The news media are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public. These include print media (newspapers, newsmagazines), broadcast news (radio and television), and more recently the Internet (online newspapers, news blogs, etc.).
A medium (plural media) is a carrier of something. Common things carried by media include information, art, or physical objects. A medium may provide transmission or storage of information or both. The industries which produce news and entertainment content for the mass media are often called "the media" (in much the same way the newspaper industry is called "the press"). In the late 20th century it became commonplace for this usage to be construed as singular ("The media is...") rather than as the traditional plural.
Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video signals (programs) to a number of recipients ("listeners" or "viewers") that belong to a large group. This group may be the public in general, or a relatively large audience within the public. Thus, an Internet channel may distribute text or music worldwide, while a public address system in (for example) a workplace may broadcast very limited ad hoc soundbites to a small population within its range.
Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American politician who has been the U.S. Representative for Texas's 14th congressional district, which includes Galveston, since 1997, and a three-time candidate for President of the United States, as a Libertarian in 1988 and as a Republican in 2008 and currently 2012. He is an outspoken critic of American foreign and monetary policies, including the Military–industrial complex and the Federal Reserve, and is known for his libertarian-leaning views, often differing from his own party on certain issues.
A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Paul is a graduate of Gettysburg College and Duke University School of Medicine, where he earned his medical degree. He served as a medical officer in the United States Air Force from 1963 until 1968. He worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist from the 1960s to the 1980s, delivering more than 4,000 babies. He became the first Representative in history to serve concurrently with a child in the Senate when his son Rand Paul was elected to the United States Senate for Kentucky in 2010.
Microsoft Is Retiring Windows Media Center With Windows 10 - IGN News
Social Media and News - Is it Reliable?
Fox News Immediately Cuts To Break When Ron Paul Exposes Media Bias
Discovery: how media lies documentary film - CNN CBS FOX NEWS channel distorted contents
Opie & Anthony + Louis CK - News/Media Clips
Why The News Media Sucks
News Media VS Video Games AGAIN - #GamerGate #FullMcIntosh
Satanic Illuminati CIA Fake News Media Exposed!! 2015
SHOCKER: Americans don't trust news media
Kumar Vishwas `illicit relationship` row: Woman talks exclusively to Zee Media
Sexism in News Media in 2012
How Mainstream Media Fakes The News - Behind The Scenes
Top 10: News Stories Under-Reported By Mainstream Media
This Is What Happens When You Watch Mainstream Media TV News
Actress Carole Hayworth is determined to have a relationship with both her producer and her Italian lover. She bribes a hotel maid to impersonate her and entertain the producer while she has her own personal tryst with the "Italian Stallion," but her plans go awry. The maid falls in love with the producer and flees out of desperation. Carole's scam is unveiled and in the end everyone falls in love with the wrong person.
Keywords: mae-west, marilyn-monroe-dress, wedding
In the end, everyone falls in love with the wrong person.
Late one night, Billy and Kade Ruckman see their neighbor, Michael Chambers, murder a woman, but Chambers has a story all set to convince their mother Vicky, that it was just a rehearsal scene from an opera. The only ones who can help them find the body in Chambers' house before he moves and gets rid of all evidence, are their friends, Jimmy, Eddie, and J.J., who are determined to find the body before Chambers finds them.
Keywords: amateur-sleuth, body-buried-under-house, brother, brother-brother-relationship, child's-point-of-view, child-detective, child-protagonist, children, crime-solving, death
Get a clue!
Kade: [holding a baseball bat] Mr. Chambers, if you touch Billy and I'll break your legs. If you kill him, you're going to have to kill me too.
Kade: [on what to do with a body and not get caught] I'd put it in the freezer!
J.J. Jimenez: [on how to kill someone without getting caught] I'd drop a body off the Sears tower and put a note in her pocket that said "I've lived a horrible life", everyone would think she committed suicide.
Jimmy: [discussing how to kill someone and get away with it] First I'd cut it up into a million pieces with a chainsaw... then, I'd flush it down the toilet.::J.J. Jimenez: Hey man, I'm eating here.
Billy Ruckman: He did kill her! Her body's in the freezer!
Billy Ruckman: [shows everyone a picture of Marcela Janowitz] This is the woman that Chambers killed.::Eddie Balser: You said he killed his wife.::Billy Ruckman: I made a mistake... two nights ago when Kade let Boo out, this woman talked to Kade, and asked him where Chambers lived.::Eddie Balser: How do you know it's the woman he killed?::Billy Ruckman: [shows Eddie a sheet of music with Marcela Janowitz written on the top] Read the name on that.::Eddie Balser: Where'd you get this?::Billy Ruckman: Kade got it from Chambers, the morning after he killed her, she must've taken it to his house.::Eddie Balser: So you still think the body's in the freezer?::Billy Ruckman: Oh not anymore, last night he buried her under the house.::J.J. Jimenez: You mean he dug up the cement and buried her?::Billy Ruckman: No, his house is just like ours, in the front there's a crawl space, in the back, there's a small basement.::Eddie Balser: [takes the picture] Give me this... so last night he turned up the music real loud so you wouldn't hear him pulling up the floor boards, and that is where he buried Marcela Janowitz's body.
Kade: Mr. Chambers is lying, he killed the lady.::Billy Ruckman: What'd you say?::Kade: Mr. Chambers is lying, he killed the lady.::Billy Ruckman: You heard him, that was his student, and they were rehearsing the scene from one of his operas.::Kade: They weren't pretending, because she never got back up after he pushed her down.::Billy Ruckman: She never got up? Wait, how do you know this?::Kade: I saw them.::Billy Ruckman: When?::Kade: When you went to the bathroom.::Billy Ruckman: You saw what I saw? Why didn't you tell me sooner?::Kade: Every time I tried to tell you, you always tell me to shut up.::Billy Ruckman: I knew he was lying, I could feel it. Look, he's going to try and get rid of that body tonight, I just know it... it's 11, that means we have 7 hours until it's light. Are you tired?::Kade: No.::Billy Ruckman: Okay, you take watch for the first three hours, and I'll take the last four.
Eddie Balser: [to Billy] Don't worry, if he kills you, we'll nail his butt to the wall.
Billy Ruckman: [digging for the body] I hit something... hard.::Eddie Balser: Maybe it's her teeth.
Billy Ruckman: Every night Chambers starts practicing the piano at 9, he stops at 10, that'll give me exactly one hour to find her. J.J., you get on the porch roof and watch the front of Chambers' house, Jimmy, you stay in the kitchen and watch the back, Kade, you stay with Eddie, when Eddie gives you the signal, get to the phone and hit redial, I already have it set for 911.
Microsoft Is Retiring Windows Media Center With Windows 10 - IGN News
Social Media and News - Is it Reliable?
Fox News Immediately Cuts To Break When Ron Paul Exposes Media Bias
Discovery: how media lies documentary film - CNN CBS FOX NEWS channel distorted contents
Opie & Anthony + Louis CK - News/Media Clips
Why The News Media Sucks
News Media VS Video Games AGAIN - #GamerGate #FullMcIntosh
Satanic Illuminati CIA Fake News Media Exposed!! 2015
SHOCKER: Americans don't trust news media
Kumar Vishwas `illicit relationship` row: Woman talks exclusively to Zee Media
Sexism in News Media in 2012
How Mainstream Media Fakes The News - Behind The Scenes
Top 10: News Stories Under-Reported By Mainstream Media
This Is What Happens When You Watch Mainstream Media TV News
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