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Jérôme Roos: Dismantle Europe’s Racist and Murderous Migration Regime

If we still believe in our own values, we must open our borders to those who yearn for life. Nothing less will do

Christian Appy: How to Turn a Nightmare into a Fairy Tale

40 Years Later, Will the End Games in Iraq and Afghanistan Follow the Vietnam Playbook?

Joris Leverink: Turkey’s century-old denial still going strong. But for how long?

The Turkish government says it will not accept that genocide took place one hundred years ago, despite that 1.5 million of a total 2 million were killed during the fall of the Ottoman Empire one hundred years ago

Juan Cole: Anger Translation

The major problem the world faces in avoiding climate disruption is not economic or technological. It is plain old-fashioned greed

Henry A. Giroux: The Perils of Being a Public Intellectual

Rethinking Michael Eric Dyson’s Attack on Cornel West

Dario Azzellini: Contemporary Crisis and Workers Control

This chapter was taken from “An Alternative Labour History”, edited by Dario Azzellini and published by Zed Books

Stathis Kouvelakis: Greece: The Noose Tightens

There are only three options remaining for the Syriza government

Nils Muižnieks: Crisis in the Mediterranean: Europe must change course

Tougher border controls only increase migrants’ vulnerability—and make smugglers richer.

Jack Rasmus: USA: How the Rich Get Richer

The old industrial capital business model represented by GE is under significant pressure

Mark Evans: Why “Utopian Socialism” Can Be More Scientific Than “Scientific Socialism” … Or, Why Engels Was Wrong!

“Utopian socialism” can be more scientific than so called “scientific socialism” and that the utopian socialist methodology should be used to inform revolutionary thinking and action in the 21st Century

David Swanson: Understanding the Suffering War Brings

Most people in the United States have no idea of the suffering that war brings

Badri Raina: Jammu And Kashmir: Return Of The Natives

What needs to be understood is that rehabilitating the Pandits among the Muslims will simultaneously also affect the rehabilitation of the Kashmiri Muslims

Glen Ford: Why They Hate Cornel West

As the clock unwinds on the nation’s first black presidency, much of the black political class is scrambling to rewrite the history of their own behavior over the past six or seven years

Jim Shultz: The Case That Blew the Lid Off the World Bank’s Secret CourtsT

How Bolivian protesters and global activists exposed the dark side of global trade pacts and paved the way for the battles to come

Peter Weiss: Sister Rice Goes After the Bomb

Federal authorities are treating an 85-year-old Catholic nun like a nuclear saboteur

Sotiris Martalis: The Importance of SYRIZA’s Victory

The re-emergence of labor movement struggles will not only organize the force that can pose an alternative for workers and the popular masses, but it will point a direction for the SYRIZA-led government

Joel Chaffee: Recent Events

Events and recent book/film/music releases of interest to progressives

Andy Piascik: A Review of A Shoeleather History of the Wobblies

Among the important subcategories of bottom-up history are stories of the local chapters of important radical and revolutionary organizations whose national work has previously been the primary focus of scholarship and attention

Stephen Bergstein: A Review of The Burglary by Betty Medsger

In 1971, eight activists burglarized an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania to confirm suspicions that the agency was spying on and disrupting the anti-war movement. The break-in was obviously unlawful. It also exposed the FBI’s notorious COINTELPRO surveillance program, which sought to destroy the social and political movements that challenged the American status quo

William Boardman: American Spring in Chicago

Since 2011, the arrogant and ineffective mayor Rahm Emanuel, catered to his rich folks base (with “the actions of a mad king”). And he has treated the majority of Chicagoans with destructive disdain, whether he’s closing their schools, attacking teachers and other public employees, or ignoring police brutality and killing.

Paul Street: Left Radicals, Radical Republicans, and Dismal Dollar Dems

In recent months, “Progressive Democrats” have been hoping to breathe new life into the nation’s hopelessly 1%-dominated “two party system” by running the nominally socialist, technically Independent, and genuinely populist and domestically progressive U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

Noam Chomsky: History Handbook: The Passion for Free Markets

For more than half a century, the United Nations has been the main forum for the United States to try to create a world in its image, maneuvering with its allies to forge global accords about human rights, nuclear tests or the environment that Washington insisted would mirror its own values.”

Pete Dolack: Low-Cost Banking

The struggle to save the United States Postal Service is emblematic of the larger struggle against corporate plundering of public resources

Al Gedicks: Globalized Mining Resistance from El Salvador to Wisconsin

The environmental devastation from past and ongoing gold mining operations in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras has provoked a formidable Salvadoran social movement that has been educating and organizing communities for a total ban against metallic mining in El Salvador.

Coha Staff: Attempted Coup in Venezuela

On February 11, 2015, the government of President Nicolas Maduro, along with a number of his senior officials, declared that Venezuela had faced an attempted coup. Contrarily, the mainstream media in the United States and in Europe viewed such allegations as ridiculous

Vincent Emanuele: A Tragic Anniversary

In the U.S., those in charge of the Empire don’t fret over the deaths of Iraqi children. Hell, they don’t shed a tear for poor or dying U.S. children, so why should we expect the managers of Empire to offer any mercy to the enemy?

Kathy Kelly: Crosscurrents

By the time I leave Kentucky’s federal prison center, where I’m an inmate with a 3 month sentence, the world’s 12th largest city may be without water. Estimates put the water reserve of Sao Paulo, a city of 20 million people, at 60 days

Shamus Cooke: Fight “Right to Work”

In Oregon, Democrats dominate all branches of politics. Yet the labor unions are still terrified. There is justifiable dread that anti-union “Right to Work” laws will be purchased into existence by out-of-state billionaires

David Morris: The Politics of the NCAA Sweet Sixteen

When television cameras zoomed in on Kansas Governor Sam Brownback in the middle of the Kansas-Wichita State NCAA basketball game, a thunderous chorus of boos broke out. Viewers gained a rare glimpse of the politics behind March Madness

Bill Berkowitz: Criminalizing Poverty: A Toxic and Growing Phenomenon

The Justice Department’s report on Ferguson, Missouri’s criminal justice system pointed out that African Americans were specifically targeted, seen “less as constituents to be protected than as potential offenders and sources of revenue.”

Ramzy Baroud: Netanyahu the Mythbuster “Special Relationship” No More

In a message delivered in a video on Facebook, incumbent Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a sinister call appealing to ingrained racism in Israeli society

Walden Bello: Washington Frets Over Beijing

To many analysts, Washington and its western allies have only themselves to blame for China’s increasingly assertive push to build new multilateral institutions

Edward S. Herman: Global Versus Local Violence

In the U.S. establishment’s patriotic history of the Ukraine conflict it is also important to black out the fact that the United States, so passionately opposed to Russian “aggression,” committed a vastly more deadly one in Iraq from 2003.

Z Staff: Danny Schechter, 1942-2015

Schechter infused almost all his work—whether it was for alternative or mainstream media—with his advocacy of human rights. In 1971, Schechter joined the Boston rock station WBCN-FM, where he found a following as “Danny Schechter, the News Dissector.” This Memorial was compiled from a number of emails to Z.

Walden Bello: China’s Offering a World Bank Alternative — and U.S. Allies Are Signing Up

Beijing is only too happy to offer an alternative to Western-dominated international finance. What’s more surprising is that leading Western economies are signing up

Naomi Klein: Reading I.F. Stone on Earth Day

Why We Still Won’t Get Anywhere Unless We Connect the Dots

Marjorie Cohn: Dutch Lawsuit Charges Crimes Against Humanity During Egyptian Massacres

Since there is little prospect for justice in Egypt itself, the Dutch lawsuit may be the only vehicle for accountability for these most serious crimes

Yanis Varoufakis: A New Deal for Greece

What steps are needed to produce a viable, mutually agreed reform agenda?

Rachael Boothroyd: PSUV Grassroots Propose Candidates for Legislative Elections, 60% Women

Tens of thousands of grassroots activists gathered in more than 13,600 assemblies across Venezuela over the weekend to choose their pre-candidates for the country’s upcoming parliamentary elections

Juan Cole: US admits it has no Idea who it is Assassinating by Drone

The killing of Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto is not just a tragedy; it reveals the US assassination technique for the world to see

Sarah Lazare: US Lawmakers Quietly Advance Legislation to Penalize Boycott of Israel

The legislative push at the national level may, in fact, be an indication of the growing power of BDS movements

Adam Vaughan: Scientists say 75% of known fossil fuel reserves must stay in ground

Leading scientists and economists release statement to mark Earth Day in which they urge leaders to keep to commitments to avoid dangerous global warming

Ray McGovern: Ukraine: Coup, Couth, and Consequences

The West Snubs Russia Over VE Day

Mike-Frank Epitropoulos: Time to leave da Club

Everyone should know that if SYRIZA is allowed to fail, the neo-Nazi, Golden Dawn, will help shape the next government in Greece

Glenn Greenwald: What Explains the Power of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Middle Finger?

All over the TV airways and the Internet, all sorts of people cited the photo to argue that he should be killed

Joris Leverink: Worker rights in Turkey: the union is dead, long live the cooperative?

The only option to bring about real change workers are left with is to take matters into their own hands

Jonathan Cook: Europe’s feeble efforts to ‘punish’ Israel

The court’s ruling only highlighted the EU’s shameful cowardice in failing to confront Israel

Lucas Koerner: How to Grossly Misrepresent Venezuelan Reality: A Reply to Alejandro Toledo

It is precisely this glaring double standard towards Venezuela that allows Toledo and 25 other ex-presidents to accuse the Bolivarian government of human rights violations

Mark Weisbrot: European officials may be pushing regime change in Greece

The strategy of trying to destabilize the Greek economy and government without forcing Greece out of the euro has its risks. It is also profoundly anti-democratic and wrong

Tom Engelhardt: A Letter of Apology to My Grandson

A Pox on Twenty-First-Century America

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