
Archives: March 2013

Iraq: A country whose Future was Stolen (Jamail)

Iraq: A country whose Future was Stolen (Jamail)

Dahr Jamail writes at Back then, everybody was writing about Iraq, but it’s surprising how few Americans, including reporters, paid much attention to the suffering of Iraqis.  Today, Iraq is in…

Qaddafi’s Arms Flooding Middle East from Libya

The UN is concerned that unsecured weapons stockpiles from the depots of the late dictator Muammar Qaddafi are flooding into Africa and the Middle East from southern Libya, where the new, elected…
Obama slights Palestinians, who stage Tent Protests

Obama slights Palestinians, who stage Tent Protests

Aljazeera English reports on Obama's opening remarks on arrival in Israel, and how he called Palestine the historic homeland of the Jews but neglected to mention the Palestinians. Non-Jewish Palestinians have lived…
Our Coal addiction is Killing Us

Our Coal addiction is Killing Us

Documentary on what the 600 coal plants in the US are doing to our health and well-being. The government should announce a crash program to close them all by 2023 and replace…
What we Did to Iraq

What we Did to Iraq

Sunni radicals hit Baghdad Tuesday morning on the anniversary of the beginning of the US war on Iraq, killing over 50 people in attacks on soft targets (shopkeepers, pedestrians) in Shiite areas…
Remembering Rachel Corrie, 10 Years Later

Remembering Rachel Corrie, 10 Years Later

Rachel Corrie's parents speak out on the tenth anniversary of her killing by the Israeli operator of a military bulldozer, who ran over her as he approached a Palestinian home he intended…

What the US invasion felt like to Iraqis (Kukis)

Journalist Mark Kukis (Time magazine correspondent in Iraq 2006-2009) writes in a guest piece for Informed Comment Iraqis have a phrase they use to describe the U.S. invasion and early occupation. They…
Overcoming Woman-Hatred in Afghanistan: 3 Stories

Overcoming Woman-Hatred in Afghanistan: 3 Stories

In honor of International Women's Day, here is a short documentary on women in Afghanistan, focusing on three women who have achieved something in recent years, after Taliban rule was overthrown. The…

Venezuela and the Middle East after Chavez

The foreign policy of late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez imagined that socialism and anti-imperialism are the same thing, and that he could lead a new sort of socialist international. (He also seems…