Diving at Reethi Beach, Baa Atoll, Maldives, September 2013, HD
Right spot at the right time - manta rays (13:30 - 16:30) at a cleaning station!
Check out my newest videos:
1. 00:05 - 01:34: „Free Fall" (dedicated to Felix Baumgartner) by Sascha Ende http://www.ende.tv/royalty-free-music/orchestral.html?id=432&action;=view
2. 01:35 - 04:10: „Esperanta Akustik Track 1" by Sascha Ende
Feeding Franzy: Manta Rays at Hanifaru Bay , Baa Atoll, Maldives
When tide and current turn a tiny bay into a bowl of plankton, manta rays in the Maldives gather for a roiling, whirling feast.
Royal Picnic Island , Baa Atoll, Maldives
Picnic Island by Royal Island and Spa Maldives, Baa Atoll
Maldives, Reethi Beach Resort in Baa Atoll - Official Video
Promotional Trailer for Reethi Beach Resort, the Maldives. Showcasing some of the islands activities. Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by D...
Royal Island Resort & Spa Baa Atoll, Maldivas
Royal Island Resort & Spa
Baa Atoll, Maldivas
Baa Atoll Maalhos island guest house
Maalhos island is located in baa atoll near dharavandhoo island
#3 - Reethi Beach Resort - Schnorcheln am Hausriff #1 - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Wie vertreibt man sich die Zeit auf einer so kleinen Insel wie Reethi Beach? Einfach mal gemütlich am Strand liegen, ein tolles Buch lesen, den ein oder anderen Cocktail genießen und natürlich beim Schnorcheln. Wir waren das erste mal auf den Malediven schnorcheln und begeistert von der Menge und Vielfalt an Fischen, die schon das Hausriff für uns zu bieten hatte. Den Blogartikel findet Ihr wie im
#7 - Reethi Beach Resort - Schnorcheln am Hausriff #2 - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Bei unserem ersten Schnochelausflug am Hausriff von Reethi Beach haben wir ja schon eine Menge gesehen... aber die Highlights haben wir Euch bisher vorenthalten. Wir haben riesige Seegurken, unterschiedlichste Muränen, große Drückerfische, die "Hausschildkröte Freddy" und sogar noch ein Manta an der Riffkante von Reethi Beach gesehen. Schaut doch einfach nochmal mit uns in die bunte und abwechslun
Hithaadhoo, Baa Atoll
Maldives - The Sunny Side Of Life
#2 - Reethi Beach Resort - Inselrundgang - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Habt ihr Euch immer schon gefragt, was ein kleines Resort wie Reethi Beach zu bieten hat? Kommt mit, wir machen mit Euch einen Inselrundgang! :-) Am Strand entlang geht es einmal um die Insel herum. Wir machen kurze Stopps und stellen euch die wichtigen Einrichtungen kurz vor. Wer also neugierig ist, wie schön die Insel wirklich ist, der schaut jetzt einfach mal rein. Den dazugehörigen Blogeintrag
Myrichthys colubrinus in Baa Atoll, Maldives
Filmed in the Lagoon of Reethi Beach Resort in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik: KRNE - Tracer
Zwei Pinguine auf den Malediven - Reethi Beach Resort - Baa Atoll - Trailer (Maldives)
Malediven – mitten im indischen Ozean. Wir genossen im November 2014 zwei Wochen das paradiesische Reethi Beach Resort im Baa Atoll. Eine Insel, gerade einmal 600 x 200 Meter groß. Wir erlebten dabei unglaubliche Momente in einer faszinierenden Umgebung – ob an Land oder unter Wasser. Begleitet uns auf diese, etwas andere Reise. Wir zeigen Euch alles Interessante, angefangen von dem Transfer per W
#8 - Reethi Beach Resort - Sunset Tour & Reethi Day - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Auch ein Urlaub auf den traumhaften schönen Malediven geht irgendwann einmal zu Ende. Vorher nehmen wir euch aber noch mit zu einem Sunset Trip auf die unbewohnte Nachbarinsel. Danach zeigen wir euch noch wie schön romantisch ein Abendessen am Reethi Day sein kann. An diesem Tag wird Strom gespart und im Restaurant isst man schön bei Kerzenlicht. Kurz vor unserer Abreise haben wir uns dann noch im
Diving in Baa Atoll, MALDIVES Sep,2012 - Manta Rays and Whale Shark Feeding.
Manta Selfie at Hanifaru Bay - Baa Atoll - Maldives
Freediving at Hanifaru Bay with Manta Rays (Manta alfredi)
ANANTARA KIHAVAH VILLAS - Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Luxurious Hotels Maldives:- ANANTARA KIHAVAH VILLAS
P.O. Box 2014, Kihavah Huravalhi Island, Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Tel:- +960 660 1020
Fax:- +960 660 1040
Email:- kihavahmaldives@anantara.com
Skype:- Anantara Kihavah
Maldives Royal Island Hurubadhoo Baa atoll Maldive
Great holidays at Royal Island (hurubadhoo - Baa atoll). The credits are made in Death Proof style (Quentin Tarantino). Splendide vacanze alle maldive presso...
Anantara Kihavah Resort - Over Water Pool Villa | Baa Atoll, Maldives
Arriving by Seaplane, landing outside your new villa or Regional Airline from the local airport with speedboat transfer, you are warmly welcomed and whisked away to your private water villa by electric buggy.
The villa over the sea features an above water secluded pool with a spectacular view. The room expands with sliding doors to the bedroom and bathroom, fully opening to the outside, yet priva
#4 - Reethi Beach Resort - Technical Tour - Fischfütterung - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Wie funktioniert eigentlich so ein Hotelbetrieb auf einer kleinen Malediveninsel? Wie wird der Strom produziert, woher kommt das Trinkwasser oder wie funktioniert die Reinigung der täglich anfallenden Wäsche? Bei der auf Reethi Beach angebotenen "Technical Tour" haben die Gäste die Möglichkeit einmal in das Inselinnere des Paradieses zu schauen. Es ist sehr interessant zu sehen wo die ganzen Lecke
Mantas at Nelivaru - Baa Atoll 2014
Footage of the manta ray season 2014 in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik by Aeons - Loud Flight.
Diving on Maldives, Baa atoll
Diving on Maldives, Baa atoll, September 2014.
Reethi Beach Resort.
Дайвинг на Мальдивах, Баа атолл, сентябрь 2014.
Отель Reethi Beach Resort.
MPS in Baa Atoll Eydhafushi, 2013.
Is it illegal to photograph the activities Maldives Police Services? Is general photography illegal now too?
Uploaded to continue the discussions that this photograph by Zamin Ali Mueen is inspiring:
What are the actual laws?
Has it now become illegal to photograph anything?
Maldives (BAA atoll) Le best en basse saison
Safari plongée aux Maldives en basse saison du mois d`août a octobre a BAA atoll au nord des Maldives avec Dune-Maldives.com, Sean, Thomas et Fatu a bord du ...
Diving at Reethi Beach, Baa Atoll, Maldives, September 2013, HD
Right spot at the right time - manta rays (13:30 - 16:30) at a cleaning station!
Check out my newest videos:
Right spot at the right time - manta rays (13:30 - 16:30) at a cleaning station!
Check out my newest videos:
1. 00:05 - 01:34: „Free Fall" (dedicated to Felix Baumgartner) by Sascha Ende http://www.ende.tv/royalty-free-music/orchestral.html?id=432&action;=view
2. 01:35 - 04:10: „Esperanta Akustik Track 1" by Sascha Ende
3. 04:11 - 08:23: „The Temperature Of The Air In The Bow Of The Kaleetan" by Chris Zabriskie
licensed under a Creative Commons license:
4. 08:23 - 13:31: „Drops of H2O (The Filtered Water Treatment)" ft. Airtone by J.Lang http://ccmixter.org/files/djlang59/37792
licensed under a Creative commons license:
5. 13:31 - 16:34: „Atemübungen" by Sascha Ende
6. 16:34 - 20:30: „Farewell (Abschied)" by Sascha Ende
7. 20:30 - 21:10: „I dunno" by grapes
licensed under a Creative Commons license:
wn.com/Diving At Reethi Beach, Baa Atoll, Maldives, September 2013, Hd
Right spot at the right time - manta rays (13:30 - 16:30) at a cleaning station!
Check out my newest videos:
1. 00:05 - 01:34: „Free Fall" (dedicated to Felix Baumgartner) by Sascha Ende http://www.ende.tv/royalty-free-music/orchestral.html?id=432&action;=view
2. 01:35 - 04:10: „Esperanta Akustik Track 1" by Sascha Ende
3. 04:11 - 08:23: „The Temperature Of The Air In The Bow Of The Kaleetan" by Chris Zabriskie
licensed under a Creative Commons license:
4. 08:23 - 13:31: „Drops of H2O (The Filtered Water Treatment)" ft. Airtone by J.Lang http://ccmixter.org/files/djlang59/37792
licensed under a Creative commons license:
5. 13:31 - 16:34: „Atemübungen" by Sascha Ende
6. 16:34 - 20:30: „Farewell (Abschied)" by Sascha Ende
7. 20:30 - 21:10: „I dunno" by grapes
licensed under a Creative Commons license:
- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 14997
Feeding Franzy: Manta Rays at Hanifaru Bay , Baa Atoll, Maldives
When tide and current turn a tiny bay into a bowl of plankton, manta rays in the Maldives gather for a roiling, whirling feast....
When tide and current turn a tiny bay into a bowl of plankton, manta rays in the Maldives gather for a roiling, whirling feast.
wn.com/Feeding Franzy Manta Rays At Hanifaru Bay , Baa Atoll, Maldives
When tide and current turn a tiny bay into a bowl of plankton, manta rays in the Maldives gather for a roiling, whirling feast.
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 3
Royal Picnic Island , Baa Atoll, Maldives
Picnic Island by Royal Island and Spa Maldives, Baa Atoll...
Picnic Island by Royal Island and Spa Maldives, Baa Atoll
wn.com/Royal Picnic Island , Baa Atoll, Maldives
Picnic Island by Royal Island and Spa Maldives, Baa Atoll
- published: 22 Dec 2014
- views: 37
Maldives, Reethi Beach Resort in Baa Atoll - Official Video
Promotional Trailer for Reethi Beach Resort, the Maldives. Showcasing some of the islands activities. Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by D......
Promotional Trailer for Reethi Beach Resort, the Maldives. Showcasing some of the islands activities. Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by D...
wn.com/Maldives, Reethi Beach Resort In Baa Atoll Official Video
Promotional Trailer for Reethi Beach Resort, the Maldives. Showcasing some of the islands activities. Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by D...
Royal Island Resort & Spa Baa Atoll, Maldivas
Royal Island Resort & Spa
Baa Atoll, Maldivas...
Royal Island Resort & Spa
Baa Atoll, Maldivas
wn.com/Royal Island Resort Spa Baa Atoll, Maldivas
Royal Island Resort & Spa
Baa Atoll, Maldivas
- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 4
Baa Atoll Maalhos island guest house
Maalhos island is located in baa atoll near dharavandhoo island...
Maalhos island is located in baa atoll near dharavandhoo island
wn.com/Baa Atoll Maalhos Island Guest House
Maalhos island is located in baa atoll near dharavandhoo island
- published: 30 Mar 2015
- views: 8
#3 - Reethi Beach Resort - Schnorcheln am Hausriff #1 - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Wie vertreibt man sich die Zeit auf einer so kleinen Insel wie Reethi Beach? Einfach mal gemütlich am Strand liegen, ein tolles Buch lesen, den ein oder anderen...
Wie vertreibt man sich die Zeit auf einer so kleinen Insel wie Reethi Beach? Einfach mal gemütlich am Strand liegen, ein tolles Buch lesen, den ein oder anderen Cocktail genießen und natürlich beim Schnorcheln. Wir waren das erste mal auf den Malediven schnorcheln und begeistert von der Menge und Vielfalt an Fischen, die schon das Hausriff für uns zu bieten hatte. Den Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter: http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4697
Follow us and explore the beautiful underwater world of reethi beach house reef. Luckily we have discovered among others a very mystically big red octopus and a whole school of spotted eagle rays. A dream came true! Given by https://www.facebook.com/DieJuniorsCom
wn.com/3 Reethi Beach Resort Schnorcheln Am Hausriff 1 Baa Atoll Maldives Malediven
Wie vertreibt man sich die Zeit auf einer so kleinen Insel wie Reethi Beach? Einfach mal gemütlich am Strand liegen, ein tolles Buch lesen, den ein oder anderen Cocktail genießen und natürlich beim Schnorcheln. Wir waren das erste mal auf den Malediven schnorcheln und begeistert von der Menge und Vielfalt an Fischen, die schon das Hausriff für uns zu bieten hatte. Den Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter: http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4697
Follow us and explore the beautiful underwater world of reethi beach house reef. Luckily we have discovered among others a very mystically big red octopus and a whole school of spotted eagle rays. A dream came true! Given by https://www.facebook.com/DieJuniorsCom
- published: 14 Feb 2015
- views: 365
#7 - Reethi Beach Resort - Schnorcheln am Hausriff #2 - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Bei unserem ersten Schnochelausflug am Hausriff von Reethi Beach haben wir ja schon eine Menge gesehen... aber die Highlights haben wir Euch bisher vorenthalten...
Bei unserem ersten Schnochelausflug am Hausriff von Reethi Beach haben wir ja schon eine Menge gesehen... aber die Highlights haben wir Euch bisher vorenthalten. Wir haben riesige Seegurken, unterschiedlichste Muränen, große Drückerfische, die "Hausschildkröte Freddy" und sogar noch ein Manta an der Riffkante von Reethi Beach gesehen. Schaut doch einfach nochmal mit uns in die bunte und abwechslungsreiche Unterwasserwelt der Malediven. Den vollständigen Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4820
wn.com/7 Reethi Beach Resort Schnorcheln Am Hausriff 2 Baa Atoll Maldives Malediven
Bei unserem ersten Schnochelausflug am Hausriff von Reethi Beach haben wir ja schon eine Menge gesehen... aber die Highlights haben wir Euch bisher vorenthalten. Wir haben riesige Seegurken, unterschiedlichste Muränen, große Drückerfische, die "Hausschildkröte Freddy" und sogar noch ein Manta an der Riffkante von Reethi Beach gesehen. Schaut doch einfach nochmal mit uns in die bunte und abwechslungsreiche Unterwasserwelt der Malediven. Den vollständigen Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4820
- published: 23 May 2015
- views: 276
Hithaadhoo, Baa Atoll
Maldives - The Sunny Side Of Life...
Maldives - The Sunny Side Of Life
wn.com/Hithaadhoo, Baa Atoll
Maldives - The Sunny Side Of Life
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 6
#2 - Reethi Beach Resort - Inselrundgang - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Habt ihr Euch immer schon gefragt, was ein kleines Resort wie Reethi Beach zu bieten hat? Kommt mit, wir machen mit Euch einen Inselrundgang! :-) Am Strand entl...
Habt ihr Euch immer schon gefragt, was ein kleines Resort wie Reethi Beach zu bieten hat? Kommt mit, wir machen mit Euch einen Inselrundgang! :-) Am Strand entlang geht es einmal um die Insel herum. Wir machen kurze Stopps und stellen euch die wichtigen Einrichtungen kurz vor. Wer also neugierig ist, wie schön die Insel wirklich ist, der schaut jetzt einfach mal rein. Den dazugehörigen Blogeintrag findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4663
Have you ever wondered what a Atoll like Reethi Beach Resort has to offer onshore? Follow us on a tour by foot and discover this lovely island. Every few moments we will stop at interesting spots. Given by https://www.facebook.com/DieJuniorsCom
wn.com/2 Reethi Beach Resort Inselrundgang Baa Atoll Maldives Malediven
Habt ihr Euch immer schon gefragt, was ein kleines Resort wie Reethi Beach zu bieten hat? Kommt mit, wir machen mit Euch einen Inselrundgang! :-) Am Strand entlang geht es einmal um die Insel herum. Wir machen kurze Stopps und stellen euch die wichtigen Einrichtungen kurz vor. Wer also neugierig ist, wie schön die Insel wirklich ist, der schaut jetzt einfach mal rein. Den dazugehörigen Blogeintrag findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4663
Have you ever wondered what a Atoll like Reethi Beach Resort has to offer onshore? Follow us on a tour by foot and discover this lovely island. Every few moments we will stop at interesting spots. Given by https://www.facebook.com/DieJuniorsCom
- published: 01 Feb 2015
- views: 109
Myrichthys colubrinus in Baa Atoll, Maldives
Filmed in the Lagoon of Reethi Beach Resort in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik: KRNE - Tracer...
Filmed in the Lagoon of Reethi Beach Resort in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik: KRNE - Tracer
wn.com/Myrichthys Colubrinus In Baa Atoll, Maldives
Filmed in the Lagoon of Reethi Beach Resort in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik: KRNE - Tracer
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 14
Zwei Pinguine auf den Malediven - Reethi Beach Resort - Baa Atoll - Trailer (Maldives)
Malediven – mitten im indischen Ozean. Wir genossen im November 2014 zwei Wochen das paradiesische Reethi Beach Resort im Baa Atoll. Eine Insel, gerade einmal 6...
Malediven – mitten im indischen Ozean. Wir genossen im November 2014 zwei Wochen das paradiesische Reethi Beach Resort im Baa Atoll. Eine Insel, gerade einmal 600 x 200 Meter groß. Wir erlebten dabei unglaubliche Momente in einer faszinierenden Umgebung – ob an Land oder unter Wasser. Begleitet uns auf diese, etwas andere Reise. Wir zeigen Euch alles Interessante, angefangen von dem Transfer per Wasserflugzeug bis hin zu den Vorzügen des Reethi Beach Resorts. Wir berichten von einem Ausflug zum Turtle Reef und von romantischen Momenten beim Moonlight Barbecue auf einer unbewohnten Insel. Genießt mit uns außerdem die fantastische Unterwasserwelt der Malediven.
Hier nun der erste Trailer. Die weiteren Episoden kommen dann ab Januar 2015 nach und nach.Den passenden Artikel findet Ihr auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4454
wn.com/Zwei Pinguine Auf Den Malediven Reethi Beach Resort Baa Atoll Trailer (Maldives)
Malediven – mitten im indischen Ozean. Wir genossen im November 2014 zwei Wochen das paradiesische Reethi Beach Resort im Baa Atoll. Eine Insel, gerade einmal 600 x 200 Meter groß. Wir erlebten dabei unglaubliche Momente in einer faszinierenden Umgebung – ob an Land oder unter Wasser. Begleitet uns auf diese, etwas andere Reise. Wir zeigen Euch alles Interessante, angefangen von dem Transfer per Wasserflugzeug bis hin zu den Vorzügen des Reethi Beach Resorts. Wir berichten von einem Ausflug zum Turtle Reef und von romantischen Momenten beim Moonlight Barbecue auf einer unbewohnten Insel. Genießt mit uns außerdem die fantastische Unterwasserwelt der Malediven.
Hier nun der erste Trailer. Die weiteren Episoden kommen dann ab Januar 2015 nach und nach.Den passenden Artikel findet Ihr auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4454
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 23
#8 - Reethi Beach Resort - Sunset Tour & Reethi Day - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Auch ein Urlaub auf den traumhaften schönen Malediven geht irgendwann einmal zu Ende. Vorher nehmen wir euch aber noch mit zu einem Sunset Trip auf die unbewohn...
Auch ein Urlaub auf den traumhaften schönen Malediven geht irgendwann einmal zu Ende. Vorher nehmen wir euch aber noch mit zu einem Sunset Trip auf die unbewohnte Nachbarinsel. Danach zeigen wir euch noch wie schön romantisch ein Abendessen am Reethi Day sein kann. An diesem Tag wird Strom gespart und im Restaurant isst man schön bei Kerzenlicht. Kurz vor unserer Abreise haben wir uns dann noch im Sand von Reethi "verewigt". Kommt noch zum letzten Mal mit in das Paradies... den vollständigen Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4845
wn.com/8 Reethi Beach Resort Sunset Tour Reethi Day Baa Atoll Maldives Malediven
Auch ein Urlaub auf den traumhaften schönen Malediven geht irgendwann einmal zu Ende. Vorher nehmen wir euch aber noch mit zu einem Sunset Trip auf die unbewohnte Nachbarinsel. Danach zeigen wir euch noch wie schön romantisch ein Abendessen am Reethi Day sein kann. An diesem Tag wird Strom gespart und im Restaurant isst man schön bei Kerzenlicht. Kurz vor unserer Abreise haben wir uns dann noch im Sand von Reethi "verewigt". Kommt noch zum letzten Mal mit in das Paradies... den vollständigen Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4845
- published: 05 Jun 2015
- views: 7
Manta Selfie at Hanifaru Bay - Baa Atoll - Maldives
Freediving at Hanifaru Bay with Manta Rays (Manta alfredi)...
Freediving at Hanifaru Bay with Manta Rays (Manta alfredi)
wn.com/Manta Selfie At Hanifaru Bay Baa Atoll Maldives
Freediving at Hanifaru Bay with Manta Rays (Manta alfredi)
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 11
ANANTARA KIHAVAH VILLAS - Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Luxurious Hotels Maldives:- ANANTARA KIHAVAH VILLAS
P.O. Box 2014, Kihavah Huravalhi Island, Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Tel:- +960 660 1020
Fax:- +960 660...
Luxurious Hotels Maldives:- ANANTARA KIHAVAH VILLAS
P.O. Box 2014, Kihavah Huravalhi Island, Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Tel:- +960 660 1020
Fax:- +960 660 1040
Email:- kihavahmaldives@anantara.com
Skype:- Anantara Kihavah
wn.com/Anantara Kihavah Villas Baa Atoll, Republic Of Maldives
Luxurious Hotels Maldives:- ANANTARA KIHAVAH VILLAS
P.O. Box 2014, Kihavah Huravalhi Island, Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Tel:- +960 660 1020
Fax:- +960 660 1040
Email:- kihavahmaldives@anantara.com
Skype:- Anantara Kihavah
- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 2
Maldives Royal Island Hurubadhoo Baa atoll Maldive
Great holidays at Royal Island (hurubadhoo - Baa atoll). The credits are made in Death Proof style (Quentin Tarantino). Splendide vacanze alle maldive presso......
Great holidays at Royal Island (hurubadhoo - Baa atoll). The credits are made in Death Proof style (Quentin Tarantino). Splendide vacanze alle maldive presso...
wn.com/Maldives Royal Island Hurubadhoo Baa Atoll Maldive
Great holidays at Royal Island (hurubadhoo - Baa atoll). The credits are made in Death Proof style (Quentin Tarantino). Splendide vacanze alle maldive presso...
Anantara Kihavah Resort - Over Water Pool Villa | Baa Atoll, Maldives
Arriving by Seaplane, landing outside your new villa or Regional Airline from the local airport with speedboat transfer, you are warmly welcomed and whisked awa...
Arriving by Seaplane, landing outside your new villa or Regional Airline from the local airport with speedboat transfer, you are warmly welcomed and whisked away to your private water villa by electric buggy.
The villa over the sea features an above water secluded pool with a spectacular view. The room expands with sliding doors to the bedroom and bathroom, fully opening to the outside, yet private from your neighbours at the same time, extending your view to the horizon.
"Over Water Pool Villas feature:
259 square metre
King sized beds with the finest cotton and a pillow menu
Expansive bathroom with outdoor shower, bath and rain shower
His and hers walk-in dressing rooms
Private swimming pool and sundeck
Dining pavilion
Complimentary high speed wireless internet access
iPod docking station
Satellite TV with LCD screen and DVD player
Selection of reading materials and board games
In-suite bar, wine chiller, espresso machine and tea making facilities
Villa Host"
Direct Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/travellertubes
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/travellertubes
Twitter: @TravellerTubes https://twitter.com/TravellerTubes
Instagram: http://instagram.com/travellertubes
wn.com/Anantara Kihavah Resort Over Water Pool Villa | Baa Atoll, Maldives
Arriving by Seaplane, landing outside your new villa or Regional Airline from the local airport with speedboat transfer, you are warmly welcomed and whisked away to your private water villa by electric buggy.
The villa over the sea features an above water secluded pool with a spectacular view. The room expands with sliding doors to the bedroom and bathroom, fully opening to the outside, yet private from your neighbours at the same time, extending your view to the horizon.
"Over Water Pool Villas feature:
259 square metre
King sized beds with the finest cotton and a pillow menu
Expansive bathroom with outdoor shower, bath and rain shower
His and hers walk-in dressing rooms
Private swimming pool and sundeck
Dining pavilion
Complimentary high speed wireless internet access
iPod docking station
Satellite TV with LCD screen and DVD player
Selection of reading materials and board games
In-suite bar, wine chiller, espresso machine and tea making facilities
Villa Host"
Direct Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/travellertubes
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/travellertubes
Twitter: @TravellerTubes https://twitter.com/TravellerTubes
Instagram: http://instagram.com/travellertubes
- published: 25 Apr 2015
- views: 14
#4 - Reethi Beach Resort - Technical Tour - Fischfütterung - Baa Atoll - Maldives - Malediven
Wie funktioniert eigentlich so ein Hotelbetrieb auf einer kleinen Malediveninsel? Wie wird der Strom produziert, woher kommt das Trinkwasser oder wie funktionie...
Wie funktioniert eigentlich so ein Hotelbetrieb auf einer kleinen Malediveninsel? Wie wird der Strom produziert, woher kommt das Trinkwasser oder wie funktioniert die Reinigung der täglich anfallenden Wäsche? Bei der auf Reethi Beach angebotenen "Technical Tour" haben die Gäste die Möglichkeit einmal in das Inselinnere des Paradieses zu schauen. Es ist sehr interessant zu sehen wo die ganzen Leckereien produziert werden, dass alle Möbel der Insel auch direkt dort in der Tischlerei produziert werden und wie die fleißigen Mitarbeiter selber leben. Den Tag lassen wir dann mit der täglich angebotenen Fischfütterung ausklingen. Alles Dinge, die man nicht alltäglich sieht... den vollständigen Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4731
wn.com/4 Reethi Beach Resort Technical Tour Fischfütterung Baa Atoll Maldives Malediven
Wie funktioniert eigentlich so ein Hotelbetrieb auf einer kleinen Malediveninsel? Wie wird der Strom produziert, woher kommt das Trinkwasser oder wie funktioniert die Reinigung der täglich anfallenden Wäsche? Bei der auf Reethi Beach angebotenen "Technical Tour" haben die Gäste die Möglichkeit einmal in das Inselinnere des Paradieses zu schauen. Es ist sehr interessant zu sehen wo die ganzen Leckereien produziert werden, dass alle Möbel der Insel auch direkt dort in der Tischlerei produziert werden und wie die fleißigen Mitarbeiter selber leben. Den Tag lassen wir dann mit der täglich angebotenen Fischfütterung ausklingen. Alles Dinge, die man nicht alltäglich sieht... den vollständigen Blogartikel findet Ihr wie immer auf unserer Website unter http://www.diejuniors.com/?p=4731
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 72
Mantas at Nelivaru - Baa Atoll 2014
Footage of the manta ray season 2014 in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik by Aeons - Loud Flight....
Footage of the manta ray season 2014 in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik by Aeons - Loud Flight.
wn.com/Mantas At Nelivaru Baa Atoll 2014
Footage of the manta ray season 2014 in Baa Atoll, Maldives.
Musik by Aeons - Loud Flight.
- published: 17 Dec 2014
- views: 32
Diving on Maldives, Baa atoll
Diving on Maldives, Baa atoll, September 2014.
Reethi Beach Resort.
Дайвинг на Мальдивах, Баа атолл, сентябрь 2014.
Отель Reethi Beach Resort....
Diving on Maldives, Baa atoll, September 2014.
Reethi Beach Resort.
Дайвинг на Мальдивах, Баа атолл, сентябрь 2014.
Отель Reethi Beach Resort.
wn.com/Diving On Maldives, Baa Atoll
Diving on Maldives, Baa atoll, September 2014.
Reethi Beach Resort.
Дайвинг на Мальдивах, Баа атолл, сентябрь 2014.
Отель Reethi Beach Resort.
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 10
MPS in Baa Atoll Eydhafushi, 2013.
Is it illegal to photograph the activities Maldives Police Services? Is general photography illegal now too?
Uploaded to continue the discussions that this pho...
Is it illegal to photograph the activities Maldives Police Services? Is general photography illegal now too?
Uploaded to continue the discussions that this photograph by Zamin Ali Mueen is inspiring:
What are the actual laws?
Has it now become illegal to photograph anything?
What rights do citizens have to document their surroundings?
The only thing that is certain is that if not for photographs and video evidence, many cases of police misconduct would have gone entirely unreported and unnoticed.
wn.com/Mps In Baa Atoll Eydhafushi, 2013.
Is it illegal to photograph the activities Maldives Police Services? Is general photography illegal now too?
Uploaded to continue the discussions that this photograph by Zamin Ali Mueen is inspiring:
What are the actual laws?
Has it now become illegal to photograph anything?
What rights do citizens have to document their surroundings?
The only thing that is certain is that if not for photographs and video evidence, many cases of police misconduct would have gone entirely unreported and unnoticed.
- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 43
Maldives (BAA atoll) Le best en basse saison
Safari plongée aux Maldives en basse saison du mois d`août a octobre a BAA atoll au nord des Maldives avec Dune-Maldives.com, Sean, Thomas et Fatu a bord du ......
Safari plongée aux Maldives en basse saison du mois d`août a octobre a BAA atoll au nord des Maldives avec Dune-Maldives.com, Sean, Thomas et Fatu a bord du ...
wn.com/Maldives (Baa Atoll) Le Best En Basse Saison
Safari plongée aux Maldives en basse saison du mois d`août a octobre a BAA atoll au nord des Maldives avec Dune-Maldives.com, Sean, Thomas et Fatu a bord du ...
Travel Log: Maldives
NanjoKoji's and Ravenic's travel video to the North Malé Atoll and Baa Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean.
Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives Part 1 by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
A Day On Reethi Beach Resort Maldives
Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by: http://www:d4designstudios.com Reethi Beach is one of the most eco-friendly, Maldivian style, 4 star d...
Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
Maldives - A trip to Paradise
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
See more:
My website: www.travip.me
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/travel.w.travip
Yume: www.yume.vn/travip
Soneva Fushi Resort & Spa (Part 2 of 2)
Soneva Fushi, in the North Baa Atoll region of the Maldives, is the ultimate island experience. A little off the beaten track, the adventure begins with a th...
Frey - Buddha's Habitat (Nature's Harmony)
Nature's Harmony Maldives Sunrise - II Royal Island Resort & Spa Hotel Baa Atoll.Maldives Operator,Installation & Sound:By Barber Music: Frey - Buddha's Habi...
The best places to travel in October
Need a holiday? Thinking of travelling in October? We've got all the answers.
From Greece to Nepal to the USA, here are our expert's favourite places to go on holiday in October.
See more travel inspiration at http://www.roughguides.com
Kiribati, crossing between two remote islands at low tide (Tarawa Atoll, Central Pacific)
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Let's cross, during low tide, between two remote islands in the Tarawa Atoll of the Republic of Kiribati and let's experience the nature around them. The island on the northern side is Abatao. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com
梦幻国度马尔代夫 Travel Vlog: Maldives - A Piece of Heaven on Earth
The beauty of Maldives is truly spectacular.
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Maldives - Unravel Travel TV
The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi in the Maldives unfolds over 52 acres of natural perfection, a world away from the everyday, yet just a 45-minute awe-inspiring seapl...
Cosmoledo Atoll - Fly Fishing for Giant Trevally
Cosmoledo Atoll - Seychelles. April 2014, saltwater fly fishing at its best for Giant Trevally. Special Thanks to HATCH Fly Reels, ORVIS, SMITH OPTICS and PE...
Baros Maldives*****, Nord-Male-Atoll, Malediven
"The Essence of the Maldives" beschreibt das Baros Maldives***** aus der Reisewelt TUI PREMIUM kurz & treffend.
Alle Infos und Preise im TUI Reisebüro oder auf TUI.com: http://bit.ly/1AfIXOw
Für Erholungssuchende, die besonderen Wert auf exzellente Küche und eine ruhige Atmosphäre legen, ist dieses Hotel im Indischen Ozean die ideale Insel für einen paradiesischen Urlaub.
Das Video wurde von Flug
Maldives Island - Best Travel Destination
Maldives, officially the Republic of the Maldives, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island and the Chagos Archipelago.
Travel Book Review: Mauritius - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Tim C...
This is the summary of Mauritius - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Tim Cleary.
Inside Luxury Travel - Reethi Rah Maldives
Inside Luxury Travel on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inside-Luxury-Travel/74833105917 Reethi Rah is winning critical acclaim from international tr...
Anantara Kihavah Video Review Maldives
This video is from http://www.SevenHolidays.com an independent review website that has visited, photographed and reviewed every single tourist resort and holiday island in the Maldives.
This video is of the Anantara Kihavah Video Review Maldives
On the SevenHolidays website you will find a full review of each and evert resort in the Maldives all of these have been written and photographed by le
Maldives holiday video - Kuoni Travel
The Maldives is commonly regarded as the finest beach destination in the world and this video showcases the highlights of a holiday to the Maldives. For more...
Traditional Boduberu Drum & Dance at NIYAMA, Maldives | Luxury Travel in Asia with HIP Hotels TV
Boduberu is an 800 year old Maldivian tradition of drumming and dance originally brought over from Africa. Boduberu means 'Big Drum' and the hypnotic beats a...
Maavahi Liveaboard
Fancy to charter Maavahi as your Maldives liveaboard experience for scuba diving or surf travel to the Maldives? Maavahi is an ideal treat for a group of 16 ...
Top 10 White-Sand Beaches
For more information on the top 10 white-sand beaches in the world, read the description below.
Subscribe & share with your friends!
10. The crystal blue water is in the mid-80s year round, while the glistening white sand is favored by naturalists. The marshy salt pool behind the stretch of sand gives the beach its name and is a haven for tropical birds. Taking in the scenery while sipping a nice
Kethilodge : Dharavandhoo Bicycle Tour
Join one of our guests as he takes us on a journey through Dharavandhoo, Baa Atoll
Travel Log: Maldives
NanjoKoji's and Ravenic's travel video to the North Malé Atoll and Baa Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean....
NanjoKoji's and Ravenic's travel video to the North Malé Atoll and Baa Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean.
wn.com/Travel Log Maldives
NanjoKoji's and Ravenic's travel video to the North Malé Atoll and Baa Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean.
Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives Part 1 by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf......
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
wn.com/Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives Part 1 By Asiatravel.Com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
A Day On Reethi Beach Resort Maldives
Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by: http://www:d4designstudios.com Reethi Beach is one of the most eco-friendly, Maldivian style, 4 star d......
Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by: http://www:d4designstudios.com Reethi Beach is one of the most eco-friendly, Maldivian style, 4 star d...
wn.com/A Day On Reethi Beach Resort Maldives
Visit our website: http://www.reethibeach.com Film by: http://www:d4designstudios.com Reethi Beach is one of the most eco-friendly, Maldivian style, 4 star d...
Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf......
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
wn.com/Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives By Asiatravel.Com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf......
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
wn.com/Soneva Fushi Resort, Maldives By Asiatravel.Com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
Maldives - A trip to Paradise
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
See more:
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
See more:
My website: www.travip.me
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/travel.w.travip
Yume: www.yume.vn/travip
wn.com/Maldives A Trip To Paradise
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
See more:
My website: www.travip.me
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/travel.w.travip
Yume: www.yume.vn/travip
- published: 05 Dec 2012
- views: 317669
Soneva Fushi Resort & Spa (Part 2 of 2)
Soneva Fushi, in the North Baa Atoll region of the Maldives, is the ultimate island experience. A little off the beaten track, the adventure begins with a th......
Soneva Fushi, in the North Baa Atoll region of the Maldives, is the ultimate island experience. A little off the beaten track, the adventure begins with a th...
wn.com/Soneva Fushi Resort Spa (Part 2 Of 2)
Soneva Fushi, in the North Baa Atoll region of the Maldives, is the ultimate island experience. A little off the beaten track, the adventure begins with a th...
Frey - Buddha's Habitat (Nature's Harmony)
Nature's Harmony Maldives Sunrise - II Royal Island Resort & Spa Hotel Baa Atoll.Maldives Operator,Installation & Sound:By Barber Music: Frey - Buddha's Habi......
Nature's Harmony Maldives Sunrise - II Royal Island Resort & Spa Hotel Baa Atoll.Maldives Operator,Installation & Sound:By Barber Music: Frey - Buddha's Habi...
wn.com/Frey Buddha's Habitat (Nature's Harmony)
Nature's Harmony Maldives Sunrise - II Royal Island Resort & Spa Hotel Baa Atoll.Maldives Operator,Installation & Sound:By Barber Music: Frey - Buddha's Habi...
The best places to travel in October
Need a holiday? Thinking of travelling in October? We've got all the answers.
From Greece to Nepal to the USA, here are our expert's favourite places to go on ...
Need a holiday? Thinking of travelling in October? We've got all the answers.
From Greece to Nepal to the USA, here are our expert's favourite places to go on holiday in October.
See more travel inspiration at http://www.roughguides.com
wn.com/The Best Places To Travel In October
Need a holiday? Thinking of travelling in October? We've got all the answers.
From Greece to Nepal to the USA, here are our expert's favourite places to go on holiday in October.
See more travel inspiration at http://www.roughguides.com
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 154
Kiribati, crossing between two remote islands at low tide (Tarawa Atoll, Central Pacific)
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Let's cross, during low tide, between two remote islands in the Tarawa Atoll of the Republic of Kiribati and let's experience the nature aroun...
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Let's cross, during low tide, between two remote islands in the Tarawa Atoll of the Republic of Kiribati and let's experience the nature around them. The island on the northern side is Abatao. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com
wn.com/Kiribati, Crossing Between Two Remote Islands At Low Tide (Tarawa Atoll, Central Pacific)
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Let's cross, during low tide, between two remote islands in the Tarawa Atoll of the Republic of Kiribati and let's experience the nature around them. The island on the northern side is Abatao. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com
- published: 31 Aug 2015
- views: 21
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Maldives - Unravel Travel TV
The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi in the Maldives unfolds over 52 acres of natural perfection, a world away from the everyday, yet just a 45-minute awe-inspiring seapl......
The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi in the Maldives unfolds over 52 acres of natural perfection, a world away from the everyday, yet just a 45-minute awe-inspiring seapl...
wn.com/Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Maldives Unravel Travel Tv
The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi in the Maldives unfolds over 52 acres of natural perfection, a world away from the everyday, yet just a 45-minute awe-inspiring seapl...
Cosmoledo Atoll - Fly Fishing for Giant Trevally
Cosmoledo Atoll - Seychelles. April 2014, saltwater fly fishing at its best for Giant Trevally. Special Thanks to HATCH Fly Reels, ORVIS, SMITH OPTICS and PE......
Cosmoledo Atoll - Seychelles. April 2014, saltwater fly fishing at its best for Giant Trevally. Special Thanks to HATCH Fly Reels, ORVIS, SMITH OPTICS and PE...
wn.com/Cosmoledo Atoll Fly Fishing For Giant Trevally
Cosmoledo Atoll - Seychelles. April 2014, saltwater fly fishing at its best for Giant Trevally. Special Thanks to HATCH Fly Reels, ORVIS, SMITH OPTICS and PE...
Baros Maldives*****, Nord-Male-Atoll, Malediven
"The Essence of the Maldives" beschreibt das Baros Maldives***** aus der Reisewelt TUI PREMIUM kurz & treffend.
Alle Infos und Preise im TUI Reisebüro oder auf ...
"The Essence of the Maldives" beschreibt das Baros Maldives***** aus der Reisewelt TUI PREMIUM kurz & treffend.
Alle Infos und Preise im TUI Reisebüro oder auf TUI.com: http://bit.ly/1AfIXOw
Für Erholungssuchende, die besonderen Wert auf exzellente Küche und eine ruhige Atmosphäre legen, ist dieses Hotel im Indischen Ozean die ideale Insel für einen paradiesischen Urlaub.
Das Video wurde von Flugrobotern, d.h. von unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen, aufgenommen.
wn.com/Baros Maldives , Nord Male Atoll, Malediven
"The Essence of the Maldives" beschreibt das Baros Maldives***** aus der Reisewelt TUI PREMIUM kurz & treffend.
Alle Infos und Preise im TUI Reisebüro oder auf TUI.com: http://bit.ly/1AfIXOw
Für Erholungssuchende, die besonderen Wert auf exzellente Küche und eine ruhige Atmosphäre legen, ist dieses Hotel im Indischen Ozean die ideale Insel für einen paradiesischen Urlaub.
Das Video wurde von Flugrobotern, d.h. von unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen, aufgenommen.
- published: 05 Jan 2015
- views: 9
Maldives Island - Best Travel Destination
Maldives, officially the Republic of the Maldives, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, ...
Maldives, officially the Republic of the Maldives, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island and the Chagos Archipelago.
wn.com/Maldives Island Best Travel Destination
Maldives, officially the Republic of the Maldives, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island and the Chagos Archipelago.
- published: 15 Jan 2015
- views: 2
Travel Book Review: Mauritius - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Tim C...
This is the summary of Mauritius - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Tim Cleary....
This is the summary of Mauritius - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Tim Cleary.
wn.com/Travel Book Review Mauritius Culture Smart The Essential Guide To Customs Culture By Tim C...
This is the summary of Mauritius - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Tim Cleary.
- published: 12 Aug 2012
- views: 19
Inside Luxury Travel - Reethi Rah Maldives
Inside Luxury Travel on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inside-Luxury-Travel/74833105917 Reethi Rah is winning critical acclaim from international tr......
Inside Luxury Travel on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inside-Luxury-Travel/74833105917 Reethi Rah is winning critical acclaim from international tr...
wn.com/Inside Luxury Travel Reethi Rah Maldives
Inside Luxury Travel on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inside-Luxury-Travel/74833105917 Reethi Rah is winning critical acclaim from international tr...
Anantara Kihavah Video Review Maldives
This video is from http://www.SevenHolidays.com an independent review website that has visited, photographed and reviewed every single tourist resort and holida...
This video is from http://www.SevenHolidays.com an independent review website that has visited, photographed and reviewed every single tourist resort and holiday island in the Maldives.
This video is of the Anantara Kihavah Video Review Maldives
On the SevenHolidays website you will find a full review of each and evert resort in the Maldives all of these have been written and photographed by leading travel author Adrian Neville.
The Resort guide of the Maldives can also be found in Kindle edition at http://www.amazon.co.uk/Resorts-Maldives-2014-Definitive-Guide-ebook/dp/B00JHLPADU
This format can be viewed on all devices that support the kindle format including Apple and Android devices.
Adrian Summary View of the Anantara Kihavah is
• Outstanding Location & Views
• Very Good Nearby House Reef Snorkeling
• Wonderful Over Water Villas
• Underwater Restaurant and Wine Tasting
• Clear Lagoon
A fuller review of this resort can be found at http://sevenholidays.com/Resort/AnantaraKihavah/
wn.com/Anantara Kihavah Video Review Maldives
This video is from http://www.SevenHolidays.com an independent review website that has visited, photographed and reviewed every single tourist resort and holiday island in the Maldives.
This video is of the Anantara Kihavah Video Review Maldives
On the SevenHolidays website you will find a full review of each and evert resort in the Maldives all of these have been written and photographed by leading travel author Adrian Neville.
The Resort guide of the Maldives can also be found in Kindle edition at http://www.amazon.co.uk/Resorts-Maldives-2014-Definitive-Guide-ebook/dp/B00JHLPADU
This format can be viewed on all devices that support the kindle format including Apple and Android devices.
Adrian Summary View of the Anantara Kihavah is
• Outstanding Location & Views
• Very Good Nearby House Reef Snorkeling
• Wonderful Over Water Villas
• Underwater Restaurant and Wine Tasting
• Clear Lagoon
A fuller review of this resort can be found at http://sevenholidays.com/Resort/AnantaraKihavah/
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 301
Maldives holiday video - Kuoni Travel
The Maldives is commonly regarded as the finest beach destination in the world and this video showcases the highlights of a holiday to the Maldives. For more......
The Maldives is commonly regarded as the finest beach destination in the world and this video showcases the highlights of a holiday to the Maldives. For more...
wn.com/Maldives Holiday Video Kuoni Travel
The Maldives is commonly regarded as the finest beach destination in the world and this video showcases the highlights of a holiday to the Maldives. For more...
- published: 31 Aug 2007
- views: 315094
author: KuoniTravel
Traditional Boduberu Drum & Dance at NIYAMA, Maldives | Luxury Travel in Asia with HIP Hotels TV
Boduberu is an 800 year old Maldivian tradition of drumming and dance originally brought over from Africa. Boduberu means 'Big Drum' and the hypnotic beats a......
Boduberu is an 800 year old Maldivian tradition of drumming and dance originally brought over from Africa. Boduberu means 'Big Drum' and the hypnotic beats a...
wn.com/Traditional Boduberu Drum Dance At Niyama, Maldives | Luxury Travel In Asia With Hip Hotels Tv
Boduberu is an 800 year old Maldivian tradition of drumming and dance originally brought over from Africa. Boduberu means 'Big Drum' and the hypnotic beats a...
- published: 23 May 2014
- views: 138
author: HIP Hotels
Maavahi Liveaboard
Fancy to charter Maavahi as your Maldives liveaboard experience for scuba diving or surf travel to the Maldives? Maavahi is an ideal treat for a group of 16 ......
Fancy to charter Maavahi as your Maldives liveaboard experience for scuba diving or surf travel to the Maldives? Maavahi is an ideal treat for a group of 16 ...
wn.com/Maavahi Liveaboard
Fancy to charter Maavahi as your Maldives liveaboard experience for scuba diving or surf travel to the Maldives? Maavahi is an ideal treat for a group of 16 ...
Top 10 White-Sand Beaches
For more information on the top 10 white-sand beaches in the world, read the description below.
Subscribe & share with your friends!
10. The crystal blue water...
For more information on the top 10 white-sand beaches in the world, read the description below.
Subscribe & share with your friends!
10. The crystal blue water is in the mid-80s year round, while the glistening white sand is favored by naturalists. The marshy salt pool behind the stretch of sand gives the beach its name and is a haven for tropical birds. Taking in the scenery while sipping a nice tropical drink defines a beach paradise. The island promises enough relaxation and recreation to satiate anyone who desires a tropical holiday.
9. Located on La Digue Island in this remote chain in the Indian Ocean off the East Coast of Africa, this is truly one of the most beautiful locations in the world. The granite rock formations set against the beach, ocean, and green landscape draw you in. The Seychelles are astounding objects of natural wonder that will stir your imagination to the hilt. The beach does experience big waves – great news if you want to surf while on vacation.
8. Gorgeous sunsets, sparking white sands under pink granite rock formations and green mountain peaks, and stunning water vistas await. Part of spectacular Freycinet National Park, the natural grandeur will envelop you in its beauty. From camping to luxurious resorts, there is a range of lodging options. About 2 and 1/2 hours drive from Hobart on the East Coast of Tasmania, it’s exotic and enticing.
7. This treasure on the Big Island is the classic crescent-shaped white sand beach, lined with palm trees and beautiful blue water. Everything you might imagine a tropical Hawaiian paradise can be seen at one location. Resort hotels offer all the best amenities while the beach calls for you to explore, relax, and experience its serene beauty.
6. The word Langkawi, when translated, means “land of wishes.” Part of an archipelago of about 100 islands, it’s full of stunning white sand beaches. The Datai Langkawi embodies the land of wishes with its extraordinary location. Set in the midst of virgin rainforest with pathways leading to gorgeous white sand, the resort sets a high standard. Bountiful natural grandeur and luxurious pampering await.
5. Located about halfway between Malta and the shores of North Africa, Lampedusa is graced with white sand beaches, crystal clear water, stunning bluffs, Rabbit beach was named the top Traveler’s Choice Beach in the World for 2013 on TripAdvisor. Looking at it makes it clear why it was so honored. Charming villas and hotels in styles from Mediterranean to Caribbean and African offer a nice variety.
4. It’s a big island chain near the Equator, with lots of different resort options for those seeking a sublime getaway or a sport-filled excursion. Try the beaches near the Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru for the best of both. With villas spread across the UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve of Baa Atoll, guests experience five-star elegance amid grand natural wonder.
3. Unlike the more remote Playa Paraiso mentioned above, White Beach on Boracay is definitely on the map when it comes to white sand tourist destinations. Inviting bars and restaurants that stay open until dawn are steps away from the white sand. The winds in the earlier months of the year make Bulabog Beach on the east side of Boracay a great destination for wind surfers and kite boarders, while White Beach offers exceptional snorkeling and diving.
2. Cuba you say? It is getting easier for Americans to travel there, as this report in the New York Times Points out. Experience remote and exotic before the exquisite beauty of this stretch of sand becomes more common knowledge. You can take a train ride from the hotel zone. Don’t confuse it with another fantastic beach by the same name in Tulum, Mexico.
1. It’s billed as the most romantic island in the world, and it’s hard to find any reasons to argue with that. Private over water bungalows provide sublime relaxation. Mount Otemanu rises into the sky like spires of a castle, inviting you explore the fantastic panoramas above the glistening beaches. Matira Beach is enchanting while also being exciting. With plenty of water sports, Bora Bora brings all of the best amenities together in one place.
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10. The crystal blue water is in the mid-80s year round, while the glistening white sand is favored by naturalists. The marshy salt pool behind the stretch of sand gives the beach its name and is a haven for tropical birds. Taking in the scenery while sipping a nice tropical drink defines a beach paradise. The island promises enough relaxation and recreation to satiate anyone who desires a tropical holiday.
9. Located on La Digue Island in this remote chain in the Indian Ocean off the East Coast of Africa, this is truly one of the most beautiful locations in the world. The granite rock formations set against the beach, ocean, and green landscape draw you in. The Seychelles are astounding objects of natural wonder that will stir your imagination to the hilt. The beach does experience big waves – great news if you want to surf while on vacation.
8. Gorgeous sunsets, sparking white sands under pink granite rock formations and green mountain peaks, and stunning water vistas await. Part of spectacular Freycinet National Park, the natural grandeur will envelop you in its beauty. From camping to luxurious resorts, there is a range of lodging options. About 2 and 1/2 hours drive from Hobart on the East Coast of Tasmania, it’s exotic and enticing.
7. This treasure on the Big Island is the classic crescent-shaped white sand beach, lined with palm trees and beautiful blue water. Everything you might imagine a tropical Hawaiian paradise can be seen at one location. Resort hotels offer all the best amenities while the beach calls for you to explore, relax, and experience its serene beauty.
6. The word Langkawi, when translated, means “land of wishes.” Part of an archipelago of about 100 islands, it’s full of stunning white sand beaches. The Datai Langkawi embodies the land of wishes with its extraordinary location. Set in the midst of virgin rainforest with pathways leading to gorgeous white sand, the resort sets a high standard. Bountiful natural grandeur and luxurious pampering await.
5. Located about halfway between Malta and the shores of North Africa, Lampedusa is graced with white sand beaches, crystal clear water, stunning bluffs, Rabbit beach was named the top Traveler’s Choice Beach in the World for 2013 on TripAdvisor. Looking at it makes it clear why it was so honored. Charming villas and hotels in styles from Mediterranean to Caribbean and African offer a nice variety.
4. It’s a big island chain near the Equator, with lots of different resort options for those seeking a sublime getaway or a sport-filled excursion. Try the beaches near the Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru for the best of both. With villas spread across the UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve of Baa Atoll, guests experience five-star elegance amid grand natural wonder.
3. Unlike the more remote Playa Paraiso mentioned above, White Beach on Boracay is definitely on the map when it comes to white sand tourist destinations. Inviting bars and restaurants that stay open until dawn are steps away from the white sand. The winds in the earlier months of the year make Bulabog Beach on the east side of Boracay a great destination for wind surfers and kite boarders, while White Beach offers exceptional snorkeling and diving.
2. Cuba you say? It is getting easier for Americans to travel there, as this report in the New York Times Points out. Experience remote and exotic before the exquisite beauty of this stretch of sand becomes more common knowledge. You can take a train ride from the hotel zone. Don’t confuse it with another fantastic beach by the same name in Tulum, Mexico.
1. It’s billed as the most romantic island in the world, and it’s hard to find any reasons to argue with that. Private over water bungalows provide sublime relaxation. Mount Otemanu rises into the sky like spires of a castle, inviting you explore the fantastic panoramas above the glistening beaches. Matira Beach is enchanting while also being exciting. With plenty of water sports, Bora Bora brings all of the best amenities together in one place.
- published: 22 Nov 2014
- views: 9
Kethilodge : Dharavandhoo Bicycle Tour
Join one of our guests as he takes us on a journey through Dharavandhoo, Baa Atoll...
Join one of our guests as he takes us on a journey through Dharavandhoo, Baa Atoll
wn.com/Kethilodge Dharavandhoo Bicycle Tour
Join one of our guests as he takes us on a journey through Dharavandhoo, Baa Atoll
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 22