
Archives: October 2012

Bahrain King forbids Protest Rallies

Bahrain King forbids Protest Rallies

The Kingdom of Bahrain has banned all public demonstrations and rallies, in a strike against the Shiite Wifaq Party, led by cleric Ali Salman. The king of Bahrain and most of his…

Egypt President condemns Israeli Air Raids on Gaza

Aljazeera Arabic is reporting on a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi on Wednesday evening Cairo time, in which the Muslim Brotherhood figure condemned Israeli attacks by fighter jet on the Gaza…
The Most Bloated Election in History (Engelhardt)

The Most Bloated Election in History (Engelhardt)

Tom Engelhardt writes at Democratic Mockpocalypse Obesity is an American plague -- and no, I’m not talking about overweight Americans.  I’m talking about our overweight, supersized presidential campaign.  I’m talking about…
Romney’s Major Flip-Flops in the Third Debate

Romney’s Major Flip-Flops in the Third Debate

Gov. Mitt Romney continued his amazing chameleon act in the third presidential debate, apparently reversing several of his earlier talking points on foreign policy in the game's ninth inning. On Israel-Palestine Romney…

Top Ten Republican Myths about Obama and Iran

1. It is alleged that Obama's willingness to negotiate with the Tehran regime encouraged the Ayatollahs to be even more obstreperous. In fact, the regime was split by the offer to talk,…
Masdar – The First Green City (Video)

Masdar – The First Green City (Video)

A tour of Masdar, in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates -- the world's first city powered entirely by green energy. Video by Robert Llewellyn, "Fully Charged." Here is the video:

Colbert on Romney (Meet the Press, Video)

Comedian Stephen Colbert appeared on "Meet the Press" on Sunday to assess GOP standard bearer Mitt Romney: "A shambling mound of weakness" until the debate; "I didn't know what I was going…

On Libya, Biden Let Ryan Get Away with Murder (Smith)

Fact-Check: Is Obama’s Foreign Policy “Unraveling”? by Christopher C. Smith In Thursday night’s vice-presidential debate, Paul Ryan claimed that the recent terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya represented the…

Romney and the Syrian Dilemma

On Monday, Mitt Romney made clear his intention to intervene in Syria should he become president. As usual, how exactly he would do that remained vague. In the meantime, events in Syria…

Romney’s Five Wars

Mitt Romney's speech at VMI on foreign policy has been widely condemned as vague and lacking in substance, sort of like the man who gave it. But the speech is also full…

Omar Khayyam (336)

I know the outside  of being and nothingness, and I know the inside  of the high and the low. Even so, I should be ashamed  of all my knowledge if I knew…
Extreme Oil: Costly, Dirty and Dangerous (Klare)

Extreme Oil: Costly, Dirty and Dangerous (Klare)

Michael T. Klare writes at The New “Golden Age of Oil” That Wasn’t Forecasts of Abundance Collide with Planetary Realities By Michael T. Klare Last winter, fossil-fuel enthusiasts began trumpeting the…

Omar Khayyam (2) “Who brought you here?”

Tonight, who  brought you, drunk, here to me? From behind the curtain,  who brought you here?-- to someone who was on fire because of your absence-- someone who, like the wind, sought…
Poll:  Obama better Represents America!

Poll: Obama better Represents America!

We can pronounce the long GOP campaign to frame Barack Obama as somehow 'foreign' as complete failure. In a new Reuters/Ipsons Reuters/Ipsos poll of 1,600 likely voters, Americans saw Obama as 'better…

Did Bashar al-Assad Betray Qaddafi?

The polemicists of the fringe left and the far right who depict the Baathist regime in Syria as a beleagured victim of Western plotting may have to retool their noise machines. It…