- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 57034
Gradska (Cyrillic: Градска) is a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the 1991 census, the village is located in the municipality of Ljubuški.
Coordinates: 43°13′N 17°34′E / 43.217°N 17.567°E / 43.217; 17.567
Sakib "Šako" Polumenta (born 27 March 1968) is a Montenegrin pop-folk singer popular throughout the former Yugoslav republics.
Polumenta was born into a Montenegrin Bosniak family in Bijelo Polje, a municipality of northern Montenegro (then part of Yugoslavia).
He is married with Vesna, whom he has been in a relationship for 15 years (as of 2013).
He has a daughter, Rijalda (b. 1989), who married in 2012.
He is the paternal uncle of well-known singer Dado Polumenta, whose career he helped launch.
He began his career in 1993. He has several housings in Podgorica, Belgrade, Ulcinj. He is often singing in the Belgrade splav (river boat) "River".
FeeL - Gradska // Градска [Official HD Video]
Braca Lekic - Gradska cura BN Music 2016 Audio
armada rijeka-gradska
Gradska Kafana - Djani - Dodjes samo kada tesko ti je
Mile Kitic - Kraljica trotoara - (LIVE) - (Gradska Kafana 12.11.2015.)
🔴 [UŽIVO] Zagreb: Gradska skupština odlučuje o preimenovanju Trga maršala Tita!! 31.08.2017.
Gradska Vijecnica u plamenu
Gradska Kafana - Sako Polumenta - Mix Pesama
Folklor - omladina sela Gradska snimak iz 1983 godine.
Gradska limena glazba Županja ~ ŠOKAČKO KOLO • Pokladna povorka, Županja, 26.02.2017.
Gradska Kafana - Djani - Nema me
Gradska Kafana - Sako Polumenta - Disem za tebe
Gradska Kafana - Jana - Sta ce ti pevacica, Ostavi mi Drugove
ATOMSKO SKLONIŠTE - Čedna gradska lica (HD) VIDEO SPOT - 80/2017
Gradska Kafana - Djani - Ja samo pijem
Gradska ekipa
Cecilija i Garavi - Gradska tema
Gradska Kafana - Jana - Sta ce ti pevacica, Ostavi mi drugove
Продуцент: Филип Гаврилов Музикален продуцент: BASSMENT Studio (Yaneto, FeeL, Algoriddim) Mix: Янко Джаров Yaneto Master: Веселин Ценов ALGORIDDIM Текст: Филип Гаврилов FeeL Видео Продукция: Four Elements Режисьор: Димитър Кръчмаров Оператор: Росен Савков Монтаж: Иво Тасев https://www.facebook.com/feelleap http://www.astro-kit.com/
Label and copyright: Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! Digital distribution: KVZ Digital Muzika: I. Golubic Tekst: L.Pajcin Aranzman: I. Golubic
nasa rijeka
OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/milekiticofficial Label and copyright: Mile Kitić Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! Muzika: Tekst: Aranžman: Video: Gradska kafana
LIKE - SUBSCRIBE - COMMENT 🔴 NOVO NA KANALU - NA TERENU S POLICIJOM - GDJE PRATIMO NAŠU POLICIJU U OPHOĐENJU I SUZBIJANJU KRIMINALA 🔴 Sve novosti u svijetu politike možete saznati na našem kanalu. Ovaj kanal ne vodi saborski zastupnik Ivan Pernar. HVALA NA RAZUMIJEVANJU!!
Insert iz dok. filma "Agresija na BiH" www.nadanasnjidan.ba
Obradjena slika i zvuk ! Legendarni Atomci sa albuma - U vremenu horoskopa . Godina - 1980.
Poljoprivredna TV, www.poljoprivredna.tv, www.videoteka.poljoprivredna.tv, www.uzivo.poljoprivredna.tv
Lumbarda City Beach is located near the center, just to the northeast and behind the docks of the port. This pebbled beach is ideal for swimming in the Adriatic Sea. The gently sloping banks allow easy access into the crystal clear water. In the immediate vicinity of the beach are restaurants, cafes and various shops. Pointers Travel takes you in a tour of a City Beach located in Lumbarda, Island Korčula, Croatia . For more information, make sure to install our Pointers - Personal Travel Guide app avaliable for iOS & Android! ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/PointersTravelSubscribe ➡ Find Out More: [BIT.LY LINK NA OBJEKT NA POINTERS STRANICI] About Pointers - Personal Travel Guide: Pointers is a free personal travel guide to take with you to your next adventure. Download Pointers Personal Tr...
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Greece Travel Guide http://bit.ly/19QqISc Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Neos Marmaras in Chalkidiki and shows you its sites and attractions. This small town is an important tourist resort with its hotels, yacht port, casino, water sports facilities, open air theater and the local Porto Carras quality wine. Neos Marmaras was the estate of the Gregorio Monastery on Athos. The buildings of the monastery and the church are situated on the east side of the town. The ruined walls which used to protect the port are relics of the Byzantine era. The town is an important tourist resort with its three hotels, yacht port, casino, convention halls, watersports facilities, open air theater and cinema and of course, with the local Por...
Pointers Travel takes you in a tour of a small town Lumbarda located on the island of Korcula], Croatia. For more information, make sure to install our Pointers - Personal Travel Guide app avaliable for iOS & Android! ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/PointersTravelSubscribe About Pointers - Personal Travel Guide: Pointers is a free personal travel guide to take with you to your next adventure. Download Pointers Personal Travel Guide to quickly locate great destinations, attractions and events in Croatia, South Africa, Florida, Germany and Angola (Italy is coming soon). Explore and discover Split, Trogir, Omiš, the islands of Pag, Hvar and Krk, Pretoria, plus so much more, and find the things you enjoy the most. Get More Pointers: Mobile App: http://hyperurl.co/PointersTravelApp Official Site...
http://www.vivatravel.rs Sicilija- najveće ostrvo u Sredozemnom moru, predstavlja autonomnu regiju u Italiji i ima površinu od 25710m2. Ujedno, Sicilija je i najveća regija u Italiji. Na Siciliji živi oko pet miliona stanovnika, a najveć broj je smešten u Palermu- centru ove regije. Sicilija je kao priča za sebe, ona ima svoju kulturu, umetnost, arhitekturu, poseban naglasak kao i svoju savršenu kuhinju. Zbog svog specifičnog položaja, Sicilja je sezmički veoma aktivna te je često pogađaju zemljotresi i podrhtavanja zemljišta. Ovo područje je podložno i vulkanskim aktivnostima. U 19. veku u Sicilijanskom prolazu se pojavilo i novo ostrvo Ferdinandea. Sicilija ima veoma toplu klimu i iako o tome ne razmišljamo, pozicionirana je samo 160 km severoistočno od Severne Afrike. Kroz istoriju Si...
Sarti je jedna od najtraženijih i najlepših destinacija na Sitoniji. Velika i peščana gradska plaža, lepo mesto i mnogo plaža u okolini koje spadaju u neke od najlepših na Sitoniji su preporuka za ovo mesto. Više informacija na našem sajtu https://nikana.gr/sr/vodic/sitonija/mesta/1914/sarti Za rezervacije smeštaja u Sartiju posetite https://nikana.gr/sr/smestaj/sitonija/sarti Sarti is one of the most popular destination on Sithonia. Great city beach, charming village, and lots of beaches nearby are great recommendations for Sarti. More info on our website https://nikana.gr/en/tourist-guide/sithonia/places/1914/sarti For accommodation booking visit https://nikana.gr/en/accommodation/sithonia/sarti
Cro-Travel - Piękne plaże wyspy ĆIOVO i stare miasto TROGIR, z historią 2300 lat. ___ Zaplanuj wakacje wcześniej! Zarezerwuj swój apartament w Chorwacji już teraz: www.Cro-Travel.pl
http://zadar.inyourpocket.com Two monuments dominate Narodni Trg (People's Square) the City Sentinel (Gradska straža) and the City Lodge (Gradska loža). The City Sentinel designed by a Venetian architect in the late Renaissance style, with a large central clock tower and a surrounding stone barrier and railing with holes for cannons (both later additions). The building once housed the Ethnographic Section of the National Museum, one of the most important collections in the country, and worth seeing for the rich colours of local national costumes, textiles (weaving and lace), jewellery, agricultural, fishing and household objects. The City Lodge was built by the same architet as the City Sentinel, this building once was the city's courthouse, council chambers and library. With its huge wi...
The Island of Korčula is a south Dalmatian island parallel to the mainland, situated in a west-east course. It is 46,8 km long, with an average width of 5,3 -7,8 km, and is the sixth largest Adriatic island. It has population of approximately 16.000 , which is the second largest island population in the Adriatic. The climate is very mild, and is of Mediterranean features. The average sunny weather is over 2700 hours annually. Korčula is one of the most forested Adriatic islands. The sea is rich with fish, crustaceans, shells and sea-urchins. Today the inhabitants of Korčula use all the benefits of the modern age, while at the same time they respect traditions and live in harmony with nature. Almost every family is engaged in agriculture, mostly wine grape and olives. It is hard to establis...
Sarakiniko plaža u blizini Parge. Više informacija o samoj plaži pročitajte na linku https://nikana.gr/sr/vodic/epir/plaze/2523/sarakiniko-plaza Za rezervacije smeštaja u Pargi posetite https://nikana.gr/sr/smestaj/epir/parga Sarikiniko beach close to Parga. More info on https://nikana.gr/en/tourist-guide/epir/beaches/2523/sarakiniko-plaza For accommodation booking in Parga visit https://nikana.gr/en/accommodation/epir/parga
Barselona je glavni grad autonomne pokrajine Katalonije i istoimene provincije Barselona na severoistoku Španije. Nalazi se na obalama Sredozemnog mora, na nekih 120 kilometara od Pirineja i granice sa Francuskom, u dolini koja je okružena morem na istoku, planinskim vencem Sijera de Koljserola na zapadu, na jugu rekom Ljobregat, a na severu rekom Besos. Sam grad broji oko 1,6 miliona stanovnika, dok sa okolinom broji oko 3,2 miliona stanovnika i ima površinu od 633 km². Grad Barselona sačinjavaju deset opština. Svaka opština je politički entitet sa vlastitim nadležnostima, čime se gradska vlast decentralizuje i približava građanima. Teritorijalna podela je vezana za istorijske transformacije grada. Većina gradskih opština su nastale od starih zasebnih opština i četvrti sa posebnim i...
music: Bossa N `Floyd Chillout - Wish You Were Here Metalia beach je veoma interesantna i po mnogo čemu posebna plaža. Na obali je šljunkovita, a u vodi gotovo celom svojom dužinom nalaze se kamene ploče. Po sredini je napravljena stazica kako bi se izbeglo kamenje prilikom ulaska u vodu. Levi deo plaže je sa pristupačnijim, šljunkovitim ulazom. Osim po neobičnim, ravnim pločama u vodi, plaža je poznata po apsolutnom miru i tišini jer je okružena brdima i zelenilom, daleko od puteva, naseljenih mesta i saobraćaja. Idealna je za sunčanje i uživanje uz čitanje. Zbog kamenja i nepostojanja plićaka u vodi na plaži nema dece, pa samim tim ni graje, bacanja peska i trčanja između peškira :)). Na plaži nikada nema gužve, pa možete zauzeti svoje mesto i uživati u razgovoru sa svojim prijatelji...
Neos Marmaras je jedna od najtraženijih destinacija na Sitoniji. Više informacija o samom mestu pročitajte na linku https://nikana.gr/sr/vodic/sitonija/mesta/1807/neos-marmaras Za rezervacije smeštaja u Neos Marmarasu posetite https://nikana.gr/sr/smestaj/sitonija/neos-marmaras Neos Marmaras is one of the most popular destinations on Sithonia. More info on https://nikana.gr/en/tourist-guide/sithonia/places/1807/neos-marmaras For accommodation booking in Neos Marmaras visit https://nikana.gr/en/accommodation/sithonia/neos-marmaras
Gradska plaza u Limenasu na Tasosu, ima plavu zastavu
http://www.vivatravel.rs Parga-jedno od najlepših mesta na Jonskom moru. Ovo neobično šarmantno malo mesto na severozapadnoj obali Grčke u oblasti Epir, poznato je po zdravoj mediteranskoj klimi, okolnim planinama bujne vegetacije i smaragdnoj boji mora. Godinama privlači veliki broj turista zbog svoje istorije, lepote, prelepih plaža, maslinjaka i borovih šuma. U njenoj ponudi se nalaze brojni restorani, taverne, kafići i prodavnice raznovrsne robe. Karakteristična je i po svojoj arhitekturi, jer je bila pod uticajem Mletačke republike. Oslikavaju je male, bele, tradicionalne kuće, uske ulice sa puno cveća. U blizini Parge su ostrva Krf, Paksos i Antipaksos do kojih se prave jednodnevni izleti, čime ponuda postaje obogaćena fantastičnom lepotom okolnih ostrva. Ukoliko odlučite da vaše ...
The only meat that will touch these lips of mine is human
Hope you consider that animals feel pain the same as we
Barbaric slaughter so you can put meat on the table to feed yourself
I hope you choke yourself to death on the very first bite
We are accountable, we are the choices that we make
And there's no reason for cruelty towards those that can't
Defend themselves, well, it's obscene that someone gets fat
From the pain and suffering of the innocent and defenseless
It's grotesque, a twisted burlesque
A gruesome Halloween, all the cruelty that I've seen
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all
Always remember that gluttony precedes a fall
Kangaroo killers Adidas, battery farms just to feed us
Animals under the blade just another hide for the skin trade
It's grotesque, a twisted burlesque
A gruesome Halloween, all the cruelty that I've seen
Grotesque, grotesque, grotesque and we're all to blame