
Archives: April 2009

Pakistan Crisis and Social Statistics

Readers have written me asking what I think of the rash of almost apocalyptic pronouncements on the security situation in Pakistan issuing from the New York Times, The Telegraph, and Secretary of…

Maliki Government Resists Deal with Baathists

The NYT reports that behind the scenes the US has been pressuring Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to find a way to reconcile with former Baathist elements, but that he has refused. Actually…

Pelosi was Briefed on Harman’s Wire Tap

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says she was briefed several years ago that Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) had shown up in a wiretap. Pelosi denies that she was pressured by Israeli-American…

Harman Scandal: All about War on Iran

Jeff Stein of reported on Sunday evening that the National Security Agency had picked up a telephone conversation by Representative Jane Harman (D-CA) with a suspected spy for Israel. It is…

Cunningham: "The Forgotten Meaning of Tiananmen"

Philip J Cunningham writes in a guest op-ed for IC:“Tiananmen” is a taboo topic in China. But even in places where it is remembered and commemorated, the Beijing student movement of 1989…

Saberi Case Roils US-Iran Relations, Iranian Politics

Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, just convicted of espionage and sentenced to 8 years in prison, should be afforded every opportunity for a thorough legal defense in her appeal, according to Iranian President…
Levy Review of Engaging the Muslim World

Levy Review of Engaging the Muslim World

The review by Daniel Levy of the New America Foundation of my new book, Engaging the Muslim World in The American Prospect is now available in full online (click here).Here is one…

Do You want more Gas?

First the Israeli government built a separation wall right through a Palestinian village, Bilin, on the West Bank inside the Palestine Authority (i.e. beyond the Israeli border).Then young people assembled regularly to…

Cole Interview at Progressive Book Club

The Progressive Book Club's interview with me about my new book, Engaging the Muslim World, as been posted.Note that if you join the Progressive Book Club, you can get my book for…
Cole & Charlie Rose

Cole & Charlie Rose

Click here for Charlie Rose's interview with me about my new book, Engaging the Muslim World.Rose's is among the best interview shows on television, and don't miss his conversation with my co-guest,…

Cole in Salon: "The Great Right-Wing Freak-Out"

My, "The Great Right-Wing Freak-Out" has been posted, with the subtitle: "Symptoms of the conservative crack-up were on full display after President Obama's trip abroad. Bill Kristol, take a bow."Excerpt:' President…

Take a Deep Breath on Pakistan

I don't know David Kilcullen. But the things he is alleged to have told Paul McGeogh of the Sydney Morning Herald about Pakistan are just bizarre. I don't know what is intended…

Pakistan: US Drones have killed 687 Innocents

Pakistani authorities investigating the aftermath of US bombing raids in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan have come to the conclusion that they cause more harm than good:' Of the 60…

Truck Bomber Kills 5 US Troops in Mosul;

McClatchy reports that a suicide truck bomber hit a police barricade in the northern city of Mosul on Friday, detonating 200 pounds of explosives just as a US convoy was going by.…

US to Join UNSC Talks with Iran on Nuclear Program

The US will join Germany and United Nations Security Council partners in face to face negotiations with Iran on its nuclear enrichment program. The Bush administration generally stayed away from the talks,…

Obama in Iraq Again Pledges Troop Withdrawal

President Barack Obama made an unscheduled stop in Baghdad on Tuesday, meeting with US troops and also with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.Obama told US troops there,' this is going to be a…

Turkey Blocks Rasmussen at NATO

The NATO summit is off to a shaky start. It was supposed to elect a new leader, and the Obama administration backed Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen for the role. Rasmussen…

Sadr Movement Said to be Splintering

Al-Hayat reports in Arabic that the Sadr Movement led by Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr is facing the possibility of internal factionalism, among imprisoned members and among those under Iranian influence.Muqtada al-Sadr had created…

Fitzgerald & Gould: Afghanistan, a New Beginning

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould write in a guest op-ed for IC: “Rebuilding Afghanistan is the most cynically pro-American thing you could do anywhere in the world in terms of making it…

US Drone Kills 10; Mahsud Threatens DC;

A US predator drone strike on a Pakistani village in Orakzai killed 10 persons on Wednesday morning. The US maintains that it struck at a Taliban compound. The leader of the Pakistan…