Monthly Archives: April 2015

Welcome To Adzuna

Posted on April 30, 2015 by

Fairfax Media announced the joint venture in Australia with leading international job search engine Adzuna in January 2014. Adzuna is now Fairfax’s primary online job listings brand in Australia.

In October 2014 Fairfax Media transitioned its MyCareer online jobs board to Adzuna (, a leading international job search engine.

Following on from this merge we are proud to announce the transition of to Adzuna.

From May 2015, the job search and alert functionality provided at will be migrated to Adzuna.

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Adzuna is a job search engine which makes it easier to find the right job for you. Adzuna searches thousands of websites and brings together hundreds of thousands of ads so you can find them all in one place. Adzuna provides a consolidated and comprehensive view of Australian job listings, powerful and targeted search, as well as real-time employment market data and social job hunting tools. It is a compelling alternative for recruiters and job seekers and is an innovative step forward in the evolution of the Australian recruitment and job search market.

We look forward to you finding your next job on

5 Career Mistakes You Will Regret In 10 Years

Posted on April 27, 2015 by

Your career is a lifelong journey. It’s something much bigger than just the industry you work in, or the current job you hold. 

Your career is a series of work, life and learning experiences that you undertake. It’s the journey that helps you to reach important life goals.

However, all too often we make career decisions that are short sighted and based purely on emotion; you don’t like your boss, you’re busy competing against others for that next promotion or you don’t get on with one of your colleagues.

What may seem like a little decision now could have bigger consequences to your career pathway in the long run.

Here are 5 career mistakes to avoid:


1.    Choosing a career for money rather than job satisfaction

Don’t make the mistake of measuring your success on how much you earn.

You spend a lot of time at work and so it’s really important that you like what you do.  Look to pursue a career that matches your skills and passions, and evaluate what you personally want from a career. Make sure you consider the bigger picture and don’t focus solely on the here and now.

2.    Avoiding challenges and making mistakes

One of the worst things you can do in your career is to avoid a challenge. Sure it’s daunting, sure you might feel nervous or a little uncomfortable to start with, but putting yourself in challenging situations enables you to learn and grow as an individual.

Everyone makes mistakes; it’s how you learn from them that really matter.

3.    Not investing in yourself

At the end of the day you are the boss of your own career, and the only person that’s really accountable for your success at work is yourself.

In today’s market place you must work hard to stand out from the crowd. While hard work and passion will help you progress, enhancing your skills and knowledge by investing in training or qualifications will help to move your career in the right direction.

While investing in your career may cost you time and money now, it can bring career rewards in the long run.

4.    Waiting for something to happen

Today’s workplace is competitive and more often than not you have to be proactive in going after what you want.

If you wait around for the right moment to ask for a raise, to step up and take on more responsibility, or to do that extra training – you could miss out on opportunities.

Once you’ve taken the plunge and been assertive, you’ll feel more confident in going after other things you want out of your career.

5.    Not maintaining a healthy work life balance

“I’m really glad I spent all those evenings working late, and so little time hanging out with my friends and family”, said no one, ever.

According to The Australia Institute think tank, the balance between life and work is deteriorating for 4 out of 10 people, with Australians donating $110 billion in free labour every year.

If you are in the habit of working late and weekends then make a start by addressing your work life balance by:

  • Creating an exercise plan you stick to
  • Scheduling in dinner dates with friends and family
  • Remembering your passions and making time for them every month

Avoid these 5 mistakes and you will progress in a career that you are passionate about, and enjoy a balanced and healthy life.

How could a four-day week change your life? [Infographic]

Posted on April 20, 2015 by

Many of us talk of working a 4-day week, but thinking, or could it truly be a reality one day? Countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark are the closest to achieving this dream, so what is the possibility of other countries including the Australia following suit?

Citrix GoToMeeting has put together a detailed infographic which builds out the case for a four-day week, highlighting the pros and cons.

4-Day Work Week1