Hesiod ( /ˈhiːsiəd/ or /ˈhɛsiəd/;Ancient Greek: Ἡσίοδος, Hēsíodos) was a Greek oral poet generally thought by scholars to have been active between 750 and 650 BC, around the same time as Homer. His is the first European poetry in which the poet regards himself as a topic, an individual with a distinctive role to play. Ancient authors credited him and Homer with establishing Greek religious customs. Modern scholars refer to him as a major source on Greek mythology, farming techniques, early economic thought (he is sometimes identified as the first economist), archaic Greek astronomy and ancient time-keeping.
Hesiod practised various styles of traditional verse, including gnomic, hymnic, genealogical and narrative poetry, but he was not able to manipulate them all fluently. Comparisons with Homer can be unflattering. As one modern scholar observed: "It is as if an artisan with his big, awkward fingers were patiently, fascinatedly, imitating the fine seam of the professional tailor."
The dating of his life is a contested issue in scholarly circles and it is covered below in Dating.
Greek Creation Myths: Hesiod's Theogony
Hesiod Works and Days Part 1
5 4 5 3 Intro to Hesiod 1501
Hesiod, two, Works and Days, intro theo
Hesiod Theogony Comic Flipbook Animation Thing
5 3 5 2 Hesiod and Ancient Near East Connections 642
Ancient Greek: Reconstructed Pronunciation: Hesiod
The Greek Gods
Hesiod's Theogony (Abridged)
Hesiod 's Opening Hymn to the Muses
CHS Essentials | Hesiod
The Ancient World / Greece (1955) / Fascinating Rare Film (Part 1)
Hesiod Theogony & Works and Days by C.S.Morrissey
Greek Creation Myths: Hesiod's Theogony
Hesiod Works and Days Part 1
5 4 5 3 Intro to Hesiod 1501
Hesiod, two, Works and Days, intro theo
Hesiod Theogony Comic Flipbook Animation Thing
5 3 5 2 Hesiod and Ancient Near East Connections 642
Ancient Greek: Reconstructed Pronunciation: Hesiod
The Greek Gods
Hesiod's Theogony (Abridged)
Hesiod 's Opening Hymn to the Muses
CHS Essentials | Hesiod
The Ancient World / Greece (1955) / Fascinating Rare Film (Part 1)
Hesiod Theogony & Works and Days by C.S.Morrissey
Greek Creation Myths: Hesiod's Theogony (Part Two)
Hesiod, three Theogony
- Hesiod's Theogony - Greek Creation - Part 1
Hesiod, Theogeny Lines 1-21
Sayings of Hesiod
Hesiod Gaming | Survival Serisi Bölüm 1 - Madenmi ? Alırım Bi Dal..
Hesiod Hesiod Quotes
Melissa Schubert: Hesiod's Poetic Theology as Homeric Context [Torrey Honors Lecture]
Dungeons & Dragons for kids - Heroes of Hesiod
Hesiod's interview
Interview with Hesiod
NEID - Interview
- Hesiod's Theogony - Greek Creation - Part 2
Homer, Mapping and Mnemonics, with Jenny Strauss Clay
iUniverse Author Interview With Wagdi Zeid
5 minutes from Get Over Yourself! The MiltnMia Show! #30 Interview with Toteras #4
Modern Hesiod's Races of Man.
The Spectracon by Lee Fitzsimmons - Where the muses of Hesiod dance with the colors of the spectrum
Bakari Pace Interview Original Air Date 95-02-13 [Thx to Harold Channer]
Saturn School
Sharon Ferguson Interview for film THEOGONY
Chatting With History: Interview With Prometheus
Interview with Gary Troup (Clip 2)
Foundations for a Heroic Order
Myth of the Ages
Dr. Stanley Lombardo: "Translating Dante's Inferno"
Hour 25 Interview Artist Glynnis Fawkes
Billy Collins On The Great Poets
Gichi Gamba Interview From Theogony
Anacharsis (6th century BC) Part 1
Surly Steamroller
The Ancient World / Greece (1955) / Fascinating Rare Film (Part 2)
Hesiod, one, the Muses
Hesiod - Works and Days
week 5
5. The Rise of the Polis (cont.)
Halo Book 6 - The Cole Protocol Full Audio Book
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome - FULL Audio Book - by E.M. Berens
As Above So Below Part 1
Let's Play God of War 3 Episode 8: Chains (don't) Keep Us Together
Georgica by Publius Vergillius Maro VIRGIL (70 BC - 19 BC) in Latin Free Full Audio Book
Felix Wengartner - Das Gefilde Der Seligen (1892)
Demetrius Toteras' Art of Living 23 minute sample
National Geographic Pandora's Box Charms - Documentary
Hesiod's Works and Days part 5 of 5
Agribusiness in Hesiod's Works and Days part 4 of 5
One Life Only - Theobald Hesiod - 2
One Life Only - Theobald Hesiod - 3
One Life Only - The Life of Theobald Hesiod
How To Pronounce Hesiod
Hesiod Gaming | Pixelmon Serisi Bölüm 2 - Sinir Bozucu Bir Maden -.-
Hesiod Gaming | Pixelmon Serisi Bölüm 1 -İlginç Map :D
5 2 5 2 Hesiod and Ancient Near East Connections 6 42
Introduction to Hesiod
Myth 2014 assigment 1 Key terms for Hesiod, Theogony
MIDLIGHT feat. Sindelija (HESIOD, RS) - Chaos In Me
The poet Hesiod said that Aphrodite was born from sea foam (manortiz)
Hesiod s Five Ages of Man
Rather rotten than forgotten
White trash extravaganza
Anarchiztic decadence
Beerdrinking and shitstinking
White trash extravaganza
Burnouts with burning hearts
White trash extravaganza
Holidays in the Slum
Filthy head
Flowers die right before your eyes
The horror
Shakes your hand
The Filth
Eats your head
Filthy eyes
Flowers die right before your eyes
Eggs are beautiful
Don't break them
The horror
Shakes your hand
The filth
Dance to my outburst
Dance baby dance
Scream with me
We are rocknroll band
You're our only fan
Dance baby dance
Stop press play
repeat repeat repeat after me
We are rocknroll band
You're our only fan
Dance baby dance
Dance to my outburst
Repeat repeat
Dance baby dance
Repeat repeat
Scream with me
Misantrophic and miserable
I'd howl like Allen Ginsberg
If I could
I hate you
I hate myself
I am like a building
I am like a fucking tomb
I feel like an abortion
Strolling down the street
I feel like a zombie
Far away from my zombie friends
This is it
Do it right
They say
If this is it then it's not worth doing at all
Ride the relapse
Ride the fucking relapse
I say
Show me where
History is unfolding
Gossip Eyes
Munching Lies
Birthday Cakes
No Mistakes
Desperate Living
Go and tell your Mother
That I hate you
Go and tell your Mother
That I hate her
Ugly fucking Oslo
Take me out tonight
Take me to a drity place
With cheap ale and
Rocknroll Suicide Girls
I need someone to guide me
To someones home
I need to see your black magic
Shake off that itch
Pitch me up
Shake off that itch
Oh! It hurts
It hurts
Shake off that itch
Oh! It hurts
Stop acting like an old man
Oh! It hurts
On-off like a car crash
Shut your eyes
Make the picture
Enough if not enough
I want to be like you
She's a car crash
I'm rotten to the heart baby
I used you just like I used others
On-off like a a car chrash
Shut your eyes
Make the picture
Enough is not enough
I want to be like you