Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Created by Tad Stones and Alan Zaslove, it featured the established Disney characters Chip 'n' Dale in a new setting. The series premiered on the Disney Channel on March 4, 1989, having aired a preview episode ("Catteries Not Included") on August 27, 1988. The series premiered in national syndication with a two-hour movie special, Rescue Rangers: To the Rescue, which was later broken up into a five-parter to air as part of the weekday run. The final episode aired on November 19, 1990.
In the fall of 1989, the series was syndicated from September 18. In 1990, as a part of the Disney Afternoon line up, reruns of the show were aired until September 3, 1993.
The show is rated TV-Y according to IMDB.
Chip and Dale, two chipmunks with a nose for trouble, start a detective agency, Rescue Rangers, along with their new friends Gadget, Monterey Jack, and Zipper. The pint-sized detectives deal with crimes that are often "too small" for the police to handle, usually with other animals as their clients. The gang frequently finds itself going up against two particular archvillains: Mafia-style tabby cat Fat Cat and mad scientist Norton Nimnul.
Luis is the head of a Columbian drug cartel. K leads a LA-based street gang. Erik is K's younger brother. David is Erik's best friend who happens to deal drugs through Luis' cartel. When David double crosses Luis, things begin to get nasty for both David and Erik. K is forced to change his plans to save his brother ... plans that include robbing an armored truck in broad daylight on a busy Los Angeles street corner. What happens next is a story of greed, betrayal, lust, honor, and a bond between brothers and thieves.
Keywords: armored-car-robbery, heist, mob-action, robbery
A story of greed, betrayal, lust, honor, and a bond between brothers and thieves.
It's the American family turned upside down
Dale: How come I gotta lug all this junk?::Chip: 'Cause you're the fearless co-pilot who can handle any job.::Dale: Hey, yeah. Make way for the fearless co-pilot. Here ya go, Chip.::Chip: [narrowly escapes the gear being dropped on him] Did I say fearless? I meant brainless.
Chip: The Furball Upside is ready for takeoff.
Percy: [seeing Plato blocking Drake's face in the police car behind him] I gotta lose that cop! And, boy, is he ugly.
Aldren Klordane: Idiots are, if nothing else, dependable.
Chip: Hey, maybe we can be policemen someday.::Chip: Or policemunks, anyway.
Plato: And when you're following a suspect, don't wear a funny hat.
Dale: [hanging onto Plato's tail with Chip as he chases Fat Cat] Ride 'em chipmunk!
Officer Kirby: [as Plato drags on his ankle] Muldoon, quit playin' with the dog.
Mole: They said you couldn't swipe it.::Fat Cat: They also said the world was flat.::Mepps: It isn't?::Fat Cat: No. Only your head.
The story was about Jerrica Benton, and Jem and the Holograms to try to win a battle of the bands contest to get Starlight Music, and win Starlight Mansion, and a movie contract from Howard Sands away from the Misfits, and their evil road manager Eric Raymond. This series featured certain scenes that did not exist in the 1986 remake during the Jem TV series.
Keywords: tv-mini-series
In this special Christmas episode of the He-Man and She-Ra cartoons, their sidekick Orko accidentally gets beamed to Earth during a test of a new spy satellite. Orko manages to get back Planet Eternia, but brings along two Earth children, Alisha and Manuel, with him. Since it's Christmastime on Earth, the kids are naturally filled with the holiday spirit, but this overflowing goodwill attracts the unwelcome attention of the Horde Prime and Skeletor. Will the combined power of He-Man, She-Ra and the spirit of Christmas be enough to stop them?
Keywords: brother-sister-relationship, christmas, good-versus-evil, magic, puppy, she-ra, sword, sword-and-sorcery, sword-fight, sword-throwing
He-Man: By the power of Grayskull! I have the power!
Miguel: Listen, if you really don't know about Christmas, we'll tell you the whole story. A long, long time ago...
She-Ra: The Beast-Monster is real? I thought it was just a legend.
He-Man: You're pretty good at giving orders, metal-mouth - now let's see how good you are at taking 'em. Move away from my friends!
She-Ra: Sword to lasso!::[her sword becomes a lasso]
Skeletor: Ha! Got you at last, you troublesome tots!
Skeletor: Drat that Hordak!
Skeletor: [Skeletor picks up a dog and starts to carry him] I don't know what's coming over me, but whatever it is, I don't like it!::Skeletor: [the dog licks his face] Stop licking my face, you bratty dog! Get away from me! You're drowning me!
Alicia: It was nice of you to save Relay, Mr. Skeletor.::Skeletor: I am *not* nice!
Skeletor: Tell me more about this "Christmas."::Miguel: Well, it's a wonderful time of the year. Everyone has lots of fun.::Skeletor: You mean they get in fights?::Miguel: No, no - they have fun!::Skeletor: Fights are fun. I like fights!::Miguel: And you give each other presents.::Skeletor: And when you open them, they explode, right?::Miguel: No! They're nice gifts.::Skeletor: Nice? Doesn't sound like much fun to me!
A short Arizona motorcycle cop gets his wish and is promoted to Homicide following the mysterious murder of a hermit. He is forced to confront his illusions about himself and those around him in order to solve the case, eventually returning to solitude in the desert.
Keywords: car-chase, color-in-title, comic-book, corrupt-cop, cowboy-hat, death, debut-film, desert, detective, drug-abuse
He's A Good Cop. On A Big Bike. On A Bad Road.
An American Movie - By A New Director - James William Guercio
Did you know that me and Alan Ladd were exactly the same height?
John Wintergreen: I'm gonna do for you, in six weeks, what it took someone six months to do for me: nothin'.
[to a lineup of motor cops]::Sgt. Ryker: TEN-HUT! Good morning, you fascists. You pigs. You bigots. You PINKOS. You FAGS! You BASTARDS. Fuzz. This indoctrination of vocal harassment was compiled by our own Juvenile Division in preparation for the concert this weekend.
John Wintergreen: I need you to give me some information.::Pig Man: I'll give you some information. You're standing in pigshit.
Harve Poole: Incompetence is the worst form of corruption.
John Wintergreen: [about his motorcycle] I'm here to tell you there ain't nothin' in the world I hate worse than that elephant under my ass.
John Wintergreen: I hate that motorcycle they make me ride. I'm here to tell you there ain't nothing in the world I hate worse than that elephant under my ass.
Harve Poole: [to John Wintergreen] I like to find myself out here this time of night. There's a fine young lady I'd like to introduce you to. Fine young lady. She's brought a lot of happiness in my life.
Jolene, Harve's Girlfriend: Well, well, well, my two knights in shining armor... Mr. Tall and Mr. Small. Come on in, gentlemen!
Jolene, Harve's Girlfriend: [to John Wintergreen] Well, now let's see, you got your hat, your badge and your boots! You got it all, don't you Johnny? You got everything! You're happy, aren't you Johnny? Well, I got just the tune that will fit you!::[she deposits a coin in the jukebox and starts dancing in a flirtatious manner]
John Wintergreen: You listen to me, hatchet artist! You're tampering with evidence and if you put your finger on one more thing in this room, I'm going to bust your ass! That's right... the officer in charge is talking to you and he's saying that you're going to be arrested as an accessory, after the fact, in a murder case!::Coroner: Now you listen to me. I have had had a lot of patience with you. You want to be a policeman. You want to stay on the force. Well you just get the hell out of here and get on that motorcycle and start tagging automobiles... 'cause if I hear one more peep out of that goddamn yap of yours, I'm going to see that you get sent to Sibieria!
still caught up in everything you thought was your own
she still answers everything with "this is not my voice."
soon or late our TV trays are left out in the clouds
reason still seemed the only one who thought her thoughts
out loud
all zipped up but there's 1 or 2 thing left to loose
you always said that it's okay cause I'm not missing out
still climbing up the ordinary everything that common
sense said,
"I have never been so goddamned proud."
when i woke up all this time I left for inside noise
she's still screaming every day "her thoughts are my own
i don't listen, drown her out with nonsense just as loud
cause I'm potato, on a ship that never hits the ground
all zipped up but there's 1 or 2 thing left to loose
you always said that it's okay cause I'm not missing out
still climbing up the ordinary everything that common
sense said,
So we was up (up) in the club
To the bar, hit 'em up
Now it's straight to the bar; hang low
Hips made him fall could you pick him up?
All up in my ear talking mad sh*t
So I was all up in ear with sum mad sh*t
Played hard to quit but you kinda cute,
I'm hard to quit but you kinda cute
Now he all up on me wanna know C.
All up on me like he know C.
So I put it on him for a couple weeks.
Now he, can't keep his hands off my Zipper.
Always lovin on me.
(Zipper)Always hugging on me
(Zipper)And always got you tuggin on my,
tuggin on my
Zipper; ain't got nothing on me.
(Zipper)but you always searching on me.
(Zipper)I'm trynna qo, but he can't keep his hands.
I know x11
When he's (when he's)
With me (with me)
He know (he know)
There ain't (there ain't)
No place I'll rather be
They ain't (they ain't)
Like me (Like me)
I got him hugged up (hugged up)
Loved up (loved up)
Tuggin on my zipper X4
Always lovin on me.
(Zipper)Always hugging on me
(Zipper)And always got you tugging on my,
tuggin on my
Zipper; ain't got nothing on me.
(Zipper)but you always searching on me.