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Mufti Khalil Ahmad Qadri Jamia Nizamiyya, Hydrerabad (Gharib Nawaz Conference Part 14)
Building Islamic Institutions of Learning in the West 1/2
Building Islamic Institutions of Learning in the West 2/2
Diluting intentions| Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed
Makhdoom Baba Shrine, Bihar Sharif
A Chronological Overview of Ghazali's Authorship | Shaykh Asim Yusuf | Lesson 4
UAOHM | SheikhulMasheikh Mahmood Khan about Hazrat Inayat Khan
The Biography of Imam Ghazali | Lesson 2 | Dr Asim Yusuf
Biography of Imam Ghazali | Lesson 1 | Shaykh Asim Yusuf
Great Arab Scholar Habib Ali Jifri getting Ijaza from Dr Tahir ul Qadri
Allah ka noor by aftab e khitabat dr waqar pasha 1/8
The Best Thing for the Woman - Dr. Sayed Khalil Tabatabai
Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Conference was held at the India Islam Cultural Centre on 3rd and 4th of December 2007. Post the Bomb explosion at the Dargah of Khwaja G...
Nizamiyya Menggilaaa ini terakhir Abi Moel jadi HRT Nizamiyya.
The talk given at Noor-Ul-Iman School Fundraising Dinner on March 20, 2010 by Faraz Khan covers two historic Islamic educational institutions - Nizamiyya University (Iraq) and Aligarh Muslim University (India). Nizamiyya produced luminaries such as Imam Ghazali, Shahrastani, Zuhair, and Shaykh Sa'di. Aligarh University also produced leaders in Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar, Liaqat Ali Khan, and Gulgee. The speaker related these two schools of learning to the contemporary model, Noor-Ul-Iman School, NJ, USA.
Building Islamic Institutions of Learning in the West The talk given at Noor-Ul-Iman School Fundraising Dinner on March 20, 2010 by Faraz Khan covers two historic Islamic educational institutions - Nizamiyya University (Iraq) and Aligarh Muslim University (India). Nizamiyya produced luminaries such as Imam Ghazali, Shahrastani, Zuhair, and Shaykh Sa'di. Aligarh University also produced leaders in Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar, Liaqat Ali Khan, and Gulgee. The speaker related these two schools of learning to the contemporary model, Noor-Ul-Iman School, NJ, USA.
Diluting intentions By Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed [With subtitles for our deaf bros/sis] There will be mention of the rise of Madaris-e-Nizamiyya and Imam Ghazali [rh] as well inshallah. Brought to you by the Hanafi fiqh channel. Our facebook page: Our twitter page: Second channel: Our blog: Our Flickr page: 'Alimah Answers' sister's ONLY facebook page:
Hazrat Makhdoom Yahiya Maneri's tomb is located in Bihar sharif near Patna, Bihar. He was an Indian Sufi saint of 13th century. The sacred shrine is locally known as Bari (big) Dargah, while the mausoleum of his descendent, Makhdoom Shah Daulat is known as Chhoti (small) Dargah. This shrine has remained a place of pilgrimage for a long time. Notable visitors include Sikandar Lodi and the Mughal emperor Babar. Hazarat Makhdoom Yahya Maneri is revered both by Muslims as well as by Hindus.His complete name is Kamaaluddin Yahya Maneri. He was son of Makhdoom Israil son of Hazrat Imam Taj Faquih Hashmi (also called Sheikh Al Hind). He studied Islamic law at Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad Academy. He was a disciple of Sheikh Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar al-Suhrawardi of Suhrawardiyya Sufi order.
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Abu Hamid al-Tusi al-Ghazzali [or al-Ghazali] al-Shafi‘i (450-505), "the Proof of Islam" (Hujjat al-Islam), "Ornament of the Faith," "Gatherer of the Multifarious Sciences," "Great Siddîq," absolute mujtahid, a major Shafi‘i jurist, heresiographer and debater, expert in the principles of doctrine and those of jurisprudence. Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi stated that, like ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz and al-Shafi‘i for their respective times, al-Ghazzali is unanimously considered the Renewer of the Fifth Islamic Century. Ibn al-Subki writes: "He came at a time when people stood in direr need of replies against the philosophers than the darkest night stands in need of the light of the moon and stars." Among his teachers in law, debate, and principles: Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Râdhakâni in Tus, Abu Nasr al-Isma‘ili in Jurjan, and Imam al-Haramayn Abu al-Ma‘ali al-Juwayni in Naysabur, from where he departed to Baghdad after the latter’s death. Ibn ‘Asakir also mentions that al-Ghazzali took al-Bukhari’s Sahih from Abu Sahl Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hafsi. Among his other shaykhs in hadith were Nasr ibn ‘Ali ibn Ahmad al-Hakimi al-Tusi, ‘Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Khawari, Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Muhammad al-Suja`i al-Zawzani, the hadith master Abu al-Fityan ‘Umar ibn Abi al-Hasan al-Ru’asi al-Dahistani, and Nasr ibn Ibrahim al-Maqdisi. Among his shaykhs in tasawwuf were al-Fadl ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Farmadi al-Tusi – one of Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri’s students – and Yusuf al-Sajjaj. On his way back from Jurjan to Tus al-Ghazzali was robbed by highwaymen. When they left him he followed them but was told: "Leave us or you will die." He replied: "I ask you for Allah’ sake to only return to me my notes, for they are of no use to you." The robber asked him: "What are those notes?" He said: "Books in that satchel, for the sake of which I left my country in order to hear, write, and obtain their knowledge." The robber laughed and said: "How can you claim that you obtained their knowledge when we took it away from you and left you devoid of knowl-edge!" Then he gave an order and the satchel was returned to him. Al-Ghazzali said: "This man’s utterance was divinely inspired (hâdhâ mustantaqun): Allah caused him to say this in order to guide me. When I reached Tus I worked for three years until I had memorized all that I had written down." Al-Ghazzali came to Baghdad in 484 and began a prestigious career of teaching, giving fatwa, and authoring books in nearly all the Islamic sciences of his day. His skill in refuting opponents was unparalleled except by his superlative godwariness, which led him to abandon his teaching position at the Nizamiyya school four years later, deputizing his brother Ahmad, famous for his preaching, to replace him. Upon completion of pilgrimage to Mecca al-Ghazzali headed for Damascus, then al-Qudus, then Damascus again where he remained for several years, taking up the ascetic life with the words: "We sought after knowledge for other than Allah’s sake, but He refused that it be for anything other than Him." He came out of seclusion in 499 and travelled to Cairo, Iskandariyya and other places, finally returning to Baghdad where he taught his magnum opus Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din until his death in nearby Tus, occupying the remainder of his time with devotions, Qur’an recitations, prayer and fasting, and the company of Sufis. Ibn al-Jawzi narrated in al-Thabat ‘Inda al-Mamat ("Firmness at the Time of Death") from al-Ghazzali’s brother Ahmad: "On Monday [14 Jumada al-Akhira] at the time of the dawn prayer my brother Abu Hamid made his ablution, prayed, then said: ‘Bring me my shroud.’ He took it, kissed it and put it on his eyes, saying: ‘We hear and obey in readiness to enter the King’s presence.’ Then he stretched his legs, facing the Qibla, and died before sunrise – may Allah sanctify his soul!" It is related that al-Shadhili saw a dream in which the Prophet (s) pointed out al-Ghazzali to Musa (as) and ‘Isa (as) asking them: "Is there such a wise scholar in your communities?" to which they replied no.
Biography His complete name is Kamaaluddin Yahya Maneri. He was son of Makhdoom Israil son of Hazrat Imam Taj Faquih Hashmi (also called Sheikh Al Hind). His family settled in Maner which was later also called Maner Sharif. He studied Islamic law at Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad Academy. He was a disciple of Sheikh Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar al-Suhrawardi of Suhrawardiyya Sufi order. His associates include Hazrat Baha-ud-din Zakariya Multani,Shaykh Saadi Shirazi and Kamal al-Din Isma'il al-'Isfahani and Makhdoom Shahabuddin Pir Jagjot of Balkh who settled in Jaitley near Patna.
A few weeks ago , we went to The Hague for an interview with Mahmood Khan, the nephew of Hazrat Inayat Khan and representative of Universal Sufism. Hazrat In...
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Abu Hamid al-Tusi al-Ghazzali [or al-Ghazali] al-Shafi‘i (450-505), "the Proof of Islam" (Hujjat al-Islam), "Ornament of the Faith," "Gatherer of the Multifarious Sciences," "Great Siddîq," absolute mujtahid, a major Shafi‘i jurist, heresiographer and debater, expert in the principles of doctrine and those of jurisprudence. Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi stated that, like ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz and al-Shafi‘i for their respective times, al-Ghazzali is unanimously considered the Renewer of the Fifth Islamic Century. Ibn al-Subki writes: "He came at a time when people stood in direr need of replies against the philosophers than the darkest night stands in need of the light of the moon and stars." Among his teachers in law, debate, and principles: Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Râdhakâni in Tus, Abu Nasr al-Isma‘ili in Jurjan, and Imam al-Haramayn Abu al-Ma‘ali al-Juwayni in Naysabur, from where he departed to Baghdad after the latter’s death. Ibn ‘Asakir also mentions that al-Ghazzali took al-Bukhari’s Sahih from Abu Sahl Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hafsi. Among his other shaykhs in hadith were Nasr ibn ‘Ali ibn Ahmad al-Hakimi al-Tusi, ‘Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Khawari, Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Muhammad al-Suja`i al-Zawzani, the hadith master Abu al-Fityan ‘Umar ibn Abi al-Hasan al-Ru’asi al-Dahistani, and Nasr ibn Ibrahim al-Maqdisi. Among his shaykhs in tasawwuf were al-Fadl ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Farmadi al-Tusi – one of Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri’s students – and Yusuf al-Sajjaj. On his way back from Jurjan to Tus al-Ghazzali was robbed by highwaymen. When they left him he followed them but was told: "Leave us or you will die." He replied: "I ask you for Allah’ sake to only return to me my notes, for they are of no use to you." The robber asked him: "What are those notes?" He said: "Books in that satchel, for the sake of which I left my country in order to hear, write, and obtain their knowledge." The robber laughed and said: "How can you claim that you obtained their knowledge when we took it away from you and left you devoid of knowl-edge!" Then he gave an order and the satchel was returned to him. Al-Ghazzali said: "This man’s utterance was divinely inspired (hâdhâ mustantaqun): Allah caused him to say this in order to guide me. When I reached Tus I worked for three years until I had memorized all that I had written down." Al-Ghazzali came to Baghdad in 484 and began a prestigious career of teaching, giving fatwa, and authoring books in nearly all the Islamic sciences of his day. His skill in refuting opponents was unparalleled except by his superlative godwariness, which led him to abandon his teaching position at the Nizamiyya school four years later, deputizing his brother Ahmad, famous for his preaching, to replace him. Upon completion of pilgrimage to Mecca al-Ghazzali headed for Damascus, then al-Qudus, then Damascus again where he remained for several years, taking up the ascetic life with the words: "We sought after knowledge for other than Allah’s sake, but He refused that it be for anything other than Him." He came out of seclusion in 499 and travelled to Cairo, Iskandariyya and other places, finally returning to Baghdad where he taught his magnum opus Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din until his death in nearby Tus, occupying the remainder of his time with devotions, Qur’an recitations, prayer and fasting, and the company of Sufis. Ibn al-Jawzi narrated in al-Thabat ‘Inda al-Mamat ("Firmness at the Time of Death") from al-Ghazzali’s brother Ahmad: "On Monday [14 Jumada al-Akhira] at the time of the dawn prayer my brother Abu Hamid made his ablution, prayed, then said: ‘Bring me my shroud.’ He took it, kissed it and put it on his eyes, saying: ‘We hear and obey in readiness to enter the King’s presence.’ Then he stretched his legs, facing the Qibla, and died before sunrise – may Allah sanctify his soul!" It is related that al-Shadhili saw a dream in which the Prophet (s) pointed out al-Ghazzali to Musa (as) and ‘Isa (as) asking them: "Is there such a wise scholar in your communities?" to which they replied no.
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Abu Hamid al-Tusi al-Ghazzali [or al-Ghazali] al-Shafi‘i (450-505), "the Proof of Islam" (Hujjat al-Islam), "Ornament of the Faith," "Gatherer of the Multifarious Sciences," "Great Siddîq," absolute mujtahid, a major Shafi‘i jurist, heresiographer and debater, expert in the principles of doctrine and those of jurisprudence. Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi stated that, like ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz and al-Shafi‘i for their respective times, al-Ghazzali is unanimously considered the Renewer of the Fifth Islamic Century. Ibn al-Subki writes: "He came at a time when people stood in direr need of replies against the philosophers than the darkest night stands in need of the light of the moon and stars." Among his teachers in law, debate, and principles: Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Râdhakâni in Tus, Abu Nasr al-Isma‘ili in Jurjan, and Imam al-Haramayn Abu al-Ma‘ali al-Juwayni in Naysabur, from where he departed to Baghdad after the latter’s death. Ibn ‘Asakir also mentions that al-Ghazzali took al-Bukhari’s Sahih from Abu Sahl Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hafsi. Among his other shaykhs in hadith were Nasr ibn ‘Ali ibn Ahmad al-Hakimi al-Tusi, ‘Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Khawari, Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Muhammad al-Suja`i al-Zawzani, the hadith master Abu al-Fityan ‘Umar ibn Abi al-Hasan al-Ru’asi al-Dahistani, and Nasr ibn Ibrahim al-Maqdisi. Among his shaykhs in tasawwuf were al-Fadl ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Farmadi al-Tusi – one of Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri’s students – and Yusuf al-Sajjaj. On his way back from Jurjan to Tus al-Ghazzali was robbed by highwaymen. When they left him he followed them but was told: "Leave us or you will die." He replied: "I ask you for Allah’ sake to only return to me my notes, for they are of no use to you." The robber asked him: "What are those notes?" He said: "Books in that satchel, for the sake of which I left my country in order to hear, write, and obtain their knowledge." The robber laughed and said: "How can you claim that you obtained their knowledge when we took it away from you and left you devoid of knowl-edge!" Then he gave an order and the satchel was returned to him. Al-Ghazzali said: "This man’s utterance was divinely inspired (hâdhâ mustantaqun): Allah caused him to say this in order to guide me. When I reached Tus I worked for three years until I had memorized all that I had written down." Al-Ghazzali came to Baghdad in 484 and began a prestigious career of teaching, giving fatwa, and authoring books in nearly all the Islamic sciences of his day. His skill in refuting opponents was unparalleled except by his superlative godwariness, which led him to abandon his teaching position at the Nizamiyya school four years later, deputizing his brother Ahmad, famous for his preaching, to replace him. Upon completion of pilgrimage to Mecca al-Ghazzali headed for Damascus, then al-Qudus, then Damascus again where he remained for several years, taking up the ascetic life with the words: "We sought after knowledge for other than Allah’s sake, but He refused that it be for anything other than Him." He came out of seclusion in 499 and travelled to Cairo, Iskandariyya and other places, finally returning to Baghdad where he taught his magnum opus Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din until his death in nearby Tus, occupying the remainder of his time with devotions, Qur’an recitations, prayer and fasting, and the company of Sufis. Ibn al-Jawzi narrated in al-Thabat ‘Inda al-Mamat ("Firmness at the Time of Death") from al-Ghazzali’s brother Ahmad: "On Monday [14 Jumada al-Akhira] at the time of the dawn prayer my brother Abu Hamid made his ablution, prayed, then said: ‘Bring me my shroud.’ He took it, kissed it and put it on his eyes, saying: ‘We hear and obey in readiness to enter the King’s presence.’ Then he stretched his legs, facing the Qibla, and died before sunrise – may Allah sanctify his soul!" It is related that al-Shadhili saw a dream in which the Prophet (s) pointed out al-Ghazzali to Musa (as) and ‘Isa (as) asking them: "Is there such a wise scholar in your communities?" to which they replied no.
-- Leading Islamic Scholars who have received ijazat (License to Transmit) from Shaykh-ul-Islam -- The following is a selective list of some leading Islamic scholars who have received authority to transmit from Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri: * Damascus, Syria: ash-Shaykh Asad Muhammad as-Said as-Sagharji (a great scholar of hadith sciences and fiqh and the author of the famous work al-Fiqh al-Hanafi wa Adillatuh. He is the grand Imam of the renowned Jami al-Masjid al-Umawiyy — the Umayyad Mosque of Damascus). * Kuwait: ash-Shaykh al-Sayyid Yusuf as-Sayyid Hashim ar-Rifai (worlds renowned scholar and ash-Shaykh of tariqa) * Halab, Syria: ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid Dr Abul-Huda al-Husayni al-Halabi * Damascus, Syria: ash-Shaykh Abul-Khayr ash-Shukri (khatib of Umayyad Mosque of Damascus and head of the famous institute of advanced hadith studies opened by al-Muhaddith al-Akbar Imam Badrad-Din al-Hasani, called Jami al-Muhaddith al-Akbar) * Damascus, Syria: ash-Shaykh Muhammad Nadim an-Nadman * Damascus, Syria: ash-Shaykh Abdullah Abd al-Aziz Azw * Damascus, Syria: ash-Shaykh Husayn Muhammad Ibrahim * Damascus, Syria: ash-Shaykh Ahmad Qarw * Damascus, Syria: ash-Shaykh Mahmud Abd ar-Rahman Daqqaq * Syria: ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid Ghiyath ibn Muhammad Uthman ad-Dusuqi al-Husayni al-Qadri ar-Rifai ash-Shami * Baghdad, Iraq: ash-Shaykh Dr Abd ar-Razzaq as-Sadi (Grand Mufti of Iraq prior to March 2003) * Baghdad, Iraq: ash-Shaykh Abd al-Wahhab al-Mashhadani (a famous scholar of Islamic jurisprudence and a renowned author) * Cairo, Egypt: ash-Shaykh Hamadun Ahmad ibn Abd ar-Rahim al-Azhari * Cairo, Egypt: ash-Shaykh Abd al-Muqtadir ibn Muhammad al-Alawan al-Azhari * Cairo, Egypt: ash-Shaykh Yusuf Yunus Ahmad Abd ar-Rahim al-Azhari * Cairo, Egypt: as-Sayyid Hamid Mahmud Ahmad Mahmud al-Azhari * Cairo, Egypt: ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid Ahmad Abdullah Muhammad Abd al-Jayyid al-Azhari * Cairo, Egypt: ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid Abd al-Wahid Yusuf Muhammad al-Azhari * Beirut, Lebanon: ash-Shaykh Dr as-Sayyid Wasim al-Habbal * Tarim, Yemen: ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid al-Habib Umar Salim ibn al-Hafiz (Hadhramaut). He is one of the most popular Arab scholars, preachers and spiritual teachers. He is the founding principal of Dar al-Mustafa al-Karim (Yemen). Shaykh-ul-Islam exchanged the asanid and ijazat with him. * Tarim, Yemen: ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid al-Habib Ali al-Jifri. He is one of the most popular Ahl as-Sunna scholars of the Arab world. He has studied from great scholars in the Arab world and was one of the closest students of the late as-Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki. He is a famous sufi teacher of the Ba Alawi Tariqa of sufism, which is widely followed in Hadhramaut, Yemen and Hijaz (Saudi Arabia). * Tarim, Yemen: ash-Shaykh al-Habib Ali Mashhur ibn Salim ibn al-Hafiz. He is the Imam of the Tarim Mosque, a Grand Mufti and head of the Fatwa Council in Tarim, Yemen. * Tarim, Yemen: ash-Shaykh Sayf Ali al-Asri * Sanaa, Yemen: Shaykh Jabrayn ibn Ibrahim as-Sanani * Mauritania: ash-Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin ash-Shanqiti * Hyderabad, India: ash-Shaykh Muhammad Amin ash-Sharif (Shaykh al-Hadith of Jamia an-Nizamiyya, Hyderabad Deccan, India) * Dhaka, Bangladesh: ash-Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Habib ar-Rahman Silhati * Bangladesh: Mawlana Ruh al-Amin, executive editor of the second largest newspaper of Bangladesh The Inqilab and he is the president of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Bangladesh. * East Africa/UK: Dr Irfan Ahmad al-Alawi. He is a university lecturer, Bar at Law, CPhil PhD, Lecturer in Islamic Theology and tasawwuf (Islamic spirituality). He is a student of ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki (Makka). He is the executive director of Islamic Heritage and also a writer for many Islamic journals across the world. He has translated many works into Arabic, English and Swahili. * UK: ash-Shaykh Babikr Ahmad Babikr. He has been actively involved in ad-dawa in the UK since the 1970s. He studied the Islamic sciences in Sudan under ash-Shaykh Fatih Qaribullah. * Canada: ash-Shaykh Faysal Abd ar-Razzaq (al-Imam and president of the Islamic Forum of Canada). From 1977-1986 he studied in Saudi Arabia, first at Umm al-Qura University in Makka, then at King Abd al-Aziz University in Jeddah. He also studied at York University, Toronto, Canada. He has spoken on a wide range of Islamic topics in many countries including Canada, USA, UK, Germany, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad. He has to his credit more than one hundred titles recorded on audio and video. ash-Shaykh Faysal is also a prolific writer of Islamic books. for more visit
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The Best Thing for the Woman - An Islamic English Majlis / Lecture by Dr. Sayed Khalil Tabatabai commemorating the martyrdom anniversary of Sayeda Fatimah Al-Zahra (A.S.) in Imam Hussain Charitable Foundation, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
SAGAR ABBAS QADRI R.waqas 03027131982.
President Tanzimul.Madares KP Alam Mufti Fazal Jameel Ditributing Food among Flood affectees of Nesata Charsada being provided by Barkati Foundation Karachi.
Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Conference was held at the India Islam Cultural Centre on 3rd and 4th of December 2007. Post the Bomb explosion at the Dargah of Khwaja G...
الرئيس الأوكراني بيترو بوروشينكو يعلن رسميا سقوط مدينة ديبالتسيفي الواقعة في شرق بلاده بيد الانفصاليين الموالين لروسيا وإخلاءها من القوات الحكومية الأوكرانية بعد معارك ضارية دامتْ أكثر من عشرة أيام. في اللحظة التي كان يُلقي فيها كلمته، كان ثمانون بالمائة من الجنود الحكوميين قد غادروا المدينة في انتظار خروج آخر السرايا منها. سيمين سيمينشينكو قائد وحدات المتطوعين التابعين لكْييف سبقه بإعلان بدء انسحاب القوات النظامية من ديبالتسيفي المُحاصَرة من طرف المليشيات الانفصالية مُوضِّحًا أن العملية تأخذ مجراها بشكلٍ مُنظَّم وفق ما خُطِّط له مُسبقًا رغم أن “العدو“، على حد تعبيره، يحاول إغلاق كامل المنافذ لإحكام الحصار. وقال قائد ميداني نظامي آخر حينها إن القوات المُنسحِبة هي فقط تلك المُحاصَرة في المناطق الآهلة بالسكان في ديبالتسيفي وحواليها وهي تترك مواقعَها “حقنا للدماء” على حد تعبيره. أحد الجنود النظاميين المنسَحِبين يقول إنهم كانوا شبه مشلولين وفي وضعٍ شديد الخطورة بسبب شدة القصف الآتي من طرف الآخر ويعترف بتفوق سلاح المدفعية لدى الانفصاليين: “كنا تحت قصف شديد، وكنا طيلة القصف نُتلو الدعاء تلو الدعاء ونودِّع الحياة مئات المرات. لديهم سلاح مدفعية قوي فعليا”. القوات النظامية لم يبق أمامها سوى الانسحاب أو التعرض إلى إبادة تقول تقارير إعلامية. الجندي النظامي نيكولاي لم يفهم حتى الآن ما يحدث حواليه ويوضح بأنه وزملاءه لا يعرفون اصلا إن كانوا يقومون بانسحابٍ أو بإعادة تَمَوْقُع. نيكولايْ يقول: “لا أدري، قادتُنا لم يوضحوا إن كان الامر يتعلق بانسحاب أم فقط بحركة. اكتفوا بالطلب منا أن نغيِّر مواقعنا، لأن وحدتَنا مكثتْ هنا لفترة طويلة نسبيا وتكبدنا خسائر كبيرة نسبيا”. بهذا الانسحاب الذي يأتي بعد أسابيع من المعارك ومحاولة الصمود، تكون المليشيات الانفصالية في ديبالتسيفي قد حَققتْ هدفها في السيطرة على هذه المدينة الإستراتيجية بموقعها الذي يتوسط دونيتسك ولوغانسك، فضلا عن تَوفُّرِها على شبكة هامة للنقل بسكك الحديد. خراب كبير لحق بالمدينة وضواحيها، فضلا عن معاناة سُكَّانها العالقين في قلب صراع لا يبدو أنه سينتهي عن قريب. يحدث ذلك بعد بضعة أيام فقط من توقيع هدنة بين طرفي النزاع في العاصمة البيلاروسية مينسك. سقوط ديبالتسيفي اعتبره الاتحاد الأوروبي خرقا واضحا للهدنة.
Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Conference was held at the India Islam Cultural Centre on 3rd and 4th of December 2007. Post the Bomb explosion at the Dargah of Khwaja G...
The Nezamiyehs (Persian: نظامیه), (Arabic: النظامیة) are a group of the medieval institutions of higher education established by Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk in the eleventh century in Iran. The name nizamiyyah derives from his name. Founded at the beginning of the Seljuk empire, these Ash‘ari-Shafi‘i theological schools are considered to be the model of madrasahs, or Islamic religious schools.
Nizamiyyah institutes were the first well organized institutions of higher learning in the Muslim world. The quality of education was the highest in the Islamic world, and they were even renowned in Europe. They were supported financially, politically, and spiritually by the royal establishment and the elite class. Some scholars have suggested that the establishment of the Nizamiyya madrasas was in fact an attempt to thwart the growing influence of another group of Muslims, the Ismailis, in the region. Indeed, Nizam al-Mulk devoted a significant section in his famous Books of Politics (Siyāsatnāma) to refuting the Ismaili doctrines.
Abu Bakr (Abdullah ibn Abi Quhafa) (Arabic: عبد الله بن أبي قحافة, Transliteration: ʿAbd Allāh ibn Abī Quḥāfah, c. 573 CE - 634 CE) also known as Abū Bakr as-Șiddīq (Arabic: أبو بكر الصديق) was a senior companion (Sahabi) and the father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He ruled over the Rashidun Caliphate from 632–634 CE when he became the first Muslim Caliph following Muhammad's death. As Caliph, Abu Bakr succeeded to the political and administrative functions previously exercised by Muhammad, since the religious function and authority of prophethood ended with Muhammad's death according to Islam. He was called Al-Siddiq (The Truthful) and was known by that title among later generations of Muslims.
As a young man, Abu Bakr became a cloth merchant and he traveled extensively in Arabia and neighboring lands in the Middle East, through which he gained both wealth and experience. He eventually came to be recognized as the chief of his clan. On his return from a business trip to Yemen, he was informed that in his absence Muhammad had openly declared his prophethood. Not long after, Abu Bakr accepted Islam and was the first person outside the family of Muhammad to openly become a Muslim. He was instrumental in the conversion of many people to the Islamic faith and early in 623, Abu Bakr's daughter Aisha was married to Muhammad, strengthening the ties between the two men.
C. M. Ibrahim is an Indian National Congress leader who was civil aviation minister of India from 1996 to 1997. Currently he runs the HKBK College of Engineering.
As I turn of the TV-set and look into your eyes
What do I do? - Rage!
What do I feel? - Rage!
Brought into this world without a clue
Meaningless wars
Starving tribes
A promise of victory
Coloured with lies
A red single dot
On your tactical screen
A hundred thousand men that will never be seen
Peace can't survive
In this global climat of hostility
Peace can't survive
Why solve the problem when it's easier to kill?
A nation in need of attention
A terrorist action
As an answer to supression
With a bloodbath displayed
On primetime CNN
There are just too many points to make
Peace can't survive
In this global climat of hostility
Peace can't survive
A vast monument of what once was my goal
Held back for too many years
Remove this obstacle and let me move on
Tired of all negativity
You're bored and uninspired
The time is here, the time is now
So very tired of all this rotten shit
Grasp the vision in your dreams
Turn the page, free your mind
Of the shit that have
Held you back too long
On you go, to find yourself
No looking back
Walk on by against the grain
Feel proud and well inspired
You have the will, you have the power
Set the focus and stand up straight
Take the first step of your quest
Step by step into the unknown
Commence the quest
Of your own future now
Never give in, never give up
You have to stand strong
If there's a will, there is a way
Just fucking carry on
Turn the page, free your mind
Of the shit that have
Held you back too long
On you go, to find yourself
It looks so hard
To lie straight into their eyes
Just like a robot
Only colder, your circuits have been burned
I see you walk through fake fires
For those you say you love
Their hopes built upon a pile of lies
Craving justice be done
All praise to our mighty leader
Self-proclaimed servant of truth
The bearer of this holy sword
Decapitating the youth
I see you walk through fake fires
For those you say you love
Their hopes built upon a pile of lies
Craving justice be done
Fight terror with terror
with terror
Fight terror with terror
with terror
Shuting down reactors
"Pure" energy for you and me?
But they continue secretly
We carry the disease
And it's your job to please
The mass demand for energy
The battle now begins
Over cities that are free
The war where noone wins
The blood-letting begins
Alarming light, a storming blaze
An accident at an early phase
Their secret now revealed
While cancer spreads the toxic rain
The masses needs remain the same
An easy lesson hard to learn
The battle now begins
Over cities that are free
The war where noone wins
The blood-letting begins
The battle now begins
Over cities that are free
The war where noone wins
Voice of hate spreads its wings
Moves quickly through the air
Fuelled by greed it sows its seed
In weakness and despair
Bit by bit, makes you scared shit
Of life in "poverty"
Just like acid it consumes
All morale and dignity
Fear is your weapon, it's the key
Without it your rule's dead
Hate's the glue to seal it all
Your defence's now complete
To strike first and to strike hard
It is your recipe
Your voice of hate starts trembling
I'm concerned about the state of the world
Where the idiots set the pace
And the people live in a haze
I can't accept this shit
I must intervene
I'm the God, I am the fucking God
Who will rip and thrash and maim
Until we procreate the sane
I can't accept this shit
It came alive in the wreckage
It broke all shackles ever forged
It came so close to the carnage
It carried out remains through the visions
of silence, starvation and subjugations
To bring us back to life
To unveil the dark
It fought for us in the battles
It overpowered every evil force
It gave us strength when it mattered
It showed the way through the divisions
of hatred, damnation and subterfuge
To make us whole again
To unveil the dark
When darkness falls the earth will quake
Through the cracks we'll see the light
When darkness falls we must awake
The first you see is that cunning smile
Then you see what's beyond those shining teeth
A wolf in human skin
A creature of the night
A demon with a sickening thirst
Consuming all the light
The first you see is that cunning smile
Then you see what's beyond those shining teeth
A statue made of steel
A being that cannot die
A demon with a sickening thirst
Sucking me dry of life
The first you see is that cunning smile
Deadlock, stalemate, cornered like an animal
Paralyzed but shivering, alone with yourself to fear
Cornered like an animal
Open vein, blood's drained, just an empty shell of shame
Deadlock, stalemate, break the chains you made yourself
He'll point out a place where it will happen
A spot that people will visit and fear
He'll take you there on a rainy day
And give you the final decision
Never made it further than this
Never tried or had the chance
Feels like being cut in a thousand pieces
Now he's getting closer to his final destiny
Closer to the end
Closer to the end
His last hour is finally here
He'll see you on the other side
Now it's here and it's not what you wanted
Not what you wished for, you're taken by surprise
A miscalculation, an expensive mistake
You're nothing special, you'll die like the rest of us
Now it's here and it's not what you wanted
A race of rapists, seeing to its needs
Gathering with no control
Community on speed
- Circle of defeat
Overpopulated by the human breed
On the verge of collapse
Too many mouths to feed
- Circle of defeat
Preparing for the last dance
One thousand points to prove - With hate..
Grown out of control
Proportions too extreme
Play within the circle of defeat
Through nested layers and veils of distrust
Chained to the formula covered in rust
Open wide and swallow shit
No way to escape from it
You must follow every step
Even if you choke
A predetermined future well described in ink
Fall into the line, don't you ever try to think
Open wide and swallow shit
No way to escape from it
You must follow every step
Even if you choke
This sad image of reality
Blocks all motivation
Killing the creativity
Shaping a dead generation
Pushed into boredom, one so hopeless state
A red immense glow of slowly boiling hate
Open wide and swallow shit
No way to escape from it
You must follow every step
I gaze at the smouldering ashes below
It chills my mind
What once was grand
Is but destruction and cinder bestowed
It's not a haze, it's not a phase
As we slaughter generations to come
Exploit our world
One more step and we're done!
As we slaughter generations to come
One more step and we're done!
We know it as civilization
Seems more like depravation
I shun all, give us deliverance
Here comes our bitter penance
...and I detest!
A promise to protect
Not to conquer and oppress
What a mess
It seems nothing is sacred
When the earth is at stake
...and we regress
Unconscious use of resource
People, states and fear
I feel depressed
The liars we were to be
No earth for us to see
We know it as civilization
Seems more like depravation
I shun all, give us deliverance
Here comes our bitter penance
A new beginning, a fresh clean path
Yet slightly curved and striving to come back
The one you thought you were is gone
A loss of faith, all bridges burned
A strong commitment to return
and find the place where it all began to... burn!
A failure, a disgrace
You'll get yourself erased
An old replacement will not do
Only fresh young meat will satisfy you
The purist in you tells you to stay clean
Your conscience now removed with haste
The stench of death reveals the taste
So precisely portrayed within frames - then replaced...
...the stench of death reveals the taste... empty shell is all that remains...
Our world is injured by pollutions and war
But you people in control you don't care at all
Like scarecrows on a field
You stand stale and quiet
When will you act for humanity?
When will you let your opinions be heard?
Like scarecrows on a field
Vill du ¤ndra p¥ systemet m¥ste du ¤ndra p¥ dig sj¤lv!
In the struggle for power, some
facts are put in glorious disguise
With methods so foul, reality is
hidden behind fucking bunch of lies!
The corrupt leaders are only fooling the youth
Här förgås ett liv på en sekund
Det finns inget mer att hämta här
Som fågelskrämmor på utbrända fält
Noggrant sanerade med napalm
Glimtar av vad som komma skall
Ett förtvivlat skri i raseri
Med rädslan satt på plats
Och vreden fast i hand
Måste vi agera medan hela världen står i brand...
Med två fria händer och kämparglöd
Kan vi så ny säd och bryta ny jord
Med livet som insats och vreden fast i hand
The world has no chance
The MNC's continue their slaughter
Too many factories
Too many cars pumping shit into our air
Humanity is shit
We don't really deserve to survive!
We have to shut them down
And re-establish the ecological balance
We once had...
Nuclear power plants - tons of growing waste
We spit out toxic shit - of our planet's nothing left
Why can't we see that pollution ends?!?
Suffocation forced upon all living things
we all slowly die and nobody resists
An industry substained by our desire
to force suffering on others
Their lives for leather...
all for our fashion...
you're taking their skin...
you're taking their lives!
You fat, rich upper class piece of shit -
you bastard - strip and disappear
Their lives for leather...
How would you feel to have your skin removed
Fullmatad med lögner
Lurad och förnedrad
Kan du gissa vad jag tänker på?
Nergången, destruktiv
Utan hopp, utan liv
Kan du gissa vad jag tänker på?
Fullmatad med lögner
Utan hopp, utan liv
This is the end, yes this is the end
While I watch you burn, my friend
You crawl in self-pity and selfishness
While I am in favour, you eat from my hand
But - when my luck has turned
You turn your back on me
And say that I would have done the same...
Fuck your fucking generation
Fuck your talk of re-creation
Fuck traditions - we're in charge now
Fuck the system like it fucks you
It's time to make up my mind
and let my opinion be heard
but if I vote against it
they say I'll enter the blind world
It's a hard decision
make no mistakes
their weird opinions
What's the price of independence
whatever happened to freedom of choice
do we really need a third union?
Now I must raise my voice...
It's a hard decision
make no mistakes
their weird opinions
Millions of human lives to sacrifice
They were born to die, now they're dead at last
Millions of human lives to sacrifice
Born to die
Wished for death, all their lives
Searching for truth on the other side
Darkened souls to purify
Dead and buried
Millions of human lives to sacrifice
They were born to die, now they're dead at last
Millions of human lives to sacrifice
Jag kan inte færst¥ varfær du gær som du gær
Jag kan inte færst¥ varfær du t¤nker som du gær
Dæmer andra innan du ens vet deras namn
Att de inte ser ut som du betyder v¤l ingenting
Du skapar en bild som inte ¤r sann
–ppna ditt sinne och se dina fel
For years you have wandered around
Without getting any real knowledge
In the coil of dispair you will suffer
If you don't change your pace
Let me state out this fact for you:
Protest against the system or face obliteration
The divine leaders are still manipulating
Your fucked up mind
Shared my knowledge or drown in
Your narrowminded ignorance
Let me state out this fact for you:
Tell me why I just can't fucking understand
Tell me why this doesn't seem to have an end
Work all day for a cause I've never understood
Hate this shit - I hate this fucking shit!
So do you think you make a difference?
...take your vows somewhere I don't care where
I don't feel like playing your game
I am free and I will always
be the same man that you now can see
Go ahead, serve the violation
Take a part, of the exploitation
It feels so good, to profit from death
It feels so good, their skin and flesh
Blood flow, cash flow
Welcome to a rotten show
Experience the brutality
Violate, vile hate
Your actions are hard to contemplate
Breeding the mortality
Violate the innocent
Evacuate the earth! What else can we do?
Evacuate the earth! Time is running short...
No time for repentance, no time for regret -
just leave this forsaken ground
The dream about the utopia
is just an inversion of the truth
Succumb - the horror, invoke - the end
Evacuate the earth! End all while you can
Evacuate the earth! Do not postpone your fate
Leave all the chaos, leave all the turmoil -
leave this carcass called earth
When all hope is lost, close your eyes
and fall into the illusion
Varför tar du till droger för att lösa dina problem?
Du flyr från verkligheten!
Res dig upp ur skiten och använd din förtvinade hjärna!
Working eight hours a day
but for what cause?
My assignments are jokes
but I must obey laws
Uneventful occupation!
My salary is one tenth
of the big man in command
This is his bright idea,
this is his land
A claring light, an unatural tremor
Napalm's burning, a suffocating heat
Blood runs red on scorched earth
People groan in pain of their burns
Skin's looking like hardened meat
(Music/lyrics: Mieszko)
Put me to sleep or take me away
I don't want to be a part of this sick society
Release me from this anger
Release me from this pain
Give me time to think
This is too hard to explain
When all the facts are given
I sense a different thought
Seen from a different angle
Too naked to distort
Now is the time to bring out the truth
No more lies, time for you to give up
Now is the time to bring out the truth
The final gap the bridge to where
The people will stand and cry out in despair
The leak
We've always been beaten for a thousand years
Now it's time for payback it's time for revenge
Worldcraft - complex structures, a new society
Built from scratch in three dimensions
Blocks on blocks, a new era taking form
Give it a shape, this nameless beast
Is this the answer to our prayers?
The kingdom - tear it down again!
Cheated, defeated, misled
Our kingdom - tear it down again!
Creatures - a new breed, hostility, rebirth
Mass invasion of the armed and disillusionated
Kill on command, protect and serve
The perfect society
Is this the answer to our prayers?
The kingdom - tear it down again!
Cheated, defeated, misled
This is what it's all about
This is why we play
This is why we make your day
Insolent - you're insolent by heart
Suffering in your wasteful dreamland
Your insularity obstructs the illusion!
Compel - compel your values and views
and see how far they will guide you
They stuff my mouth with a cloth, blindfolds my eyes
But tightened ropes can't hold me back nor violence or lies
Gagged and bound - but I'm not silent
Gagged and bound - my mind still speaks
Beatened beyond recognition, revenge boils in my veins
No more silence since the weak will inherit the lies
Gagged and bound - but I'm not silent
(Music/lyrics: Anders)
Disdain and contempt - walk hand in hand
Disdain and contempt - my only friends
Disdain and contempt - my life for you
Never seem to realize...
...that this can't continue!
Working hard, digging in...
Defrag the information
Sort out the damaged
A process to gain more power
To speed it all up
Too much shit clogging up the system
Heading for a meltdown
Scan and find unnecessary blockings
Slowing down the process
Just like a damaged file
We must heal and reboot
And start it up again
To get somewhere
Corrupt transmission
Damaged information
Slaves under the error
End of file, end of life
Redirect or die
Just like a damaged file
We must heal and reboot
And start it up again
To get somewhere
Defrag the information
Sort out the damaged
A process to gain more power
To speed it all up
Too much shit
Way too much fucking shit
Cut to fit in a frame
A little cloth in their game
You're cut to fit
Cut to fit!!!
All their rules, all their shit
By all their things you're cut to fit
You're cut to fit
Take aim at your promised land
Where would you be without it?
Destroy your legacy so grand
No peace will halt your vengeance
And so again, what makes you settle so convinced?
A relic that leaves no room for peace?
So fragile it has always been
Outside main focus
Your focus should be suffering
Or have their cries made you go numb?
Can't you see the enemy within?
Blind with hate, you desecrate what brought you here
But then again, it makes you settle so convinced
A relic that leaves no room for peace
So fragile it has always been
Outside your focus
Extinction, your final goal
Now you're the relic
And so again, you stand here settled, so convinced
Blindfolded, hate filled, without regrets
The center of attention
Doomed, you stand and fight the flames
Lit by your own hand