World's fastest train resumes testing in Japan
World's fastest train resumes testing in Japan
World's fastest train resumes testing in Japan
Japan is already home to some of the fastest trains in the world with a fleet of bullet trains crisscrossing the country at incredibly high speeds. However, ...
JR東海 Central Japan Railway 東海道本線 Tokaido line 313系1100番台 series 313-1100 米原→大垣 from Maibara to Ogaki
JR東海 Central Japan Railway 東海道本線 Tokaido line 313系1100番台 series 313-1100 米原→大垣 from Maibara to Ogaki
JR東海 Central Japan Railway 東海道本線 Tokaido line 313系1100番台 series 313-1100 米原→大垣 from Maibara to Ogaki
米原を勢いよく出発した普通列車は、近江長岡で特急ひだを先に通しつつ新幹線を前方に臨み、冬の眠りから目覚めんとする伊吹の山々を駆け抜ける。もしあの地で戦った兵や武将が現代に現れた時その有様を見て何を感じ、我々に語るのだろうか。そんな妄想をする私を尻目に、列車は水温む東山道を東へ進む。 はいはい中二病乙ってことで今回...
Central Japan Railway Company
Central Japan Railway Company
Central Japan Railway Company
Welcome to the Japan Train Videos blog. We bring you high definition videos and photos of the railroad system in Japan. Find us on YouTube at the following U...
JR東海・武豊線 Central Japan Railway, Taketoyo line
JR東海・武豊線 Central Japan Railway, Taketoyo line
JR東海・武豊線 Central Japan Railway, Taketoyo line
JR東海・武豊線の東成岩駅で撮影。 2015年春予定の武豊線電化までの間はキハ25形気動車による運行となります。 I photograph it at Higashi-Narawa Station of the Central Japan Railway, Taketoyo line. It becomes th...
1991年の年末頃放映 やはり100系はカッコいいですね。
JR TOKAI(Central Japan Railway Company) : Doctor Yellow
JR TOKAI(Central Japan Railway Company) : Doctor Yellow
JR TOKAI(Central Japan Railway Company) : Doctor Yellow
Doctor Yellow : The High-speed Test Train 2011.04.27 18:56 東京駅東海道新幹線18番ホーム.
JR TOKAI(Central Japan Railway Company) : Doctor Yellow
JR TOKAI(Central Japan Railway Company) : Doctor Yellow
JR TOKAI(Central Japan Railway Company) : Doctor Yellow
Doctor Yellow : The High-speed Test Train 2011.04.27 19:23 東京駅東海道新幹線18番ホーム.
JR東海バスセレナーデ号発車放送 Central Japan Railway bus serenade departure
JR東海バスセレナーデ号発車放送 Central Japan Railway bus serenade departure
JR東海バスセレナーデ号発車放送 Central Japan Railway bus serenade departure
JR東海バス担当のセレナーデ号の名古屋駅発車後の放送です。セレナーデ号は名古屋と広島を結ぶ高速バスです。 There is not only Japanese guidance but also the English guidance. It is broadcast after the Nagoya Stat...
【Spielzeugeisenbahn】Plarail Central Japan Railway Company 313 Serie - JR東海313系電車 (00769 de)
【Spielzeugeisenbahn】Plarail Central Japan Railway Company 313 Serie - JR東海313系電車 (00769 de)
【Spielzeugeisenbahn】Plarail Central Japan Railway Company 313 Serie - JR東海313系電車 (00769 de)
【Spielzeugeisenbahn】Plarail Central Japan Railway Company 313 Serie - JR東海313系電車
Die Serie 313 ist ein DC S-elektrische Triebzug (WWU) Zugtyp von Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) in Japan seit 1999 betrieben.
Der Entwurf wurde von Frühjahr 1999 eingeführt, um die älteren 113 und 115 Serie Triebzüge ersetzen.
Tomica World : Takara TOMY Plarail タカラトミー プラレール
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JR東海バスドリーム名古屋号発車放送 Central Japan Railway bus departure
JR東海バスドリーム名古屋号発車放送 Central Japan Railway bus departure
JR東海バスドリーム名古屋号発車放送 Central Japan Railway bus departure
ドリーム名古屋2号の発車時の放送です。 It is broadcast at the time of the departure of dream Nagoya 2.
JR東海 Central Japan Railway 東海道新幹線 Tokaido Shinkansen 熱海付近→東京 From Atami to Tokyo
JR東海 Central Japan Railway 東海道新幹線 Tokaido Shinkansen 熱海付近→東京 From Atami to Tokyo
JR東海 Central Japan Railway 東海道新幹線 Tokaido Shinkansen 熱海付近→東京 From Atami to Tokyo
2014年3月某日ひかり522号車内で撮影。車両はZ4編成の12号車。 東海道新幹線は「海」という文字が入っているにもかかわらず海を見られるのは熱海・小田原間のみ(湖を含めれば浜松・豊橋間も入る)。それもトンネルを抜けて一瞬だけ。だからこそ長閑な海と春の麗らかな日差しの注ぐ山の景色が記憶に鮮明に焼きつくのではない...
JR東海 名古屋駅 Central Japan Railway Nagoya Station
JR東海 名古屋駅 Central Japan Railway Nagoya Station
JR東海 名古屋駅 Central Japan Railway Nagoya Station
2006年8月10日 JR東海・名古屋駅構内にて313系新製車両公開を行いました。 行先表示器はフルカラーLEDによる表示に、窓下ヘッドライトはH.I.Dライトに、貫通扉上のライトは高輝度白色LED に変更されました。 product vehicle exhibition in the Central Japan...
JR TOKAI (Central Japan Railway Company) : 700 Series Shinkansen
JR TOKAI (Central Japan Railway Company) : 700 Series Shinkansen
JR TOKAI (Central Japan Railway Company) : 700 Series Shinkansen
Central Japan Railway Company Nagoya Station - Ltd. Express Departure
Central Japan Railway Company Nagoya Station - Ltd. Express Departure
Central Japan Railway Company Nagoya Station - Ltd. Express Departure
Travel in Japan: A look at the Japanese Railway
Travel in Japan: A look at the Japanese Railway
Travel in Japan: A look at the Japanese Railway
A look at Japan's Railway and what we in the UK can learn from it, targeted at frontline railway staff and managers. Produced by Astor Productions www.astor....
2014.11.30 御殿場線80周年371系ラストラン 松田駅出発式 Central Japan Railway Company Train Series 371 Last Run Ceremony
2014.11.30 御殿場線80周年371系ラストラン 松田駅出発式 Central Japan Railway Company Train Series 371 Last Run Ceremony
2014.11.30 御殿場線80周年371系ラストラン 松田駅出発式 Central Japan Railway Company Train Series 371 Last Run Ceremony
30.Nov.2014 Central Japan Railway Company Train Series 371 Last Run Ceremony at Gotemba Line Matsuda Station (Kanagawa Pref. Matsuda Town)
Japan Railway 117 Series 国鉄117系電車とその車内・リニア・鉄道館
Japan Railway 117 Series 国鉄117系電車とその車内・リニア・鉄道館
Japan Railway 117 Series 国鉄117系電車とその車内・リニア・鉄道館
Japan Railway Movie
JR Central Japan
SCMaglev And Railway Park (Museum)
117 Series
Fastest Train in the World: 581km/h. Japan JR-Maglev
Fastest Train in the World: 581km/h. Japan JR-Maglev
Fastest Train in the World: 581km/h. Japan JR-Maglev
Worlds fastest Train = Japanese Maglev Train.
JR-Maglev is a magnetic levitation train system developed by the Central Japan Railway Company and Railway Technical Research Institute (association of Japan Railways Group). JR-Maglev MLX01 is one of the latest designs of a series of Maglev trains in development in Japan since the 1960s. On December 2, 2003, a three-car train set attained a maximum speed of 581 km/h (361 mph) (world speed record for railed vehicles) in a manned vehicle run.
Japan Railway, Kirishima to Kagoshima Central Station
Japan Railway, Kirishima to Kagoshima Central Station
Japan Railway, Kirishima to Kagoshima Central Station
JR東海 117系、関西本線を走行 I run Central Japan Railway series 117, Kansai Main Line
JR東海 117系、関西本線を走行 I run Central Japan Railway series 117, Kansai Main Line
JR東海 117系、関西本線を走行 I run Central Japan Railway series 117, Kansai Main Line
関西本線・長島駅構内にて撮影しました。 JR東海 117系が2010年09月19日、関西本線「亀山駅」開業120周年記念イベントに展示の為、快速にて運用されました。 I photographed it in the Kansai Main Line / Nagashima Station yard. Centra...
Japan Trip: SCMAGLEV and Railway Park fun for kids to adults, Nagoya
Japan Trip: SCMAGLEV and Railway Park fun for kids to adults, Nagoya
Japan Trip: SCMAGLEV and Railway Park fun for kids to adults, Nagoya
Japan Trip: SCMAGLEV and Railway Park fun for kids to adults, Nagoya
[007] aichi SCMAGLEV and Railway Park
Subscribe link : http://bit.ly/1p9Y9J1
SCMAGLEV and Railway Park was opened in 2011. It is the railway museum of Central Japan Railways (JR Central). The museum intends to allow visitors to learn on the advances in Japan's high speed rail and features a number of actual trains on display ranging from historic steam locomotives, world record setting experimental bullet train (shinkansen) to the latest magnetic levitating trains (maglev).
A collection of 39 retired train cars are on display in the museum. Many of these train cars can
Japan's new Maglev train will travel at 310mph
Japan's new Maglev train will travel at 310mph
Japan's new Maglev train will travel at 310mph
The Central Japan Railway Co unveiled its latest and quickest high-speed train, the Maglev-powered Series Lo last week. The Series Lo can travel up to 310 mi...
High angle - View of Tōkaidō Shinkansen (high-speed railway) at Central Tokyo 東海道新幹線・東京都心
High angle - View of Tōkaidō Shinkansen (high-speed railway) at Central Tokyo 東海道新幹線・東京都心
High angle - View of Tōkaidō Shinkansen (high-speed railway) at Central Tokyo 東海道新幹線・東京都心
High angle - View of Tōkaidō Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed railway). 700 Series & N700 Series train 16-car set. Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) ...