collection of Native American art. Opening Times: Tues-Thurs and Sat-Sun 1000-1700, Fri 1000-2000. Admission Fees: Yes (free on first Saturday of the month) Disabled Access: Yes Unesco: No Address: 100 West 14th Avenue Parkway, Denver, United States Denver Museum of Nature and Science The Denver Museum of Nature and Science is a great space in which to explore the earth and the creatures that live on it. The museum takes visitors on a journey from the age of the dinosaurs to the modern day. Attractions include an interactive investigation of the human body, a journey into the land of the dinosaurs, an IMAX theatre and a digital planetarium complete with simulated space journeys. Opening Times: Daily 0900-1700. Admission Fees: Yes Disabled Access: Yes Unesco: No Address: 2001 Colorado Boulevard, Denver, United States Denver Zoo It's no wonder the Denver Zoo is one of the most popular zoos in America. There are 3,500 different animals representing over 350 different species on well-maintained, easily navigated grounds. The naturalistic habits also add to the experience. Be sure not to miss Predator Ride, Tropical Discovery or Primate Panorama. Opening Times: Daily 0900-1700 (Mar-Oct); daily 1000-1600 (Nov-Feb). Admission Fees: Yes. Disabled Access: Yes Unesco: No Address: 2300 Steele Street, Denver, United States Denver's breweries Every October, nearly 50,000 beer lovers congregate in Denver for the Great American Beer Festival to get merry on Denver's best brews. The most popular is the Coors Brewery, located in Golden, which is the largest single brewery in the world. Guided 90-minute tours are available, following the entire brewing process, from roasting barley to bottling. There are free beer samples for those over the age of 21 years old. The microbreweries and brewpubs serve and brew in-house distinctive beer that won't be found elsewhere. Denver's best brewpubs are all within walking distance of each other in LoDo. Each brewpub offers tours and tiny samples of their ales, porters, stouts and lagers. The best include Wynkoop Brewing Company, Rock Bottom Brewery and Breckenridge Brewery. Disabled Access: Yes Unesco: No Elitch Gardens Theme and Water Park Colorado's largest amusement park is conveniently located right on the outskirts of downtown Denver. There are a number of thrill rides that'll get your stomach turning, as well as family rides and kids' rides that don't involve as much screaming. If it's a hot day, head to the water park and jump in the Commotion Ocean that's a giant wave pool ideal for relaxing or body surfing. Opening Times: Hours vary throughout the year; see website for details. Admission Fees: Yes Disabled Access: No Unesco: No Address: 2000 Elitch Circle, Denver, United States ================================== Denver Tourism, Tourism, Vacation, Denver Vacation, Travel Guide, Denver Travel Guide, Colorado Tourism, Colorado Travel Guide, Colorado Vacation, America Travel Guide, Denver Attractions, Denver Hotels, Denver Restaurants, Denver Museums, Denver Transport, Denver Shopping, Denver Nightlife == Denver - Colorado - United States of America Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Spin cast just outside of Denver, CO for Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Cutthroat Trout,Lake Trout, Northern Pike, Rainbow Trout, Kokanee Salmon in the High Altitude lakes of the Rocky Mountains, more specifically, The Tarryall Reservoir or The Grand Lake. Let local knowledge, right bait and tackle, and a guide lead you to the fish. Learn More at:
What to Do in Denver 36 Hours Video Travel Tips - Videos of Yemen's Unfolding Crisi
Denver Small Travel Trailers Denver travel tips: transportation, safety, etc.
Denver Travel Guide // created at
Segundo disco de la banda chilena Dënver
See the lyrics at
This is the full album including all the introductions to the songs and Denver's opinion on conserving the environment .. Also, John Denver is probably at his musical best in this album :) The song list is 00:56 – Eagles and Horses 05:46 – Country Roads 08:48 – Back Home Again 14:42 – You Say That The Battle Is Over 17:21 – A Song For All Lovers (the song starts at 18:55) 24:13 – Rocky Mountain High 28:40 – I Guess He'd Rather Be In Colorado 31:52 – I Think I'd Rather Be Cowboy 35:59 – For You 40:08 – I'm Sorry 43:47 – Fly Away 47:53 – Two Different Directions 51:12 – Shanghai Breezes 54:13 – Annie's Song 58:06 – Sunshine On My Shoulders 1:05:13 – Wild Montana Skies 1:09:19 – Darcy Farrow 1:13:31 – Poems, Prayers And Promises 1:18:00 – The Harder They Fall 1:21:46 – Bet On The Blues 1:26:00 – Falling Out Of Love 1:30:49 – Calypso 1:36:15 – Amazon 1:42:56 – Leaving On A Jet Plane + Goodbye Again medley (the latter starts around1:46:16) Thanks for watching !
Néhány lelkes fiatal egy építkezésen egy dinoszaurusz tojást találnak. A tojásból előttük egy zöld dínó kelt ki. Elhatározzák, hogy megtartják, mint háziálla...
See the entire chase of a kidnapping and carjacking suspect through the Denver metro area, on I-25, E470 and I-76, as captured by AirTracker 7.
Here's an overview of the basics. According to the conspiracy theorists, Denver already had a fine airport, Stapleton International. But despite widespread protests, Denver International was built and opened in 1995, with fewer runways, thus reducing Denver's capacity. Its construction began with five mysterious buildings that were completed and then buried intact, with the cover story that they were "built wrong". Up to 8 levels of underground facilities are said to exist, and workers who go there refuse to answer questions about what they do. The entire airport is surrounded by a barbed wire guard fence, with the barbed wire angled inward, to keep people in, like a giant prison, not out like at other airports. And if viewed from the air, the runways are revealed to be laid out in the shape of a Nazi swastika. Questions about what the government might be doing in this underground base may have been answered in 2007, when fourteen commercial aircraft reported spontaneously shattered windshields as the presumed result of electromagnetic pulses. Indoors, the airport gets even stranger. The Illuminati appear to have detailed their plans for global genocide and a New World Order in two large murals. The first depicts a huge Nazi soldier with dead women and children scattered around him, and the second shows Third World populations dying, a few elite species protected from the apocalypse in sealed containers, and the Mayan symbol for 2012 presiding over all. In the floor near the murals is written "Au Ag", the abbreviation for the deadly toxin Australia Antigen, evidently the Illuminati's weapon of choice to accomplish the genocide. Read the full article at my blog here:
This is an extremely rare copy of the "John Denver Rocky Mountain Christmas Special", which originally aired December 10, 1975. This special was viewed by sixty-five million people - the largest audience to that time for an ABC music program. This may indeed be the only public recording of this program in existence - it's the only copy I have ever seen in my search for it... This copy was digitized from a VHS recording of an actual repeat broadcast from 1977, complete with vintage 1970's commercials. It's not a perfect copy, but it's all that's left to remember this special moment by... Writes a user from IMDB: "John Denver, Steve Martin, and Olivia Newton-John ... three of the premiere talents of the 1970s together on one visually astounding Christmas special. If one gets a chance to see it now, it might be easy to forget how groundbreaking the photography and content were, both inside the special climate controlled dome and out in the majesty of the Rockies. JD's personality is showcased is its finest "far out" form ... and he's completely engaging. Martin is his manic self in a time period just before the mania hit, which is cool, because there's still just enough "who is this guy and what is he doing?" in the audience's reaction. Olivia is gorgeous, and so is her voice. I believe this represented the debut of the JD/ONJ collaboration on "Fly Away". In the 70s and 80s, nobody did Christmas like John Denver ... and for capturing a moment in time, there may never have been the equal of this Christmas special." Enjoy!
(สนтǿłเтนธ)... Base subterranea en el aeropuerto de Denver. Un misterio su diseño y murales extraños, es lo que sobresale de este aeropuerto; o debo decir, Base Militar subterranea??... La verdad aunque este en minoría... sigue siendo la verdad!!
Hi guys! I'm uploading this because I was unable to find a full (and "continued") version of P!ATD Live in Denver (from July of 2006). It's basically an edited video that binds the different parts of their presentation (including a couple of things that aren't on the DVD version). I'm sorry for the poor quality and some errors here and there. If you want to see the DVD HD version (including the band interviews) you can find it in . Copyright Statement I don't own this material. All content in this video is solely property of Panic! at the Disco (Fueled by Ramen), and is not intended to surpass any copyright law. It is being used for leisure only. Therefore, a dispute claimed by youtube on this video should not occur. ---- ¡Qué tal! Subo este video porque no encontré ninguna versión completa (y "continuada") del concierto de P!ATD Live in Denver (de Julio de 2006). Es Básicamente una recopilación que agrupa las diferentes partes de su presentación (incluyendo algunas cosas que no aparecen en la versión de DVD). Lamento la mala calidad del video y algunos errores de edición por aquí y por allá. Si quieres ver la versión DVD en HD (que incluye algunas entrevistas a la banda) puedes encontrarla aquí . Declaración de derechos de autor No soy dueño de este material. Todo el contenido de este video es propiedad de Panic! at the Disco (Fueled by Ramen), y no es su intención violar ninguna ley de derechos de autor. Sólo es utilizado con propósitos recreativos. Por lo tanto, no debería producirse ningún reclamo legal por este video. ---- Timestamps 0:00 - Introduction 1:25 - The Only difference between martrydom and suicide is press coverage 4:19 - Time to dance 7:57 - London beckoned songs about money written by machines 11:45 - Karma police (Radiohead cover) 15:01 - Camisado 18:47 - Nails for breakfast, tacks for snacks 22:30 - Lying is the most fun a girl can have wothout taking her clothes off 26:56 - Intermission --- The band leaves the stage a few minutes. That's why the union between "Intermissión" and "But it's better if you do" seems so abrupt --- 28:24 - But it's better if you do 33:07 - I write sins not tragedies 36:20 - Tonight, tonight (Smashing Pumpkins cover) 40:31 - There's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet 44:37 - I constantly thank God for Esteban 48:30 - Brendon Urie introduces Panic! at the Disco 49:15 - Build God, then we'll talk Thanks for watching!
En Londres, Amal Fashanu fue una de las afortunadas poseedoras de una entrada para el estreno de la última película de Batman, titulada 'El Caballero Oscuro: la leyenda renace'. Días más tarde se dirigía a Aurora, en las afueras de Denver, donde un brillante estudiante universitario, James Holmes, irrumpió en la sesión de medianoche con armas y gases lacrimógenos.
the most blurry time of my life ahahhaha such a great time in Denver! met some dope people, smoked like crazy, and got some dope footage. thank you for watch...
Just thought I'd share something with everyone for the holiday. This is the full album of John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together. It's really good Enjoy! :) NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS ALBUM. THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES AND I AM A MUPPETS FAN. Track Listing: 1. 12 Days of Christmas 0:07 2. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 4:29 3. The Peace Carol 6:18 4. Christmas is Coming 9:03 5. A Baby Just Like You 10:16 6. Deck the Halls 13:08 7. When the River Meets the Sea 14:44 8. Little Saint Nick 17:26 9. Noel: Christmas Eve, 1913 19:49 10. The Christmas Wish 22:41 11. Medley: Alfie the Christmas Tree / Carol for a Christmas Tree / It's in Every One of Us 26:08 12. Silent Night, Holy Night 30:43 13. We Wish You a Merry Christmas 33:52 Cast: John Denver - Himself Muppet Performers: Jim Henson - Kermit, Rowlf, Dr. Teeth, Waldorf Frank Oz - Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Animal Jerry Nelson - Floyd, Robin, Lew Zealand Richard Hunt - Scooter, Janice, Beaker, Statler Dave Goelz - Gonzo, Zoot, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beauregard Also featuring Steve Whitmire, Louise Gold, and Kathryn Mullen
The beloved christmas special of John and the Muppets first aired on December 5, 1979. I am uploading this again, as I have found the full version that doesn't cut off the end and I am now able to upload it as one video instead of segments. Enjoy! No copyright intended...uploaded purely for the enjoyment of John's fans. If you would like to connect with other John Denver fans and friends, please visit 'Remembering John Denver' on Facebook.
While only two guests were in the room, they insisted on a surprise call to a fellow cast member during the panel.
This is a tribute concert in memory of John Denver (December 31, 1943 - October 12, 1997) that was presented in April 2011 at the Colorado Music Hall of Fame. Hosted by Olivia Newton-John, former members from John Denver's band along with top artists such as LeeAnn Womack, John Oates, Nitty Gritty Dirt band and many others perform Denver's music. The Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra is conducted by Hal Blain and add support to this terrific line up of artists.
2012 & DENVER AIRPORT CONSPIRACY SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (check out GrEENZILLA TRUTH RAPS in playlist) Featured in headlines! Time to wake up folxxxx
I do not own. If you have any questions send me an ask because I've basically given up looking through comments: The file was way too big to upload to mediafire, so you have to download it yourself if you want it: Timestamps (BTS = behind the scenes): 0:00 - BTS: Intro 2:50 - The Only Difference... 5:45 - Time to Dance 9:23 - BTS: Journalists and genres 10:46 - London Beckoned... 14:28 - BTS: Backstage 16:20 - Karma Police 19:37 - BTS: Ryan on songwriting 20:45 - Camisado 24:19 - BTS: School, success 25:25 - Nail for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks 29:07 - BTS: Girls 29:55 - Lying is the Most Fun... 34:48 - BTS: Young fans, type of music 38:46 - BTS: Play the bells, Jon 42:04 - But It's Better If You Do 46:20 - I Write Sins Not Tragedies 49:30 - BTS: Timing 49:58 - Tonight, Tonight (I'm missing a part here, here it is: 53:50 - There's a Good Reason... 57:46 - BTS: College, parents 59:20 - I Constantly Thank God for Esteban 1:02:32 - BTS: Inspiring fans, closing thoughts 1:04:25 - Build God, Then We'll Talk 1:08:27 - BTS: Credits, Rehearsal, Vanilla Deodorant FACEBOOK: EL CLANDESTINO TV
Grand Entry for Saturday Evening of Denver March 2014 Powwow Jamz LLC provides digital music distribution services to Native American artists throughout North America. We promote our artists at Powwows like Gathering of Nations, Denver March Powwow, Mount Pleasant Powwow, and others. Our artists are traditional powwow drums, hand drums, round dance singers, rap artists, and comedians.
Bill y Sam son dos hermanos muy diferentes. Bill decide separarse de Sam y emprende un viaje a Denver, en donde encuentra trabajo como conductor de una diligencia. Por su parte, Sam entra en contacto con un maleante, dueño de un salón. Ambos acabarán en lados opuestos de la ley, y el enfrentamiento será inevitable.
The G3 summit rules in favor of the power of rock in the electrifying Live In Denver! Join six-string legends Joe Satriani and Steve Vai with special guest Yngwie J. Malmsteen for a guitar odyssey you’ll never forget.
New Vehicle - Pre-owned Vehicle - Our new and used car dealer selection, service, and savings are just a few of the reasons people travel to Tynan's Nissan Aurora from Denver, LIttleton, Westminster and all over Colorado. 2015 Nissan Versa Note SV For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at 303-341-7330 Tynan's Nissan Aurora 780 S Havana Street Aurora CO 80012 The 2015 Versa Note SV is equipped with the econo-oriented 1.6-liter four-cylinder engine with 109 horsepower and 107 pound-feet of torque.All models come with MacPherson front struts and a torsion beam rear axle, all tuned toward the comfort end of the ride/handling spectrum.Standard features include a four-speaker AM/FM/CD audio system and a 12-volt power outlet. An optional convenience package augments standard content with Nissan's versatile Divide-N-Hide storage system; NissanConnect infotainment system with and 5.0-inch color screen; NissanConnect Apps for smartphone integration with Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and TuneIn radio); Bluetooth streaming audio; hand-free text messaging; a USB iPod interface; satellite radio; and a rearview camera
New Vehicle - Pre-owned Vehicle - Our new and used car dealer selection, service, and savings are just a few of the reasons people travel to Tynan's Nissan Aurora from Denver, LIttleton, Westminster and all over Colorado. 2015 Nissan Versa Note S Plus For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at 303-341-7330 Tynan's Nissan Aurora 780 S Havana Street Aurora CO 80012 The 2015 Versa Note S Plus is equipped with the econo-oriented 1.6-liter four-cylinder engine 109 horsepower, 107 pound-feet of torque.Standard features include a four-speaker AM/FM/CD audio system and a 12-volt power outlet. An optional convenience package augments standard content with Nissan's versatile Divide-N-Hide storage system; NissanConnect infotainment system with and 5.0-inch color screen; NissanConnect Apps for smartphone integration with Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and TuneIn radio); Bluetooth streaming audio; hand-free text messaging; a USB iPod interface; satellite radio; and a rearview camera
Les Shapiro and Woody Paige discuss what’s going on with the Denver Nuggets now, on The Sports Show on March 18, 2015.
2005 Chevrolet Malibu LS For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at (719) 387-8456 Al Serra Chevrolet South 230 N. Academy Blvd Colorado Springs CO 80909 At Al Serra we believe in 2 things: 1. No Worries - vehicles are safety checked, warrantied, and if you are not satisfied, bring it back. And 2. Al Serra for Less - every day we shop thousands of vehicles online to make sure our prices are the lowest around. You may contact us by ALSERRACHEVROLETSOUTH.COM or 719 387-4341. If you've been looking to find just the right 2005 Chevrolet Malibu, well stop your search right here. This is the gas-saving ride that definitely fits your budget. The Malibu scored the top rating in the IIHS frontal offset test. Chevrolet engineers have come a long way to design such a nice vehicle that gets such good fuel mileage. Wow! This car is nicely equipped with features such as 3.5L SFI V6. New Car Test Drive called it ...a rock-solid driving personality, a promising safety outlook, and lots of features at an attractive price. And we expect the Malibu to continue its strong quality track record...
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The Denver personal injury attorneys at Bell & Pollock discuss passenger rights on their radio show. To speak with an attorney, please call 303-795-5900.
7821 E. 29th Ave, Denver, CO PorchLight Real Estate Group Jessica Peterson (303) 883-7031
The Denver personal injury attorneys at Bell & Pollock discuss litigation on their radio show. To speak with an attorney, please call 303-795-5900.
The Denver personal injury attorneys at Bell & Pollock discuss independent medical examinations on their radio show. To speak with an attorney, please call 303-795-5900. Phone: 877-330-6433 Year: 2008 Make: Hyundai Model: Tucson Trim: GLS Engine: 4 Cylinder Transmission: 4 Speed Automatic with Overdrive Color: Mesa Red Pearl Interior: Gray Mileage: 35376 Stock #: 9316B VIN: KM8JM12B98U809316 RECENT OIL CHANGE, PASSED DEALER INSPECTION, and ***CLEAN CARFAX***. Get Hooked On Arapahoe Hyundai! Right SUV! Right price! How sweet is the fuel economy of this charming 2008 Hyundai Tucson? Designated by Consumer Guide as a Recommended Compact SUV in 2008. It gives you superb gas mileage and more bang for the buck than most other SUVs out there. Colorados Largest VOLUME Hyundai dealer!!! Arapahoe Hyundai is the #1 Hyundai store in Colorado. We have been in business 21 years and family owned and operated for the last 8 years! We look forward to assisting you in your next vehicle purchase! Department Hours: Service M-F 7am-7pm, Sat 7am- 5pm -- Sales Mon-Sat 9am -9pm. Address: 9899 E Arapahoe Rd Denver CO Centennial, CO 80112
The Denver personal injury attorneys at Bell & Pollock discuss insurance coverage on their radio show. To speak with an attorney, please call 303-795-5900.
The Denver personal injury attorneys at Bell & Pollock discuss seatbelt law on their radio show. To speak with an attorney, please call 303-795-5900.
How To Pronounce Denver's
How To Pronounce Denver This 2006 BMW X5 is available from Royal Automotive, LLC. For details, call us at 303-282-1144
Saturday night cruise, where all the action is!
Les Shapiro and Woody Paige discuss if the Denver Broncos are still the best team in the AFC West after the offseason moves made so far, on The Sports Show on March 18, 2015.
2012 Chevrolet Malibu LT w/2LT For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at (719) 387-8456 Al Serra Chevrolet South 230 N. Academy Blvd Colorado Springs CO 80909 At Al Serra we believe in 2 things: 1. No Worries - vehicles are safety checked, warrantied, and if you are not satisfied, bring it back. And 2. Al Serra for Less - every day we shop thousands of vehicles online to make sure our prices are the lowest around. You may contact us by ALSERRACHEVROLETSOUTH.COM or 719 387-4341. With leading credentials, the Malibu is a must-see-midsizer. This Malibu is nicely equipped with features such as Ebony w/Leather-Appointed Seat Trim. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 2012 Top Safety Pick. Noise mitigation leaves unwanted sound behind. This Malibu also comes with the FULL Al Serra 60-Day Unlimited Mileage Warranty. We will review the technician s vehicle inspection report with you before purchase. Our intention is to provide you a completely transparent buying experiance. At Al Serra our used vehicles are Safety Checked, Warrantied, CarFax, and if you don t like it Bring it back! For more information or vehicles like it, stop by Al Serra South today. We are just south of the Citadel Mall on the corner of Academy and Bijou.
New vehicle - Pre-owned vehicle - Our new and used car dealer selection, service and savings are just a few of the reasons people travel to Tynan's VW Aurora from Denver, Littleton, Westminster and all over Colorado. 2015 Volkswagen Golf TSI SE For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at 303-343-8180 Tynan's Volkswagen 700 S Havana Street Aurora CO 80012 The 2015 Volkswagen Golf TSI SE is powered by a 1.8-liter turbocharged, direct-injected inline-4 that makes 170 horsepower and 200 pound-feet of torque.Golf SE is available as a A 4-door body style and is equipped with the automatic transmission.Additional standard features include:Rear logo-integrated hatch handlePower tilting/sliding panoramic sunroofRain-sensing variable intermittent windshield wipersHalogen reflector lens foglights with low-speed corner-illuminating feature17 Madrid alloy wheelsRear view CameraMedia Device Interface (MDI) with iPod cableVolkswagen Car-Net connected car featuresFender Premium Audio System with 8 speakers plus subwooferTouchscreen sound system with 5.8 color display with HD Radio, and MP3- and WMA-compatible CD playerV-Tex leatherette seating surfacesHeated front seats Hadley Ott, Realtor (720) 253-9495 direct/text Discover Realty Group, powered by Hothem & Associates Denver Metro Market Trend Update Report | March 2015 Today I've shared some current market metrics and insight for the competitive market we are currently in. This is relevant information for Buyers and Sellers. I plan to make this a monthly market update so stay tuned for results on how things shift over the coming months. Denver Metro Market Trend Update Report | March 2015 Call or email me for more information (720) 253-9495 or
DENVER - Ballots for the city of Denver's May election have a date error on the envelope ... Denver .
Big News Network 2015-04-16DENVER – More than two people have come ... Denver district attorney spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough said .
Big News Network 2015-04-16... appointed Denver County Court judge. Long-time Denver County District Attorney Kerri Lombardi has .
Big News Network 2015-04-16(RJ Sangosti, Denver Post file) Denver Parks and Recreation is looking at adding six .
Big News Network 2015-04-16DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--H5 Data Centers, a national colocation and wholesale data center provider, ...
Business Wire 2015-04-16Robert Garside plays his guitar on the 16th Street Mall in Denver on Feb ... The commission created Denver's Road Home.
Denver Post 2015-04-16More than two people have come forward with allegations that security agents at Denver International Airport groped them.
Sun Sentinel 2015-04-16The Denver Elections Division fielded calls Wednesday from voters confused about a ballot envelope ...
Denver Post 2015-04-16Denver Weather ... Forecasters expect temperatures in Denver to top out at 43 degrees on Thursday and hit a low of 34 degrees.
Denver Post 2015-04-16(Kathryn Scott Osler, The Denver Post) ... Denver police: ... Two guns seized, 3 boys arrested at Denver middle school; no injuries.
Denver Post 2015-04-16Denver Public Health officials investigating a tuberculosis case at Metropolitan State University of ...
Big News Network 2015-04-16Taking the nonstop from Denver International Airport to .
Big News Network 2015-04-16Two Denver-area apartment complexes have sold for a combined $77.5 ... Denver's Highlands neighborhood.
Big News Network 2015-04-16Denver ( /ˈdɛnvər/) (Arapaho: Niinéniiniicíihéhe' ) is the largest city and the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado. As Denver County, it is the second most populous county in Colorado after El Paso County, which surpassed Denver County as of the 2010 Census. Denver is a consolidated city-county, located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. The Denver downtown district is located immediately east of the confluence of Cherry Creek with the South Platte River, approximately 12 miles (19 km) east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Denver is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile (1.6 km) or 5,280 feet (1,609.344 m) above sea level, which is defined by the elevation of the spot of a benchmark on the steps of the State Capital building. The elevation of the entire city ranges from 5,130 to 5,680 feet. The 105th meridian west of Greenwich passes through Union Station and is the temporal reference for the Mountain Time Zone.
The bright lights of Denver are shinin' like diamonds.
Like ten thousand jewels in the sky.
An' it's nobody's business where you're goin' or where you come from.
An' you're judged by the look in your eye.
She saw him, that evenin' in a tavern in town.
In a quiet little out of the way place.
An' they smiled at each other as he walked through the door.
An' they danced with their smiles on their faces.
(Come on big mule!)
I was drivin' a rig out o' Texas
All loaded an' bound for Cheyenne
Takin' my pleasures so freely
Just a good lovin' ramblin' man
I had a way with the ladies
Sweet Daddy was my middle name
Till I got to a place they called Denver
An' I ain't never been quite the same
I've been to Saint Louis an' Abilene
I've rambled through many a town
But I got me a woman in Denver, Lord
That's where I'm settlin' down
Well, I kissed her an' swore that I loved her
I told her some day she'd be mine
Then I laughed all the way back to Texas
Hah-hah, to think she'd believe that ol' line
Well, I got to pining for Denver
It's funny how things come to be
As I slipped the ring on her finger
Well, I knew that the laugh was on me
I've been to Saint Louis an' Abilene
I've rambled through many a town
But I got me a woman in Denver, Lord
That's where I'm settlin' down
Now all you young fellas take warning
You single men, run for your life
Be careful an' stay out o' Denver
Or else you'll wind up with a wife
You'll walk down the street unsuspectin'
An' you won't believe what you see
'Cause the prettiest girls live in Denver
Lord, you'll wind up happy, like me
I've been to Saint Louis an' Abilene
I've rambled through many a town
But I got me a woman in Denver, Lord
That's where I'm settlin' down
Got me a woman in Denver, Lord
I was never good at what I do
I'm not the one whose hurting you
I was always pushing the pram
So you could kiss the crosswalk man
Didn't mean to hurt anone at all
Didn't want to do anything at all
All, all.....
Didn't mean to hurt anone at all
Didn't want to do anything at all
All, all..... to, all, all....
Just slip and fall and get away
Never listen to what I say
We are so different, you're so blind
We pulled into Denver
As the sun was lightin' up the Rockies
Checked into a cheap hotel & fell asleep
Holdin' each other close
We just knew in our hearts
This had to be a new beginning
Well I guess it goes to show you
Just how li'l some people know
The first year in Denver
We were as happy as we could be
The good times I remember
We loved & heard, heard lovin' free
But then she dropped me in Denver
So I know I had at least a mile to fall
Is there life after Denver?
Is there life after Colorado at all?
I crawled out of Denver
Moved a little higher in the rockies
Decided I would try my hand pickin' up
The pieces that she left
Lord, it didn't take long to realize
That higher ain't always better
& it's awful cold & lonely
When you're king of the mountain all by yourself
Lord, is there life after Denver?
We pulled into Denver, as the sun was lightin' up the Rockies
Checked into a cheap hotel and fell asleep, holdin' each other close
We just knew in our hearts this had to be a new beginning
Well, I guess it goes to show you just how li'l some people know
The first year in Denver, we were as happy as we could be
The good times I remember, we loved and heard, and heard lovin' free
But then she dropped me in Denver, so I know I had at least a mile to fall
Is there life after Denver? Is there life after Colorado at all?
I crawled out of Denver, moved a little higher in the Rockies
Decided I would try my hand, pickin' up the pieces that she left
And Lord, it didn't take long to realize that higher ain't always better
And it's awful cold and lonely when you're king of the mountain
All by yourself
The first year in Denver, we were as happy as we could be
The good times I remember, we loved and heard and heard lovin' free
But then she dropped me in Denver, so I know I had at least a mile to fall
Is there life after Denver? Is there life after Colorado at all?
You went up to Denver
To pursue your life and dreams
left me behind to count up the days
why should I be thinking of you
I was cursed to adore you
In my mind it's a load to bear
When deep inside I loathe to care
I am not going to sit here
and write to you
I will pursue my life and dreams right here