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The History of UNESCO
UNESCO History
UNESCO - It's Evil Purpose and Philosophy
UNESCO World Heritage Collection 1.
UNESCO - Czech Republic
Learning to protect biodiversity
Mit offenen Karten - Wozu dient das UNESCO Welterbe?
Unesco - ¿Que es la Unesco?
U.S. cuts off UNESCO funding after Palestinian vote
Histoire de l'UNESCO
Historia de la UNESCO
57 million children out of school
UNESCO's Priorities for the XXI Century
Czech Republic - UNESCO World Heritage
An overview of the principal events that helped create UNESCO. In 1945, UNESCO was created in order to respond to the firm belief of nations, forged by two w...
The c was born on 16 November 1945 UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO'S mission and activities.
"...The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpo...
A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that is listed by the UNESCO as of s...
Set out to the Czech Republic and get to know the 12 Czech UNESCO monuments. This year marks exactly 20 years since the first of them was entered into the pr...
A video showing how to address biodiversity through Education for Sustainable Development and mobilise teachers, students, researchers and decision-makers to...
Mit offenen Karten stellt die Bedingungen von Weltkulturerben vor und zeigt einige Stellen auf der Welt auf.
Oct. 31 - The United States says it has stopped funding UNESCO, the U.N. cultural agency, following its vote to grant the Palestinians full membership. Rough...
L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO) a vu le jour le 16 novembre 1945. L'UNESCO s'emploie à créer les conditi...
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, fundada en 1945, es un organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas con ...
Progress in reducing the number of children denied their right to primary education has all but stopped, according to new data from the UNESCO Institute for ...
This film introduces the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, an international platform that connects cities to share experiences, ideas and best practices in the...
Nesta edição, destacamos uma das organizações que desempenham um papel-chave na educação: a Unesco. Motivada pela missão de construir a paz, erradicar a pobr...
DENUNCIA MUNDIAL!!! Peru presento danzas bolivianos en un Video presentado ante la UNESCO para que Puno sea reconocido. Lamentablemente Puno utilizó danzas bolivianos en dicho video como la Morenada, Diablada, Waca Waca, Cullaguada entre otros que tienen origen indiscutible en la region Boliviana. Como bolivianos nos encontramos en alerta maxima debemos defender nuestro patrimonio de delincuentes que buscan beneficiarse economicamente con el acervo cultural Boliviano. El mejor Carnaval del Mundo se encuentra en Oruro - Bolivia, quien fue declarado Obra Maestra del Patrimonio Oral e Intangible de la Humanidad en 2001. Todos tienen derecho a buscar un reconocimiento en la Unesco, pero por favor hermanos peruanos presenten con orgullo danzas que son pertenecientes a su region, no presenten danzas que fueron importadas desde Bolivia a Puno en el año 1968 segun relatan periodistas peruanos. VIVA EL CARNAVAL DE ORURO, VIVA BOLIVIA, SOMOS LA CAPITAL DEL FOLKLORE MUNDIAL, y el que diga que no.... que vuelva a ver este video. NO SE PUEDE TAPAR EL SOL CON UN DEDO!!!
Alim Qasımov - UNESCO konsert
Amid loud applause and cheers for yes votes, Unesco members vote one-by-one on whether to allow Palestinians full membership to the cultural agency.
Lễ đón nhận bằng UNESCO công nhận Dân ca Ví, Giặm là DSVH phi vật thể của nhân loại. Tối 31/1, tại Quảng trường Hồ Chí Minh, Bộ Văn hóa Thể thao và du lịch, Đảng bộ, chính quyền và nhân dân 2 tỉnh Nghệ An, Hà Tĩnh long trọng tổ chức lễ vinh danh dân và đón nhận bằng của UNESCO công nhận dân ca ví, giặm Nghệ Tĩnh là di sản văn hóa phi vật thể của nhân loại. Điểm nhấn của lễ vinh danh dân ca ví, giặm Nghệ Tĩnh là chương trình nghệ thuật có chủ đề "Về miền ví giặm" với những tiết mục dân ca đặc sắc và sự tham gia của các ca sĩ, nghệ sĩ hàng đầu cùng các câu lạc bộ, nghệ nhân dân gian ở hai tỉnh Nghệ An – Hà Tĩnh.
TANIA LIBERTAD Concert en live à la maison de l'UNESCO, à Paris le 20 février 2013, organisé par l'Ambassade de Pérou en France et PROMPERU,
Deze film over Unesco legt aan middelbare scholieren uit wat Unesco doet en waarom. Scholieren krijgen de film op school te zien. Gemaakt door: Hoe is het er...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to UNESCO
In a packed hall at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "We will ensure every citizen of every religion has an equal place... we will defend right and liberty of every citizen." He also said, "Culture must connect, not divide, our world." The PM was addressing about 1300 diplomats and others, many of whom cheered "Modi-Modi" as he walked, welcomed with a musical performance. Watch more videos:
PM Narendra Modi's speech at UNESCO
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver his maiden speech at United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris on April 10. Narendra Modi is on a nine-day tour where he will visit three nations – France, Germany and Canada. With ‘Make In India’ campaign his top priority on this multi-national visit, the 64-year-old will be presenting his pet project to two of the biggest economies of the European Union.
UNESCO World Heritage site Collection 2.
Watch Full ll PM Modi's speech at UNESCO headquarters For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: & - Michael Chapman explains the Connections between Common Core, UNESCO, and Agenda 21. The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has a...
Subscribe - Give missed call on 18002662020 to become a BJP member. "सशक्त भाजपा सशक्त भारत" साथ आएं - देश बनाएं। भाजपा के सदस्य बनें, मोबाइल से निशुल्क डायल करें 18002662020 Join us online at Donate at Get latest updates via : • Twitter - • Facebook - • Yuva TV at Twitter - • BJP Live internet TV -
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his first leg of three nation tour addressesing at UNESCO talks about Unity of the United Nations in Paris,France. For all top and best news stories happening all around you SUBSCRIBE to For all the news and latest updates, like us @ Follow us on Twitter : Check us out on Google+ : Visit us @
Watch Prime Minister Narendra Modi Addressing to UNESCO in Paris. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a gathering at the UNESCO programme in Paris during his 3-day official visit to France. Truly honoured to address UNESCO. Specially privileged to visit this great institution in its 70th anniversary year. I am aware of the extraordinary legacy of our relationship from the time of UNESCO's birth. I'm grateful for UNESCO's support for education and science in India and preservation of our cultural heritage. Recall Mahatma Gandhi's message to UNESCO calling for urgent action to address the needs of education to secure lasting peace. Download iDreamMedia app and enjoy all of these videos through your mobiles/tablets: iPhone: iPad: Android: For More Latest Videos, please check out Breaking News: Full Movies: Film Trailers & Events: Comedy Scenes: Action Scenes:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his maiden speech at United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris . Read more:
Tràng An (Ninh Bình) - Lễ đón nhận bằng Di sản thế giới của UNESCO 23/1/2015
13 Januari 2015 Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Basuki T. Purnama Menerima Director UNESCO Indonesia Perihal Membahas Rencana Pendektan Revitalisasi Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta twitter : Fan Page : Rekam Video : 13 Januari 2015, 15.30 Unggah Video : 13 Januari 2015 Pemilik Video : Humas Pemprov DKI Jakarta (Sie Penyiapan Materi & Publikasi) com : HRN HDA SLW MJD EPA
LIVE: PM Narendra Modi's speech at UNESCO | France Website: Facebook: Twitter:
bonne écoute à tous cheikh el hadj mohamed el ghafour sur scène ancien
Μια μικρή γεύση απο την πολύ όμορφη εκδήλωση του Ομίλου UNESCO Πειραιώς και Νήσων με χορευτικά απο όλη την Ελλάδα, στο πολιτιστικό κέντρο Μάνος Λοίζος στη Νίκαια...
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
Video de imágenes creado a partir de fotografias tomadas en un día de talleres en mi colegio
Thanks for watching.... 1. Saint Sophia's Cathedral, Kiev,_Kiev 2. Kiev Pechersk Lavra 3. Lviv - the Ensemble of the Historic Centre 4. Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans 5. Struve Geodetic Arc 6. Wooden tserkvas of Carpathian region in Poland and Ukraine 7. Ancient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora Natural -------------------- Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and the Ancient Beech Forests of Germany Source: Music: About That Oldie,Vibe Tracks; YouTube Audio Library A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, island, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that is listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as of special cultural or physical significance . The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of 21 UNESCO member states which are elected by the General Assembly. The programme catalogues, names, and conserves sites of outstanding cultural or natural importance to the common heritage of humanity. Under certain conditions, listed sites can obtain funds from the World Heritage Fund. The programme was founded with the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, which was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972. Since then, 191 states parties have ratified the Convention, making it one of the most adhered to international instruments. Only Liechtenstein, Nauru, Somalia, South Sudan, Timor-Leste and Tuvalu are not Party to the Convention. As of 2014, 1007 sites are listed: 779 cultural, 197 natural, and 31 mixed properties, in 161 states parties. By sites ranked by country, Italy is home to the greatest number of World Heritage Sites with 57 sites, followed by China (47), Spain (44), France (39), Germany (39), Mexico (32) and India (32). UNESCO references each World Heritage Site with an identification number; however, new inscriptions often include previous sites now listed as part of larger descriptions. As a result, the identification numbers exceed 1,200 even though there are fewer on the list. In 1954, the government of Egypt decided to build the Aswan Dam (Aswan High Dam), an event that would deluge a valley containing treasures of ancient Egypt such as the Abu Simbel temples. UNESCO then launched a worldwide safeguarding campaign. The Abu Simbel and Philae temples were taken apart, moved to a higher location, and put back together piece by piece. Meanwhile, the Temple of Dendur was moved to Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and the Temple of Debod was moved to Parque del Oeste in Madrid. The cost of the project was US$80 million, about $40 million of which was collected from 50 countries. The project was regarded as a success, and led to other safeguarding campaigns, saving Venice and its lagoon in Italy, the ruins of Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan, and the Borobodur Temple Compounds in Indonesia. UNESCO then initiated, with the International Council on Monuments and Sites, a draft convention to protect the common cultural heritage of humanity. The United States initiated the idea of cultural conservation with nature conservation. A White House conference in 1965 called for a 'World Heritage Trust' to preserve "the world's superb natural and scenic areas and historic sites for the present and the future of the entire world citizenry." The International Union for Conservation of Nature developed similar proposals in 1968, and they were presented in 1972 to the United Nations conference on Human Environment in Stockholm. Under the World Heritage Committee signatory countries are required to produce and submit periodic data reporting providing the World Heritage Committee with an overview of each participating nation's implementation of the World Heritage Convention and a "snapshot" of current conditions at World Heritage properties. A single text was agreed on by all parties, and the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972.
Student of Chiu Sheung School performing Harmony In Motion through ancient art form of Tai Chi which reflects change is constant and we have find the harmony in diversity.
DireTube News - UNESCO will announce Gibe 3 dam Assessment report by the end of his month DireTube is the Largest online Media in Ethiopia Since 2008
Nhấn chuột vào trang khoa học thế kỷ 21
La commission national gabonaise pour l`UNESCO et la fondation Marcel Doupamby Matoka annoncent un prix sous régional pour récompenser les initiatives en faveur des idéaux de l`unesco Gabon Nous attendons vos commentaires, vos réactions ! Notre site : Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook : Suivez-nous sur Twitter : Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube :
Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage..
Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage..
Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage..
Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage..
Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.. Dive Olly Dive! follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his b Dive Olly Dive supports UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage..
GAH'CHOU DANCE is there, African Feeling is represented !!! Découvrez le premier single Afro-Rnb. Danse venue au plein cœur de l'Ouest Cameroun. Gah'chou Mba'a Wanda'a...
Brief Description The Cueva de las Manos, Río Pinturas, contains an exceptional assemblage of cave art, executed between 13000 and 9500 years ago. It takes its name (Cave of the Hands). A TripAdvisor™ TripWow video of a travel blog to Santiago, Chile by TravelPod blogger Je_to_fajn. See this TripWow and more at Preview of Miramar1's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using.
De Noorbeekse traditie rond het neerhalen van de Brigida-den wordt toegevoegd aan de Nationale inventaris van Immaterieel Erfgoed van Unesco. Immaterieel erfgoed zijn tradities en rituelen waarmee mensen zich in het dagelijks leven identificeren en die zo belangrijk gevonden worden dat ze niet verloren mogen gaan.
L'intervento del sindaco di Reggio Calabria nel giorno della firma del protocollo d'intenti per la richiesta di riconoscimento dello Stretto da parte dell'Unesco
L'intervento del Sindaco di Messina nel giorno della firma del protocollo d'intenti per la richiesta di riconoscimento dello Stretto da parte dell'Unesco.
UNESCO Artist for Peace Marcus Miller welcomes you to celebrate International #JazzDay
Un Film de Wojé Raspail
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco) incluyó al distrito del Rímac como miembro del selecto grupo de ciudades Patrimonio Mundial en reconocimiento a su historia y tradición. Esta distinción obedece a que la actual gestión municipal, encabezada por el alcalde rimense Enrique Peramás, adhirió al Rímac a los estatutos de la Organización de las Ciudades de Patrimonio Mundial (OCPM), entidad no gubernamental que apoya a las autoridades públicas a garantizar la conservación de sus sitios o monumentos históricos inscritos sobre la lista de la Unesco. Cabe añadir que el Rímac posee el 40% del patrimonio histórico de Lima. MEDIA2015
za] Pretoria -The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) says ...
All Africa 2015-04-19I visited historic town of Sukhothai, a UNESCO World Heritage site. According to UNESCO, "Sukhothai ...
Topix 2015-04-19... of Japan’s history of steelmaking and part of a prospective entry in the UNESCO World Heritage list.
Asahi News 2015-04-19In March the government announced that it was in talks with UNESCO about redrawing the borders of ...
Big News Network 2015-04-19The Darjeeling toy train was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, .
Big News Network 2015-04-19... Tomb, Qutab Minar and the Red Fort Complex, have been recognised as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-19Dr Shubh and his co-author Sanjay Kaushal have captured the UNESCO-listed heritage railway track in ...
The Times of India 2015-04-19... running to become the first Indian city to be inscribed on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Cities.
Deccan Herald 2015-04-19Since the passing of a resolution by UNESCO in 1983 and suggesting that today be designated as ...
Newstrack India 2015-04-19The core area of the reserve, which was made a national park in 1984, was recognised by UNESCO as a ...
The Times of India 2015-04-197:03 AM ET. Maanvi Singh. i ... i ... Blumberg recently wrote a for UNESCO on gender bias in school books ... 13.7 :
National Public Radio 2015-04-19It is home to two important monasteries, Suso and Yuso, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites ... Todays pilgrims ... com.
Lexington Herald-Leader 2015-04-19The Wadden Sea is a biologically rich Unesco world heritage site that stretches into Germany and ...
The Guardian 2015-04-19The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (French L'Organisation des Nations unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture: UNESCO; /juːˈnɛskoʊ/) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN). Its stated purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter. It is the heir of the League of Nations' International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation.
UNESCO has 195 Member States (it recently added Palestine in November 2011) and eight Associate Members. Most of the field offices are "cluster" offices covering three or more countries; there are also national and regional offices. UNESCO pursues its objectives through five major programs: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information. Projects sponsored by UNESCO include literacy, technical, and teacher-training programmes; international science programmes; the promotion of independent media and freedom of the press; regional and cultural history projects; the promotion of cultural diversity; international cooperation agreements to secure the world cultural and natural heritage (World Heritage Sites) and to preserve human rights, and attempts to bridge the worldwide digital divide. It is also a member of the United Nations Development Group.
They will be back again
They will be back in the night
You won't escape again with no more than a fright
I need a cover, I need a shelter
I need you to pretend we're really strong
All the safety will be gone
Before the darkness gets a chance to bite
Sing me a song and hold me tight
I am now where I have been
And I see what I've already seen
'Cause this is a nightmare this is not a dream
You will scream, you have to scream
I think I have gone monstercrazy
You will scream, you have to scream
From darkness into the light
We have survived a narrow escape
Out of the jaws of death
One moment that takes your breath
Out of the jaws of death
One moment that takes your breath
Before the darkness gets a chance to bite
Sing me a song and hold me tight
I am now where I have been
And I see what I've already seen
'Cause this is a nightmare this is not a dream
You will scream, you have to scream
I think I have gone monstercrazy
You will scream, you have to scream
A cry
Under the screen of the dark
A scare, a chase, a mystery
Like a child I stay up in fright
Stay up all night
Stay up every night
So don't wonder what it was
These shadows called your name
And nothing will be the same
They will be back again
They will be back again
You will scream, you have to scream
This is not a dream this is a nightmare
They will be back again
They will be back again in the night
Can you hear this sound?
Can you hear this noise?
Can you hear this sound?
Can you hear this noise?
Are you really alone?
Your mind is staking out like mine was before
A cold wind is blowing through your house
It sounds like whispered lies
Your mind is staking out like mine was before
Did you make sure is somebody darkening your door?
Is somebody darkening your door?
This room is dead and cold
This room is dead and cold
Is this still your home?
Did you leave the back door open?
What would you give to return to the fold?
What would you give to return to the fold?
Can you hear this sound?
Can you hear this noise?
Can you hear this sound?
Can you hear this noise?
Are you really alone?
Your mind is staking out like mine was before
A cold wind is blowing through your house
It sounds like whispered lies
Your mind is staking out like mine was before
Did you make sure is somebody darkening your door?
Is somebody darkening your door?
Just make yourself believe
That there is nobody under your bed
One wish for a divine spark
They won't follow you into the dark
Follow you into the dark
This room is dead and cold
Is this still your home?
Did you leave the back door open?
What would you give to return to the fold?
This room is dead and cold
Is this still your home?
Did you leave the back door open?
What would you give to return to the fold?
(This room is dead and cold
Is this still your home?
Did you leave the back door open?
What would you give to return to the fold?)
This could have been your last act (x4)
This could have been, this could have, this could have been your last act
This could have been your last act (x3)
My time, my time won't run away tonight
The ghost of me will disappear without a light
Time will not, will not run away tonight
The ghost of me will disappear without a light
Things get misunderstood
Things get misunderstood
In the time of my dying
It doesn't feel like, It doesn't feel like flying
I am blaming me but it's alright, but it's alright
I am blaming me but it's alright, it's alright
Just can't see anything without a light
Just can't see anything without a light
You never ask me to lie
I never ask you to cry
You never ask me to lie
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
Time will not, will not run away tonight
The ghost of me will disappear without a light
My time, my time won't run away tonight
The ghost of me will disappear without a light
Things get misunderstood
Things get misunderstood
In the time of my dying
It doesn't feel like, It doesn't feel like...
Time, time won't, won't run away tonight
The ghost of me will disappear without a light
Lying in the darkness of this dead end street
I cannot run away cause this is my world
There will never be a brand new you and me
You never ask me
You never ask me to lie
I never ask you to cry
You never ask me to lie
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
No matter when I wanna see you, see you again
It's all good and it's gonna be alright
Say you will and shoot the light
My shadow will fade away
I can't say your name again
'Cause it will never feel the same like it did before
As we stood at your last resting spot
With broken eyes, empty, sad and lost
Hopelessly in human tragedy
All the people who cared and pray
Like I did everyday, everyday
This all happened so fast, this all happened too soon
There was no time to prepare, this was just unfair
When I say your name
It will never be the same
I wish you could see
You will be missed dreadfully
Why did you had to fly, fly away from me into the sky?
Where did you go without me?
Where do we go?
I don't even know
All the people who cared and pray
Like I did every fucking single day,
This all happened so fast, this all happened too soon
There was no time to prepare, this was just unfair
I don't know, where do we go?
I don't know, what do we aim for?
What do we aim for? Is this all there is to it?
Why did you had to fly, fly away from me into the sky?
Where did you go without me?
Where do we go?
I don't even know
All the people who cared and pray
Like I did every fucking single day,
Hopelessly in human tragedy
All the people, who cared and pray...
But I know what I'm going to say
Pictures in my head of those days, those days
How it felt to see your face
How it felt to touch your skin (now you're gone)
But now you're gone for so long
I need to find some courage to try (now you're gone)
I know I have to try
I need to find some courage to try (now you're gone)
I need you to, I need you to feel the same
I need you to come here and save me
Come with me I will make you feel good
Feel like you really should
I guess you're finding your feet, yeah
I guess you're finding
I guess you're finding your feet
I only have myself to blame
There is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs so I write this songs
I was so confused, I was scared and bruised
Sometimes it’s not enough and the road gets tough
Silence is your sound but I prefer the bold and loud
Silence is your sound but I prefer the bold and loud
Silence is your sound
I guess you're finding your feet, yeah
I guess you're finding
I guess you're finding your feet
I am a wishing saint
I won't resist it
I will reside
I won't resist it
I will reside
I'm so crazy, I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
Trying to push past, but past saving
Was I always like this, adventure seeking, so restless
Silence is your sound but I prefer the bold and loud
Silence is your sound but I prefer the bold and loud
Silence is your sound
I need you to, I need you to feel the same
I need you to come here and save me
Come with me I will make you feel good
Feel like you really should
Just let go, just let go, of what you think you know
Just let go, just let go, your life will be sweet when you're finally free
I will fly away, fly into the stars
I am a wishing saint
I won't resist it
I will reside
Everybody's gonna be afraid sometimes
And it's the right time to be
It's the right time to be
For one final time
Just be brave, just be strong
Do not surrender and get along
Do you remember what you told me once?
What you told me once?
This could be your last act without a happy ending
It's not a gothic tale this is tonight
I don't want to sleep anymore
Almost shaken to the core
Shut out what they say
This dream is fucked up anyway
I tried to tell myself what to dream what to forget
And now I try wake up cause all hell is let loose
You will find an answer, you will find the truth
Because there is so much to answer there is so much to do
For one final time
Just be brave, just be strong
Do not surrender and get along
Do you remember what you told me once?
What you told me once?
I tried to tell myself what to dream what to forget
And now I try wake up cause all hell is let loose
(I will take a fire walk with you) x3
(We will bring off a coup)
(I will take a fire walk with you)
(We will bring off a coup)
I will take a fire walk with you
We will bring off a coup
I promised I'd see this with you now
I'd see this with you now
I tried to tell myself what to dream what to forget
Dropped by the wayside
All what was left is done
The past is a lie
So don't you forget it
My first note in every song I sang
On every line I wrote
Let me tell you you're the sweetest thing
In every line I wrote in every song I sang
It's like falling in love
It's like falling in love to a break up song
But there is no way of knowing
Don't get me wrong
My first note in every line I wrote
In every song I sing
Have you forgotten what you've seen?
Trying to wipe the slate clean
It is me on that road
With your hair in my hand
On my way to nowhere
Till I am where we have never been
Till I am where we have never been
Till I am where we have never been
My first note in every song I sang
On every line I wrote
Let me tell you you're the sweetest thing
In every line I wrote in every song I sang
It's like, It's like falling in love
It's like falling in love to a break up song
But there is no way of knowing
Have you forgotten what you've seen?
Trying to wipe the slate clean
On my way to nowhere
Till I am where we have never been
On my way (on my way) to nowhere (to nowhere)
Till I am where we have never been
We all have stories that we will never tell
From the bottom line fear is the heart of hell
I was down and out but the world did not fall apart
And now there is not a single thing to frown about
You know my name but not my story
You know everything I've done
You know my name but not what I have been through
What I have been through
By the time you want me to be, to be in your life, to be in your life again
Someday you will see
By the time you will understand that I will be gone, I will be gone again
Life is too awesome to waste your time away
Someday this pain will make sense to you
I was down and out, but the world did not fall apart
And now there is not a single thing to frown about
You want me to be in your life again
But I will be in someone else's
By the time you want me to be, to be in your life, to be in your life again
Someday you will see
By the time you will understand that I will be gone, I will be gone again
By the time you want to tell me, (and you want me to see)
By the time you will understand that I will be gone, I will be gone again
Who am I to force my destiny
No I am fine, I wait patiently
I have all the time in the world
Footloose and fancy free
Who am I to force my destiny?
Who am I to force my destiny?
Again it seems we meet
I will take you out tonight
Your hearts beating faster and faster
The precious one underneath your bra
The precious one underneath your bra
Who am I to force my destiny?
Who am I to force my destiny?
No I am fine, I wait patiently
No I am fine, I wait patiently
Drifting away into the night
You are right here, right next to me
I never want this night to end
'Cause I've got all my time to spend
Some may believe
That someday there comes somebody nice
That one will change your life tremendously
To make it better in some degree
A taste of confidence in my mouth
Is more than I can say
There is only one thing that is sure
(I remember becoming a believer
I remember when my heart has caught the fever
I remember becoming a believer
I remember and my heart has caught the fever)
I remember becoming a believer
I remember when my heart has caught the fever
I mean after all the things we've been through
I mean after all the things we got into
So it just hurts my soul
I may never know
So it just hurts my soul
How I feel for you
You walk around like you don't know me
You're just pushing me down, pushing me down
To my surprise a fuck is my replacement
The biggest douchebag in this town
And I know that love is mean
I know that I cared but it was never enough
I know I was there but it was never near enough
When my eyes are wet and sore I can't see you anymore
When I never see your face again
My world would be such a better place
(I still remember)
It ain't complicated, I've grown to hate it
(Say you will remember)
Does it make you feel good, knowing that you could
So it just hurts my soul
I may never know
So it just hurts my soul
How I feel for you
You walk around like you don't know me
You're just pushing me down, pushing me down
To my surprise a fuck is my replacement
The biggest douchebag in this town
And I know that love is mean, and I know that love hurts
But I still remember, say you will remember
Oh we had too much fun my friend
I am wasted I am the end
I am wasted (I am the end)
Sneaking out and staying up until the morning
Sneaking out and staying up drinking without any prior warning
We were electric we felt it in the air
We were on fire and it was everywhere
Our feet never touched the ground
And our bodies will never be found
Too many shots and we've lost all game control
On an empty stage without a living soul
That's the way we danced until we forget
And then we woke up in an ice cold sweat
We were electric we felt it in the air
We were on fire and it was everywhere
We were electric we felt it in the air
We were on fire and it was everywhere
Our feet never touched the ground
And our bodies will never be found
We were electric we felt it in the air
We were on fire and it was everywhere
Our feet never touched the ground
And our bodies will neve...
We were looking for fun
And getting high for free
But what did we know what did we see?
A taste of real life as it should be
A taste of real life ready for another lie?
This shits gonna make you high
Come on and take another shot
Like a criminal who hasn't been caught
We got into trouble but we moved on
That's where the beginning of the end begun
The beginning of the end begun
I am scared that you won't be waiting on the other side