Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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17.00-18.30 uur.Het Nederlandse slavernijverleden in Azië is nog altijd vrij onbekend. Dat komt niet alleen doordat historici zich wat slavernij betreft lange tijd vooral op ‘de West’ richtten, maar... [Event]
Het debat over het slavernijverleden beperkt zich in Nederland meestal tot de Atlantische slavenhandel. Minder bekend is dat in de vroegmoderne tijd (1600-1800) ook in Azië grote aantallen slaven... [Event]
Sidney Chalhoub is professor of history at the University of Campinas, Brazil, and one of the best specialists in Slavery, particularly after its abolition in Brazil.  Professor Chalhoub claims that... [Event]
The colloquium focused on the long-term consequences of the British abolition of the Atlantic slave trade (1807-8). The conference focused on:the "invention" of alternative forms of labor recruitment... [Event]
 In the Netherlands slavery is usually associated with Atlantic slavery. The current view of slavery might even be called 'Atlanto-centric'.Wrongly so, was the opinion of the three young researchers... [News]
The Netherlands abolished slavery exactly 150 years ago, but controversy continues about how much the country actually earned from slavery and the slave trade. IISH, VU University Amsterdam and... [News]
Sugar was the single most valuable bulk commodity traded internationally before oil became the world’s prime resource. From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, cane sugar production was pre-... [Publication]
Historically, capitalism has always integrated various forms of unfree labour, including chattel slavery, convict labour and debt bondage. Contrary to purported wisdom, these forms of exploitation... [Publication]
In 1807 the British "Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade" received the Royal Assent. The Act represented the first significant attempt by a Great Power to exert global influence over the... [Publication]
Some findings from the Global Slavery Index (November 2014) of the Walk Free Foundation:The west African nation of Mauritania has the highest proportion of people in modern slavery at 4% of its... [Item of the Day]
