California sea lions
Californian sea lions are eared seals. Unlike the seals that can be found in Belfast Lough...
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: BelfastZooTV
California sea lions
California sea lions
Californian sea lions are eared seals. Unlike the seals that can be found in Belfast Lough which have no external ears, sea lions have small ear flaps. They ...- published: 08 Oct 2009
- views: 530
- author: BelfastZooTV
Сивуч (морской лев). Eared seal.
Видео не слишком хорошо, но что есть то и есть. Эти гиганты имеют длину до 3.5 метров и ве...
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: penguinSUvideo
Сивуч (морской лев). Eared seal.
Сивуч (морской лев). Eared seal.
Видео не слишком хорошо, но что есть то и есть. Эти гиганты имеют длину до 3.5 метров и вес до 1000 килограмм. Московский зоопарк, 22 июля 2012 года Eared Se...- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 124
- author: penguinSUvideo
Japan Trip 2013 Tokyo "Ueno Zoo" Eared seal 379
Eared seal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An eared seal or otariid or otary is any ...
published: 03 May 2013
author: kuritix kuri
Japan Trip 2013 Tokyo "Ueno Zoo" Eared seal 379
Japan Trip 2013 Tokyo "Ueno Zoo" Eared seal 379
Eared seal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An eared seal or otariid or otary is any member of the marine mammal family Otariidae, one of three grouping...- published: 03 May 2013
- views: 31
- author: kuritix kuri
アシカ 恩賜上野動物園 旅行 Japan 2013 Tokyo Ueno Zoo Eared seal 20
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: Doga Dogatix
アシカ 恩賜上野動物園 旅行 Japan 2013 Tokyo Ueno Zoo Eared seal 20
アシカ 恩賜上野動物園 旅行 Japan 2013 Tokyo Ueno Zoo Eared seal 20
アシカ(海驢)は、鰭脚類アシカ科の海生動物である。ただしその範囲は文脈により揺らぎがある。最も広義にはアシカ科の総称であるが、アシカ科にはオットセイ、トド、オタリアも含まれ、それら(特にオットセイ)を別扱いすることもある。さらに狭くアシカ属1属を意味することもある。 恩賜上野動物園 東京都恩賜上野動物園(とうきょ...- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 19
- author: Doga Dogatix
Japan Trip 2013 Tokyo "Ueno Zoo" Eared seal 18
Eared seal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An eared seal or otariid or otary is any ...
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: kuritix kuri
Japan Trip 2013 Tokyo "Ueno Zoo" Eared seal 18
Japan Trip 2013 Tokyo "Ueno Zoo" Eared seal 18
Eared seal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An eared seal or otariid or otary is any member of the marine mammal family Otariidae, one of three grouping...- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 20
- author: kuritix kuri
アシカ 恩賜上野動物園 旅行 Japan 2013 Tokyo Ueno Zoo Eared seal 21
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: Doga Dogatix
アシカ 恩賜上野動物園 旅行 Japan 2013 Tokyo Ueno Zoo Eared seal 21
アシカ 恩賜上野動物園 旅行 Japan 2013 Tokyo Ueno Zoo Eared seal 21
アシカ(海驢)は、鰭脚類アシカ科の海生動物である。ただしその範囲は文脈により揺らぎがある。最も広義にはアシカ科の総称であるが、アシカ科にはオットセイ、トド、オタリアも含まれ、それら(特にオットセイ)を別扱いすることもある。さらに狭くアシカ属1属を意味することもある。 恩賜上野動物園 東京都恩賜上野動物園(とうきょ...- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 47
- author: Doga Dogatix
Eared seals, Caleta Valdés, Peninsula Valdes, Chubut Province, Argentina, South America
An eared seal or otariid or otary is any member of the marine mammal family Otariidae, one...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Eared seals, Caleta Valdés, Peninsula Valdes, Chubut Province, Argentina, South America
Eared seals, Caleta Valdés, Peninsula Valdes, Chubut Province, Argentina, South America
An eared seal or otariid or otary is any member of the marine mammal family Otariidae, one of three groupings of pinnipeds. They comprise 15 extant species in seven genera (another species became extinct in the 1950s) and are commonly known either as sea lions or fur seals, distinct from true seals (phocids) and the walrus (odobenids). Otariids are adapted to a semiaquatic lifestyle, feeding and migrating in the water, but breeding and resting on land or ice. They reside in subpolar, temperate, and equatorial waters throughout the Pacific and Southern Oceans and the southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They are conspicuously absent in the north Atlantic. The words 'otariid' and 'otary' come from the Greek otarion meaning "little ear", referring to the small but visible external ear flaps (pinnae) which can be used to distinguish them from the phocids. Otariids have proportionately much larger foreflippers and pectoral muscles than phocids, and have the ability to turn their hind limbs forward and walk on all fours, making them far more maneuverable on land. They are generally considered to be less adapted to an aquatic lifestyle, since they breed primarily on land and haul out more frequently than true seals. However, they can attain higher bursts of speed and greater maneuverability in the water. Their swimming power derives from the use of flippers more so than the sinuous whole-body movements typical of phocids and walruses. Otariids are further distinguished by a more dog-like head, sharp, well-developed canines, and the aforementioned visible external pinnae. Their postcanine teeth are generally simple and conical in shape. Sea lions are covered with coarse guard hairs, while fur seals have a thick underfur, which have historically made them the objects of commercial exploitation. Male otariids range in size from the 70-kg (150-lb) Galápagos fur seal, smallest of all pinnipeds, to the over 1000-kg (2200-lb) Steller sea lion. Mature male otariids weigh two to six times more than females, with proportionately larger heads, necks, and chests, making them the most sexually dimorphic of all mammals. All otariids breed on land during well-defined breeding seasons. Except for the Australian sea lion, which has an atypical 17.5 month breeding cycle, they form strictly annual aggregations on beaches or rocky substrates, often on islands. All species are polygynous; i.e.. successful males breed with several females. In most species, males arrive at breeding sites first and establish and maintain territories through vocal and visual displays and occasional fighting. Females typically arrive on shore a day or so before giving birth. While considered social animals, no permanent hierarchies or statuses are established on the colonies. The extent to which males control females or territories varies between species. Thus, the northern fur seal and the South American sea lion tend to herd specific harem-associated females, occasionally injuring them, while the Steller sea lion and the New Zealand sea lion control spatial territories, but do not generally interfere with the movement of the females. Otariids are carnivorous, feeding on fish, squid and krill. Sea lions tend to feed closer to shore in upwelling zones feeding on larger fish, while the smaller fur seals tend to take longer, offshore foraging trips and can subsist on large numbers of smaller prey items. They are visual feeders and some females are capable of dives up to 400 m (1300 ft). Along with the Phocidae and Odobenidae, the two other members of Pinnipedia, Otаriidae are descended from a common ancestor most closely related to modern bears. Debate remains as to whether the phocids diverged from the otariids before or after the walrus. Otariids arose in the late Miocene (10-12 million years ago) in the North Pacific, diversifying rapidly into the Southern Hemisphere, where most species now live. Callorhinus (northern fur seal) has the oldest fossil record of any extant otariid, extending to the middle Pliocene, and probably arose from the extinct fur seal Thalassoleon. Traditionally, otariids had been subdivided into the fur seal (Arctocephalinae) and sea lion (Otariinae) subfamilies, with the major distinction between them being the presence of a thick underfur layer in the former. Under this categorization, the fur seals comprised two genera: Callorhinus in the North Pacific with a single representative, the northern fur seal (C. ursinus) and eight species in the Southern Hemisphere under the genus Arctocephalus, while the sea lions comprise five species under five genera. Recent analyses of the genetic evidence suggests that the Callorhinus ursinus is in fact more closely related to several sea lion species.- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 11
May 8, 2009 - Eared Seal
Sorry for the sound ! :S....
published: 08 May 2009
author: unmistakable69
May 8, 2009 - Eared Seal
May 8, 2009 - Eared Seal
Sorry for the sound ! :S.- published: 08 May 2009
- views: 131
- author: unmistakable69
Eared seals, Steller sea lion, stole artist, Walk, Moscow Zoo, Sivush,
Eared seals, Steller sea lion, stole artist, Walk zoo Moscow. Moscow time January 1, 2014....
published: 02 Jan 2014
Eared seals, Steller sea lion, stole artist, Walk, Moscow Zoo, Sivush,
Eared seals, Steller sea lion, stole artist, Walk, Moscow Zoo, Sivush,
Eared seals, Steller sea lion, stole artist, Walk zoo Moscow. Moscow time January 1, 2014. Moscow Zoo, Sivush, Anyone who understands what this video shot (camera), from what distance from the animal. It is about 2 meters. It is clear that the sea lion. But his mouth and his teeth were impressive. Walk around Moscow. Moscow time January 1, 2014. Moscow Zoo, Sivush, Northern sea lion- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 117
Eared seals, Cape Palliser, New Zealand
Eared seals, Cape Palliser, New Zealand (North Island)...
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: N1s80
Eared seals, Cape Palliser, New Zealand
Eared seals, Cape Palliser, New Zealand
Eared seals, Cape Palliser, New Zealand (North Island)- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 122
- author: N1s80
Seal, Pinniped, Paradise Bay, West Antarctica, Antarctica, South Pole
Pinnipeds, also known as fin-footed mammals (from Latin pinna, wing or fin, and ped-, foot...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: Pietro Pecco
Seal, Pinniped, Paradise Bay, West Antarctica, Antarctica, South Pole
Seal, Pinniped, Paradise Bay, West Antarctica, Antarctica, South Pole
Pinnipeds, also known as fin-footed mammals (from Latin pinna, wing or fin, and ped-, foot), often generalized as seals (although this term excludes the walr...- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 29
- author: Pietro Pecco
Rizeli Balıkçının, Deniz Aslanı ile Duygusal Bağ Kurması
Rize açıklarında Kaliforniya Deniz Aslanı ile karşılaşan amcamız...
published: 09 Nov 2013
Rizeli Balıkçının, Deniz Aslanı ile Duygusal Bağ Kurması
Rizeli Balıkçının, Deniz Aslanı ile Duygusal Bağ Kurması
Rize açıklarında Kaliforniya Deniz Aslanı ile karşılaşan amcamız- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 100
Youtube results:
Düşen kız için endişelenen deniz aslanı
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: poyraz ankor
Düşen kız için endişelenen deniz aslanı
Дельфинарии Крыма. Тарханкут - Оленевка. Часть 2
Ах ты, тюлень ушастый! Северный морской котик - представитель отряда ластоногих, семейства...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Дельфинарии Крыма. Тарханкут - Оленевка. Часть 2
Дельфинарии Крыма. Тарханкут - Оленевка. Часть 2
Ах ты, тюлень ушастый! Северный морской котик - представитель отряда ластоногих, семейства ушастых тюленей - Название семейства говорит само за себя, важная отличительная черта его представителей — крошечные, торчащие в разные стороны ушки. К ушастым тюленям относятся морские котики, морские львы и сивучи — всего 14 видов животных. Cеверный морской котик - самый многочисленный, интересный и ценный представитель ушастых тюленей. Поскольку рассказ пойдет только о нем, для краткости мы его будем называть морским котиком, или просто котиком. Самцы и самки резко отличаются размерами: взрослый кот весит один-два центнера, до четверти тонны, в исключительных случаях 360 килограммов. А вот их подруги миниатюрнее: в четыре-пять раз легче - в среднем 30-50 кг, максимум до 70 кг. Обтекаемое тело зверей покрыто мягким нежным мехом. Шуба котиков необыкновенно густа, нежна и шелковиста, окрасом от серебристо-серого до черно-коричневого. Она водонепроницаема, чрезвычайно прочна и вместе с толстым слоем жира надежно предохраняет тело зверя от переохлаждения. Ведь вода у теплокровных животных отнимает тепло в 20 раз быстрее, чем воздух. Питается котик только в воде, преимущественно кальмарами и рыбой. Дневной паек -- от 5 до 15 - 16 килограммов пищи. Oh , eared seals ! Northern fur seal - representative of the order of pinnipeds , a family of eared seals - family name speaks for itself , an important distinguishing feature of its members - a tiny sticking out in all directions ears . By eared seals are seals, sea lions and sea lions - a total of 14 species. N. Fur Seal - the most numerous , interesting and valuable representative of the eared seals . As the story goes just about it for the sake of brevity, we shall call his fur seal , or just Kitty. Males and females are very different sizes : the adult male weighs one to two hundredweight, up to a quarter of a ton , in exceptional cases, 360 pounds. But their friend's Miniature: four to five times lighter - an average of 30-50 kg, up to a maximum of 70 kg. Streamlined body is covered with soft gentle animals with fur. Coat seals unusually thick , soft and silky , silvery coat color from gray to black and brown . It is waterproof , extremely durable and with a thick layer of body fat reliably protects the animal from hypothermia . Because the water in warm-blooded animals takes away heat 20 times faster than air. Cat eats only in the water , mainly squid and fish. Day Provider - 5 to 15 - 16 kilograms of food.- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 10
Sea lions pictures and sounds
Sea lions are sea mammals characterized by external ear flaps, long foreflippers, the abil...
published: 10 Oct 2013
Sea lions pictures and sounds
Sea lions pictures and sounds
Sea lions are sea mammals characterized by external ear flaps, long foreflippers, the ability to walk on all fours, and short, thick hair. Together with the fur seals they comprise the family Otariidae, eared seals, which contains six extant and one extinct species (the Japanese sea lion) in five genera. Their range extends from the subarctic to tropical waters of the global ocean in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, with the notable exception of the northern Atlantic Ocean.[1] They have an average life span of 20--30 years. A male California sea lion weighs on an average about 300 kg (660 lb) and is about 8 ft (2.4 m) long, while the female sea lion weighs 100 kg (220 lb) and is 6 ft (1.8 m) long. The largest sea lion is the Steller's sea lion which can weigh 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) and grow to a length of 10 ft (3.0 m). Sea lions consume large quantities of food at a time and are known to eat about 5--8% of their body weight (about 15--35 lb (6.8--16 kg)) at a single feeding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_lion Together with the fur seals, they constitute the Otariidae family, collectively known as eared seals. Until recently, sea lions were grouped under a single subfamily called Otariinae, whereas fur seals were grouped in the subfamily Arcocephalinae. This division was based on the most prominent common feature shared by the fur seals and absent in the sea lions, namely the dense underfur characteristic of the latter. Recent genetic evidence, however, strongly suggests Callorhinus, the genus of the northern fur seal, is more closely related to some sea lion species than to the other fur seal genus, Arctocephalus.[2] Therefore, the fur seal/sea lion subfamily distinction has been eliminated from many taxonomies. Sea lions are related to the walrus and the seal. Nonetheless, all fur seals have certain features in common: the fur, generally smaller sizes, farther and longer foraging trips, smaller and more abundant prey items and greater sexual dimorphism. All sea lions have certain features in common, in particular their coarse, short fur, greater bulk and larger prey than fur seals. For these reasons, the distinction remains useful. Some species of sea lion are readily trainable and are often a popular attraction at zoos and aquariums. The archetypal circus "seal" performing behaviors such as throwing and catching balls on its nose and clapping is almost always a sea lion.[citation needed] The U.S. Navy's Marine Mammal Program, based in San Diego, has trained sea lions to detain scuba divers.[3] Sea lion attacks on humans are rare. In a highly unusual attack in 2007 in Western Australia, a sea lion leapt from the water and seriously mauled a 13-year-old girl surfing behind a speedboat. The sea lion appeared to be preparing for a second attack when the girl was rescued. An Australian marine biologist opined the sea lion may have viewed the girl "like a rag doll toy" to be played with.[4][5][6] In San Francisco, where an increasingly large population of California sea lion crowds dock along San Francisco Bay, there have been incidents in recent years of swimmers being bitten on the legs by large, aggressive males, possibly as territorial acts.[7][8][9] The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped the sea and its animals. They often depicted sea lions in their art.- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 67