14 April 2015

US government targeted second American citizen for assassination

By Andre Damon, 14 April 2015

In a lead article posted Monday, the New York Times revealed the name of an American citizen who had been placed on the so-called “kill list” for drone assassination.

The Obama drone murder memo

Australian citizen on US drone “kill list”

By Peter Symonds, 14 April 2015

The complicity of the Australian political establishment underscores not only its support for Washington’s crimes but its contempt for democratic rights at home.

Egyptian junta condemns Muslim Brotherhood chief Mohamed Badie to death

By Alex Lantier, 14 April 2015

The trials of Muslim Brotherhood leaders aim to promote an atmosphere of political terror in Egypt, aimed in the final analysis at the working class.

Blood and capital

Tulsa, Oklahoma deputy who shot unarmed man charged with manslaughter

By Evan Blake, 14 April 2015

Charges were filed Monday against Robert Bates for the killing of Eric Harris, as the victim's family denounced the shooting and subsequent brutal actions of police.

Police murder in South Carolina

More on police violence in America »

Blackwater mercenaries sentenced for 2007 Iraq massacre

By Niles Williamson, 14 April 2015

Four former employees of private security contractor Blackwater were sentenced to lengthy prison terms on Monday for their role in the notorious Nisour Square slayings.

Blackwater, torture and US imperialism

US defense secretary promotes “pivot” in South Korea

By Ben McGrath, 14 April 2015

Carter made clear that Washington is intent on increasing its overall military presence in the country.

Congressional briefing paper highlights US/UK tensions

By Richard Tyler, 14 April 2015

A report prepared by the Congressional Research Service concludes, “The UK may not be viewed as centrally relevant to the United States in all of the issues... on the US agenda.”

French officials debunk NATO warnings of Russian invasion of Ukraine

By Stéphane Hugues, 14 April 2015

Like the Iraq war launched by the Bush administration in 2003, the NATO drive to rearm Europe and prepare for war against Russia is based on lies.

NATO rearmament increases risk of war in Europe

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

US deports Salvadoran war criminal Vides Casanova

By Rafael Azul, 14 April 2015

The former defense minister argued that he was only acting in accord with Washington’s policy in El Salvador.

Drownings in Rio Grande increase after US Border Patrol expansion

By Kevin Martinez, 14 April 2015

Drowning deaths along the US-Mexico border have spiked since last fall as the Border Patrol increased its surveillance.

Defend the rights of immigrant workers and youth!

New in Italian

Dietro lo sciopero del personale di volo dell’Alitalia

Di Marianne Arens, 14 aprile 2015

Il 20 marzo più di 2.000 dipendenti Alitalia, piloti e personale di cabina, hanno scioperato per otto ore.

New in Serbo-Croatian

Dvanaest godina nakon invazije na Irak
Bliski istok u raljama rata

Bill Van Auken, 14 April 2015

Otpočinjanjem vojne intervencije u Jemenu sa SAD podrškom, vojni konflikti su progutali gotovo kompletan Bliski istok. Ovakvo stanje stvari je bez presedana, sa mogućim izuzetkom dva svjetska rata u 20. vijeku.

New in Turkish

Syriza devlet baskısı ihtiyacını tartışıyor

Chris Marsden, 14 Nisan 2015

Başbakan Alexis Tsipras, Syriza hükümetinin “yasa ve düzen”i korumak için ne gerekiyorsa yapacağına ilişkin güvence verdi.

ABD Savunma Bakanı denizcilik ile ilgili anlaşmazlıklar konusunda Çin’i uyardı

Peter Symonds, 14 Nisan 2015

ABD Savunma Bakanı Ashton Carter, göreve atandıktan sonraki ilk Asya seyahatinde, Güney Çin ve Doğu Çin Denizleri’ndeki alevlenen bölgesel anlaşmazlıklar karşısında Çin’i uyardı.

Vietnamlı ayakkabı işçilerinin kitlesel grevi

Ben McGrath, 14 Nisan 2015

Vietnam, diğer ülkeler gibi, uluslararası mali çevrelerden gelen, sosyal programları rafa kaldırma ya da dizginleme baskısı altında.

Somalili militanlar Kenyalı üniversite öğrencilerini katletti

Thomas Gaist, 14 Nisan 2015

İslamcı köktendinci grup El Şebab ile ilişkili Somalili militanlar, Perşembe günü Kenya’nın Garissa Üniversitesi’ne yönelik bir saldırı sırasında en az 147 kişiyi öldürdü, 79 kişiyi yaraladı.

Obama İran anlaşmasını ABD’nin stratejik zaferi olarak selamladı

Keith Jones, 14 Nisan 2015

Pazarlık, planlandığı gibi, 30 Haziran’da kapsamlı bir nihai anlaşma ile sonuçlanırsa, hem Washington hem de Tahran için önemli bir stratejik kaymayı ifade edecek.

New in French

Non à la guerre impérialiste! Rejoignez le rassemblement international en ligne du 1er mai!

Par le Comité international de la Quatrième Internationale (CIQI), 14 avril 2015

A aucun moment depuis 1939 le danger d’une guerre mondiale n’a été aussi imminent ni la nécessité d'un mouvement de masse des travailleurs contre l’impérialisme aussi nécessaire.

Yémen: extension du massacre et échange de menaces entre pouvoirs régionaux

Par Thomas Gaist, 14 avril 2015

Un commandant saoudien a promis ce week-end que les forces militaires appuyées par les Etats-Unis et conduites par l'Arabie saoudite qui bombardent le Yémen allaient « bientôt passer à l'action sur le terrain. »

Déclenchement de la campagne présidentielle américaine: Une parodie de démocratie

Par Patrick Martin, 14 avril 2015

Clinton, autant que ses rivaux républicains, cherche le soutien des milliardaires de la finance qui détermineront le cours de la campagne de 2016.

New in German

Was bezweckt Syriza mit den Reparationsforderungen an Deutschland?

Ein Kommentar von Peter Schwarz, 14. April 2015

Reparationsforderungen sind kein taugliches Mittel im Kampf gegen Faschismus, Krieg und soziale Angriffe.

Zum Tod von Günter Grass

Von Peter Schwarz, 14. April 2015

Der Nobelpreisträger Günter Grass ist im Alter von 87 Jahren in Lübeck an den Folgen einer Infektion gestorben.

Manifest der Socialist Equality Party (Großbritannien) zur Unterhauswahl 2015: Nein zu Krieg und Austerität! Kämpft für Sozialismus!

Socialist Equality Party (GB), 14. April 2015

Im Folgenden veröffentlichen wir das Wahlmanifest der britischen Socialist Equality Party zur britischen Unterhauswahl am 7. Mai.

Treffen von Obama und Castro auf dem Panama-Gipfel

Von Patrick Martin, 14. April 2015

Die US-Regierung und das kubanische Regime sind dabei, die früheren Beziehungen zwischen dem amerikanischen Imperialismus und seiner ehemaligen Halbkolonie wieder herzustellen.

Oktoberfest-Attentat: Bundesregierung verweigert Auskunft über V-Leute

Von Dietmar Henning, 14. April 2015

Fast 35 Jahre nach dem rechtsterroristischen Anschlag lässt die Haltung der Bundesregierung nur einen Schluss zu: Es existiert ein Staat im Staat, der sich jeglicher Kontrolle entzieht.

Blutbad im Jemen eskaliert, Regionalmächte bedrohen einander

Von Thomas Gaist, 14. April 2015

Der Krieg im Jemen droht zunehmend sich zu einem noch größeren Konflikt auszuweiten.

New in Persian

نتی مارکسیسم یانیس واروفاکیس

نیک بیمز

مقالۀ اخیر یانیس واروفاکیس، وزیر مالیۀ حکومت یونان به رهبری حزب سیریزا، که به تازگی در روزنامۀ گاردین منتشر شده است، ضمن آن که تقابل او را با مارکس آشکار می کند، پرده از خصلت طبقاتی سیریزا و گرایش های شِبه چپی که نمایندگی می کند، برمی دارد.

Other Languages


Obama and Castro at the OAS summit

14 April 2015

The Cuban leader praised Obama for his “humility” and “honesty,” while exonerating him for all the crimes of US imperialism.

Earlier Perspectives »


“The world only discovered him a hero after he had fallen a martyr”
150 years since the assassination of Abraham Lincoln

By Tom Mackaman, 14 April 2015

In office, Lincoln guided the Civil War and transformed it from a struggle for the preservation of the Union into a revolutionary war for the abolition of slavery.

No to imperialist war! Join the 2015 International May Day Online Rally!

By The International Committee of the Fourth International, 13 April 2015

Socialist Equality Party

The election of Syriza in Greece: Marxism vs. the pseudo-left
A lecture series by David North (April 8 - 22)

Letters demand Australian council reverse censorship of SEP

14 April 2015

The letters condemn the Burwood Council’s cancellation of the SEP’s booking for a public meeting entitled “Anzac Day, the glorification of militarism and the drive to World War III.”

Australian workers and youth oppose Labor council’s ban on SEP anti-war meeting
“If they wanted to honour the dead, they would have stopped all wars”

Defenders of democratic rights condemn Australian council’s anti-war meeting ban

Letter to Burwood Council from SEP National Secretary James Cogan

Australian council cancels hall booking for SEP anti-war meeting
Defend the democratic rights of the SEP! Oppose political censorship!

Public meetings in Australia and New Zealand:
Anzac Day, the glorification of militarism and the drive to World War III

Arts Review

World famous German author Günter Grass dies at age 87

By Peter Schwarz, 14 April 2015

Grass was one of the most important German writers of the 20th century and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1999.

The Good Soldier Švejk: A classic satire about World War I

By Isaac Finn, 14 April 2015

Josef Švejk is a Czech soldier who makes himself appear a fool to get around his superiors and fights a peculiar and hilarious war of attrition against the difficult circumstances he finds himself in.

Cymbeline: Michael Almereyda returns to Shakespeare

By David Walsh, 11 April 2015


Why is Syriza demanding reparations from Germany?

By Peter Schwarz, 14 April 2015

Demands for reparations are inappropriate means of combating fascism, war and social attacks. They do nothing to address their causes, but rather serve to reproduce them.

Yemen slaughter escalates as regional powers exchange threats

By Thomas Gaist, 13 April 2015

Obama heightens tensions over South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, 13 April 2015

Hillary Clinton announces presidential campaign

By Andre Damon, 13 April 2015

After Le Pen’s pro-Nazi outburst, French media try to normalize neo-fascists

By Francis Dubois, 13 April 2015

IMF warns of slow growth, high unemployment

The UAW’s loyal opposition

Socialist Equality Party (UK) election campaign

Holborn and St. Pancras: A long association with the revolutionary workers movement

By Paul Stuart, 14 April 2015

The Holborn and St. Pancras district in London is deeply associated with the struggle for the political independence of the working class.

Holborn and St. Pancras: London’s great social divide

By Paul Stuart, 13 April 2015

Socialist Equality Party overturns election hustings exclusion in Camden

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2015 General Election manifesto: No to war and austerity! Fight for socialism!

More on the SEP (UK) election campaign »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

14 April 2015

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.


Media tributes for Victor Gotbaum, union leader who saved banks in 1975 New York City fiscal crisis

By Fred Mazelis, 13 April 2015

Gotbaum’s precedent-setting surrender of New York City workers’ rights in the 1970s paved the way for the American ruling class’ offensive against workers throughout the US and the record inequality of today.

25 years ago: Gorbachev prepares assault on Soviet workers

A high-level Soviet conference on economic policies began in Moscow on April 14, 1990, to prepare a full-scale onslaught against the living standards and jobs of Soviet workers.

More »

50 years ago: First US demonstration against Vietnam War

On April 17, 1965, the first mass US demonstration against the war in Vietnam was held in Washington, DC.

More »

75 years ago: General Motors workers vote for CIO over AFL

On April 17, 1940, 150,000 auto workers voted to retain the UAW-CIO over the UAW-AFL as their bargaining representative.

More »


100 years ago: Revolutionary socialists publish first issue of Die Internationale in Germany

On April 15, 1915, a small group of revolutionary socialists in Germany published the first and only issue of Die Internationale.

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