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Century of Terrorism Qarmatians killed 20000 Muslims and Stole Black stone from Qiblah
Kaaba destroyed, black stone stolen defiled, and used as toilet for 40 years Allah powerless Pt 1
Kaaba destroyed, black stone stolen, defiled, and used as toilet for 40 years - Allah powerless Pt 2
The stolen Black Stone, al-Hajar-ul-Aswad, Qarmatians, Bin Hassan Al Qurmuti, Imam Al-Juwayni
How to Pronounce Qarmatians
Amini, سلفي ، وهابي ، قرمطي
How to Pronounce Qarmatian
Talking About Israel Destroying and Defiling The Kaaba
My Question To Muslims
Ka'abah, Dajjal, Sunworship, Cross, illuminati, NWO. ظهور الامام المهدي وقدوم الدجال
The Kaaba's Black Stone is a cornerstone with an essence of Heaven
Ka'abah, Dajjal, Sunworship, Cross, illuminati, Pharaonic order, NWO
Yusuf Estes at Masjid Jawatha-KSA
O Muslim! Who Would You Kill First If The Kaaba Was Defiled a SECONDTime?
Great orator, Author Allama Mukhtar Shah Naeemi Ashrafi Khalifah Majaaz Astana Aliya Kachocha shareef (India) Principal: Madrasa Naeemiyah (USA) President IS...
Shi'ite Muslim Abu Tahir came into Mecca with his troops of Qarmatians, slaughtered around 20,000 Sunni Muslims, dumped some of them into the Well of Zamzam, destroyed the Kaaba, mocked Allah to send Its birds, peed on the black stone, stole it, held it for ransom for some decades before returning it in the pieces it is in now, yet, held together in a silver binding that has turned black with time from oxidation. What do Muslims think of this?
Centuries ago the Kabba (Qaaba) الكعبة al-Kaʿbah was destroyed, the black stone stolen by the al-Qaramita sect who used it as a toilet for over 20 to 40 yea...
In 930, he led the Qarmatians' most notorious attack when he pillaged Mecca and desecrated Islam's most sacred sites. Unable to gain entry to the city initia...
This video shows you how to pronounce Qarmatians
Mr. Hossein Mohri (a famous jornalist from KRSI radio located in LA - USA) talks with Dr. Mohammad Amini (historian) about Qarmatians, Wahhabians and Salafia...
This video shows you how to pronounce Qarmatian
The notion that Israel should not attack Gaza but go after the Kaaba in Mecca with missiles carrying pig poop gets the Muslims talkative, especially when Abu...
Do muslims believe the Kaaba can not be destroyed? If so what about the Qarmatians?
DAJJAL will appear among you and that which was unrecognisable to you now, will no longer be a concealed mystery" (Hadith 1812) Sahih Muslim Hadith 7023: ".....
There are still a lot of secrets surrounding the Black Stone. The most significant mysteries, however, are in the parts that are missing It went from a 30 ce...
[Quran 2:150] And from whatsoever place you come forth, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you are turn your faces towards it, so that pe...
Yusuf Estes visited the historical masjid in Al Ahsa, KSA Jawatha mosque is in the village of Alklabiyah about 12 kilometers northeast of Hofuf AlAhsa. It was constructed in the 7 th century by the Bani Abdul Qais tribe.. The Jawatha Mosque is considered to be one of the most remarkable mosques around the world. This Is mainly because the Hajr Al aswad (Black stone) wa kept there for 22 years during the time it was stolen by the Qarmatians. This mosque is also believed ot be the first mosque built in the Eastern Province and it's where the second Friday congregation prayer took talce. Today, the mosque is renovated and it's open for people to visit and pray. The first mosque I nHajar region (Bahrain) The first mosque in islam to hold a Friday prayer next to the prophet's mosque in Al-Madina Established in the year 7 Hirji (628 A.D) Tour by Alahsa Islamic Center For more info:
This is a sequel to a video I made a few years back to find out how Muslims would react or think if the Kaaba was destroyed and defiled. I asked them if it w...
Grave of Kamal al-Deen Maitham bin Ali bin Maitham al-Bahrani in Mahooz city (Um Al-Hassam), Bahrain commonly known as Sheikh Maitham Al Bahrani (also spelt ...
This video shows you how to pronounce Yerres
This a snippet from video documentary called The Crimes of Shiites, I will try to upload it soon inshallah. In the matter of 7 minutes the shiites managed to commit such massive crimes not just against Islam and muslim but mostly importantly Allah azzah wa jal. With shiites as usual their acts of disbelieve goes further, the video shows; shiites celebrating Umar ibn al Khatab deaths (ra) praiinge firoz alias abu lulu (the killer of Umar (ra)) subhanallah the man video recording even makes dua to Allah to accompany him on the Day of Judgement, i hope hes prayers are answered. the evil shiites didnt end their crime spree there, after killing a large amount of Muslims and stealing up to 1 million dirham the even stole the Black Stone of the Kaaba subhanallah it was returned some 23 years after. "There is no deity save God, God is supreme." The significance of this particular action is best expressed by Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the second greatest figure among the companions of Prophet Muhammad and his second successor as ruler of the Islamic state, and a distinguished scholar. He addressed the Black Stone in these words: "I know that you are a stone which can cause no harm or benefit. Had it not been for the fact that I saw God's Messenger (peace be upon him) kissing you, I would not have kissed you."
If you disagree with CP and want to debate him go to the paltalk room Christ is Lord Islam is false Debatetv
Great orator, Author Allama Mukhtar Shah Naeemi Ashrafi Khalifah Majaaz Astana Aliya Kachocha shareef (India) Principal: Madrasa Naeemiyah (USA) President ISCC (Islamic supreme council) IN USA Vice president: Moon sighting committee of North America
The British entered into a treaty in December 1915 (the "Treaty of Darin") which made the lands of the House of Saud a British protectorate and attempted to ...
Basra, also written Basrah (Arabic: البصرة; BGN: Al Başrah), is the capital of Basra Governorate, located on the Shatt al-Arab river in southern Iraq between Kuwait and Iran. It had an estimated population of 952,441 as of 2007, and 3.5 million of 2012. Basra is also Iraq's main port, although it does not have deep water access, which is handled at the port of Umm Qasr. The city is part of the historic location of Sumer, the home of Sinbad the Sailor, and a proposed location of the Garden of Eden. It played an important role in early Islamic history and was built in 636 AD or 14 AH. It is Iraq's second largest and most populous city after Baghdad. Basra is consistently one of the hottest cities on the planet, with summer temperatures regularly exceeding 45 °C (113 °F). This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
DAJJAL will appear among you and that which was unrecognisable to you now, will no longer be a concealed mystery" (Hadith 1812) Obelisks: Illuminati cult to ...
شبكة فلاش سوريا عربي English
Tawaf bridge fallen in Makkah 2014, Makkah Heart touching incident, injurious people scene in Makkah, Makkah Video, Makkah Video 2014.
... from the Umayyads and Abbasids to the Egyptians and Turks, and there were the Qarmatians in between.
Kashmir Observer 2015-04-02... from the Umayyads and Abbasids to the Egyptians and Turks, and there were the Qarmatians in between.
Dawn 2015-04-01Random fact – Once known as the ‘The Pirate Coast’, the UAE was home to a religious sect called the ...
The Guardian 2015-01-06The Qarmatians (Arabic: قرامطة Qarāmita "Those Who Wrote in Small Letters"; also transliterated "Carmathians", "Qarmathians", "Karmathians" etc.) were a Shi'a Ismaili group centered in eastern Arabia, where they attempted to establish a utopian republic in 899 CE. They are most famed for their revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate. Mecca suffered great indignity by the sect’s leader Ṭāhir Sulaymān, particularly with their theft of the Black Stone and desecration of the Well of Zamzam with Muslim corpses during the Hajj season of 930 CE.
The Qarāmaṭah were also known as "the Greengrocers" (al-Baqliyyah) because of their strict vegetarian habits.
Under the 'Abbāsid dynasty (750–1258 CE), various Shī‘ī groups organised in secret opposition to their rule. Among them were the supporters of the proto-Ismā‘īlī community, of whom the most prominent group were called the Mubārakiyyah.
According to Ismaili school of thought, Imām Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq (702–765) designated his second son, Ismā‘īl ibn Ja‘far "al-Mubārak" (ca. 721–755), as heir to the Imamate. However, Ismā‘īl predeceased his father. Some claimed he had gone into hiding, but the proto-Ismā‘īlī group accepted his death and therefore accordingly recognized his eldest son, Muḥammad ibn Ismā'īl (746–809), as Imām. Muḥammad ibn Ismā'īl remained in contact with the Mubārakiyyah group, most of whom resided in Kūfah.