
Cosmo interview with Chelsea Manning

April 9, 2015. Chelsea Manning reflects on her life now and before prison in her April interview with Cosmopolitan Magazine.Read more »


Chelsea Manning: 'I'm so thankful for all of your support'

April 9, 2015. Chelsea has received over 17,000 letters! Her thank you to Amnesty Intl and all who have written her.Read more »


5 years since "Collateral Murder"

March 6, 2010. What's happened since the release of the "Collateral Murder" video five years ago on April 5, 2010?Read more »


@xychelsea: Chelsea Manning on Twitter!

March 3, 2015. Now, with her new Twitter account, you can hear updates from our heroic Wikileaks whistleblower on a more regular basis.Read more »


Manning on torture in new Guardian op-ed

March 9, 2015. Chelsea Manning's latest Guardian op-ed on torture and persecuting those responsible.Read more »


Army Court Orders Military to Use Correct Pronouns for Manning

March 5, 2015. The Army Court of Criminal Appeals has ordered the military to stop using male pronouns when referring to Chelsea Manning in all legal papers filed in her appeal.Read more »


Military finally begins gender-related care for Chelsea Manning

Feb 13, 2015. After a two-year struggle, Chelsea Manning has begun receiving necessary gender-related health care from the military--a first in the history of the US military. However, we are disappointed that the military released this medical information about Chelsea without her consent, in violation of federal law and a protective order. Read more »


Birthday Messages to Chelsea from Snowden, Gilliam & more public icons

Dec 16, 2014. Public icons send birthday greetings and support to prisoner of conscience Chelsea Manning, including: Edward Snowden, Terry Gilliam, Michael Stipe, Vivienne Westwood, Molly Crabapple, JM Coetzee, Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Slavoj Žižek, Alan Moore, Joe Sacco, Lupe Fiasco, Peter Tatchell, Billy Martin, Saul WilliamsRead more »

Chelsea Manning

New Action- write letters to DoD officials requesting clemency for Chelsea!

Nov 11, 2014. President Obama has delegated review of Chelsea Manning’s clemency appeal to individuals within the Department of Defense. Write them to express your support for Chelsea Manning’s release from military prison.Read more »


Amnesty Intl interviews Chelsea

Nov 18, 2014. The Amnesty International Interview with Chelsea Manning, "Why Speaking Out is Worth the Risk".Read more »

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PBS features Chelsea Manning art exhibit

March 24, 2015. STATE OF THE ARTS features The United States vs. Chelsea Manning, a graphic novel illustrating Wikileaks whistleblower Manning's court-martial, currently on display at Rutgers University.Read more »


Chelsea Manning's Next Chapter

March 13, 2015. Bloomberg Politics' March 10th article on Wikileaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning: her court-martial, her NYT & Guardian op-eds, trans justice, and her upcoming legal appeals.Read more »


Military won't refer to Chelsea as female in appeals, Manning lawyers file reply

Feb 20, 2014. The military refused a motion to use female pronouns & refer to Chelsea Manning by her legal name in the the appeals process. Read appellate lawyers Nancy Hollander & Vincent Ward's complete reply.Read more »


Chelsea's appellate attorneys on the Espionage Act, the appeals process

Feb 19, 2015. Watch the full video of attorneys Nancy Hollander & Vincent Ward's recent panel discussion concerning the issues in Chelsea Manning's upcoming legal appeals.Read more »


Chelsea joins Guardian as contributing opinion writer

Feb 11, 2015. Guardian editor-in-chief announces whistleblower Chelsea Manning as contributing opinion writer.Read more »


Manning supporters march in Melbourne

Feb 5, 2015. Last weekend, Australian supporters of whistleblower Chelsea Manning marched in Melbourne's Pride Parade.Read more »


Manning an inspiration for Conscientious Objector

Feb 4, 2015. First Lt. Jacob Bridge filed for conscientious objector status last year, and now cites a quote from Wikileaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning as an inspiration.Read more »


Manning advisory board member Michael Moore responds to 'haters'

January 27, 2015. After the 'American Sniper' uproar, film-maker Michael Moore lays out all of the ways that he provides real support to vets--including his continued role as an Advisory Board member of our Support Network. Read more »


Manning represented at Teddy Awards

January 20, 2015. Film Festival honors Chelsea Manning on poster alongside queer icons.Read more »


Birthday Gatherings for Chelsea

January 12, 2015. Photos from world-wide birthday celebrations in support of Wikileaks whistle-blower Chelsea Manning.Read more »

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