1 May 2015

American Psychological Association played critical role in CIA torture program

By David Walsh, 1 May 2015

A report by health professionals and human rights activists exposes the collusion between the APA and the Bush White House in the torture and abuse of detainees.

CIA torture: American democracy in shambles

Protests continue as Baltimore police conclude investigation into death of Freddie Gray

By Tom Eley, 1 May 2015

Details of the internal police investigation, including previously unseen video footage, are being kept from the public.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio defends mass arrests of demonstrators

By Evan Blake, 1 May 2015

Thousands protest police violence nationwide

The social eruption in Baltimore, Maryland

Notes on police violence in America
Victoria, Texas police kill 25-year-old father with PTSD outside his home

By Zaida Green, 1 May 2015

At least 388 people have been killed by the police in the United States since the beginning of the year.

Hundreds protest shooting of Detroit man by federal officer

More on police violence in America »

Military police attack Brazilian teachers, leaving over 200 injured

By Bill Van Auken, 1 May 2015

Striking teachers faced continuous police attacks since setting up a tent camp outside the state legislative building in the southern city of Curitiba on Monday.

Brazil’s government vows “huge cuts” as economic crisis intensifies

Bernie Sanders to seek Democratic presidential nomination

By Patrick Martin, 1 May 2015

The senator from Vermont, despite his populist rhetoric, is neither a socialist nor an independent, but a liberal apologist for an increasingly right-wing Democratic Party.

US presidential election season begins

US appeals court grants immunity to border patrol agent who killed Mexican teenager

By Marc Wells, 1 May 2015

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously granted “qualified immunity” to a US border patrol agent who shot an unarmed 15-year-old boy in the face near the Mexican border.

Obama’s “reform” and the criminalization of immigrants

Department of Justice sues Detroit-based Quicken Loans for mortgage fraud

By Kathleen Martin, 1 May 2015

The suit alleges that the firm, owned by billionaire Dan Gilbert, encouraged employees to underwrite loans they knew would go into default.

Former IG Metall union leader heads Volkswagen supervisory board

By Verena Nees and Dietmar Henning, 1 May 2015

As chairman of IG Metall, Berthold Huber turned the trade union into a profitable enterprise that serves major corporations as a consultant and specialist in corporate restructuring.

Sri Lankan parliament passes amendment to restrict presidential powers

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 1 May 2015

The constitutional amendment is designed to hoodwink workers by providing a democratic façade for repressive measures being prepared to ram through the IMF’s austerity demands.

New in Turkish

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (Sri Lanka) birinci ulusal kongresini düzenledi

Muhabirlerimizden, 30 Nisan 2015

Sri Lanka’daki Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (SEP), birinci ulusal kongresini, 27-30 Mart tarihleri arasında Colombo’da düzenledi.

New in French

Les manifestations bravent l'état de siège à Baltimore

Par Jerry White, 1 mai 2015

Alors même que des milliers de soldats et de policiers occupent Baltimore, les manifestations contre la violence policière se développent dans la ville et à travers les USA.

Syriza lance la proposition d'un référendum pour imposer l'austérité en Grèce

Par Kumaran Ira, 1 mai 2015

Syriza tente de donner un faux vernis de légitimité démocratique aux politiques d'austérité de l'UE qui ont été massivement rejetées par le peuple grec.

Les syndicats du Québec font semblant de lutter contre l’austérité
Les travailleurs ont besoin d’une perspective socialiste

Par Richard Dufour, 1 mai 2015

De manière prévisible, la promesse syndicale d’une mobilisation de masse contre «l’austérité» le 1er mai s’est avérée un mensonge, soulignant une fois de plus que ces organisations nationalistes et pro-capitalistes forment l’obstacle le plus important à une contre-offensive ouvrière.

Des écrivains s'opposent à ce qu’un prix pour la liberté d'expression soit décerné à Charlie Hebdo

Par Tom Eley, 1 mai 2015

Six écrivains et romanciers américains se sont retirés du gala annuel du PEN American Center pour protester contre la décision de cette organisation de remettre le prix «Courage de la liberté d'expression» à Charlie Hebdo.

New in German

Lehren aus der Kapitulation Syrizas

Von Christoph Dreier, 1. Mai 2015

Im Kampf gegen soziale Angriffe sind Arbeiter nicht nur mit der Finanzelite und den EU-Institutionen konfrontiert, sondern auch mit ihren „linken“ Verteidigern wie Syriza.

Japans Premier punktet mit militaristischer Rede im US-Kongress

Von Peter Symonds, 1. Mai 2015

Abes Rede im amerikanischen Kongress war darauf ausgerichtet, die amerikanisch-japanische Militärzusammenarbeit in Asien gegen China zu stärken.

Europäische Union verstärkt Flüchtlingsabwehr

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 1. Mai 2015

Nach einem Sondergipfel am 23. April setzt die EU ihren Zehn-Punkte-Plan zur Flüchtlingsabwehr zielstrebig in die Tat um.

Britische Parlamentswahl:
Die Green Party bietet keine Alternative zu Austerität und Kriegsgefahr

Von Chris Marsden, 1. Mai 2015

Die Grünen werden im britischen Wahlkampf als linke Alternative zu Labour dargestellt. Sie verteidigen aber die bestehende Gesellschaftsordnung, die auf Ausbeutung, Militarismus und Gewalt beruht.

New in Persian

نه به جنگ امپریالیستی!
به گردهمایی آنلاین روز جهانی کارگر بپیوندید!

روز یکشنبه، سوم ماه مه (13 اردیبهشت) کمیتۀ بین المللی انترناسیونال چهارم گردهمایی جهانی آنلاین خود را به مناسبت اول ماه مه، روز تاریخی همبستگی بین المللی طبقۀ کارگر برگزار خواهد کرد.

Other Languages


Capitalism, the working class and the fight against police violence

1 May 2015

The military-police mobilization in Baltimore, Maryland has laid bare the class divide in America and the bankruptcy of the entire political system.

Earlier Perspectives »

International May Day 2015

The new global arms race

By Thomas Gaist, 1 May 2015

Spurred on by the global war drive of US imperialism, governments around the world are purchasing armaments and militarizing large areas of the globe at a terrifying speed.

Students and young workers in Australia register for international May Day event

By our reporters, 1 May 2015

Those planning to attend the rally spoke of their deep concern about the dangers of war as well as the necessity of a struggle by the international working class against it.

SEP campaigns in Sri Lanka, India for International May Day Online Rally

By our correspondents, 1 May 2015

SEP campaigners have found considerable interest and support when talking to workers, young people and students.

Mehring Books launches May Day sale

1 May 2015

Mehring Books is launching a two-week sale in honor of May Day, with almost all titles marked down between 10 and 50 percent.

Campaign for 2015 International May Day Online Rally
German workers, students express opposition to war

By our correspondents, 30 April 2015


Worldwide support for 2015 International May Day Online Rally

By our reporters, 29 April 2015

No to imperialist war! Join the 2015 International May Day Online Rally!

By the International Committee of the Fourth International, 13 April 2015

More on International May Day 2015 »


The lessons of the capitulation of Syriza

By Christoph Dreier, 1 May 2015

Three months after taking power, Syriza has become the key instrument for continuing the implementation of social cuts.

Syriza floats proposal for referendum to impose EU austerity in Greece

More on the crisis in Greece »

US Congress applauds Japan’s militarist prime minister

By Peter Symonds, 30 April 2015

US economy stalled in first quarter

By Andre Damon, 30 April 2015

Major shake-up in Saudi monarchy

By Patrick Martin, 30 April 2015

Britain’s super-rich have doubled their wealth since 2009

By Robert Stevens, 30 April 2015

Documents confirm fascists murdered Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca

By Alejandro López, 30 April 2015

The New York Times deploys to Nepal

Socialist Equality Party (UK) Election Campaign

Class issues behind Sun columnist Katie Hopkins’ attacks on migrants

By David O’Sullivan, 1 May 2015

The Hopkins episode demonstrates that the most right-wing forces are being deliberately mobilised, to be used against the working class and the mass opposition that will develop against even deeper austerity.

SEP’s David O’Sullivan addresses UK general election meeting on role of unions

By Jean Shaoul, 30 April 2015

SEP candidate Katie Rhodes addresses Glasgow Central Mosque hustings

Tommy Sheridan’s “Hope over Fear”: Cheerleaders for the Scottish National Party

UK general election reveals crisis of capitalist rule

Miliband lays out Labour’s militarist foreign policy for Britain

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2015 General Election manifesto: No to war and austerity! Fight for socialism!

More on the SEP (UK) election campaign »


For freedom of speech at Humboldt University

By the Socialist Equality Party (Germany) and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 29 April 2015

Socialism and historical truth
A lecture delivered at the Leipzig Book Fair

Scholarship, not war propaganda!
The IYSSE’s campaign against war and historical falsification at Humboldt University

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

1 May 2015

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.


Forty years since the fall of Saigon

By Bill Van Auken, 30 April 2015

Socialist Equality Party

The political struggle against war and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
Perspective resolution of the First National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

30 April 2015

Arts Review

Woman in Gold: The battle to recover art stolen by the Nazis

By David Walsh, 29 April 2015

An appraisal of German writer Günter Grass: 1927-2015

“Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit,” at the Detroit Institute of Arts
In defense of Diego Rivera’s Detroit Industry frescoes

SEP Australia

Australia’s Anzac celebrations and the fight against war

By Nick Beams, 28 April 2015

More details emerge over sacking of Australian journalist for challenging Anzac myth

By Mike Head, 29 April 2015

Australian broadcaster sacks journalist for criticising Anzac Day
Defend Scott McIntyre! Defend freedom of speech!

Workers and youth defy Anzac Day propaganda to attend SEP anti-war meetings

The role of Australian schools in World War I
Soldier Boys: The Militarisation of Australian and New Zealand Schools for World War I

The political censorship of the SEP (Australia) and the fight against war

Humboldt University IYSSE denounces Australian university’s anti-war meeting ban

More on the banning of SEP (Australia) anti-war meetings »


Twenty-five years of the Hubble Space Telescope

By Bryan Dyne, 24 April 2015

25 years ago: South Korean workers battle police

Hundreds of thousands of workers and students clashed with police in cities throughout South Korea in May Day protests called to denounce violent attacks on strikers.

More »

50 years ago: US invades Dominican Republic

On April 28, 1965, over 500 US Marines were airlifted to the Dominican Republic in an act of imperialist aggression aimed at reinstating a pro-American dictatorship.

More »

75 years ago: Himmler orders construction of Auschwitz

On April 27, 1940, SS head Heinrich Himmler ordered the creation of a prison concentration camp near the Polish village of Oswiecim.

More »


100 years ago: Italy breaks alliance with Germany, Austria-Hungary

On May 3, 1915, Italy officially revoked the Triple Alliance, a military pact with Austria-Hungary and Germany.

More »