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Rahowa - White Revolution +lyrics
RAHOWA - White Revolution
The Shah's White Revolution and the Nixon Doctrine
War Clouds Gather Over Europe: the coming White Revolution
Racheengel - White Revolution
White Revolution no 15
White Revolution no 20
White Revolution no 46: Public Meeting in Illinois - Part Two: The Fraud of Christianity!
White Revolution no 51: Rev. Matt Hale Speaks at "Nordic Fest" Powderly, Kentucky (2001) - Part One
No Remorse - White Revolution
White Revolution world wide.
jocke karlsson - white revolution
NO REMORSE - Song's of White Revolution [1992]
Rahowa - Declaration of War (1993) I've had enough with all this crap about love! You know you've got yourself a fight! One that I'll wage with all my might ...
More at Dr. Art Pitz discusses Shah Reza Pahlavi's White Revolution, which modernized and secularized Iran, the developme...
There is an increasing and palpable air of excitement gripping Nationalists and National Socialists all over Europe after being ground under the jackboots of ZOG ever since the failure of the brave and now defamed National Socialists of Germany during the last world war to save the Western World from bankster Jewish control and to halt Zionist plans for a coming brutal world tyranny. After years of being ground down by a fixed Zionist media pandering to the brainwashed, guilt-ridden and self-hating populations of Europe, a new confidence is in the air that the bad old days are at last beginning to come to an end: Hello once again, my fellow White Racial Comrades of the world. Welcome to another episode of White Revolution, a program for White people everywhere. My name... Transcript: One thing about Creators is that we are pretty resourceful. Certainly we are here to postulate the greatest idea the world has ever known--Racial Loyalty and CREATIVITY. Today we were encountered by individuals out to destroy our message through the use of violence. I am very proud of course to say that our members and supporters are willing of course to defend themselves, and defend what they believe in with their heart. What matters most of all is that our people see that we will endure whatever privations come our way. What is most important is not so much that every word of every sentence that I utter is heard, but that our people see the INSANITY of those who oppose us. That is what is most important of all. While yes, of course, this is an ? speech in a sense and on a sidewalk, it wasn't planned that way. While certainly it's true that probably half of our people are somewhere else because of the teargas in the meeting room. While certainly I am speaking before less of a crowd than it would have been otherwise, at the same time I KNOW that anytime a White Man or Woman lifts his or her voice and speak the truth -- that in itself is a victory. We know of course that there are individuals who would try anything - anything at all - to stop us. We know that there are individuals who will use violence, who will use threats -- because they are desperate! They know that our message is resounding in more and more hearts and minds across this world. They know that our people, White People around the world are embracing our message in growing numbers. And so therefore they resist through violence. They cannot resist through words! They cannot debate us in an open forum. Instead they attack. Well, we know, we know that by doing so, we are posited, we are represented as the underdog. And that's fine, because America LOVES the underdog. America loves those who buck the establishment, who bucks the trends, the negative trends of this society. And so, here we are today on this fine day, this sunny day, speaking words of truth for our people. Now, with that said, my Brothers and Sisters, let me get to the subject of this speech today. The subject of this speech being: "The Fraud of Christianity". We are here to say today that we have a NEW RELIGION FOR OUR PEOPLE! Rather than believe in a religion that came from the Middle East, thousands of years ago, written by individuals exact identity unknown -- Jewish individuals, I might add -- instead we have a religion for OUR people, for OUR kind. We have a religion with which we as White People can thrive, survive, and advance for the next million years. A religion that does not divide - like Christianity does - but united White People, teaches White People to be proud of themselves, to exalt in themselves, to love themselves. We know therefore that no matter what sacrifices may need to be made--they are worth it! No matter what obstacles may be in our path -- to have a people that is proud and unified, that loves themselves - is worth all the effort in the world. My Brothers and Sisters, how grand it is to be here today, at this place, as we celebrate our beloved White Race, my Comrades. How grand it is to be here today, to proclaim our allegiance to our blood. And yes, to smite the flag of our enemies. That Jew rag that we witnessed earlier. Now, I will say a little side note to that, in case you're wondering why it did not burn very easily, it's the only flag I know of in the world that they actually as a matter of policy make sure that it is fireproof. That is no joke. That is the amount of hatred that the world over is feeling, for these parasites. You don't find any other flags that are fireproof, not to my knowledge. Because the Jews know that a lot of people are going to be wanting to burn their flag. The future will be one in which that rag is oftentimes burned, and mutilated in other ways, for it is true that when individuals burn the flag of the Jews, they are burning the thought of the Jews. They are seeking to ERASE (!) from our minds and from our hearts the Jewish influence, that we have had enough of. So, I'm very happy that indeed the flag of the Jews was here today, that it was set to the flame. I look forward to the day when many more are set to the flame, my Comrades. Here we stand today, Racial Loyalists. That is what we are, no matter what organization we may be with. We are here today to say, that we are loyal to our people, in all things and at all times. That far beyond any other loyalty, rest loyalty to our blood. With every beat of our heart, it beats for our race. With every breath that we take, it must be a breath not only for ourselves, not only to maintain our own existence, but to maintain the existence of our folk. And so, so here we are, my Brothers and Sisters, ready to subordinate our own individual interests for the interests of our people. And let me say in fact, that there must not be one of us here today who is here for ourself. We are NOT simply materialists, or simply individuals that want to go along with the herd, the crowd. Instead, those of you here today, my Brothers and Sisters, are here for a higher purpose. You are here because you love. You are here because you love your friends, and you hate your enemies, my Comrades. *RAHOWA! RAHOWA!* And indeed, while I like to smile, and this is something that may not be seen too often in the Jew-controlled press, because they don't want you to see that I smile. This is not something exactly that fits the image that we have been given by the Jew-press, by the Dan Blathers of the world, and the Tom Broken-Jaw's as I like to call them. Perhaps the jaw should have been broken, long time ago. Because of the poison they have taught our youth, because of the falsehoods that have eminated from their voices, from their throats. But yes, I do smile. I smile at the thought of our victory. I smile at the thought that one day, we will be judges and the jurys. I smile at the thought that one day, our children will be able to play in the street without fear of the savages, the non-white savages that would wish to do them harm. I smile and yet, yes I do get angry. There has been anger expressed here today, and rightly so. We are not, after all, robots, but individuals who CARE. None of us would be here today if we did not care. And so I smile at that which comforts me, makes me happy. The glorious future that I envision, that we must all envision. And also, yes I grow angry and I HATE our enemies. Never must we have the idea that we should simple... love. We should have both emotions come through our hearts and our minds. Let us feel both charges, just as a battery has the positive and the negative, so too must we have both charges - for our victory. We do not smile when we see the sellout of our race. We do not laugh when we see the destruction of our people, we do not rejoice in the plans that the Jew World Order has for us - instead we HATE! And I say all of this, my Comrades, because of the common refrain. Oftentimes it is very easy to say, well, when confronted: "No, I don't hate the other races". Well yes, we do! Of course we do! We hate them with all of our heart, because we love our people with all of our heart. *Hear, hear* *RAHOWA!* *RAHOWA!* Comrades. The flag of our enthusiasm burns high. We have seen throughout the history of the world, that it is PASSION that wins. It is FEELING that wins. That this is not an exercise in theory, or an exercise in simple reading or thinking, but of the HEART. The job that I have set forth for myself is to move you. To move you to be better, each and every one of us, to be better than we were previously. To work harder, to have more confidence, to work productively for a better world. A world in which we can rejoice in life. A world in which, no longer will we need to burn Jew flags, because there will be no more Jew flags in existence. Full transcript:
White Revolution world wide.
jocke karlsson - white revolution. NO REMORSE - Song's of White Revolution [1992]
Manthan (Hindi: मन्थन, Urdu: منتھن) (The Churning), was a 1976 Hindi film made by Shyam Benegal, based on a story written jointly by, Verghese Kurien (the Fa...
Dj Panzerfaust - White Revolution Respect the artists- music i upload and the names are always the same as i downloaded em. Support: Downloads: 卐*****BRAND NEW 3 WAY COMP-EARWORMER[2013]*****卐 Psypitch: The Precursors *Drone Demo [2013] Audial Terrorismus [2013] These are no CD's like the rest (some bonus songs). part 1: part 2: Dj Panzerfaust - Hardcore Warmachine Whitecore Resistance Chapter II Whitecore Resistance Chapter III - Radical Islam, Plague of the World Aarlanderveens - Vernichtung Fase 1 Aarlanderveens - Vernichtung Fase 2 Aarlanderveens - Vernichtung Fase 3 Dj Himmler - Der Dritten Reich DJH - UNRELEASED Dj Himmlers Grössten Hits Dj Himmler - Heute Das Welt Dj Himmler - Das Ewige Reich Dj Himmler - Krieg! Dj Himmler - 1933-2009 Die Letzte Album: Dj Himmler - Am Eiffelturm: Dj Himmler - Parteitag 1933: Dj Himmler - Unser Zukunft: Dj Himmler - Tausendjaehriges Reich:
Black preacher predicts white people will have a revolution because of Obama's policies. This may be plausible given the fact that European ancestors in Amer...
CD release Whitecore Resistance Chapter III - Radical Islam, Plague of the World Dj Panzerfaust - White Revolution 2009 (Panzer Division 2010 Hardest Remix 2...
Theik Khar Myanmar Institute students wrote and performed "White Revolution" in support for the students movement in Myanmar. Over the past few weeks numerous demonstrations occurred in Myanmar over the National Educational Law passed in September 2014 culminating with a brutal police crackdown on March 10, 2015 where over 130 students were arrested and many beaten by the police during a peaceful protest.. Find below the Myanmar lyrics. The English translation is coming soon.
NS bend from Serbia! ANTI ANTIFA ! 14/88.
The White Revolution (Persian: انقلاب سفید Enghelāb-e Sefid) was a far-reaching series of reforms in Iran launched in 1963 by the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Mohammad Reza Shah’s reform program was built especially to strengthen those classes that supported the traditional system. The Shah advertised the White Revolution as a step towards westernization, but there is little doubt that he also had political motives; the White Revolution (a name attributed to the fact it was bloodless) was a way for him to legitimize the Pahlavi dynasty. Part of the reason for launching the White Revolution was that the Shah hoped to get rid of the landlords' influence and create a new base of support among the peasants and working class.[citation needed] The bulk of the program was aimed at Iran’s peasantry, a class the Shah hoped to gain as an ally to thwart the threat of the increasingly hostile middle class.[citation needed] Thus the White Revolution in Iran represented a new attempt to introduce reform from above and preserve traditional power patterns. Through land reform, the essence of the White Revolution, the Shah hoped to ally himself with the peasantry in the countryside, and hoped to sever their ties with the aristocracy in the city.[citation needed]
Our nation is sold out - our people betrayed, the
foreign pollution already invade.
Rather than to kneel, obey and to crawl - we will be
fighting until we fall.
The white revolution is depending on you! How you are
acting and what you will do!
Will you keep on fighting whatever ist cost? The truth
is you have to, or else we have lost!
Pick up your weapons - good luck and take care, fight
well now brothers - show that you dare.
Go against the oppression, the traitors and scum - if
we win the battle, our time will come.
The white revolution is depending on you! How you are
acting and what you will do!
Will you keep on fighting whatever ist cost? The truth
is you have to, or else we have lost!
Will we see victory day? Will there be light? If we
shall be worthy - we must keep on tight.
Staying true to the cause and never give in - a new
dawn is coming, tomorrow we win.
The white revolution is depending on you! How you are
acting and what you will do!
Will you keep on fighting whatever ist cost? The truth
is you have to, or else we have lost!
Our nation is sold out - our people betrayed, the
foreign pollution already invade.
Rather than to kneel, obey and to crawl - we will be
fighting until we fall.
The white revolution is depending on you! How you are
acting and what you will do!
Will you keep on fighting whatever ist cost? The truth
is you have to, or else we have lost!
The white revolution is depending on you! How you are
acting and what you will do!
Will you keep on fighting whatever ist cost? The truth
I’ve had enough with all this crap about love!
You know you’ve got yourself a fight!
One that I’ll wage with all my might
So listen, slimy jew…
You’re gonna wish you were never even born when I get my
hands on you…
Ref: Hey, hey the only solution
A full-scale, worldwide, white revolution!
Don’t you know, you got yourself a fight
One I’m gonna wage with all my might now!
I’ve been down - I’ve been pushed around
I ain’t taking anymore - I’m breaking down your door
So listen, slimy jew…
Your gonna wish you were never even born when I get my
hands on you!
You sent in the niggers - their numbers are getting
We ain’t taking all your muds - we’re closing up the
So listen, ugly coon…
You’re gonna wish you were never even born when I get my