- published: 22 Dec 2016
- views: 669
Flora Japonica may refer to:
Serissa is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae, containing only one species, Serissa japonica. It is native to open sub-tropical woodlands and wet meadows in southeast Asia, from India, and China to Japan. It is commonly called snowrose, tree of a thousand stars, or Japanese boxthorn; and was formerly called Serissa foetida.
Snowrose and tree of a thousand stars are different cultivars. The only method of differentiating is measuring the difference in the shape and size of the flowers produced.
It is an evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub, 45–60 cm high, with oval, deep green, rather thick leaves that have an unpleasant smell if bruised (hence its name foetida). The upright stems branch in all directions and form a wide bushy dome. It is grown for its neat habit, good coverage of branches and long flowering time. It is also valued for its rough, grey trunk which tends to get lighter in colour with age.
Serissa flowers practically all year round, but particularly from early spring to near autumn. The 4- to 6-lobed flowers are funnel-shaped and 1 cm wide. They first appear as pink buds but turn to a profusion of white flowers. Fertilizing is especially important during the long flowering period.
Dr Timothy Utteridge, Head of Identification & Naming, explains how art and science come together to help botanists describe new plant species. See more exquisite botanical art at the Flora Japonica exhibition. Find out more at: http://bit.ly/2bB2Nyo
Jeremy Meets Japan, in other countries too ? I'll visit places, events or shops who are related to japanese culture. Today, I went feeling the atmosphere of a japanese typical plants exhibition. Wasabi, yuzu, tea...let's take a nice breath in the botanic garden !
Mike Ambrose, a plant scientist from the John Innes Centre, discusses Flora Japonica.
Botanical artist and co-creator of Kew's Flora Japonica exhibition Masumi Yamanaka describes the iconic form of the Japanese maple tree. See more exquisite paintings Japanese native flora at Kew's Flora Japonica exhibition, more information at: http://bit.ly/2bB2Nyo
Esta es la Magnolia Japonica Lily Flora su flor abre a finales de julio y principio de agosto tiene un aroma muy suave tan suave que tienes que hasercarte bien para poder notarlo. crese a una altura vastante importante. Ademas aparese primero las hojas y luego que se secan y caen aparesen las flores su duracion es de varios dias.
Se pare ca este o specie foarte invaziva, nedorita de nimeni. In realitate, in radacina ei se gaseste cea mai mare cantitate de resveratrol din intreaga lume vegetala. Resveratrolul este un antioxidant puternic, un antitumoral, o substanta care prelungeste viata prin stimularea producerii in organism a unei proteine a longevitatii. De mai multi ani incerc sa realizez o Video Enciclopedie a Florei din Romania. E o lucrare ampla si inevitabil supusa erorilor. E supusa si alunecusilor, deoarece, mergand in natura, intalnesc multe alte vietati, insecte, reptile, amfibieni, pasari, mamifere si, bucuros de intalnirea cu ele, incerc sa le prind intr-un film, intr-o descriere. Si, adio...plante. Fiind pasionat (si) de ciuperci am gasit atat de multe, identificat si catalogat, incat se pare ca prim...
Codornas após o nascimento vão para o berçário.Neste vídeo o berçário é feito de isopor,com lâmpada (colocar um protetor embaixo da lâmpada),água limpa e ração inicial. Veja abaixo vídeos de outras raças de codornas. Veja outros vídeos em nosso canal.Se inscreva! E visite nosso site http://www.meus-passaros-e-flores.web... Nossa página https://www.facebook.com/Plantas-em-v... Página https://www.facebook.com/codornascria... Nossa playlist Playlist das codornas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbD1M... Criação caseira de codornas japonesas.mini codorna chinesa,Bob White,Golden Manchurian e Codornão.Veja os demais vídeos com todas as raças.
Nano acuario plantado Cubo con capacidad de 22 litros Iluminación bombillo fluorescente de 23w con 1380 lumenes Hardscape Sustrato especial para plantas Flourite Flourite Black Flourite Black Sand Roca Chocolate Flora Blyxa japonica Staurogyne repens Hemianthus callichoides cuba Créditos de la música: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nano Planted Aquarium Aquarium with capacity of 22 liters. Lighting, fluorescent bulb with 23w and 1380 lumens Hardscape Sustrate special for plants Flourite Flourite Black Flourite Black Sand Chocolate stone Flora Blyxa japonica Staurogyne repens Hemianthus callichoides cuba Music credits: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram @aquamarketco @jhonn...
This video shows you how to identify and care for this species. The Tree of a Thousand Stars or Serissa foetida is a popular bonsai tree for beginners, and is a very pretty tree especially when in flower as it it literally has Thousand of little star shaped white flowers all shown off against a back ground of tiny small dark green leaves. It can be finky tree to grow, as it like a lot of light and does not tolerate being dry. If you have nice bright humid spot it will thrive with little to no fuss. As a tropical tree it is not frost hardy so will not survive out doors over winters and as such is often grown as an indoor bonsai. The tree of a thousand stars, the Serrisa foetida has a lot, a lot of flowers on it, literally hundreds of tiny little star shaped flowers on it when it’s in blo...
Dr Timothy Utteridge, Head of Identification & Naming, explains how art and science come together to help botanists describe new plant species. See more exquisite botanical art at the Flora Japonica exhibition. Find out more at: http://bit.ly/2bB2Nyo
Jeremy Meets Japan, in other countries too ? I'll visit places, events or shops who are related to japanese culture. Today, I went feeling the atmosphere of a japanese typical plants exhibition. Wasabi, yuzu, tea...let's take a nice breath in the botanic garden !
Mike Ambrose, a plant scientist from the John Innes Centre, discusses Flora Japonica.
Botanical artist and co-creator of Kew's Flora Japonica exhibition Masumi Yamanaka describes the iconic form of the Japanese maple tree. See more exquisite paintings Japanese native flora at Kew's Flora Japonica exhibition, more information at: http://bit.ly/2bB2Nyo
Esta es la Magnolia Japonica Lily Flora su flor abre a finales de julio y principio de agosto tiene un aroma muy suave tan suave que tienes que hasercarte bien para poder notarlo. crese a una altura vastante importante. Ademas aparese primero las hojas y luego que se secan y caen aparesen las flores su duracion es de varios dias.
Se pare ca este o specie foarte invaziva, nedorita de nimeni. In realitate, in radacina ei se gaseste cea mai mare cantitate de resveratrol din intreaga lume vegetala. Resveratrolul este un antioxidant puternic, un antitumoral, o substanta care prelungeste viata prin stimularea producerii in organism a unei proteine a longevitatii. De mai multi ani incerc sa realizez o Video Enciclopedie a Florei din Romania. E o lucrare ampla si inevitabil supusa erorilor. E supusa si alunecusilor, deoarece, mergand in natura, intalnesc multe alte vietati, insecte, reptile, amfibieni, pasari, mamifere si, bucuros de intalnirea cu ele, incerc sa le prind intr-un film, intr-o descriere. Si, adio...plante. Fiind pasionat (si) de ciuperci am gasit atat de multe, identificat si catalogat, incat se pare ca prim...
Codornas após o nascimento vão para o berçário.Neste vídeo o berçário é feito de isopor,com lâmpada (colocar um protetor embaixo da lâmpada),água limpa e ração inicial. Veja abaixo vídeos de outras raças de codornas. Veja outros vídeos em nosso canal.Se inscreva! E visite nosso site http://www.meus-passaros-e-flores.web... Nossa página https://www.facebook.com/Plantas-em-v... Página https://www.facebook.com/codornascria... Nossa playlist Playlist das codornas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbD1M... Criação caseira de codornas japonesas.mini codorna chinesa,Bob White,Golden Manchurian e Codornão.Veja os demais vídeos com todas as raças.
Nano acuario plantado Cubo con capacidad de 22 litros Iluminación bombillo fluorescente de 23w con 1380 lumenes Hardscape Sustrato especial para plantas Flourite Flourite Black Flourite Black Sand Roca Chocolate Flora Blyxa japonica Staurogyne repens Hemianthus callichoides cuba Créditos de la música: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nano Planted Aquarium Aquarium with capacity of 22 liters. Lighting, fluorescent bulb with 23w and 1380 lumens Hardscape Sustrate special for plants Flourite Flourite Black Flourite Black Sand Chocolate stone Flora Blyxa japonica Staurogyne repens Hemianthus callichoides cuba Music credits: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram @aquamarketco @jhonn...
This video shows you how to identify and care for this species. The Tree of a Thousand Stars or Serissa foetida is a popular bonsai tree for beginners, and is a very pretty tree especially when in flower as it it literally has Thousand of little star shaped white flowers all shown off against a back ground of tiny small dark green leaves. It can be finky tree to grow, as it like a lot of light and does not tolerate being dry. If you have nice bright humid spot it will thrive with little to no fuss. As a tropical tree it is not frost hardy so will not survive out doors over winters and as such is often grown as an indoor bonsai. The tree of a thousand stars, the Serrisa foetida has a lot, a lot of flowers on it, literally hundreds of tiny little star shaped flowers on it when it’s in blo...