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Ann & Jeff VanderMeer's Sisters of the Revolution— Out Now!

Sisters of the Revolution gathers a highly curated selection of feminist speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more) chosen by one of the most respected editorial teams in speculative literature today, the award-winning Ann and Jeff VanderMeer. Including stories from the 1970s to the present day, the collection seeks to expand the conversation about feminism while engaging the reader in a wealth of imaginative ideas.

Contributors include: Angela Carter, Angelica Gorodischer, Anne Richter, Carol Emshwiller, Eileen Gunn, Eleanor Arnason, Hiromi Goto, James Tiptree Jr., Joanna Russ, Karin Tidbeck, Kelley Eskridge, Kelly Barnhill, Kit Reed, L. Timmel Duchamp, Leena Krohn, Leonora Carrington, Nnedi Okorafor, Octavia Butler, Pamela Sargent, Rose Lemberg, Susan Palwick, Tanith Lee, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Vandana Singh.

Buy Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology

Gabriel Kuhn's Playing as if the World Mattered— Out Now!

The world of sports is often associated with commercialism, corruption, and reckless competition. Liberals have objected to sport being used for political propaganda, and leftists have decried its role in distracting the masses from the class struggle. Yet, since the beginning of organized sports, athletes, fans, and officials have tried to administer and play it in ways that strengthen, rather than hinder, progressive social change. From the workers' sports movement in the early twentieth century to the civil rights struggle transforming sports in the 1960s to the current global network of grassroots sports clubs, there has been a growing desire to include sports in the struggle for liberation and social justice. It is a struggle that has produced larger-than-life figures like Muhammad Ali and iconic images such as the Black Power salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Mexico Olympics. It is also a struggle that has seen sport fans in increasing number reclaiming the games they love from undemocratic associations, greedy owners, and corporate interests.

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Help Rebuild and Support Our Comrades at AK Press & 1984 Printing

From AK Press:
AK Press is currently cleaning up the wreckage from a major fire…In the early, morning of 3/21/15, the building behind ours caught fire and two people in that building died. Several units in our building burned but everyone got out safely. AK Press and our neighbors at 1984 Printing suffered extensive water and smoke damage.

A lot of people have been asking what is the best way to help us recover financially. We still aren't sure the exact amount of stock that is ruined, or how long our business will be disrupted while we work hard to get back on our feet. But we do know that we've lost a lot, and even in the best of times, we always need your support..."

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This is Not a Photo Opportunity in Library Journal

Photographer and curator Bull’s collection of Banksy’s works might be the closest thing to a retrospective on one street artist’s work. Since the medium is often completed in public spaces and occupies a precarious position on the spectrum of legality, it can be difficult to experience the full oeuvre of a particular artist. Enter Bull, who has led walking tours of Banksy’s pieces and has produced several DIY compilations of Banksy’s art previously. Bull has categorized his photographs of the artist’s pieces according to their themes—political messages, social commentary, or lighthearted visual gags. Whatever your take on street art, Bull provides a solid introduction to Banksy’s work. His curation of the pieces covers ground from 1996–2014, illustrating the evolution of the creator’s style, and gives ample fodder for readers to consider the question, “defacement or art?” ­

VERDICT Readers who have watched Exit Through the Gift Shop will discover this book provides additional perspectives on the work of the venerated artist. Students of graphic design will also find the composition of these pieces refreshing.

Buy This Is Not a Photo Opportunity

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