
Archives: April 2015

Don’t Be Fooled by Saudi’s Reshuffle

Don’t Be Fooled by Saudi’s Reshuffle

By Adam Coogle | (Human Rights Watch) | - King Salman’s promotion of his nephew Mohammed bin Nayef to the position of crown prince and heir apparent marks a change of direction…
The Moment the Nepal earthquake hit

The Moment the Nepal earthquake hit

BBC News | - "Video shows the moment earthquake hit Nepal... a powerful earthquake that struck Nepal, wrecking many historic buildings. The quake measured 7.9 and struck an area between the capital…
BP Defends Tar Balls still washing up in Gulf

BP Defends Tar Balls still washing up in Gulf

ThinkProgress | - Confronted with BP tar balls still washing up on Gulf shores, a spokesman denies the toxic chemicals are harmful, sidestepping the damage to pristine beaches. Scientists do not agree…
Is Iranian power on the rise?

Is Iranian power on the rise?

By Brian M. Downing | (Informed Comment) - As the Iranian nuclear talks neared preliminary agreement, and as the Houthis drove into southern Yemen, world leaders and commentators warned that Iran is…
China’s Big Clean-Up:  Asia’s Hope

China’s Big Clean-Up: Asia’s Hope

By Mark L. Clifford | (Author of The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia's Environmental Emergency) - Asia sometimes feels like one big environmental emergency. Breathing Beijing's air on…
Israeli Supreme Court Upholds ‘Anti-Boycott Law’

Israeli Supreme Court Upholds ‘Anti-Boycott Law’

By Sarah Saadoun | (Human Rights Watch) - On Wednesday, Israel’s Supreme Court upheld key provisions of the country’s “anti-boycott law,” which makes it a civil offense for people or groups to advocate…
The Coming Water Wars

The Coming Water Wars

Jo Ankier and John Fenoglio | (TheLipTV) | - "Around 60% more food will be needed to feed the world's growing population by 2050 and with the demand for water set to…
Australia’s new Super Solar Cells Double Efficiency

Australia’s new Super Solar Cells Double Efficiency

Graham Philips | (ABCTVCatalyst) | - "Australian scientists from the University of New South Wales have set a new world record for the efficiency of commercially-viable solar cells. Dr Graham Phillips investigates…
Child Labor On Israeli Farms Exposed

Child Labor On Israeli Farms Exposed

AJ+ | - Human Rights Watch has exposed Palestinian child labor on farms in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Children – many of whom drop out of school to…
How Iran won Bush’s Iraq War

How Iran won Bush’s Iraq War

By Peter Van Buren | ( The U.S. is running around in circles in the Middle East, patching together coalitions here, acquiring strange bedfellows there, and in location after location trying…
Israeli Forces Target Journalists in West Bank

Israeli Forces Target Journalists in West Bank

By Mel Frykberg | - KAFR QADDOUM, West Bank (IPS) - It is becoming increasingly risky to cover clashes and protests between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters in the West Bank…
Does Rand Paul have Anger Issues?

Does Rand Paul have Anger Issues?

Wochit News | - "Straight out of the gate, Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul has confirmed his tendency to become prickly and frustrated with the press. In an interview with NBC's Savannah…
Yemen War threatens Humanitarian Catastrophe

Yemen War threatens Humanitarian Catastrophe

By Sophia Dingli | (The Conversation) - Yemen’s humanitarian crisis is by all accounts getting worse by the day, and the city of Aden has become a major flashpoint. Aden is caught…
Aasif Mandvi Wants You To Laugh At Islamophobia

Aasif Mandvi Wants You To Laugh At Islamophobia

AJ+ | - "The Daily Show's Aasif Mandvi is tackling American Muslim stereotypes with his greatest weapon: comedy. On April 9, the comedian debuted his four-episode web sitcom Halal in the Family…
Top Ten Ways Islamic Law forbids Terrorism

Top Ten Ways Islamic Law forbids Terrorism

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, has been convicted on all counts in the Boston Marathon bombings. Dzhokhar and his brother Tamerlan were from a mixed Chechen and…
Can Police Who Kill be held Accountable?

Can Police Who Kill be held Accountable?

By Alba Morales | ( Human Rights Watch) The murder charge against Michael Slager, the South Carolina police officer who fatally shot 50-year-old Walter Scott in the back on April 4, is…
President Rand Paul’s Middle East Policy

President Rand Paul’s Middle East Policy

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) - Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) declared his candidacy today to be the Republican standard bearer in the 2016 election. So what would a Rand Paul presidency…
4 Key Players In Yemen’s Chaos

4 Key Players In Yemen’s Chaos

AJ+ | - "Yemen’s being torn apart in a struggle for power. The stakes are high, with many different groups involved in the current chaos. We’ve narrowed down the key players you…
How are Iranians reacting to Nuclear Deal?

How are Iranians reacting to Nuclear Deal?

By Golnaz Esfandiari and Farangis Najibullah | (RFE/RL) - Iranian supporters of the framework nuclear deal announced on April 2 describe it as a historic achievement that will offer a better future…
How will Kenya respond to Al-Shabab Terror?

How will Kenya respond to Al-Shabab Terror?

NTV | - "Terror On Campus Interview with MP for Bala Mbala, Abdikadir Aden & Deputy Secretary General of the Kenya Red Cross, James Kisia discuss the Garissa Attack with Smriti Vidyarthi."…
Boycotting Indiana over anti-Gay Religious Discrimination

Boycotting Indiana over anti-Gay Religious Discrimination

Cenk Uygur | (The Young Turks) - "Cenk Uygur ( and John Iadaola ( host of The Young Turks discusses the backlash and boycotts from other states against Indiana over its Religious…
Israel’s Hidden Palestinians fight Eviction

Israel’s Hidden Palestinians fight Eviction

AJ+ - "100,000 Palestinian Bedouins living in villages in Israel's Negev desert are being threatened with eviction. Their communities are not recognised by the State of Israel, and so they have no…
Afghanistan’s China Card

Afghanistan’s China Card

By Dilip Hiro | ( - Call it an irony, if you will, but as the Obama administration struggles to slow down or halt its scheduled withdrawal from Afghanistan, newly elected Afghan President Ashraf…