Geopolitical Diary

Russia Changes Its Tone

Some surprisingly conciliatory statements toward the West could indicate that Vladimir Putin is softening his stance, though he could be bluffing. Read more…

Editor's Choice
Geopolitical Weekly
By George Friedman

The 'Grexit' Issue and the Problem of Free Trade

Global Affairs
By Ian Morris
Ian Morris

The Decline and Fall of Empires

Security Weekly
By Tristan Reed
Tristan Reed

Mexico's Drug War Update: Tamaulipas-Based Groups Struggle

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Field Notes
Stratfor In The News

Stratfor's Rodger Baker on South Korea's Political Storm

"It's hard for this crisis not to have at least some impact [on South Korean President Park Geun-Hye]. Her administration has already faced a lot of criticism on reforms as well as international junkets," Baker said. This week's events interfere with her ability to focus on policy issues and help push them through the parliament, he added.

Featured Analyst:

Stratfor's Scott Stewart on the Latest Threats by ISIS

The nature of ISIS's recent threats actually speaks to the group's limitations, says Scott Stewart, vice president of tactical analysis at Stratfor. He says that if a militant group has the ability to conduct a strike, it's not going to foreshadow it online, "they're just going to do it. It's when they can't do it themselves that they need to ask others for help."

Featured Analyst:
Situation/Intelligence Reports

Yemen: Coalition Announces End Of Operation Decisive Storm

Saudi Arabia announced the end of Operation Decisive Storm in Yemen on April 21 and the start of Operation Restoring Hope, Al-Arabiya reported. Read more…

Greece: Using Delay Tactics in the Debt Saga

With a decree to take funds from state entities, Athens has gained time to avoid a debt default and pay public sector employees, but it needs an agreement soon. Read more…

Libya: Islamic State Attacks Spanish Embassy

Islamic State militants set off a bomb outside the Spanish embassy in Tripoli late April 20, Al Arabiya reported. Read more…

Iraq: Prime Minister Sends Shiite Militia To Ramadi

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered 14 brigades from the Shiite Popular Mobilization Force to help Iraqi forces recapture Ramadi from the Islamic State, Rudaw reported April 21. Read more…

Hungary: EU Approves Deal With Russia

The European Union approved the transfer of nuclear fuel from Russia to Hungary as part of an expansion of Hungary's Paks nuclear facility, Hungary Matters reported April 21. Read more…

Yemen: Iran Expects Cease-Fire Within Hours

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran's Deputy Minister for Arab and Foreign Affairs, said April 21 that he expects a cease-fire in Yemen within hours, Reuters reported. Read more…

Somalia: Explosion In Restaurant Kills 10

A car laden with explosives rammed into a restaurant in the center of Mogadishu before detonating, police said, World Bulletin reported April 21. Read more…

EU: Parliament Approves Amended Investment Fund Plan

The European Parliament approved the creation of an investment fund known as the Juncker Plan after making changes to the original plan, EU Observer reported April 21. Read more…

Egypt: Court Issues 20-Year Sentence To Ousted President

A criminal court sentenced ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi to 20 years in prison for his role in violent protests in 2012, AP reported April 21. Read more…

Ukraine: Bomb Detonates In Kharkiv

A bomb exploded in the center of Kharkiv on April 21, Ukrainian authorities said, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty reported. Read more…

Afghanistan: Taliban Discuss Government Peace Talks

The Taliban have begun internal discussions about possible peace talks in Qatar with the Afghan government, Afghanistan's High Peace Council said April 20, Shamshad TV reported. Read more…

Egypt, Saudi Arabia: Foreign Ministers To Discuss Enhanced Cooperation

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri will travel to Riyadh on April 20 to meet with his Saudi counterpart, Prince Saud al-Faisal, MENA News reported, Read more…

Yemen: Rocket Fragments Hit Mauritanian Embassy

Fragments of rockets aimed at Houthi sites hit the Mauritanian embassy in Sanaa on April 20, Sahara Media reported. Read more…

India: Navy Chief Wary Of China-Pakistan Naval Ties

Indian Naval Chief Adm. Robin K. Dhowan said April 20 that India was carefully monitoring military ties between Pakistan and China, IBN Live reported. Read more…

Guinea: At Least 2 Wounded During Election Protests

At least two people were injured April 20 during protests, which began last week in Conakry, Reuters reported. Read more…

Colombia: FARC Leader Upholds Unilateral Cease-Fire

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia negotiator Ivan Marquez has ratified the militant group's decision to maintain its unilateral cease-fire despite the Colombian government's decision to resume airstrikes against the group, El Espectador reported April 20. Read more…

Kenya: Thousands Of Police Recruited To Combat Al Shabaab

Kenyan officials hope to hire 6,000 new officers and 4,000 police administrators to combat al Shabaab, World Bulletin reported. Read more…

Iraq: Government Grants BP More Oil In Lieu Of Payment

The Iraqi government has been allowing BP to export more crude oil from the country as payment for developing oil fields, Reuters reported April 20. Read more…
