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The Rise of Irreligion Part 1 - Phil Zuckerman
What's Irreligion?
Benediction- Artefacted Irreligion
Bethlehem - Veiled Irreligion
An Introduction to Irreligion and Atheist Discrimination
Irreligion Rising by Phil Zuckerman at 2013 American Humanist Association Conference in San Diego.
The Gospel, Moralism, and Irreligion
Alan Watts - Yamantaka and Irreligion
Benediction - Artefacted irreligion (audio only)
The Rise of Irreligion Part 3 - Q&A; with Phil Zuckerman and Greg Epstein
Bethlehem - Veiled Irreligion - Album: Dark Metal 1994
Religion and irreligion in Denmark and the USA
Santa Monica, CA - November 27, 2011 A lecture and discussion on "The Rise of Irreligion: Causes and Consequences" at the Unitarian Universalist Community Ch...
Clean Cut: Episode Directory Clean Cut; Episode 78 What does it mean to set ...
Irreligion (adjective form: nonreligious or irreligious) is the absence of religion, an indifference towards religion, a rejection of religion, or hostility ...
From the 1994 album "Dark Metal". © Adipocere Records. Lyrics: Desire is my saying Final is my appearance Care-worn is my glance Apathetic is my devotion Thr...
Atheists are part of the minority and are sometimes discriminated because of it, even though their worldview is the one backed-up by science, observations, and logical, rational thinking. This video gives an introduction to the ideas and tenets of atheism, why atheists are the way they are, and atheist discrimination (and how to combat it). Click to subscribe: Click for last video:
1- Intro 2- There's No God Live Or Dead 3- Miraculous Messiah 4- Irreligion.
Professor of Sociology at Pitzer College discusses the increase in people who do not self-identify with a religion, the reasons for this, and his thoughts ab...
Tim Keller discusses issues related to the Desiring God 2006 National Conference. Also see for all things Tim Keller.
Santa Monica, CA - November 27, 2011 A lecture and discussion on "The Rise of Irreligion: Causes and Consequences" at the Unitarian Universalist Community Ch...
Bethlehem - Veiled Irreligion - Album: Dark Metal 1994 Black/Dark Metal from Grevenbroich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Current line-up Niklas Kvarforth -...
Phil Zuckerman, Ekstern lektor, Afdeling for Religionsvidenskab The USA is arguably the most religious democracy in the western world, while Denmark is arguably the least. Will the situation remain this way? Will Denmark stay relatively irreligious, or will religion start to grow stronger in the years ahead? This lecture argues that Danes will remain secular in the years ahead, and perhaps even come to see religion as part of the problem in the world -- the USA included -- rather than part of the solution.
Here's the Passage "Is God's anger so trifling, and his indignation so harmless, that escape from them is not worth your care? You will not assert that this is the case. Why, then, unhappy mortal, trifle with that dreadful anger; and play, by neglecting salvation, with that fiery indignation? Nothing is so dreadful as the deserved anger of a long-patient but incensed God. Though he is love itself to the penitent who seeks his mercy, to the careless neglecter he will be a consuming fire; his wrath will burn to the lowest hell. If once the flaming sword of divine justice be let loose against you, hope and escape will forever be impossible. If once the long-gathering tempest of divine wrath break on your guilty and devoted head, it will 'beat upon your naked soul in one eternal storm;' and God will forever 'render indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish' to you, an unhappy worm, because you would not receive his proffered mercy, welcome his beloved Son, and become his happy and obedient child. Oh, if, through sin and folly, this should ever be your unhappy lot, you will know too late that all which man esteems most appalling here, is mild and harmless compared with the deserved wrath of a just and holy God." J.G. Pike, "Religion and Eternal Life or Irreligion and Perpetual Ruin, The Only Alternative For Mankind" (New York, NY: American Tract Society, 1834) , 248 - 249.
Krank - Irreligion.
In Iran and Saudi Arabia irreligion spreads very rapidly Adnan Oktar's live talk on A9 TV with simultaneous interpretation You can watch live interviews of A...
Dedicated to all Bethlehem victims.
Artefacted Irreligion Benediction ℗ 2008 Nuclear Blast GmbH Released on: 2008-08-08 Auto-generated by YouTube.
Bethlehem - Verschleierte Irreligionsität (Veiled Irreligion) Album- Dictius Te Necare Lyrics: Verlangen ist mein Wort Endgültig meine Gebärde Verhärmt is me...
Santa Monica, CA - November 27, 2011 A lecture and discussion on "The Rise of Irreligion: Causes and Consequences" at the Unitarian Universalist Community Ch...
Very prophetic counsel.
Forgotten Spirit and Artefacted Irreligion in Lisichansk (Ukraine)
... violates the First Amendment because it shows a government preference for religion over irreligion.
noodls 2015-04-021 ... Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia argued in an opinion last year that the Constitution favors religion over irreligion.
Huffington Post 2015-03-27... every abandoned clergyman … books replete with infidelity, irreligion, immorality, and obscenity …".
WorldNetDaily 2015-03-22... to learn if their father loves science but hates scientists for their religion (or irreligion)?
Dawn 2015-03-09We've seen a rise in atheist parents having custody denied or curtailed because of their irreligion.
noodls 2015-02-13(Source: ... He is not in our database ... No one should be targeted because of their religion or irreligion ... C ... distributed by ... org.
noodls 2015-02-11To confound communal passion and crude bigotry with religion is to sanctify in law what is irreligion in fact."
The Times of India 2015-01-12... to destroy Christianity and to introduce in its stead a general diffusion of irreligion and atheism.
WorldNetDaily 2015-01-11... to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion".
All Africa 2014-12-29(Source: ... "We'd vastly prefer to keep religion - and irreligion - out of the seat of state government ... distributed by ... org ... :45
noodls 2014-12-22(Source: ... "We'd vastly prefer to keep religion - and irreligion - out of the seat of state government ... 8 through Dec ... org ... :20
noodls 2014-12-05Let’s not give it a name, not even the name religion; the dilemma precedes religion and irreligion ...
Business Insider 2014-11-23... one religion over another, or even religion over irreligion, as said by constitutional expert Fr.
Sun Star 2014-08-28Irreligion may be defined as the absence of religion, an indifference towards religion, a rejection of religion, or hostility towards religion. When characterized as the rejection of religious belief, it includes atheism and secular humanism. When characterized as hostility towards religion, it includes antitheism, anticlericalism and antireligion. When characterized as indifference to religion, it includes apatheism. When characterized as the absence of religious belief, it may also include agnosticism, ignosticism, nontheism, religious skepticism, and freethought. Irreligion may even include forms of theism depending on the religious context it is defined against, as in 18th century Europe where the epitome of irreligion was deism.
Sixteen percent of the world population (1.1 billion people) are considered non-religious. Some evidence suggests that the fastest growing religious status in the United States is "no religion".
Greg M. Epstein is the current secular humanist chaplain at Harvard University, and is a published author on the subject of secular humanism.
Epstein was born February 4, 1977 and grew up in the ethnically-diverse neighborhood of Flushing, Queens, New York. His parents, though Jewish, were not very religious, and he attended services with them only occasionally, usually during Jewish holidays or festivals. He describes this experience as one of the foundations for his later interest in Humanistic Judaism.
While attending the Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan, Epstein studied Buddhism and Taoism. After graduating from high school, he enrolled in the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. As part of his undergraduate studies in the University of Michigan's College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, he spent a year in Taiwan in an effort to further his knowledge of Zen Buddhism through readings in Chinese and direct contact with Zen practitioners. Becoming disenchanted with Eastern religions during this experience, Epstein returned to the U.S. and completed his Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Chinese from the University of Michigan. He then went on to complete a Master of Arts in Judaic Studies, also from the University of Michigan.
hIt breathes into the forefront
Cult of lies and deceit says
Think for your own, not on your own
We die, days and nothing are gone to the plight
There they go, cover the tracks
Or risk them to their graves
What we know instates your fair game
I won't run, and I will destroy you all
Your time is done
Burning eyes
The wrath of angst under my skin
With blood, will suffocate them all
A propaganda game bent us to the will
Be certain that the rules will change
Eye of the tide
Reaches out for you
Feed the life
The toxic dreams for which you cry
Your life
Your life is running from reality
In The End
All the change will start with your genocide
Now the time, their science fiction fantasy
They have fabricated
Overcome, after the world was bought
We'll take it back and kill off what's left
This is certain
Your ways create death in this form
Pray to your mechanical savior
It's soul is sought
Seeing the funeral arise
It is certain, you've fallen from grace
You'll try to damage us while you still can