As the 2015 general election approaches, the Anarchist Federation explains the anarchist alternative to voting for social change.

Contemporary illustration of the Haymarket bomb

The history of the world holiday on the 1st May - May Day, or International Workers Day, held in commemoration of four anarchists executed for struggling for an 8-hour day.

At a time when struggles are being waged to remove colonial and apartheid era statues, like those of the imperialist Rhodes, in South Africa; and xenophobic attacks have been happening in the...

A response to ‘A cruel society is being built. Voting Labour begins the fightback’ by Owen Jones.


Two accounts by human lab rats who undertook successful strike action for better pay.


Fourieran Phalanstery - by Daubigny

Charles Fourier was an early utopian socialist who influenced many later theorists including Marx & Engels and the Situationists. His imaginative - and often amusing - visions of future...