Braun is a common surname, originating from the German word for the color brown. The name is the 22nd most common family name in Germany. Many German emigrants to the United States also changed their name to Brown (see Brown (surname)).
In German, Braun is pronounced [bʁaʊn], roughly similar to the English word "brown." In English, it is often pronounced like "brawn," as in Carol Mosely Braun. Pronunciation is an individual choice and is hard to guess unless one is in a position to hear the person's name spoken.
RingTV odc.2 - Grzegorz Braun vs Szewach Weiss Stosunki Polsko - Żydowskie (09.07.2015)
Grzegorz Braun w Wolominie 2015 NOWE !
Grzegorz Braun o tym jak żydzi niszczą Polskę
Grzegorz Braun o: współpracy z JKM, ruchu Kukiza i spisku w II turze
Grzegorz Braun - wywiad dla Kuriera Praskiego
Grzegorz Braun w Radio TOK FM 20-04-2015
Grzegorz Braun Sprawa polska w III wojnie światowej
Grzegorz Braun - Intronizacja i Monarchizm Polityczny 06 06 2015 Poznań
Wywiad Żelaznej Logiki - Grzegorz Braun
Grzegorz Braun i Stanisław Michalkiewicz 150409 w Radio Wnet
Pan Grzegorz Braun - Stop Nowemu Porządkowi Świata NAJWAŻNIEJSZE WYSTĄPIENIE W HISTORII
Grzegorz Braun: Czy znów idziemy na wojnę?
Grzegorz Braun o przyczynach klęski września 1939 roku!
Grzegorz Braun: WIARA, RODZINA, WŁASNOŚĆ czyli POWRÓT KRÓLA! Ostro o systemie, Smoleńsku i Gejach!
Burn the witch!
John Triton is a heroic Marine who returns home after being discharged--against his will--from the Iraq War. Stateside, he finds himself back in action, when a group of murderous diamond thieves on the run led by a merciless criminal named Rome has kidnapped his wife and John goes on a chase through the South Carolinian wilderness to retrieve her. With everything on the line, the Marine will stop at nothing to carry out his toughest and most important mission.
Keywords: action-hero, actor-shares-first-name-with-character, ak-47, alligator, american-south, axe, battle, beer-drinking, bikini, blonde
Rome: Would somebody *please* shoot this guy?::Morgan: What does it look like we're doin'?::Rome: Missing.
Morgan: I hate cops... and rock candy.
Morgan: Hey man, you said there were no crocodiles in these marsh!::Bennett: Those are alligators.::Morgan: Are they hungry?::[looking at alligators eating the body]::Bennett: Not anymore!
TV Service rep: [on Rome's cell] You've been approved!::Rome: Great! This include the premium channels and the sports package, right?
Rome: Morgan, see if you can go find the generator.::Morgan: Why me?::Rome: Why not?::Morgan: What if there's some guy up there with a hockey mask and a hatchet? Or... or a group of country ass crackers cravin' some man-love?::Rome: It'll be fun, like summer camp.
Frank: [while trying to convince Morgan to choose a Mini-Van] It's got CD, DVD... we can even get Joey to put some spinners on it.::Morgan: [looks over at Joey] Fuck you!::Frank: Or not.
Bennett: This guy is like the terminator.::Rome: [looks in the over head mirror]
Kate Triton: You're home!::[kisses John]::John Triton: [after making love to her] You all right?::Kate Triton: Yeah... yeah, I just - I can't believe you're here.::[kisses him and hugs him]::Kate Triton: You know the hardest thing... about you leaving was not knowing. You know, not knowing where you were... not knowing if you're coming home... not knowing if I'm gonna get that phone call saying that you wouldn't be.::John Triton: You married a marine, Kate.::Kate Triton: I know it's not gonna be easy for you, John. We'll figure it out together.::John Triton: I'm home now and I'm not goin' anywhere.::Kate Triton: Good. And speaking of that... are you sure about starting this job tomorrow?::John Triton: Oh!::Kate Triton: I just think there's so many other things you could be doing.::John Triton: If I sat around here all day, I'd go insane.::Kate Triton: I just want you to be happy, John.::John Triton: I am happy. Come on...::[picks her up]::Kate Triton: Oh! Geez... where are we going?::John Triton: To make me happy.::[grins]
Hungry females: a man never tasted that good!
The story of King George III of England's slide into insanity, and the political and royal back stabbing which results from his incapacitation. Despite being very amusing at times, this is a sad tale of medical practices in the later 1700s as well as an insight into life inside and around the royaly of the time.
Keywords: 1780s, 18th-century, aristocracy, arranged-marriage, assassination-attempt, author-cameo, back-stabbing, based-on-play, british-royal-family, character-name-in-title
His Majesty was all powerful and all knowing. But he wasn't quite all there.
Prince of Wales: To be Prince of Wales is not a position - it is a predicament.
George III: Six hours of sleep is enough for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.
George III: Push off, you fat turd.
Warren: One may produce a copious, regular evacuation every day of the week and still be a stranger to reason.
George III: [crudely staring at Lady Pembroke] Fine cluster there, eh?::[to Queen Charlotte, pointing at her bosom]::George III: Go on. Look. Look. Go on. You might learn something.::[circles around Pembroke]::George III: Good arse too.::[rubs his behind against hers]::George III: And warm, eh, I'll bet. Ahh.
George III: Good evening, Mrs. King.::Queen Charlotte: Good evening, Mr. King.
Fox: Do you enjoy all this flummery, Mr. Pitt?::Pitt: No, Mr. Fox.::Fox: Do you enjoy anything, Mr. Pitt?::Pitt: A balance sheet, Mr. Fox. I enjoy a good balance sheet.
[Pitt has given the King some papers to sign]::George III: What is this? America, I suppose.::Pitt: No, sir.::George III: Oh, America's not to be spoken of, is that it?::Pitt: For your peace of mind, sir. But it's not America.::George III: Peace of mind! I have no peace of mind. I've had no peace of mind since we lost America. Forests, old as the world itself... meadows... plains... strange delicate flowers... immense solitudes... and all nature new to art... all ours... Mine. Gone. A paradise... lost.
[the King is reading his speech at the State Opening of Parliament]::George III: Whereas we, George III, in this year of our Lord 1788, do open this Parliament, giving notice that our will and pleasure is that the following bills shall be laid before this House. A bill for the regulation of trade with our possessions in North America...::[There is a reproving cough from Thurlow]::George III: Our *former* possessions in North America...
Thurlow: The cork's too tight in the bottle, that's the trouble. He must be the first King of England not to have a mistress.::Pitt: Fifteen children seem to me to indicate a certain conscientiousness in that regard.::Thurlow: I'm talking of pleasure, not duty.
James Bond is on possibly his most brutal mission yet. Bond's good friend, Felix Leiter, is left near death, by drug baron Franz Sanchez. Bond sets off on the hunt for Sanchez, but not everyone is happy. MI6 does not feel Sanchez is their problem and strips Bond of his license to kill making Bond more dangerous than ever. Bond gains the aid of one of Leiter's friends, known as Pam Bouvier and sneaks his way into the drug factories, which Sanchez owns. Will Bond be able to keep his identity secret, or will Sanchez see Bond's true intentions?
Keywords: 1980s, agent, bar, bar-brawl, bar-fight, barefoot-water-skiing, barnstorming, baron, battered-woman, bearer-bonds
James Bond 007
Out for revenge. Glimpse behind the cool facade of 007. And see how sweet revenge can really be. [USA poster]
His bad side is a dangerous place to be.
James Bond is out on his own and out for revenge.
[Bond sees that Sharkey has been killed]::James Bond: You'd better find yourself a new lover!::Lupe Lamora: Don't you men know any other way?::James Bond: It's Sanchez's way! You seem to like it!
Franz Sanchez: Drug dealers of the world, unite!
James Bond: This is no place for you, Q. Go home.::Q: Oh, don't be an idiot, 007. I know exactly what you're up to, and quite frankly, you're going to need my help. Remember, if it hadn't been for Q Branch, you'd have been dead long ago.::[opens a case]::Q: Everything for a man on holiday. Explosive alarm clock - guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it. Dentonite toothpaste - to be used sparingly, the latest in plastic explosive.::James Bond: I could do with some plastic.
President Hector Lopez: There has been a mistake with my cheque. Look at it! It's *half* the usual amount.::Franz Sanchez: You were very quiet when I was arrested. Remember, you're only president... for life.::[El Presidente takes the cheque and leaves]
Franz Sanchez: Señor Bond, you got big cojones. You come here, to my place, without references, carrying a piece, throwing around a lot of money... but you should know something: nobody saw you come in, so nobody has to see you go out.
[Killifer, who took the bribe, is dangling on a rope over shark-infested water]::Ed Killifer: There's $2 million in that suitcase. I'll split it with you.::James Bond: [menacingly] You earned it. You keep it, Old Buddy!::[Throws the case at him, knocking him into the water]::Sharkey: God, what a terrible waste.::[Bond glares at Sharkey]::Sharkey: Of money. [Bond stops glaring]
Della Leiter: [kissing Bond] That's a custom, you see. The bride always gets to kiss her best man.::James Bond: I thought it was the other way around.::Della Leiter: Aww... [kisses him again] Oh, James, would you mind? Felix is still in the study and we've got to cut this cake.::James Bond: I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.
[M confronts Bond in Key West]::M: You were supposed to be in Istanbul LAST NIGHT! I'm afraid this unfortunate Leiter business has [beat] clouded your judgment! *You have a job to do*! I expect you on a plane this afternoon!::James Bond: I haven't finished here, sir.::M: Leave it to the Americans! It's their mess. Let them clear it up.::James Bond: SIR! They're not going to DO ANYTHING!::James Bond: [calms down] I owe it to Leiter. He's put his life on the line for me many times.::M: Oh SPARE ME this sentimental RUBBISH! He knew the risks.::James Bond: And his WIFE?::M: This private vendetta of yours could easily compromise Her Majesty's government. You have an assignment, and I expect you to carry it out *objectively* and *professionally*!::James Bond: Then you have my resignation, sir!::M: [incensed] We're not a country club, 007!::[pause]::M: Effective immediately, your licence to kill is revoked, and I require you to hand over your weapon. Now. I need hardly remind you that you're still bound by the Official Secrets Act.::James Bond: I guess it's, uh... a farewell to arms.
James Bond: Pam, this is Q, my "uncle". Uncle, this is "Miss Kennedy," my "cousin."::Q: Ah! We must be related.::[kisses her]
[a fork lift truck bursts through a wall with a Heller impaled on the forks]::Pam Bouvier: Oh, God, it's Heller.::James Bond: Yeah. Looks like he came to a dead end. [explosions are heard] Come on!
Trace discovers the body of his brother Jerry and confronts Mr. Sutton, the crook responsible for his brother's death. In self-defense, Trace shoots Mr. Sutton. Sutton sends his henchmen to hunt and kill a wounded and fleeing Trace. Maria, a half-breed Mexican girl whose father was murdered by Sutton, becomes Trace's companion in flight.
Keywords: bare-chested-male, based-on-novel, cattleman, half-breed, henchman, loss-of-brother, murder, on-the-run, revenge
Romantic adventure of the early West!
That shy guy from 'Battle Cry' and the girl from 'Rebel Without a Cause'!
People would say "But they're only kids"!
Shoot-'em-up heroics from sagebrush scribe Louis L'Amour.
Maria Christina Colton: They think they can treat me like those girls in the dance hall.::Trace Jordon: I'm sorry. I know how you must feel.::Maria Christina Colton: You can't. You are a man.
Starting in Switzerland, Sherlock Holmes rescues the inventor of a bomb-sight which the allies want to keep from the Nazis. Back in London it sems that the inventor is not all that he seemed.
Keywords: airplane, airplane-bomb, alcoholic-drink, alphabet, archenemy, archive-footage, associate, attack, attempted-murder, automobile
Professor Moriarty: Brilliant man, Sherlock Holmes, too bad he was honest.
Professor Moriarty: The needle to the last, eh, Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes: ...I must confess I shied at the thought of disemboweling a complete set of Charles Dickens.
Professor Moriarty: [as Moriarty drains Holmes's blood] Drop by drop, Holmes. Drop by drop. Eh, in a way I'm almost sorry. You were a stimulating influence to me. But it was obvious that I should win in the end... Closer to the end Holmes. Closer and closer. Each second a few more drops leave your desiccated body. And you can feel them can't you? You're perfectly conscious, aren't you, Holmes?::Sherlock Holmes: I shall be conscious long after you're dead, Moriarty.
Dr. John H. Watson: Things are looking up, Holmes. This little Island's still on the map.::Sherlock Holmes: Yes. "This fortress - built by nature for herself; This blessed plot, this Earth, this Rome, this England."
Dr. Franz Tobel: You would take the Nazis' own car?::Sherlock Holmes: One must adapt oneself to the tools at hand.
Dr. John H. Watson: What woman?::Sherlock Holmes: She's blonde, five foot, full lipped and very affectionate.::Dr. John H. Watson: [flippantly] Oh, really? Got her phone number? [Holmes looks at Watson disapprovingly]
Sherlock Holmes: Christmas boxes! Watson, I'm beginning to see the plan. Dr. Tobell divided his bombsight into four parts. He's given one of these four parts to each of these scientists. What a fascinating plan! You see, each of these parts is useless without the other three...
Braun: French! English! How I hate those languages!::Mueller: Calm yourself, my dear Braun. In a short time there will *be* only one language.
RingTV odc.2 - Grzegorz Braun vs Szewach Weiss Stosunki Polsko - Żydowskie (09.07.2015)
Grzegorz Braun w Wolominie 2015 NOWE !
Grzegorz Braun o tym jak żydzi niszczą Polskę
Grzegorz Braun o: współpracy z JKM, ruchu Kukiza i spisku w II turze
Grzegorz Braun - wywiad dla Kuriera Praskiego
Grzegorz Braun w Radio TOK FM 20-04-2015
Grzegorz Braun Sprawa polska w III wojnie światowej
Grzegorz Braun - Intronizacja i Monarchizm Polityczny 06 06 2015 Poznań
Wywiad Żelaznej Logiki - Grzegorz Braun
Grzegorz Braun i Stanisław Michalkiewicz 150409 w Radio Wnet
Pan Grzegorz Braun - Stop Nowemu Porządkowi Świata NAJWAŻNIEJSZE WYSTĄPIENIE W HISTORII
Grzegorz Braun: Czy znów idziemy na wojnę?
Grzegorz Braun o przyczynach klęski września 1939 roku!
Grzegorz Braun: WIARA, RODZINA, WŁASNOŚĆ czyli POWRÓT KRÓLA! Ostro o systemie, Smoleńsku i Gejach!
Grzegorz Braun ostro i rzeczowo - Radio Szczecin
Pfarrer Braun S01E01 Der siebte Tempel
Grzegorz Braun w Kielcach 28.04.2015
Grzegorz Braun o roszczeniach, masonerii, islamistach itp. 7.05.2015.
Grzegorz Braun - Pamięć Narodowa - Bilans 25 lecia
Debata w Katowicach: Grzegorz Braun, Paweł Tanajno, Konrad Daniel, Marcin Rola
Rozmowa Wydarzeń - Grzegorz Braun, Tomasz Kalita i Maria Małgorzata Janyska (05.05.2015 Polsat News)
O Smoleńsku nawet pisowska agentura nie mówi prawdy - G.Braun
When I look up, it's the sky I see,
When I look down, it's the ground under me,
Everywhere, all around
The sky is up, and the ground is down!
The sky is up,
The ground is down!
Everywhere, in every town.
Wherever you go,
It's the same you know,
Up is up, and down is down.
Walk up the steps, then turn around,
Now that we're up, we can walk back down.
It's fun to do, but be careful too,
Up to the top, then right back down.
The sky is up,
The ground is down!
Everywhere, in every town.
Wherever you go,
It's the same you know,
Up is up, and down is down.
You can reach up high,
Way up in the air,
You can bend down low,
Just as low as you can go.
Reach up high,
And bend down low,
Up and down can be fun you know.
The sky is up,
The ground is down!
Everywhere, in every town.
Wherever you go,
It's the same you know,
There's a new dance craze sweeping the country
And it's called the Dino Dance
It's a lot of fun and we all hope
You'll give it a chance
Are you ready now?
'Cause it goes like this.
First you hop, hop, hop all over the place
Shake your dino tail while you make a funny face
Everybody start twisting and turning
We'll have a lot of fun while we're learning
To do the Dino Dance.
First you hop, hop, hop all over the place
Shake your dino tail while you make a funny face
Everybody start twisting and turning
We'll have a lot of fun while we're learning
To do the Dino Dance.
It's a lot of fun as you can see
A dance just right for you and me
So come on!
First you hop, hop, hop all over the place
Shake your dino tail (Shake, shake!) while you make a funny face
Everybody start twisting and turning
We'll have a lot of fun while we're learning
To do the Dino Dance.
We're gonna do the Dino Dance.
The wheels on the bike go round and round,
Round and round. Round and round,
The wheels on the bike go round and round,
All through the town.
The pedals on the bike make it go, go, go,
Go, go, go. Go, go, go.
The pedals on the bike make it go, go, go,
All through the town.
The horn on the bike goes honk, honk, honk,
Honk, honk, honk. Honk, honk, honk.
The horn on the bike goes honk, honk, honk,
All through the town.
The bars on the bike steer side to side,
Side to side. Side to side.
The bars on the bike steer side to side,
All through the town.
The wheels on the bike go round and round,
Round and round. Round and round,
The wheels on the bike go round and round,
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops, oh what a life I would lead.
Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops, oh what a life I would lead.
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milk shakes, oh what a life I would lead.
Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes, oh what I life I would lead.
If all the sun beams were bubble gum and ice cream, oh what a life I would lead.
Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
You’re remarkable - you really are
You’re the only one like you
There isn’t another in the whole wide world
Who can do the things you do
Because you are special- special
Everyone is special
Everyone in his or her own way
Yes you re special -special
Everyone is special
You can have an adventure in a far away land
You can learn about a tuba in a marching band
You can travel to the stars, or the deep blue sea
When you learn to borrow books from the library
But please don't be loud shh, so that everyone here can read
You will be proud when you take a book home from the library
You can have an adventure in a far away land
You can learn about a tuba in a marching band
You can travel to the stars, or the deep blue sea
When you learn to borrow books from the library
But please don't be loud shh, so that everyone here can read
You will be proud when you take a book home from the library
You can have an adventure in a far away land
You can learn about a tuba in a marching band
You can travel to the stars, or the deep blue sea
When you learn to borrow books from the library
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Up came the sun and dried up all the rain
Who knows how to paddle all around the pond?
Quack quack quack, the duckies do
Who knows how to waddle all around the lawn?
Quack quack quack, the duckies do
They quack when they talk, they wiggle when they walk
They quack when they're swimming too
Quack quack quack
Let's do what the duckies do
Hi little ducky
Waddle, waddle, waddle
Who knows how to paddle all around the pond?
Quack quack quack, the duckies do
Who knows how to waddle all around the lawn?
Quack quack quack, the duckies do
They quack when they talk, they wiggle when they walk
They quack when they're swimming too
Quack quack quack
Let's do what the duckies do
Quack quack quack
Let's do what the duckies do
Quack quack quack
Let's do what the duckies do
Quack quack quack
Quack quack
Quack quack
This is a song and a clapping game
It's so much fun to play
You can do with a group
You can do it by yourself
You can do it 'most everyday
Just listen now
I got it
The good thing about this clapping
Is that the rhythm will never, never change
But the things we're about to clap on
May seem a little strange
On your tummy now
On your shoulders
On your knees now
On your hips now
Here is the end of the clapping song
It's sung in many lines
Just to make us feel good and the very last time
Everybody claps with your hands
Here we go now
For the last time
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
To see what he could see
To see what he could see
To see what he could see
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
Three little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mamma duck called
Quack quack quack quack
Two little ducks came swimming back
Two little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far
Mamma duck called
Quack quack quack quack
One little ducks came swimming back
One little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far
Mamma duck called
Quack quack quack quack
No little ducks came swimming back
No little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mamma duck called
Quack quack quack quack
The ants go marching one by one hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching twoby two hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching threeby three
The little one stops to climb a tree
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
The ants go marching four by four hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching five by five hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching six by six
The little one stops to pick up sticks
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
(lower self to ground while singing lower and lower)
The ants go marching seven by seven hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching eight by eight hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching nineby nine
The little one stops to check the time
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
The ants go marching ten by ten
The little one stops to say
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
Well, it's getting late, we better start heading home now
Baby Bop, will you turn off the lights as we leave?
Turn on the lights?
Turn off the lights
Turn on the lights?
Oy, oy, oy, sissy
Barney said, "Turn off the lights"
That's the opposite of 'On'
What's an opposite?
Bouncing a ball, bouncing a ball
What does it do? Let's see
It goes up, down, up, down
That sounds like an opposite to me!
There is a door, there is a door
What does it do? Let's see
It goes open, close, open, close
That sounds like an opposite to me!
If it does one thing
And then it does the other
It could be opposite
As we have discovered
I hear a voice, I hear a voice
What will it do? Let's see
It sings high, low, high, low
Hmm, that sounds like an opposite to me!
Let's take a breath, let's take a breath
What do we do? Let's see
We breathe in, out, in, out
Well, that sounds like an opposite to me!
If it does one thing
And then it does the other
It could be opposite
As we have discovered
Do you wanna try, Baby Bop?
Well, okay, Barney
There is a light, there is a light
What does it do? Let's see
Ooh, it goes on, off, on, off
Hmm, that sounds like an opposite to me!
simple and beautiful a rainbow
pretty for the eyes to see
there's red, orange and yellow, green, blue and purple
and it's curved like this you see
somebody told that a rainbow has a pot of gold at the end
I don't really know is that so
but it's kinda fun to pretend
now if you look real close at these paintings and use your imagination i think you'll see that pot of gold
simple and beautiful a rainbow
pretty for the eyes to see
there's red, orange and yellow, green, blue and purple
and it's curved like this you see
somebody told that a rainbow has a pot of gold at the end
I don't really know is that so
but it's kinda fun to pretend
ringaround the rosey
a pocket full of posey
ashes ashes
Rain rain go away
come again some other day
Little ____________
Wants to play
There are lots of things
We can do to be nice,
Sometimes they're hard to remember.
But there are two little things
You should never forget,
From January through December.
He's talking 'bout please and thank you,
They're called the magic words,
If you want nice things to happen,
They're the words that should be heard,
Remember please and thank you,
'Cause they're the magic words.
Use 'em in the morning, at noon, and night,
'Cause it's a great way to be polite!
Please and thank you,
They're the magic words.
We're talking 'bout please and thank you,
They're called the magic words.
If you want nice things to happen,
They're the words that should be heard!
Remember please and thank you,
'Cause they're the magic words.
Use 'em in the morning, at noon, and night,
'Cause it's a great way to be polite!
Please and thank you,
Over in the meadow
By the big shaddy tree
Stood a spotted mother cow
And her spotted babies three
Moo said the mother
Moo moo said the three
And they mooed and they mooed
Well, old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on his farm he had a cow, ee-i-ee-i-o
With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo
Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on his farm he had a goat, ee-i-ee-i-o
With a baa-baa here and a baa-baa there
Here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa-baa
Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
Well, old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on his farm he had a chicken, ee-i-ee-i-o
With a cluck-cluck here, and a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck-cluck
Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on his farm he had a pig, ee-i-ee-i-o
With an oink-oink here, and an oink-oink there
Here a oink, there a oink everywhere an oink-oink
When the sun goes down
And the stars twinkle
You're snugly and cuddly and warm in your nest
It's always nice to say goodnight
To the nighty-nite things that we'd like best
Nighty-nite to little socks
You fit so snug and you warm our toes
Nighty-nite to the big clocks
When it's time for bed, you're the one that knows
Ticktock, ticktock, ticktock, shh
Nighty-nite to the bright light
You're the one we need when it's time to read
But now it's time for bed
So we'll turn you off instead
Oh, bedtimes just wouldn't be the same
If a nighty-nite things weren't here
Say goodnight and we close our eyes
When we wake up they appear
Nighty-nite to rocking chair
For rockabyes you're always there
Nighty-nite soft cuddly friends
To zebras, duck and teddy bears
They make funny sounds
Nighty-nite to play shoes
When we run and jump you're on our feet
Nighty-nite to Blankey
Our snugly friends so warm and sweet
Oh, if we could we'd sing nighty-nite to everything
Oh, bedtimes just wouldn't be the same
If a nighty-nite things weren't here
Say goodnight and we close our eyes
When we wake up they appear
When the sun goes down
And the stars twinkle
You're snugly and cuddly and warm in your nest
It's always nice to say goodnight
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you. To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you. To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on, please shine down on,
There once was a man named Michael Finnegan
He had whiskers on his chin-again
They grew out and then grew in again
Hop hop hop hop
I know someone who is lots of fun
With a happy kind of dancing
All of her friends say baby bop
Do the baby bop hop
Hop hop hop
Hop hop hop hop
I know someone who is lots of fun
With a happy kind of dancing
All of her friends say baby bop
Do the baby bop hop
Hop hop hop
Hop hop hop hop
So sing this song, you can hop along
Whenever you feel like jumping
'Cause when you hop, you feel tip top
Doing the baby bop hop
Let's do the baby bop hop
Hop hop hop hop
I like red it's the color of an apple
Orange it's the color of an orange
Yellow it's a lemon and a beautiful sun sun sun
Green it's the color of the trees and lots of things that grow
And then there's blue for the sky
And purple that's a color that's fun fun fun
When you put these colors side by side
What do you think we've done
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh kookaburra, laugh
Kookaburra, gay your life must be
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gumdrops that he can see
Stop, kookaburra, stop
Kookaburra, leave some there for me
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Chasing all the monkeys he can see
Stop, kookaburra, stop
I hate you
You hate me
Let's go over and kill Barney
With a hand held gun
And Barney's no more
We're going on a jungle adventure
To see what we can see
There's a lion and a tiger
And a great big monkey, swingin' on the branch of a tree
It looks like a chimpanzee
Oh, here in the jungle you can hear the lions roar
Rhinoceros and tigers and so much more
Hear the snakes hissing in the grass below
See the silly monkeys putting round the show
The jungle is the place to go
We're going on a jungle adventure
To see what we can see
There's a great big elephant takin' a bath
Getting clean as he can be
I hope he doesn't step on me
Oh, here in the jungle you can hear the lions roar
Rhinoceros and tigers and so much more
Hear the snakes hissing in the grass below
See the silly monkeys putting round the show
The jungle is the place to go
The jungle is the place to go
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
His name is my name too
When ever we go out
The people always shout
There goes
It’s raining, it’s pouring
The old man is snoring
He bumped his head
And went to bed
And couldn't get up
If you're happy and you know it clap your
If you're happy and you know it clap your
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to
show it,
If you're happy and you know it clap your
If you're happy and you know it stomp your
If you're happy and you know it stomp your
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to
show it,
If you're happy and you know it stomp your
If you're happy and you know it shout "Hurray!"(SHOUT
If you're happy and you know it shout "Hurray!"(SHOUT
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to
show it,
If you're happy and you know it shout "Hurray!"(SHOUT
If you're happy and you know it do all
If you're happy and you know it do all
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to
show it,
If you're happy and you know it do all
If I lived under the sea, sea, sea,
I think it would be neat as it could be, be, be.
I could visit all the fish,
Anytime I wish,
If I lived under the sea.
I could ride on the tail,
Of a great big whale
Wow! that would be great!
I could count the legs
On an octopus,
If I lived under the sea, sea, sea,
I think it would be neat as it could be, be, be.
I could visit all the fish,
Anytime I wish,
If I lived under the sea.
It would be so new,
To watch a tuna,
Talking to an itty bitty snail!
Or to see the pretty fin,
On the back of a fish,
Who carries his very own sail!
If I lived under the sea, sea, sea,
I think it would be neat as it could be, be, be.
I could visit all the fish,
Anytime I wish,
If I lived under the sea.
I could visit all the fish,
Anytime I wish,
If I lived under,
If I lived under,
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops
Oh what a rain that will be
Standing outside with my mouth opened wide
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops
Oh what a rain that will be
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh what a snow that will be
Standing outside with my mouth opened wide
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh what a snow that will be
If all the sun beamss were bubble gum and ice cream
Oh what a sun that will be
Standing outside with my mouth opened wide
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
If all the sun things were bubble gum and ice cream
Oh what a sun that will be.
I like to ate ate ate apples and bananas
I like eat eat eat epples and benenes
I like to ite ite ite ipples and bininis
I like to ote ote ote oplles and bononos
I love you, you love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
I love you, you love me
We're best friends like friends should be
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Look through the window and who do I see
Amber friend Amber waiting there for me
Look through the window and who do I see
Abby friend Abby another friend for me
Hello , Hello , Hello and how are you
Goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, little one
Your day was fun
But now it's time to close your eyes
Sleep tight, little one
The night has come
And it's time to dream your dreams
Goodnight, little one
It's time for rock-a-byes
Until the morning comes
Get off my shoulders, I told you to stay away
You're still a big part of me
Dance with delusional angels of sin
Kill false demons, you might kill false angels too
That's not what we wanna do
Together as one, we do as were told
Living together and fighting as one
Rejecting what's good with so called evil included
The dominant mind will prove you all blind
Finding the balance to leave you behind
I've learned so far controlling all the dark
Evelyn visions in the sky
All on my shoulder, all in my mind
I still hear you sing, my sweet love Evelyn
In fact I'm so cold, but I made up my mind
To see where it will lead
In fact I'm so lonely I
Stay away, you're still a big part of me
Dance with delusional angels of sin
Kill false demons, you might kill false angels too
That's not what we wanna do
Evelyn visions in the sky
All on my shoulder, all in my mind
I still hear you sing, my sweet love Evelyn
In fact I'm so cold, but I made up my mind
To see where it will lead
In fact I'm so lonely I
Don't listen to all this bullocks
There's nothing on either shoulder
Spreading the fire fever into something more that needs ya
Maybe you fall forever and maybe we die together
Angel Evelyn I die
I still hear you sing, my sweet love Evelyn
In fact I'm so cold, but I made up my mind
To see where it will lead
Do your ears hang low
Do they travel to and fro
Can you tie them in knot
Can you tie them in a bow
Can you throw them over you shoulder
Like a continental soldier
Ho, ho, what a great day!
Well, it is, the grass is green
And the sky is so blue
Oh, look at all those pretty flowers, wow
There are so many colors
You're right, Baby Bop
There are lots and lots of colors, everywhere we look
We like colors, we like them a lot
We've got colors, colors, we've got
Red, blue and yellow, purple, orange, green
Black, white, brown, every color in between
Colors all around, all around the world
For every boy and girl
Red makes me think of an apple or a cherry
The sun, and it sets on the ripe strawberry
Blue is the sky, blue is the sea
Blue is the color of a blueberry
Colors all around, all around the world
For every boy and girl
Orange is a pumpkin, orange is a carrot
Orange is an orange, we can share it
And if you haven't seen what is purple and green
Just take a look at Barney, see what I mean
Colors all around, all around the world
For every boy and girl
We like colors
(We like colors)
We like them a lot
(We like them a lot)
We've got colors
(We've got colors)
Colors, we've got
(Colors, we've got)
Red, blue and yellow
(Red, blue and yellow)
Purple, orange, green
(Purple, orange, green)
Black, white, brown
(Black, white, brown)
Every color in between
(Every color in between)
Colors all around, all around the world
For every boy and girl
Colors all around, all around the world
Clean up clean up everybody everywhere. Clean up clean up everybody do your
Clean up clean up everybody everywhere. Clean up clean up everybody do your
Clean up clean up everybody everywhere. Clean up clean up everybody do your
Oh I'm brushing my teeth on top, it's so much fun I hate to stop, but while I'm brushing my teeth and having so much fun, I never let the water run. No I never let the water run. Oh, I'm brushing my teeth on the bottom, cuz I wouldn't wanna say that I forgot em', but while I'm brushing my teeth and having so much fun, I never let the water run. No, I never let the water run. Oh I'm brushing my teeth in back, gotta get rid of all the plaque, but while I'm brushing my teeth and having so much fun I never let the water run. No I never let the water run. Oh I'm brushing my teeth all around, cuz I like to hear the squishing sound, but while I'm brushing my teeth and having so much, I never let the water run. Oh never let the water run. Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah, I never let the water run.
i love you
you love me
were a happy family
with a great big hug
and a kiss from me 2 you
wont you say you love me 2
i love you
you love me
we are friends like friends should be with a great big hug and
a kiss from me 2 you
There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh.
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh!
ther was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh!
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh!
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh!
There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
Are you sleeping
Are you sleeping
Brother John Brother John
Morning Bells are ringing
Morning Bells are ringing
Ding Ding Dong
there was a hole
in the middle of the ground
the prettiest hole
that you ever did see
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grass grows all around
and in this hole
there was a tree
the prettiest tree
that you ever did see
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grass grows all around
and on this tree
there was a branch
the prettiest branch
that you ever did see
and the branch on the tre
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grass grows all around
and on this branch
there was a nest
the prettiest nest
that you ever did see
and the nest on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grrass grows all around
and in this nest
there was an egg
the prettiest egg
that you ever did see
and the egg in the nest
and the nest on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grrass grows all around
and in this egg
there was a bird
the prettiest bird
that you ever did see
and the bird in the egg
and the egg in the nest
and the nest on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
Three little speckled frogs
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious lunch
yumm yummy
One jumped into a pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are 2 speckled frogs
Two little speckled frogs
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious lunch
Yumm Yummy
One jumped into a pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are 1 speckled frogs
One little speckled frogs
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious lunch
yumm yummy
He jumped into a pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are no speckled frogs
My hat it has three corners
Three corners has my hat
For had it not three corners
I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss for me and you
Won't you say you love me to?
I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss for me and you
I hate you
You hate me
Let's kill Barney no a tree
Shoot him with a 64
Then there'll be no dinasour
I hate you
You hate me let's get together and kill Barney
Put a knife in his head
And a bazooka up his butt
Oh, we are flying in an airplane,
Looking out the window,
Watching the clouds go by.
Flying in an airplane,
Looking out the window,
Up so very high.
Looking out the window,
We can see the wings.
Down below we see other things.
Like little tiny buildings
And cars so small,
It makes me feel
Like I'm really tall.
Oh, we are flying in an airplane,
Looking out the window,
Watching the clouds go by.
Flying in an airplane,
Looking out the window,
Up so very high.
Pretending I'm a pilot is a lot of fun,
I think when I grow up
I really might be one.
But for now I'm just enjoying
Being in this plane,
Safe from the snow and from the rain.
Oh, we are flying in an airplane,
Looking out the window,
Watching the clouds go by.
Flying in an airplane
Looking out the window,
Up so very high.
Oh, we are flying in an airplane,
Looking out the window,
Watching the clouds go by.
Flying in an airplane,
Looking out the window,