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Social critic Mark Dice asks people to sign a petition for some reason or another, and almot everyone does without even reading a word. Check out Mark's book...
MAA elections : Court to hear Actor Kalyan's petition ► Subscribe to Tv9 Telugu Live: ► Circle us on G+: ► Like us on Facebook: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Pin us on Pinterest:
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Die Hanfverband Videonews vom 27. März widmen sich vor allem den Debatten im Bundestag zum Cannabiskontrollgesetz der Grünen und zur "Cannabis als Medizin" Petition. Außerdem geht es um das zunehmende Interesse am kommerziellen Anbau von medizinischem Cannabis in Deutschland, Cannabis bei den Koalitionsverhandlungen in Hamburg, den Beschluss der FDP Niedersachsen zur Legalisierung von Cannabis, die Pläne der CDU Berlin für Null-Toleranz Zonen bei Cannabisbesitz und eine weitere Welle von Hausdurchsuchungen in Bayern. Erste Debatte zum Grünen Gesetzentwurf für Cannabis-Regulierung im Bundestag (0:21) Süddeutsche, 20.03.2015: Gesetzentwurf der Grünen - Cannabisgesetz stößt auf Ablehnung ZEIT, 20.03.2015: CANNABIS-LEGALISIERUNG - Die grüne Kiffer-Initiative Hanfverband, 27.03.2015: Bericht zur Diskussion im Bundestag zum Cannabiskontrollgesetz Videos der einzelnen Reden und Zwischenfragen im Bundestag zum Cannabiskontrollgesetz, 95. Sitzung vom 20.03.2015 -Dörner, Katja (B90/Grüne);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4779910&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Mortler, Marlene (CDU/CSU);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4779963&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Terpe, Dr. Harald (B90/Grüne);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4779964&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Mortler, Marlene (CDU/CSU);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4779965&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Tempel, Frank (Die Linke);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4779980&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Blienert, Burkhard (SPD);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4779990&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Henke, Rudolf (CDU/CSU);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4780065&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Müller, Bettina (SPD);=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4780077&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search -Singhammer, Johannes, Bundestagsvizepräsident;=search&contentArea;=details&ids;=4780078&instance;=m187&categorie;=Plenarsitzung&destination;=search&mask;=search Medizin-Petition im Bundestag (3:51) DHV, 25.03.2015: Video: Anhörung im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags zur Cannabis als Medizin Petition Anbau in Deutschland (6:12) ZEIT, 26.03.2015: "Wir wollen als erste Cannabis gewerblich anbauen" Hamburg Koalitionsverhandlungen (7:55) NDR, 20.03.2015: SPD und Grüne wollen Cannabis-Projekt prüfen,koalitionsverhandlungen170.html FDP Niedersachsen für Legalisierung (9:27) Grafschafter Nachrichten/dpa: Landes-FDP in Nordhorn: Cannabis legalisieren Berlin 0-Toleranz auf Mai verschoben - oder doch nicht? (10:06) taz, 25.03.2015: SPD will weiterkiffen - NULL-TOLERANZ-ZONEN;=2015%2F03%2F25%2Fa0122&cHash;=31c62fb477dfd9862cf69922e42e32d4 Berliner Morgenpost, 27.03.2015: Ab Dienstag gilt Null-Toleranz für Kiffer im Görlitzer Park Dolle Razzia in Bayern (11:21) Augsburger Allgemeine, 26. März 2015: ULM/NEU-ULM - Große Drogen-Razzia in der Region DHV auf facebook: Georg Wurth auf facebook: Du willst die Arbeit des Deutschen Hanfverbands unterstützen? Jetzt Sponsor werden!
College Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Gun Owners. Shot in San Diego, California. Political prankster Mark Dice tells some of the students signing th...
A man dressed as Top Gear's Stig arrived at the BBC's HQ in a tank to hand over a petition calling for the return of Jeremy Clarkson. The presenter was suspended from Top Gear last week, after it emerged The was involved in what the BBC called "a fracas" with one of the show's producers. Subscribe to BBC News HERE Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
How to petition
Bananenrepublik auf - Google+: und Videoquelle: Die Petiton: Europäischen Bürgerinitiative gegen TTIP und CETA: Umweltinstitut München e.V.: - Zweiter-Upload-Kanal: Backup-Kanal: Tags: politisches, Kabarett, Satire, Politik, Comedy, Humor, Politsatire, lustig, Commedian, Komiker, Entertainer, Moderator, Schauspieler, Schwarzer, Humor, Satire, Bananenrepublik, Stimmbürger, Stimmbuerger, Pirat, Piraten, Piratenpartei, die, Partei, AfD, Linke, Elisabeth Pertl, Bundestag, Anhörung, TTIP, Petition, Karl Bär, Umweltinstitut München, EBI, CETA, TISA, Fracking, Trinkwasser, Grundwasser, Arsen, Barium, Bodensee, Grüne, Kretschmann, Baden-Württemberg, S21, Stuttgart 21, Stop TTIP, Stopp TTIP, Daseinsvorsorge, Freihandelsabkommen, Chlorhühnchen, Investorenschutz, Schiedsgericht,
In a nod to a 10 year old Penn and Teller Skit, Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo asks Austin residents if they would like to ban water.
The Stig has delivered a million-strong petition calling for Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson's reinstatement to the BBC by tank. Report by Jeremy Barnes.
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs. For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ Follow us @,,
MW2 Petition: Class Guns in AW: Somebody started a petition on to get MW2 remastered for next gen consoles. Much to my surprise it took off like wildfire. The strange thing is that about a week later Infinity Ward got a big employment shakeup! Mark Rubin was fired and the lead dev from CoD4/MW2 was brought back as the MP lead for IW's next game! My Twitch: My Twitter: I capture console gameplay with The Elgato HD60 because it's the most professional device on the market for 1080p 60fps console capture. Elgato website: Amazon Link: I use ASTRO Headsets for all my gaming. They are very high quality gaming headsets. ASTRO website: All of the gameplay in this video was achieved using a Scuf controller. This is my favorite controller I use it every single day. check them out at: The Drift0r Scuf: Use coupon code "DRFT" for 5% off!
Subscribe to truTV on YouTube: Watch Full Episodes for Free: New episodes Thursdays at 10/9c on the new truTV! Sal asks random strangers to sign a petition for an unknown cause. If laughter is contagious, these guys should be quarantined! Q, Sal, Joe and Murr have entertained each other for years with the most hilarious practical jokes they could imagine. Now these real-life best friends are challenging each other to the most outrageous dares and uproarious stunts ever to be caught on hidden camera. Follow Impractical Jokers on Twitter: Like Impractical Jokers on Facebook: truTV Full Episodes: truTV Official Site: Like truTV on Facebook: Follow truTV on Twitter: Follow truTV on Tumblr: Get the truTV app: The New truTV Is Way More Fun! Watch clips, sneak peeks and exclusives from new shows like Branson Famous, Hack My Life, How to Be a Grown Up, Barmageddon and more – plus fresh video from hit shows like Impractical Jokers and The Carbonaro Effect. Impractical Jokers - Petition: Impossible
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New Broadcasting House, Friday 20th March. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email
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A skit from the new movie 'InAPPropriate Comedy' featuring Ari Shaffir, aka the Amazing Racist, asking Jews to sign a petition for killing Jesus. Check out t...
I hope you enjoyed the video! A petition has been made by a member of the COD community, expressing wishes to see Modern Warfare 2 remastered on next gen consoles. It already has over 75,000 signatures! Do you think it could actually happen? ► Click to Subscribe! (It's Free) ► Nero's Lets Plays! ► Follow Me on Twitter! ► Like Me on Facebook! ► Twitch: ► INTRO/OUTRO: April Showers by ProleteR Recent Vids: ► Knife Only DNA Bomb: ► OHM DNA Bomb: ► MW2 Remastered Petition:
CNN's Rosie Tomkins reports on the BBC receiving a petition containing more than one million signatures to reinstate "Top Gear" star Jeremy Clarkson.
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Es ist Zeit das wir handeln! Es ist Zeit das wir uns nicht länger der Mittäterschaft schuldig machen! Wir dürfen diese Verbrechen nicht länger zu lassen! Wie...
Could it happen? Should it happen? Thanks as always, links below. Petition:;_source=share_petition&utm;_medium=email&utm;_campaign=share_email_responsive Twitter: Live Stream: Song: "Fuel" by Metallica Controller of Choice: 5% Off Code: "Patriot" Intro by: If you are having trouble leaving comments, try and link your YouTube to Google+ through your YouTube settings. Follow me on Google+:
Did you know smiling is contagious? Brad and Robby are back to help our friends at Coca-Cola #MakeItHappy, and this time we want you to join our SMILE PETITION! Post a photo of yourself smiling with the #MakeItHappy, and help us make the internet more awesome. Kid President is Brad Montague (guy who makes all this stuff) and Robby Novak (Kid President). Follow their adventures: Twitter: Facebook: Music: - "Spring Cleaning Song 2" by Anders Göransson - "I Am A Party (Do the Kid President)" by Randall Turner GET MORE FROM SOULPANCAKE: SUBSCRIBE for new videos every weekday: THE SPOONFUL, our weekly dose of good stuff from across the web: MERCH STORE: Buy our BOOK: Follow us on FACEBOOK: TWEET us at: Visit our WEBSITE:
Glastonbury got no chill, bruh. After debuting "All Day" at the Brit Awards and performing a surprise show in London, 'Ye has been announced as the Saturday headliner for the 2015 Glastonbury Festival. Foo Fighters will headline Friday, and the Sunday headliner has yet to be announced. After all, Glastonbury is known for its diversity of acts—and a lot of people are very happy about this. But as always, someone had to spoil the fun with a petition to cancel Ye's headlining slot and replace him with a rock band instead. Subscribe to Complex for More: Check out more of Complex here: Entertaining videos that bring to life Complex Media's authoritative take on trendsetting music, sneakers, style, pop culture, video games, tech, cars, and art—featuring your favorite celebrities from the past, present, and future. COMPLEX is a community of creators and curators, armed with the Internet, and committed to surfacing and sharing the voices and conversations—both multi-culture and multicultural—that define our new America. We make culture pop.
The Annual Worldwide 54 Day Rosary Novena in Reparation for the sins of the world and the conversion of sinners. The Glorious Mysteries In Petition are said on days; 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24...
I didn't know what to make Anyway, here's a channel update as I talk about the upcoming S3&K; Petition/Campaign livestream I'll be joining along with a new series I'll be posting on thursdays where I try any random game. I also talk about how I'm going to do playthroughs in the future and how my twitch is now targetting a more mature audience. Thanks for listening to my rambling and hope you all stick around for more vids! :) Follow me On Twitch!: Follow Me On Twitter!!/Cobanermani456 Follow me on Instagram!: Myself and a bunch of fellow YouTubers will be doing a Chaos Emeralds race of S3&K; to raise awareness for the ongoing Sonic 3 Remastered campaign! Date and Time: 3/15/2015 at 3 PM EST! Twitch Accounts: Stealth will be joining us too! Sonic 3 Remastered Campaign Website:
NEW Luminous Mysteries In Petition VIDEO FOR THE ANNUAL 54 DAY ROSARY NOVENA The Annual Worldwide Rosary Novena in Reparation for the sins of the world. The Luminous Mysteries In Petition are...
Jerry Savelle Ministries. Febr. 2014. Pt. 1.The prayer of petition. Experience God's miraculous power as Jerry and Terry Savelle, teach you how to apply the ...
Jerry Savelle. Febr. 2014. Pt.2. The prayer of petition. Wxperience God's miraculous power as Jerry and Terry Savelle teach you how to apply the prayer of pe...
Jerry Savelle. Febr. 2014. Pt.3. The prayer of petition. Experience God's miraculous power as Jerry Savelle and his daughter, teach you how to apply the pray...
The Annual Facebook Worldwide Rosary Novena in Reparation for the sins of the world. The Sorrowful Mysteries In Petition are said on days; 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23 and 27 If you would like to join...
Experience God's miraculous power as Jerry Savelle and his dughter, Terri, teach you how to apply the prayer of petition in your life.
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NEW VIDEO FOR THE ANNUAL 54 DAY ROSARY NOVENA The Annual Worldwide Rosary Novena in Reparation for the sins of the world. The Joyful Mysteries In Petition ar...
Full Press Conference - 11 am - Press Gallery Note that the partial statement from Dr. Graeme MacQueen of The 9/11 Consensus Panel ( ) was aired on Global TV December 10, 2014, at
To buy Books, DVD's & CD Messages From Kenneth & Gloria Copeland Ministry go to: ABOUT KCM Who We Are Over 40 Years of Connecting People With God...
The 2012 Election Petition Hearing at the Ghana Supreme Court today heard the final addresses of the counsels ahead the Judgement.
You've been living in US for about 5 years now, and you happen to have relative left behind (mom, dad, husband, wife, brothers, sisters, sons & daughters, fi...
Pastor Robert Morris - The Lord's Prayer - The Petition of Prayer Watch us live this weekend at or h...
"Watch more Iranian Movies with English Subtitles on: Petition for God - Esteshhadi Baraye Khoda - استشهادی برا...
Girls of #Gamergate comes back to discuss and exchange ideas about Mark Kern's petition to gaming media, specifically Kotaku and Polygon, to take responsability for their actions and help change the misrepresentation of the gaming community. The Petition: Participants: @SarahSalanica @CultOfVivian @dakinkles @RemipunX Follow me around: Facebook: Facebook Group: Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: ExtraLife!: Be Secular: Tumblr: YouNow:
When God’s people pray, they want answers. Yet many Christians don’t know how to pray both effectively—in a way that gets results— and humbly—in a way that aligns with God’s will. The Prayer of Petition, known throughout Christian history as the prayer that gets results. These broadcast explore this powerful prayer in detail, from the many examples found in God’s Word to more recent instances of incredible miracles ushered in by this prayer.
Please click the link to subscribe for the best of Nigerian gospel music Sis Ify Obi is a renow...
Jerry Savelle, jan. 2015. Prayer of petition. When God's people pray, they want answers. Yet many Christians don't know how to pray both effectlively - in a way that gets results - and humbly - in a way that alings with God's will. These broadcast explore this powerful prayer in detail.
When God’s people pray, they want answers. Yet many Christians don’t know how to pray both effectively—in a way that gets results— and humbly—in a way that aligns with God’s will. The Prayer of Petition, known throughout Christian history as the prayer that gets results. These broadcast explore this powerful prayer in detail, from the many examples found in God’s Word to more recent instances of incredible miracles ushered in by this prayer.
Venezuelans in city plazas across the country are signing peititions for peace, sovereignty and self-determination and an end to United States aggression. The goal is ten million signatures, and President Nicolas Maduro was the first to sign. Venezuela's Prime Minister The United States representative to the Organization of American States, Michael Fitzpatrick, said that the United States has no plans for an invasion or attack on Venezuela. teleSUR
I stuttered entirely through this commentary, hopefully it's not as bad as it seems to me. I've tried several times to redo do it, but with so much to cover and not the best mood its hard. Anyways Enjoy :) Please Leave a LIKE! Petition: Twitter:
A Petition at the US White House, asking US Congress to remove the Governor of my native Puerto Rico, reached the required minimum of signatures (100,000) as of March 19, 2015. The question is, does the White House has the power to start a process to remove (Impeach) the Governor of a US State or Commonwealth Territory like Puerto Rico, under the simple fact that the Governor is utilizing his powers within the Puerto Rico laws, to establish a sales tax reform to resolve the financial crisis happening in the island? As far I know, the way an Impeachment process is done, is because the US President or the US Congress believes that a Government official has violated laws and/or The Constitution of the United States Of America (The US Constitution does apply to Puerto Rico, asides the current Commonwealth Constitution of 1952). My opinion perhaps, is that the White House does not have the power within to initiate a removal or impeachment against the Governor Of Puerto Rico. Is very simple! Just VOTE in 2016! That's the right thing to do! White House Petition As Of This Video:
Founder of United Church of Bacon, John Whiteside explains what happened with a Wells Fargo Customer Service Manager refused to notarize a document and violated Nevada state antidiscrimination law.
A petition seeking the sacking of the head of the ethics and anti-corruption commission and his deputy has been handed to parliament. A petition by a city lawyer will now be debated in parliament even as a section of mps want the whole commission disbanded by the president. The lawyer wants parliament to start a process to remove EACC chairman Mumo Matemu and vice-chair Irene Keino over alleged incompetence and violations of the constitutionWatch KTN Live Follow us on Like us on
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It passed 60 after I made This! Follow @kingtise on Twitter/Instagram!! SUBSCRIBE !!! SUBSCRIBE !!! SUBSCRIBE !!!!
Ed -- A Petition For Stronger Gun Laws.mp4
Now this is a shocker! Music goers, who plan to attend the 2015 Glastonbury Music Festival are petitioning to have rapper Kanye West removed as an entertainer from the upcoming festival. Over 62,000 people have signed the Change.Org petition demanding that West be removed from the shows line-up, but it's not due to his outrageous rants. The people attending the music festival claim he isn't deserving, not to mention, he is not a rock band. Check out the video to get all the juicy details.
"Kanye West is an insult to music fans all over the world. We spend hundreds of pounds to attend glasto [sic], and by doing so, expect a certain level of entertainment," Lonsdale wrote.
The U.K.'s Glastonbury Festival booked Kanye West for the headlining act of its penultimate night (the festival runs June 24-28). Neil Lonsdale is not happy about this, and almost 60,000 people apparently agree. Lonsdale, who will be attending his first-ever Glastonbury this year, started a petition earlier in the week to keep West from headlining the festival, which currently has over 58,000 signatures. "Kanye West is an insult to music fans all over the world. We spend hundreds of pounds to attend glasto [sic], and by doing so, expect a certain level of entertainment," Lonsdale wrote. "Kanye has been very outspoken on his views on music ... he should listen to his own advice and pass his headline slot on to someone deserving!" "Lets [sic] prevent this musical injustice now," the petition finishes. Speaking to NME, Lonsdale said that he started the petition as a joke and "was a little surprised that people have taken it as serious as they have." A self-described "rock kid," Lonsdale is careful to point out he has no "beef with the genre" of hip-hop. It's simply that West, as he says, does not "represent anything." "His songs are lyrically appalling," Lonsdale adds, before noting that "his Brits [BRIT Awards], performance was just threatening." This isn't the first time West, 37, has run afoul of the festival crowd. In 2014, Bonnaroo attendees booed his performance at the festival – and his presence in general, tagging fences and port-a-potties and chanting "F--- Kanye" throughout the festival – over still-lingering bad feelings regarding his 2008 set at the festival, which started two hours after an already-rescheduled time, at 4:45 a.m. Musician, Producers, Roles, Solo Rapper, News Franchises, Around the Web, Individual, Kanye West
Kanye West is an insult to music fans all over the world. We spend hundreds of pounds to attend glasto [sic], and by doing so, expect a certain level of entertainment," Lonsdale wrote.
Following the announcement that Chicago, Illinois rapper Kanye West would serve as one of the headliners at the annual Glastonbury Festival, one man channeled his frustration with Kanye’s headlining slot into a petition. The petition was created by Neil Lonsdale on the website and has received well over 50,000 signatures as of today (March 19). Titled “Cancel Kanye West's headline slot and get a rock band,” Lonsdale says the petition initially started as a joke. He recently spoke with about his reaction to the announcement of Kanye as a headliner, and his decision to create the petition. "I fought the temptation to scream and instead opted to hurl my iPhone across the room," Lonsdale said. "Two years ago we had The Rolling Stones playing the Saturday night, and this year we get Kanye West? It's an outrage! "I was a little surprised that people have taken it as seriously as they have," he added. "Don't get me wrong, if it works, then I'll be more than happy. I'm not surprised it's popular though. Festivals are about people coming together through their love of music and song, and creating something magical. Look back to Blur in 2009 - One of the band's seminal moments - 100,000 people chanting ‘woo-hoo!’ - That is what it's about." Lonsdale, who admits that he’s never actually been to the Glastonbury Festival, explained that the musical festival “needs upbeat major artists” who don’t “behave like Kanye.” "Glastonbury needs upbeat major artists,” he said. “Glastonbury is an institution. It is expected that it has the biggest names. The biggest performers. Kanye does not represent that…It doesn't matter if you're black, white, straight, gay. If you behave like Kanye, you've got to expect some opposition." In addition to Kanye West, another act scheduled to headline at the Glastonbury Festival is the Foo Fighters.
PETA übergab eine Petition mit 16.000 Unterschriften an die Indischen Botschaft in Berlin gegen eine mögliche Aufweichung des indischen Tierschutzgesetzes. Dadurch würden tierquälerische Spektakel wie das Jallikattu Stierrennen wieder ermöglicht werden. Weitere Informationen unter:
Mirrored from MsMilkytheclown Petition Here: Congress to send workers, machinery and financial aid to Japan, ASAP.Greetings,I just signed the following petition addressed to: Decommission Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool 4, U.S. Health and Safety Risk.----------------Tell Congress to send workers, machinery and financial aid to Japan, ASAP.WE NEED YOUR HELP. PLEASE URGE CONGRESS TO SEND SUPPORT TO JAPAN AND EXPEDITE THE DECOMMISSIONING OF SPENT FUEL POOLS AT FUKUSHIMA.This is what Fukushima Reactor 4 Building looks like (see photo) with exposed Spent Fuel Pool 4. It is predicted that an M7 earthquake or higher could crack the spent fuel pool and drain the water that cools the fuel rods. If this happens and the pool sets on fire, the radiation would be so great that workers would most likely have to leave the plant--no protective gear or machinery could withstand the high levels of radiation. If the workers abandon the entire plant, the other 3 (out of 6 reactors), which have not melted down, yet, could meltdown, and the other 6 spent fuel pools could also catch fire. This amount of radiation has never been released into the atmosphere give you an idea of how serious this is...Chernobyl had only 1 reactor explode and it was buried in approx. 30 days--but still caused about 1 million deaths, over the course of 5-10 years, in surrounding areas and neighboring countries. The U.S. is right on the jet stream from Japan. If multiple reactors and spent fuel pools go, we are right downwind of this. Please take this seriously. The U.S. must send help. We must expedite the decommissioning of Fukushima's spent fuel pools--send workers, send machinery and money--anything to expedite the spent fuel pools being placed into dry cask storage. Japan has only about 2,000 workers, right now--when Chernobyl happened, Russia sent in 500,000 workers in 30 days. Japan needs help. They have had a year and little has been done to secure the situation. The U.S. and international community must step in to avoid a worldwide catastrophe. This is not an exaggeration. Right now, pools may be stable, but recently M 6.7 earthquakes have happened right off the coast of Fukushima, with many after shocks. Time is of the essence and our government must take this seriously. Please call other representatives and/or senators and President Obama and demand they do everything in their power to get spent fuel pools into safe storage.Once again:1.) The U.S. must get involved with the decommissioning of Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool 4 and expedite this process. We cannot wait for another earthquake to potentially rupture Spent Fuel Pool 4 and cause a lethal emergency in our country.2.) The U.S. must send workers.3.) The U.S. must send machinery.4.) The U.S. must send financial aid.5.) The U.S. must decommission Spent Fuel Pool 4, ASAP, because our health and safety depend upon it.Time is of the essence.----------------Thank you.Sincerely,[Your name]Take the next step: Ask your friends to sign SHARE THIS PETITION't just be a signer — be an organizer. Turn your signature into hundreds more by asking your friends to sign. Then they'll ask their friends. That's how we win.
On Wednesday 18 March 2015 Prof. George Kanyeihamba and his client Hon. Gerald Karuhanga tried to submit a petition to the constitutional court but were unable to because all clerks supposed to receive the petition refused to take it. The petition was meant to block the vetting of the recently appointed Deputy Chief Justice Stephen Kavuma. Kanyeihamba viewed the refusal of court clerks to receive the petition as an unfortunate incident that reflected poorly on Uganda's judiciary. For more news visit Follow us on Twitter Like our Facebook page
TS TDP leaders petition Pranab Mukherjee Over Defection Uses - Jabardasth News | iNews Watch I News, 24/7 Telugu News Channel, for all the latest news including breaking news, regional news, national news, international news, sports updates, entertainment gossips, business news, political satires, crime news, exclusive interviews, movie reviews, political debates, fashion trends devotional programs and featured shows such as Jabardasth News, Big Cinema, Movie Special, Cinema Chupista Mama, Metro Colors, Anaganaga, News Makers, Adivaram Athidi, Omkaram, Yoga Sutra and Money Money. For all top and best news stories from INews SUBSCRIBE to Like us on Facebook : Visit: Follow us @
Umigting ang tensyon sa Bulacan kaugnay ng petisyong recall elections. Panandaliang sinuspinde ang pagberipika ng mga lagda sa petisyon nang dahil sa bomb threat at pagtutol ng mga election officers sa utos ng Commission on Elections (COMELEC). Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch the full episodes of TV Patrol on TFC.TV and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter:
In response to President Barack Obama's declaration that Venezuela represents a national security threat to the United States, Venezuelans have responded with a campaign to collect 10 million signatures on a petition to the White House demanding that the decree be revoked. teleSUR
This morning's most important news stories from the studios and on the scene correspondents of teleSUR
In his petition, ... The petition requested the court to set aside the non-bailable arrest warrants.
Dawn 2015-04-04The SHRC conducted a preliminary inquiry and found out that the allegations in the petition were true.
The Times of India 2015-04-04His guilt therefore endures, and his petition for post-conviction relief should be denied," the papers said.
Deccan Herald 2015-04-04org, a leftist site which promotes itself as the "go-to site for Web uprisings," started a petition ...
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-04Lennon was among those who petitioned the Government this week to repeal the 1871 Lunacy Act and ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-04... religious freedom, gender equality and a uniform civil code," Goolrookh said in her petition.
The Times of India 2015-04-04... Farms where Walsh dons the Gigginstown colours in Bryan Cooper’s absence on board Petite Parisienne.
The Irish Times 2015-04-04The high count may be taken into account by federal wildlife officials as they consider a petition ...
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-04John W. Gates, 49, faces a petit larceny . Read More.
Buffalo News 2015-04-04However, he threw the gauntlet at her and asked her to file a petition which Thomas, as of now, hasn’t. Mercifully.
DNA India 2015-04-04GU students will have the opportunity to sign an electronic petition to show how they stand on these issues.
noodls 2015-04-04... RI and a fine of Rs 1,000 by the lower court against which he filed a review petition in high court.
The Times of India 2015-04-04NDRF disposed IMA's petition as "frivolous and vexatious" and asked IMA to pay a sum of Rs 10,000 as ...
The Times of India 2015-04-04A petition is a request to do something, most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity. Petitions to a deity are a form of prayer.
In the colloquial sense, a petition is a document addressed to some official and signed by numerous individuals. A petition may be oral rather than written, and in this era may be transmitted via the Internet.
Petition can also be the title of a legal pleading that initiates a legal case. The initial pleading in a civil lawsuit that seeks only money (damages) might be called (in most U.S. courts) a complaint. An initial pleading in a lawsuit that seeks non-monetary or "equitable" relief, such as a request for a writ of mandamus or habeas corpus, custody of a child, or probate of a will, is instead called a petition.
In pre-modern Imperial China petitions were always sent to an Office of Transmission (Tongzheng si or 通政司) where court secretaries read petitions aloud to the emperor. Petitions could be sent by anybody, from a scholar-official to a common farmer, although the petitions were more likely read to the emperor if they were persuasive enough to impeach questionable and corrupt local officials from office. When petitions arrived to the throne, multiple copies were made of the original and stored with the Office of Supervising Secretaries before the original written petition was sent to the emperor.
The Stig is a character in the British motoring television show Top Gear. The character plays on the anonymity of racing drivers' full-face helmets, with the running joke that nobody knows who, or indeed what, is inside the character's racing suit. The character was the creation of presenter Jeremy Clarkson and the show's producer Andy Wilman. "Stig" was a nickname for new boys at their old school, Repton. Although there is one "main" Stig, there are several "spin-off" Stigs, referred to by the presenters as "The Stig's <usually a reference to where the presenters are located> cousin."
The Stig is responsible for setting lap times for cars tested on the show, as well as instructing celebrity guests in the show's Star in a Reasonably Priced Car section. (see "Role" below) There have currently been three Stigs—the first Stig started on episode 1, but was killed off in the first episode of series 3. The second Stig appeared in the next episode, and lasted until series 15. The third Stig took over from December 2010.
Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson (born 11 April 1960) is an English broadcaster, journalist and writer who specialises in motoring. He is best known for his role on the BBC TV show Top Gear along with co-presenters Richard Hammond and James May. He also writes weekly columns for The Sunday Times and The Sun.
From a career as a local journalist in Northern England, Clarkson rose to public prominence as a presenter of the original format of Top Gear in 1988. Since the mid-1990s, Clarkson has become a recognised public personality, regularly appearing on British television presenting his own shows and appearing as a guest on other shows. As well as motoring, Clarkson has produced programmes and books on subjects such as history and engineering. From 1998 to 2000 he also hosted his own chat show, Clarkson.
His opinionated but humorous tongue-in-cheek writing and presenting style has often generated much public reaction to his viewpoints. His actions both privately and as a Top Gear presenter have also sometimes resulted in criticism from the media, politicians, pressure groups and the public.
I prefer to think of you
As a man of many means
Of powers extreme
Exposed to the extreme
Made you so determined
In a map that changes mind
The only possible excuse
For a pretended to be by
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
No, oh
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
No, oh
I can't know the riot is
His motives are mysterious
His anger extreme
Exposed to the extreme
I see your hidden past
Our memories that don't go back
And not to remember why
I'm supposed to lack
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
No, oh
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
No, oh
For those who never have
You keep coming back
Take it, take away
Till the ... ask
For those who never have
You keep coming back
Take it, take away
Till the . ask
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
No, oh
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
No, oh
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
No, oh
Misinform the life all know
On my banner censor shows
Sudden smoke
Don't feeling like 20,
hey, you wanna play?
money, power estate, (money, power, estate )
when I come to the party
what she do shawty?
I run to the city,
yeah yeah yeah.
I got ** upon me, yeah
I got swag and furness,
hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up,
when I come to the party,
I run through a G.
Hit the club on swaw,
just me and my gang,
to a.. Conrad, just me and my..
just me and my chain,
them cop on fool, pop 4..cabs
your.. she ain't get my set,
see me running though this 6
all this honors, honors, honors,
when I pull up on a..
you see this money, money, money
pouring 4 yeah that flix, I keep me a big bang roll
on the man the world is mine,
boy you know the ear they low,
Don't feeling like 20,
hey, you wanna play?
money, power estate, (money, power, estate )
when I come to the party
what she do shawty?
I run to the city,
yeah yeah yeah.
I got ** upon me, yeah
I got swag and furness,
hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up,
when I come to the party,
I run through a G.
I made the news and commit no crime,
but she hang on me, by em and mine,
got a lot of big mamas, from A to C
let me got em on look, like 1 2 3
chocolate chase em tell them
where the day of rhythm,
she want a crib magnum, can't forget pelvis,
my ..won't stop it no show,
you know that my hello
dear got here things for the low,
say you know everything is she..
(We, the undersigned, put forth his name)
Whereas Reggie Leach was born and played
Minor hockey back in my hometown
The Rifle fired his first 500 here
And slapped his way into the NHL
(We, the undersigned, put forth his name)
Whereas some of us weren't always fair
To the Native kid on borrowed skates
Chippy Goolies and Ukranians
In the corners with our elbows up
(We, the undersigned, put forth his name)
Whereas Reggie on a playoff run
Could make a dad go buy the new TV
Put his youngest by the window, place
The split antenna in her tiny hands
(We, the undersigned, put forth his name)
Whereas photos from the old Tribune
Of Reggie smiling with the Stanley Cup
Curled their corners, dropped off bedroom walls
Left a square of where they used to be
We, the undersigned, put forth his name
To the Hockey Hall of Fame
We, the undersigned, put forth his name
To the Hockey Hall of Fame
Therefore, we, the undersigned put forth his name