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isis - coming of imam mahdi and reestablishment of khilafah
Imam Al Mahdi RA ᴴᴰ
THE MAHDI BETWEEN FACT & FICTION - Yasir Qadhi - YouTube.mp4
The Underachievers - "The Mahdi" (Official Video)
Ustadz Zulkifli M Ali Lc - Tanda2 munculnya Imam mahdi
Ceramah Islami Terbaru - Tempat Imam Mahdi Akan Muncul - Ust Zulkifli M Ali
The Mahdi- The Islamic Messiah is the ANTICHRIST of the BIBLE !
[LIVE][290914] "Kebangkitan Al-Mahdi dan Tenteranya" - Ustaz Wadi Annuar
The Mahdi, the Dajjal and the Messiah || Ustadh Wahaj Tarin
Berita Islami Masa Kini - Tanda Tanda Kedatangan Imam Mahdi - 10 Februari 2015
The Coming of Imam Al Mahdi Interview with Sheikh Imran Hosein in Pakistan July 2013
The Beast : ISIS Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East bringing rise to the Al Mahdi (Jun 18, 2014)
Islamic State (ISIS) coming of imam mahdi and reestablishment of khilafah then rturn of isa (as). part 1. -- Scholar: Shiekh Omar Baloch -- Like us on Facebook: -- SUBSCRIBE ➫ LIKE ➫ SHARE ➫ COMMENTS - RELATED TO - Islamic Lecture, Short reminder, Powerful Reminder, Islamic Scholar lecture, English Islamic lecture, Nasheed English, wayoftruth.
Facebook: Google+: Twitter: I Saw In A Dream Something Very Strange; A Group Of People Of My Ummah; Meaning Muslims, Will Intend To Attack The Khabah, Very Strange, Why? Because A Man From My Descendant From The Quraysh Has Sought Refuge In It And As They Are Camped Outside Of Makkah At A Place Called Baidah, Allah SWT Will Cause The Earth To Open Up And Swallow The Entire Army. There Will Be Great Confusion In The World, There Will Be Great Confusion Amongst The Muslims, There Will Be Absolutely Violent Deaths Taking Place, Killing, Killing Upon Killing, And There Will Be Disputes Everywhere, There Will Be Disturbance And There Will Be Fear, Fear People Not People Want To Come Out Of Their Homes, They Will Lock Themselves And There Will Be Many Many Wars, Many Wars And Fitan Upon Fitan, That There Will Be Trial And Tribulation Upon Trial Upon trial Upon Trial To The Extent That When Somebody Will Go For Trial Will Think And Another One Will Appear, That Until The Hadith Says; Until A Person Will Move Passed The Grave And He Would Say I Wish That I Was In His Place, This Is How Severe The Fitna Is Going To Be, This Is Just Before The Time Of When Imam Mahdi Comes, There Shall Come Black Flags From The East And Then A War Shall Ensue Between The Muslims, That No Nation Has Ever, The Severity of The War, No Ummah Has Ever Undergone Such A Severe War, So He' Saying Black Flag Will Come From The East Meaning The Lands Of Khurasan, So When You See The Black Flags, Give Ba'iah [Allegiance] To The Mahdi Even If You have To Crawl On Snow To Get To Him, He Shall Be The Leader of The Entire Muslim Ummah, The Prophet SAW Said: That The Matters Of This Ummah Shall Be Controlled By One Person From My Progeny, The Whole Ummah Shall Be Controlled By One Person My Prodginy And We Also Know That He Shall Enjoy The Greatest Khilafah Ever Know To The Muslims, Better Than Umayyad, Better That The Abbasids Better Than The Ottomans Better Than All The Other Khalifahs That We Had, the Prophet SAW Said That There Will Come A Time When The Mahdi Will Come He Shall Give Money To Everybody And Not Fear Poverty, Not Even Count It And He Said The Fruits Shall Grow, And The Crops Shall Produce And Everybody Shall live In Security And Peace, this Is After The Mahdi Spreads Justice After The Injustice And He Shall Prepare The Lands For The Coming Of Eesa Ibn Maryam And When The Coming Of Eesa Ibn Maryam, The Major Sighs Of Day Of Judgement Will Start, And The Day Of Judgement Will Be Literally Round The Corner.
The Best Explanation I've yet to hear on Prophet Isa's (Jesus) Return and Hadrat Mahdi's Advent .... DON'T MISS IT ...
Like This? You Should Subscribe Here Now: Here's the new video for "The Mahdi" from New York's Underachievers taken from forthcoming mix...
Tanda Nyata bahwa kiamat sudah sangat dekat bahkan di depan mata kita, ya di zaman kita saat ini. Bahkan sudah muncul sejak tahun 2013 dengan bberapa meteor ...
Ceramah Islami Terbaru - Tempat Imam Mahdi Akan Muncul - Ust Zulkifli M AliCeramah Islami Terbaru - Tempat Imam Mahdi Akan Muncul - Ust Zulkifli M AliCeramah Islami Terbaru - Tempat Imam...
This is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Holy Bible teaches us a Christians, which to me proves that Islam is ANTICHICHRIST religious system. COME OUT of her m...
- Doakan Dimurahkan Rezeki dan Diberikan Kesihatan Yang Baik Untuk Kami Teruskan Projek ZonKuliah - **Untuk update terkini sila like Facebook Page kami : atau dan Group Facebook : Twitter : @zonkitaorg ( Sekiranya ada sebarang persoalan agama yang ingin ditanyakan kepada mana-mana ustaz, sila kemukakan soalan di FB page Ubat Apa Tok Wi? (, insyaAllah kami akan postkan video jawapan di channel kami **
Islamic Motivations December Convention 2014. The Ustadh takes us through the last of the minor signs and the first two major signs of the day of judgement. Like, share and comment
Ustaz Azhar Idrus penceramah agama yang sangat dihormati dan dipercayai oleh masyarakat Islam di Malaysia telah memfitnah Jemaat Ahmadiyah yang ditontoni ole...
Berita Islami Masa Kini - Tanda Tanda Kedatangan Imam Mahdi - 10 Februari 2015 Berita Islami, Berita Islami Masa Kini, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islam Masa Kini, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV Terbaru, Berita Islami Masa Kini Terbaru, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islam, Berita Islam Masa Kini Trans TV Terbaru, Berita Islam Masa Kini Terbaru, Berita, Islam, Trans TV, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melayu, 2015 Berita Islami, Berita Islami Masa Kini, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islam Masa Kini, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV Terbaru, Berita Islami Masa Kini Terbaru, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islam, Berita Islam Masa Kini Trans TV Terbaru, Berita Islam Masa Kini Terbaru, Berita, Islam, Trans TV, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melayu, 2015 Berita Islami Masa Kini - Tanda Tanda Kedatangan Imam Mahdi - 10 Februari 2015
News Articles: Iran Supreme Leader: The Islamic Messiah Is Coming Soon To Kill All Infidels Libya rebels move onto Syrian battlefield Obama authorizes secret support for Syrian rebels;=worldNews&rpc;=22 Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda Obama Signs Secret Order to Aid Syria Rebels US offers Syrian rebels 'military support,' Iraq's Terrorists Are Becoming a Full-Blown Army ISIS militants with US passports? MAP: How ISIS is carving out a new country ISIS militia beheading their way to Baghdad FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
The Article:
Facebook: Google+: Twitter: Lecturers: Sheikh Yasir Qadhi [Al Maghrib Institute], Sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki and Abu Mujahidah. I Saw In A Dream Something Very Strange; A Group Of People Of My Ummah; Meaning Muslims, Will Intend To Attack The Khabah, Very Strange, Why? Because A Man From My Descendant From The Quraysh Has Sought Refuge In It And As They Are Camped Outside Of Makkah At A Place Called Baidah, Allah SWT Will Cause The Earth To Open Up And Swallow The Entire Army. There Will Be Great Confusion In The World, There Will Be Great Confusion Amongst The Muslims, There Will Be Absolutely Violent Deaths Taking Place, Killing, Killing Upon Killing, And There Will Be Disputes Everywhere, There Will Be Disturbance And There Will Be Fear, Fear People Not People Want To Come Out Of Their Homes, They Will Lock Themselves And There Will Be Many Many Wars, Many Wars And Fitan Upon Fitan, That There Will Be Trial And Tribulation Upon Trial Upon trial Upon Trial To The Extent That When Somebody Will Go For Trial Will Think And Another One Will Appear, That Until The Hadith Says; Until A Person Will Move Passed The Grave And He Would Say I Wish That I Was In His Place, This Is How Severe The Fitna Is Going To Be, This Is Just Before The Time Of When Imam Mahdi Comes, There Shall Come Black Flags From The East And Then A War Shall Ensue Between The Muslims, That No Nation Has Ever, The Severity of The War, No Ummah Has Ever Undergone Such A Severe War, So He' Saying Black Flag Will Come From The East Meaning The Lands Of Khurasan, So When You See The Black Flags, Give Ba'iah [Allegiance] To The Mahdi Even If You have To Crawl On Snow To Get To Him, He Shall Be The Leader of The Entire Muslim Ummah, The Prophet SAW Said: That The Matters Of This Ummah Shall Be Controlled By One Person From My Progeny, The Whole Ummah Shall Be Controlled By One Person My Prodginy And We Also Know That He Shall Enjoy The Greatest Khilafah Ever Know To The Muslims, Better Than Umayyad, Better That The Abbasids Better Than The Ottomans Better Than All The Other Khalifahs That We Had, the Prophet SAW Said That There Will Come A Time When The Mahdi Will Come He Shall Give Money To Everybody And Not Fear Poverty, Not Even Count It And He Said The Fruits Shall Grow, And The Crops Shall Produce And Everybody Shall live In Security And Peace, this Is After The Mahdi Spreads Justice After The Injustice And He Shall Prepare The Lands For The Coming Of Eesa Ibn Maryam And When The Coming Of Eesa Ibn Maryam, The Major Sighs Of Day Of Judgement Will Start, And The Day Of Judgement Will Be Literally Round The Corner.
You can also check this video about Imam Mahdi AS: A Hadith in the Sahih of Imam Al-Bukhari informs us that the a...
Imam Anwar Awlaki RH reminds us of the Minor Sign sign of the Day of Judgement - The Coming of Al Mahdi
Bahagian-3 Part 3 TANDA - TANDA MENUJU KEMUNCULAN : “Andaikan dunia tinggal sehari sungguh Allah akan panjangkan hari tersebut sehingga diutus padanya seoran...
IGNORE THE MUSIC , GET THE MSG...!!! A detailed talk on the coming of the Mahdi, who precedes the appearance of the Dajjal (anti-christ) and the second comin...
Lecture by Sayed Mahdi Al Modarresi at KSIMC
Peperangan Akhir Zaman dan Keluarnya Dajjal,Imam Mahdi dan Nabi Isa as ceramah agama islam terbaru, terlengkap, terupdate bersama dai-dai papan atas dan juga menyajikan berbagai macam debat agama terpopuler sepanjang masa antara islam dan kristen, mengkuak bagaiman penyimpangan agama, tanda tanda pristiwa hari kiamat, keluarnya imam Mahdi, fitnah Dajal, dan kehidupan di akhirat kelak. ceramah lucu ceramah lucu anwar zahid ceramah agama islam ceramah agama islam lucu ceramah agama islam terbaru ceramah islam lucu ceramah dan ilmu pengetahuan ceramah islam terbaru ceramah islam itu indah 2014 aa gym terbaru mamah dedeh terbaru debat islam vs kristen di indonesia debat islam vs kristen mamah dedeh 2014 debat islam kristen tanda tanda hari kiamat tanda tanda kedatangan dajjal tanda tanda kiamat ceramah habib rizieq Kumpulan ceramah Agama Islam Terbaru,Terpopuler,Terlengkap dan Terupdate sepanjang Masa dengan Ustad-Ustad yang Terkenal,Saperti Aa Gym,Yusuf Mansyur,Alm Jerfi Al Buckhori,Kh Zainudin Mz,Ustaz Kazim Elias,Ustad Felix Siauw,Arifin Ilham,Habib Rizieq,ustad Abdullah Khairi Latest,Kh Anwar Zahid dan Masih Banyak yang lainnya. Mengupas tuntas Perdebatan Agama Islam vs Kristen,Keluarnya Imam Mahdi,Dajjal,Turunnya Nabi Isa AS,Siksa dan Azab Kubur,serta Tanda-tanda Hari kiamat. Sangat Bagus Untuk Pembelajaran untuk Menjadi Dai-Dai Profesional. Simak selengkapnya hanya di Chenel ini.
Watch Part 2 here -- Watch Part 1 here -- The Prophet Jesus (as) and Ha...
The Mahdi is soon to appear. Iran has created the movie to make all Muslims fight for Mahdi and bring chaos and world destruction. The plan for the IRAN pres...
UPDATE 25 JULI 2014 ============= Bahagian- 4 Part 4 Beliau yg ada dalam video ini juga berpesan, kalau sebenarnya, secara TERSIRAT, Al Qur'a...
Tags* - The End of the world is near, Zaxo Comedy, Xalo Jalo New, 2014 New Kurdish Badini, Filmet Kurdi, Duhok TV, Speda TV, Vin TV, Akram Konfu, Abdul Qahar, Hassan Sharif, Filmen Kurdi Badini, Abdul Wahd, Kurdistan, Stranet Kurdi, Da3sh, Al Dawla Islamiya, Peshmerge Saad Al Ghamdi, Nasser Al Qattami, Quran, Yasser ad Dossari, Shuraim, Sudais, Maher Al Muaqli, Muhammad Al Luhaidan, Quran recitation, Isis, Islamic State, Imam Mahdi Army, Imam Mahdi Signs, Before The major Signs, Islamic Knowledge, the end of the world is near, Be Prepared, the coming of imam Mahdi is close, Islamic Dawah, Hadiths, Muhammad (PBUH), Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hindus, Judaism, Torah, Bible, Quran, Moses, Musa, Jesus, Eesa, Muhammad, __________________________________________Wake Up And realise that the end of the world is around the corners, share the video with everyone to wake up the whole world! We are at the end of this world!
- Doakan Dimurahkan Rezeki dan Diberikan Kesihatan Yang Baik Untuk Kami Teruskan Projek ZonKuliah - **Untuk update terkini sila like Facebook Page kami : atau dan Group Facebook : Twitter : @zonkitaorg ( Sekiranya ada sebarang persoalan agama yang ingin ditanyakan kepada mana-mana ustaz, sila kemukakan soalan di FB page Ubat Apa Tok Wi? (, insyaAllah kami akan postkan video jawapan di channel kami **
For the nasheeds i don't know titles.
Explication du livre "LES SIGNES DE LA FIN DES TEMPS" du docteur Yusuf al Wabil par l'imam R.abou Houdeyfa Retrouvez tous les cours, les sermons, les conférences de l'imam Rachid abou Houdeyfa ainsi que les actualités de la communauté via ces différents supports :
Khazanah Islam: Imam Mahdi dan Dajjal 29 Desember 2014 Khazanah Islam, Khazanah Islam Terbaru 2014, Khazanah, Khalifah , Khasanah, Khalifah, Khazanah Yahudi, Khazanah Tanda Tanda Kiamat, Khazanah Islam Terbaru, Khazanah Dajjal, Khazanah Isis, Khazanah 2014, Khasanah Imam Mahdi, Khazanah Islam Imam Mahdi, Khazanah Islam Dajjal, Khazanah Islam Ruqyah, Khazanah Islam ISIS, Khazanah Islam Hari Ini, Khasana, Khasanah Ruqyah, Khasanah Bulan Ramadhan, Khazanah Islam Ruqyah, Khazanah Ruqyah, Ruqyah, Khazanah Terbaru, Khazanah Youtube, Video Khazanah, Khazanah 7, 2014, Islam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melayu Khazanah Islam, Khazanah Islam Terbaru 2014, Khazanah, Khalifah , Khasanah, Khalifah, Khazanah Yahudi, Khazanah Tanda Tanda Kiamat, Khazanah Islam Terbaru, Khazanah Dajjal, Khazanah Isis, Khazanah 2014, Khasanah Imam Mahdi, Khazanah Islam Imam Mahdi, Khazanah Islam Dajjal, Khazanah Islam Ruqyah, Khazanah Islam ISIS, Khazanah Islam Hari Ini, Khasana, Khasanah Ruqyah, Khasanah Bulan Ramadhan, Khazanah Islam Ruqyah, Khazanah Ruqyah, Ruqyah, Khazanah Terbaru, Khazanah Youtube, Video Khazanah, Khazanah 7, 2014, Islam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melayu
Selon Abou Horaïra, le Prophète SAWS a dit : « La Dernière Heure n'arrivera pas, avant qu'un homme des Qahtan ne surgisse et ne dirige les gens avec son bâton. » [Sahih Boukhari] La venue d' un homme "al qathani"; proche des grands signes de la fin des temps pour préparer l' armée du mahdi; avait été prophétisée par l' envoyé d' Allah alahi la salat wa la salam. Cet extrait vidéo présente les preuves quand a l' explication que cet homme serait le sheikh oussama ibn laden rahma'ullah. Wa Allah u herlem.
Live performance @ Drom Nyc presented by Major Stage
Lmahdi Parisien-Nouvel Album 2015 (TODAY) Paroles/musique-lmahdi parisien"(1245)+3 homage Arrangement"med ro_one+SALAH èdition
Lmahdi Parisien-Nouvel Album 2015 (TODAY) Paroles/musique-lmahdi parisien"(1245)+3 homage Arrangement"med ro_one+SALAH èdition
In heaven people will enjoy the best of everything (yachts, race cars, bazaars) they yearn for here in this world. heaven hell who is adnan oktar harun yahya adnan hodja mahdi hazrat mahdi ımam mahdi prophet jesus will come english muslim music why where when who what which how turkish turkey ottoman empire how video watch turks mehter evolution is the with can be came band turkish islamic union do does return did new a9 tv end times was vs people islam
LINK : Imran Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourers from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi and has studied at several institutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi, the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland. He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam. He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. Imran Hosein also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in the USA. He was the Imam for some time at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Jumu'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously. He is a former Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies, Director of Research of the World Muslim Congress in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of the Islamic Institute for Education and Research in Miami, Florida, and Director of Dawah for Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America. He has traveled continuously and extensively around the world on Islamic lecture tours since graduating from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971 at age 29, and he has also written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect.
turunnya nya sang pemimpin Imam Mahdi Yang membawa Ke adilan
Kahzanah Islam Imam Mahdi dan Dajjal 29 Desember 2014, terima kasih telah menyaksikan video kami yang berjudul Kahzanah Islam Imam Mahdi dan Dajjal 29 Desember 2014, jika anda suka silahkan anda tekan tombol SUKA di sebelah kanan, dan silahkan berlangganan channel kami untuk menyaksikan video seru lainya seperti video Kahzanah Islam Imam Mahdi dan Dajjal 29 Desember 2014 diatas. video lucu jepang,video lucu jatuh dari motor,video lucu jahil sedunia,video lucu jawa,video lucu jatuh,video lucu jokowi,video lucu jail banget bikin ngakak,video lucu jebakan,video lucu jomblo,video lucu jahil abis,video lucu j,video lucu kucing,video lucu kevin anggara,video lucu kartun,video lucu kucing bikin ngakak,video lucu kecelakaan,video lucu kocak,video lucu korea,video lucu kartun sange,video lucu kecelakaan motor paling lucu,video lucu kevin anggara full,video lucu exo k,video lucu k,video lucu lucu,video lucu lipsing,video lucu luar negeri,video lucu lagu,video lucu lawan kata,video lucu lee min ho,video lucu lipsing alay terbaru,video lucu lomba sepeda,video lucu lemon,video lucu lagi sholat,video lucu l,video lucu makassar,video lucu motor gagal beraksi,video lucu motor masuk got,video lucu monyet,video lucu main bola,video lucu motor drag,video lucu motivasi,video lucu motor cross,video lucu mobil,video lucu ngakak,video lucu naik motor,video lucu naik sepeda,video lucu ngerjain orang,video lucu nyanyi,video lucu ngakak abis,video lucu naik motor jatuh,video lucu nenek berantem,video lucu ngakak banget,video lucu ngerjain orang tidur,video lucu banget bikin n,video lucu n gokil,video lucu n unik,video lucu orang gila,video lucu orang papua,video lucu orang jahil sedunia,video lucu orang mabuk,video lucu orang arab,video lucu olahraga,video lucu on the spot,video lucu orang kaget,video lucu orang naik motor,video lucu orang gila arab,video lucu papua,video lucu pemain sepak bola,video lucu part 2,video lucu part 4,video lucu parodi,video lucu polisi,video lucu pemain bola,video lucu pancasila,video lucu pernikahan,video lucu pusing pala barbie,video lucu p,video lucu qunut,video lucu ijab qobul,video lucu ijab kabul,video lucu road race,video lucu raditya dika,video lucu raisa,video lucu ricky cuaca,video lucu rokok,video lucu ronaldo,video lucu rok tersingkap,video lucu rok mini,video lucu rhoma irama,video lucu reporter,video lucu sepak bola bikin ngakak,video lucu sepeda,video lucu seksuall terbaru 2014,video lucu sule,video lucu sekali,video lucu sepak bola kiper,video lucu syahrini,video lucu sunda,video lucu sulap,video lucu s,video lucu terbaru.
Islam rahmatan lil alamin
Khazanah Islam. Islam berarti penerimaan dari dan penyerahan diri kepada Tuhan, dan penganutnya harus menunjukkan ini dengan menyembah-Nya, menuruti perintah-Nya, dan menghindari politheisme. Perkataan ini memberikan beberapa maksud dari al-Qur’an. Dalam beberapa ayat, kualitas Islam sebagai kepercayaan ditegaskan: "Barangsiapa yang Allah menghendaki akan memberikan kepadanya petunjuk, niscaya Dia melapangkan dadanya untuk (memeluk agama) Islam..."Ayat lain menghubungkan Islām dan dīn (lazimnya diterjemahkan sebagai "agama"): "...Pada hari ini telah Ku-sempurnakan untukmu agamamu, dan telah Ku-cukupkan kepadamu nikmat-Ku, dan telah Ku-ridhai Islam itu jadi agama bagimu." Namun masih ada yang lain yang menggambarkan Islam itu sebagai perbuatan kembali kepada Tuhan-lebih dari hanya penyataan pengesahan keimanan. Subcribe :
Tanda BESAR Imam Mahdi Ni ASLI atau PALSU - Ustaz Wadi Anuar 2015 Revolusi Dakwah Melalui Youtube.Mari Sampaikan Ilmu Allah bersama.Subscribe Channel Media Baru Dakwah untuk mendengar ceramah agama terbaik di Malaysia. ================================================ Makcik Nangis First Time Tengok Orang Masuk Islam Ustaz Kazim Elias Latest 2015,Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam Jom Selfie 8 January 2015 Ustaz Kazim Elias Putrajaya,Ustaz Kazim Elias Ceramah Tema Sempurnakan Iman,Ustaz Kazim Elias Bagaimanakah Yahudi Menipu Kita,Akhlak dan Akidah,Penawar Hati Pengubat Luka Ustaz Kazim Elias Latest 2015,TANGGUNGJAWAB SELEPAS AKU TERIMA NIKAHNYA oleh USTAZ KAZIM ELIAS,Santai Bersama Ustaz Kazim Elias Ustaz Kazim Elias Lawak Terbaru 2014,Punca Kehidupan Jadi Sempit Setiap Hari Ustaz Kazim Elias Baru,Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid Diamnya Rasulullah saw,Jangan Tunggu Esok Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al-Hamid,Allah Tahu Yang Terbaik Untuk Kita Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al-Hamid,Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid Fitnah Dajjal Fitnah Akhir Zaman,Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid Sifat Memaafkan dan Melupakan,Ustaz Nazmi Karim UNK Sirah Sahabat Abu Dujanah R.A Sang Pemilik Ikat Kepala Merah,Ustaz Nazmi Karim UNK Sejarah Kisah Saidina Usman Affan,Ustaz Muhammad Nazmi Karim Keikhlasan Niat Bab 1,Ustaz Muhammad Nazmi Karim: Salman Al Farisi ra,Ustaz Muhammad Nazmi Karim Tafsir Surah Al Qasas ayat 60 70,USTAZ AHMAD RIZAM GHAZALI 15 NOV 2014 SURAU ALMUSTAQIM,Ringan Tapi Berat Ust Ahmad Rizam Ghazali,Ustaz Ahmad Rizam Ghazali Ubat Hati U Tube 01 Celaka Orang Yang Lalai,Ustaz Ahmad Rizam Ghazali Tutup Aurat Kaum Perempuan,Ustaz Ahmad Rizam Ghazali Nafsu,Ulasan PEDAS isu Gadis Peluk Artis Kpop Ustaz Rosyam Nor a.k.a Ustaz Ahmad Rizam,Ustaz Ahmad Rizam Ghazali Tutup Aurat Kaum Perempuan,Ustaz Ahmad Rizam Ghazali Ubat Hati U Tube 01 Celaka Orang Yang Lalai,Santai Bersama Ustaz Kazim Elias Amanah Dalam Berhutang 6 Januari 2015,USTAZ KAZIM ELIAS Berhijrah Ke Alam Kubur,Ustaz Kazim Elias Kayanya Hati Yek Eleh Kelakar Betul,Ustaz Kazim Elias 6 Cara Jin Merosakkan Manusia,Imam Baca Fatihah Laju Gila Ustaz Kazim Elias,Forum Perdana Ustaz Muhammad Kazim Elias at UNITEN,Jangan Sangka Allah Manjakan Mereka Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid,Istigfar Kita Perlu Di istigfari Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid,Perkahwinan itu Amanah Yang Berat Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid,Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid Pesanan Penting,Indahnya Rumah Tangga Rasulullah Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid ustaz kazim elias,habib ali zaenal abidin,ustaz nazmi karim,ustaz rizam ghazali,ustaz rosyam nor,ustaz kazim elias 2015,habib ali zaenal abidin 2015,ustaz nazmi karim 2015,ustaz rizam ghazali 2015,ustaz rosyam nor 2015,ustaz kazim elias latest lawak,ustaz nazmi karim terbaru 2015,ustaz rizam ghazali lawak,habib ali zainal abidin menangis,ustaz rosyam nor lawak,mediabarudakwah channel,ustaz azhar idrus 2015,ustaz kazim elias latest 2015,ustaz azhar idrus 2015 terbaru,ustaz abdullah khairi,ustaz azhar idrus,ustaz kazim elias,ustaz don,ustaz fawwaz mat jan 2015,zoohirabdullah channel,Hj Sham channel,Ceramah Islam Religi channel, channel,On Line Majlis Ilmu channel,zonkita zonkuliah channel,DarulMurtadza channel,Cocombee channel,HF Channel,
Mahdi respondendo ao ser chamado, andando segurando em uma cadeira, brincando funcionalmente com a bola.
Mahdi brincando com carrinhos funcionalmente.
Alawites are people with lofty personalities. They love Hazrat Ali dearly. who is adnan oktar harun yahya adnan hodja mahdi hazrat mahdi ımam mahdi prophet jesus will come english muslim music why where when who what which how turkish turkey ottoman empire how video watch turks mehter evolution is the with can be came band turkish islamic union do does return did new a9 tv end times was vs people islam
There is no rest in heaven but the instinct to get rest. who is adnan oktar harun yahya adnan hodja mahdi hazrat mahdi ımam mahdi prophet jesus will come english muslim music why where when who what which how turkish turkey ottoman empire how video watch turks mehter evolution is the with can be came band turkish islamic union do does return did new a9 tv end times was vs people islam
The irreligious mock believers who communicate the message of Islam because that is what God commands them to do. who is adnan oktar harun yahya adnan hodja mahdi hazrat mahdi ımam mahdi prophet jesus will come english muslim music why where when who what which how turkish turkey ottoman empire how video watch turks mehter evolution is the with can be came band turkish islamic union do does return did new a9 tv end times was vs people islam
God has related what kind of trials believers will go through. who is adnan oktar harun yahya adnan hodja mahdi hazrat mahdi ımam mahdi prophet jesus will come english muslim music why where when who what which how turkish turkey ottoman empire how video watch turks mehter evolution is the with can be came band turkish islamic union do does return did new a9 tv end times was vs people islam
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PENGABDIAN ORCHESTRA - Repelita (1969) -uploaded in HD at
الجلسة التدريبية سكانه ... أمه ... مرته
Abdullayev met with Iraqi Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi ... Adel Abdul-Mahdi to visit Azerbaijan.
noodls 2015-04-14UAE national team coach Mahdi Ali is preparing his side for a qualification run to the 2018 World Cup.
Big News Network 2015-04-14Gulfsands Petroleum has removed chief executive Mahdi Sajjad in favour of Alastair Beardsall - a ...
Independent online (SA) 2015-04-14... and had "removed" Mahdi Sajjad from his role as chief executive although he remains on the board.
London Evening Standard 2015-04-14S ... S ... Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said Monday that Iraqi forces, backed by U. S ... ___ ... More On: ... Adil Abdul-Mahdi.
Boston Herald 2015-04-14Oil minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said Monday that Iraqi forces, backed by US-led coalition airstrikes, ...
The Times of India 2015-04-14Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said Monday that Iraqi forces, backed by U. S ... ___ ... Yacoub contributed to this report.
Springfield News-Sun 2015-04-14Oil minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said yesterday that Iraqi forces, backed by US-led coalition air ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-14Mr Mahdi Sajjad has been removed from his role as the Company's Chief Executive, as permitted by the ...
noodls 2015-04-14Oil minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said yesterday that Iraqi forces, backed by US-led coalition air ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-14p after it removed Mahdi Sajjad from his role as chief executive and appointed Alastair Beardsall, a ...
The Guardian 2015-04-14"In an attempt to win converts and sympathizers, cultural memes are used to create parallels between ...
Seattle Post 2015-04-14Others who died included Ali Mohammed Hafedh Abdul Razzaq, 9, who was traveling with his family; ...
noodls 2015-04-14In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي / ISO 233: mahdī / English: Guided One) is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for seven, nine or nineteen years- (according to various interpretations) before the Day of Judgment (yawm al-qiyamah / literally, the Day of Resurrection) and will rid the world of wrongdoing, injustice and tyranny.
In Shia Islam, the belief in the Mahdi is a "central religious idea" and closely related as the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, whose return from occultation is deemed analogous with the coming of the Mahdi.
In Sunni traditions, there are several hadith referring to the Mahdi.
See Islamic eschatology.
The Sunnis view the Mahdi as the successor of Prophet Mohammad, the Mahdi is expected to arrive to rule the world and he is to reestablish uprightness, harmony, and correct religion.
The definite term mahdi, means “the rightly-guided one”. The Mahdi is not mentioned in the Qurʾān, but rather in the Sunnah. Some hypothesise he came about when the Arabian tribes were settling in Syria under Mo’awiya. “They anticipated ‘the Mahdi who will lead the rising people of the Yemen back to their country’ in order to restore the glory of their lost Himyarite kingdom. It was believed that he would eventually conquer Constantinople.”
It's your first show.
You're scared to go.
You're ass from your elbow.
You can't tell what you are seein'.
Is chaos in the making.
The clubs shakin'.
The earth quakin'.
Reality on the stage.
We're not fakin'.
It's your first show.
You treat it like a joke.
You're drinking heavy straight rum no coke.
After three or four, you head toward the floor.
Stupid move.
You should've took the door.
Step by step.
We're on a mission.
So shut up and listen.
You thing we're bitchin'.
You get what you give.
The golden rule, that's life.
If you stab me in the back,
I'll use that very same knife.
Treat me like a man, a human being.
You'll get the same in return.
Try to set me afire,
I'll make sure you live to see me burn.
Gross Misconduct that's our golden rule.
Gross Misconduct on you.
Gross Misconduct every rule I break.
Gross Misconduct my rules I'll make.
Things in your future reflect from things in the past.
You were there to kick me down.
Now I'm gonna kick you in the ass.
What goes around comes around.
A vicious circle so it seems.
You heard me sing sweet pain before.
Now it's your turn to sing.
Gross Misconduct that's our golden rule.
Gross Misconduct on you.
Gross Misconduct every rule I break.
Gross Misconduct my rules I'll make.
That's life to each his own.
You play a game but we're all full grown.
Breaks loose.
Gross Misconduct that's our golden rule.
Gross Misconduct on you.
Gross Misconduct every rule I break.
Gross Misconduct my rules I'll make.
My rules I'll make.
I read the writing on the shit house walls
The lines are drawn, we must stand or fall
We the people, polarized
Can't even think to sympatize
If there's no justice
There's no peace
We must unite
To get aside
The woe and grief
A final stride
Must confide
MAy never come to
Save our sorry hides
Go read the writings on the wall...Stand or fall
All this talk of race and war
Leaves speechless on the floor
The futures written in the past
Shunned upon by his fellow man.
Lives in hell and eats out of a garbage can.
An alleyway is where he calls home.
He fights a war and his mind is the battle zone.
Blood runs down the drain, from the street of pain,
you will fear his name...
The Angry Man.
The just, must prevail.
He laughs out loud, inside his head... sirens wail.
As he stands looking over the edge, he prays to Him for justice...
He wants death.
Life sentence.
You're guilty of a crime.
An episode of hatred burns in his mind.
He sends a message of pain and hope of war.
Sends death a knockin' at your door.
Blood runs down the drain,
from the street of pain, you will fear his name...
The Angry Man.
Sow the seeds of discontent.
Reap the crop of the weak and spent.
Bear the yoke of the disciplined man.
Who's blood was shed for Disneyland.
Red and White,
Scars and Stripes.
Fly our colors through the night.
Standing Proud and Tall.
Never will we fall.
We were ment to be.
The Power Monopoly.
March to the beat of the flute and drum.
Bound to succeed, never to succumb.
Gonna fight every step of the way.
My life for freedom, small price to pay.
Red and White,
Scars and Stripes.
Fly our colors through the night.
Standing Proud and Tall.
Never will we fall.
We were ment to be.
The Power Monopoly.
Sow the seeds of discontent.
Reap the crop of the weak and spent.
Bear the yoke of the disciplined man.
Who's blood was shed for Disneyland.
The agony, of thee I sing.
Corporate death and liberty.
In agony, I pledge to thee.
When you see it coming
The shit runs down your leg
A rumble of disaster
It's much too late to beg
You didn't heed its warning
As it's parked on top of your house
Your baby's crushed to pulp
You're cornered you cry out
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
Its treads are stained with blood
Of victims who had pride
Some thought they'd defy it
All of them have died
Destruction in its wake
The mangled corpses rot
If you think you'll survive... NOT!
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
Here it comes, you better start running
Here it comes, you better start running
The armored shell coroded
From blood that now is dry
Markings left to signify
The deaths of many lives
Through many years of silence
Breaks a horrifying sound
You turn to look in disbelief
He's come to hunt you down
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
In the dark of the day
Or the black of the sun
He's coming for you
Look out!
They deprive
They diminsh our time
Wish I was dead
Could have been cum on their bed
Put me in this world
Gave me a little
The rich fucking bastards
Didn't care at all
Wish I were dead
I'm better off alone
I don't need their raggin'
Turn that down
That noisy music
Go to bed
And leave me the fuck alone
That's all they say
And all they do
Get me out of this place
Can't take it anymore
Wish I were dead
I'm better off alone
I don't need their raggin'
Enter, tanks, from blue skies above
Raining down terror on all that you
Majestic hills that roll, under tank treads
Are painted with puddles from the recently dead
Coalitions set up to reign
New conditions, new thoughts to train
Mass solution, we must confide
Is mustard gas, with your ass on rye
Armor divisions, impervious pain
Religious collusion, new gods ordained
Mighty contusion, scarring the land
Dictated aggression, dictated man
Napalm coktails, served up hot
Claymore showers, soothe your guts
The re-conditioned, show no alarm
There's murder in the streets.
People starving down as you're sitting down to eat.
The signs keep pointing.
But no one wants to see it's the dead end,
the end for you and me.
I ask myself...
What is it that I must do to make it through.
These obstacles which hold us down.
I see the way to make things right. DEAD END.
This is the E-N-D.
D-E-A-D E-N-D.
The media shows us what they want us to see.
They may control you, but they don't control me.
They may control you, but they don't control me.
It's the dead end, the end for you and me.
I ask myself...
What is it that I must do to make it through.
These obstacles which hold us down.
I see the way to make things right.
This is the E-N-D.
Walk the night.
Thoughts begin to bite at my head...
Tension spreads.
Power, performance.
Strive for self assurance.
Override negative.
Under the influence of questioning implements.
Concrete measures increasing my confidence.
Under the influence of questioning implements.
Concrete measures increasing my confidence.
Feel the psych.
The power I generate.
Down deep inside my soul exaggerates.
Power performance.
Strive for self assurance.
Override negative.
Under the influence of questioning implements.
Concrete measures increasing my confidence.
Under the influence of questioning implements.
Concrete measures increasing my confidence.
Hard expressions making the connection.
Positive insight.
Show no affection.
Speak when correct.
Target your direction.
Lock in...
Lock in.
Unload the lethal weapon.
Under the influence of questioning implements.
Concrete measures increasing my confidence.
Under the influence of questioning implements.
Little Johnny marched out to war
On another kind of human race
Killed a man from foreign land
With a shit eatin' grin on his face
That good ol'boy had a taste for war
And warnin' had it's taste
But he died like a schmuck
With his dick in his hand
And his balls...stuck to his face
One was Johnny, Johnny once was
More than a man with a government plan
And dog tags round his neck
One was Johnny, Johnny once was
The meanest mother youever did see
He put your ass in was Johnny
Johnny came home in a body bag
With a purple heart on his vest
It don't matter that they shipped the
Wrong legs, head, arms and chest
They had a parade in Johnny's name
People came from miles around
They buried his ass on soleme grass
With the people singing this song
Johnny's little boy marched out to war
On another kind of human race
Killed a man from a foreign land
With a shit eatin' grin on his face
Johnny's little boys' a psychopath
With vengence at his taste
So killed some schmuck with his
Not wanted.
But a wanted man.
No invitations.
Invade I plan.
To interrupt.
Disrupt and bother.
Heckle and Jeckle.
Bow to honor.
My presence.
The intruder.
Take away the i-n-t.
I get ruder.
I irritate.
Make you hate.
Inspire violence.
Throughout the state.
Bow to me.
Down on your knees.
Bow to me.
(Music & Lyrics by: Fear)
I love livin' in the city (x2)
My house smells just like the zoo
It chock full of shit and puke
Cockroaches on the walls
Crabs crawlin' on my balls
Ohh, well I'm so clean cut
I just wanna fuck some slug
I love livin' in the city (x2)
Spent my whole life in the city
Where junk is king and the air smells shitty
People pukin' everywhere
Bars of blood, scabs and hell
Bodies wasted in the street
People dyin' on the street
But the suburban scumbags, they don't care
Just get fat and die their hair
I love livin' in the city (x2)
Living in a country where freedom is provided
Where scumbags burn the flag, and GOD is not recited
Blame society and the generations past
But your principals get lost when it comes to cash
Driving down the streets of gold, for which you never
Hyping out everyone to fight for your cause
Blaming everyone for indians that fell
As the checks come rolling in and the t-shirts start to
Rage - against - the mac machine
Cashing in - sell-out hypocrites!
Corporation dollars fund your benefits
As they press up all your records
And buy your k-rock hits
You fucking hypocrites!
You want to free Tibet, because you think that Tibet's
got it bad
Fuck you, fuck Tibet, fuck your fans
Move there if you feel so sad!
Raise alot of cash and ship it to Tibet
You hypocrites, did you forget
There's people starving in our own backyards
Complain about the world - it's hatred and it's strife
Complain about the world - toxic waste, pollution, loss
of life
Complain about the world - your anger is a message
A westcoast liberal, douchebag, dickhead
Millionaire's perspective
Rage - against - ...............
Freedom - isn't free
Freedom - isn't free
Why do you rage against freedom?
Rage - against - ...............
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
She's so fat
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble
Bubble Butt
Aren't you sick of the way you're living
Let down in life without being forgiven
Struggle for a future
You try to survive
Put on this world to rot and die
Let me out
Let me out me out
Me out of this world
Tell me how I got here
Why don't you say a word
Let me out me out
Me out of this world
Tell me how I got here
I've seen enough
I just can't take it
Why don't you mosh
Or have an epileptic fit
You stand there like you're at a parade
Call this your scene
But you're the one who betrayed
Got your feet glued to the floor
Just there and thrashed some more
You're the fuckup, a dick to the extreme
It's people like you
Who make me want to scream
Life is short in the SGT's house of pain
Endless suffering, is holy gain
Bamboo shoots and fingertips
Broken legs and feet will be dismissed
When others fail the SGT prevails...
Swollen eyes, not from tears of joy
Stick to his boots, then make a popping
Electric rod jammed down the shaft
Electricute your balls until they blast
When others fall the SGT prevails
I greet the day with anger, bombs and verbal threats
I lift my head, in dread, of things not yet
Lets have a drink, then throw up in the fucking sink
Shot glass...shot glass
If your in sight
There's gonna be a fight
Shot glass...shot glass
It's me and you and shots enough for two
I drink the drink, I drink,
Until I drink again
Start up the car
You ain't going very far
Stick the rubber hose on the exhaust
Breathe that fresh air
It'll take away your cares
You're beat the game is over
And you've lost
You're beat
Before you start
You cry defeat
Sitting in the bathroom
With the razor at your wrist
You mom and dad don't like
The dudes you're hanging with
They say that you're a loser
A disgrace to human kind
If I were you I'd end it all
Before I lost my mind
You're beat
Before you start
Opportunities arise, open your eyes don't decline.
Open the door.
What's right for you may not be what's right for me.
Ultimatums shown us or them I don't know.
Open the door.
Take our hands cause you know we're your friends.
You call me a friend, but stab me in the back again.
From this deed now I learn.
On you, my back I never turn.
What was mine was always yours.
But you're slammin' all the doors.
True colors my are growing bright.
But you're still stuck in a grey life.
Jealousy, can't you see what it's done.
Open the doors.
I thought I knew, what kind of friend are you.
Honesty flows through me - with purity.
Open the doors.
Once again, we were friends, we're through.
Because of you and your
Let them shine.
Running amuck with the wind at my back.
I'll plow you down and never look back.
Nowhere to run, cause I kicked in high gear.
You're shit outta luck, know the ending is here.
...I'm the man with the supertouch.
Nitro's my fuel, it runs through me like piss.
Anger, my mood, pain's high on my list.
I nail the gas, push my foot through the floor.
I pray to God, death don't knock at my door.
...I'm the man with the supertouch.
Confide in me, the Chosen One.
Heart of stone, ice for blood.
...I'm the man with the supertouch.
You beg for your life on your knees.
I'll show you no mercy...
No matter how loudly you plead.
I won't hear a word that you say...
You want to make money, sign your life away.
Work hard for nothing big business prey.
Don't worry about money that you'll never see.
Just bought a new Mercedes of your royalties.
In your lipstick and hairspray, think you look so sweet.
To a record royal you're just a piece of meat.
Know who your friends are, watch the movies they make.
Cause you won't be the one who's made it as a fake.
Harry got in his car
And turned the key
Started up and headed up the L.I.E.
Too cheap to get a real car
Had a Volkswagon Rabbit
And that put an end to Harry's cheap habit
Cause the trucker couldn't stop
So the driver just took aim
And when he hit Harry
Harry burst into flames
You're dead now Harry
And you can't come back
Whip me bitch until my ass bleeds.
Whip me till it makes me cream.
Command me to obey your rules.
Command me to play the fool.
Squeeze my brain, and will with your vise.
Subdue me in your soul of ice.
Bend me, make me understand that clay is molded into the man.
Try to mold me...I resist.
Try to mold me...I clench my fist.
Try to mold me...I'll break away.
Don't care.
Won't listen, to what you have to say.
If you whip the whipping boy, he will resist.
Whip the whipping boy and he will resist...
Rub my face into the mud.
Fill me with confusion and drugs.
Scorn me cause I masturbate.
Crucify me, I have no faith.
Try to mold me... I resist.
Try to mold me... I clench my fist.
Try to mold me... I'll break away.
Don't care.
Won't listen, to what you have to say.
If you whip the whipping boy, he will resist.
Whip the whipping boy and he will resist... Resist!
...Won't ...Don't ...Can't.
I will exist, I will resist.
Been consumed by the fires of hate.
Been reborn by the glory of faith.
Been healed by the love that's inside.
And freed from my pride.
...Won't ...Don't ...Can't. I will resist,
I will resist,
Five across the eyes, sweat beads down my brow
I got a feeling and its pretty bad
I'll hide it just for now
Polish up the chrome, polish up my bone
Hanging out with six dumb, dumbs,
In my funeral home
Cross hairs, crossed paths
You die, I laugh
I leave, you bleed
I'm firing you, cause you fired me
I cash my final check, but you cash in your chips
You look kind of funny begging and crying
Like a bitch
You should have seen your face, when then
The dummies hit
You opened like a ripened, rotten bag of gutless shit
Cause I've just been fired
You die...
The mental block in your head makes you criminal,
scared for your parents.
Born the child of mistreated individuals.
Dreams crushed, hereditary, unescapable.
You're so irresponsible.
No life no love no choice.
You're so irresponsible.
Mental scared, sometimes physical.
Your actions are inpredictable.
You're irresponsible.
Two days before the road we're running to the store.
We're loading up on Trojans that we're taking on the tour.
We've seen your kind before.
You say you're something new.
You saw the show, you want to party with the band and crew.
We meet a bunch of girls and think they're really cool.
We pack the gear and meet them back at the hotel room.
Don't expect our love, unless you've got a glove.
You'll get infected and rejected, it'll grow on you.
No glove, no love - young, dumb and full of cum.
No glove, no love - we're only in it for the fun.
We start to swap spit.
She tells me I'm the king.
I say come on let's do it.
She says we're gonna swing.
She starts to rip her clothes off and dance around the room.
I hope this thing is safe, or else I'm doomed.
You know, for me it's been just a crazy night.
The way this girl is acting, I hope the mood is right.
I grab another Trojan, just to play it safe.
Now I got double proof just in case it breaks.
You can't step to this,
'cause it'll break ya'.
Make you take to bake, so meet your maker.
Or your killer, satisfaction filler.
Sweet revenge, a jive time Jimmy's thriller.
Have you wrapped around his middle finger.
'Cause your honor's fucked, humdinger!
But who's to blame, the user or the dealer.
I think the finger points high wheeler.
Jive time Jimmy's revenge.
It's the roll of the dice, like mice and men.
The path you take create the man you become, a vicious circle.
Between concrete walls, environmental product.
Another man falls to his doom.
Just outside, his fear awaits.
Crack the key which opens hell's gate.
So meet your maker, or your killer.
Sweet revenge, a jive time Jimmy's thriller.
You have to prove
That you're not scared
Enter the cage
Take the dare
Screaming death
In the beast's lair
You couldn't read the signs
Don't go in there
You best beware
Don't feed the bears
Stupid fool
You should have known
That's some place you shouldn't go
Polar giant on you
Blood starts to flow
They belong not in a cage
But in the fucking snow
Don't go in there
You best beware
Please don't beam me down with Kirk, McCoy and Spock
Cause if you do, I know that you'll be dead by 1 o'clock
Maybe I'll be vaporized or crushed beneath some granite
Bones will look at jim and say I'm just a doctor dammit
I'm an extra - on Star Trex
It's my break - on TV
The fourth man in the landing crew
It's the last you'll see of me
They didn't ask me I wanted to go
And if they did - I would have told them NO
Just because my shirt is red this doesn't have to be
Every time they beam down 4 they only beam back 3
I'm an extra............
So when they need men to beam down, don't be a volunteer
Just stay up at the helm and help Sulu steer
The Enterprise is much more fun when Scotty runs the crew
So you beam down - I'll say aboard and have some tribal
I'm an extra............
Equal rights, don't apply
Quata calls, aren't civil rights
Split the vote, split the state
Split the house, income rape
Doors are shut, need not apply
There's no one here to fight for my rights
Walk the straight line
Left then the right
I live the injusted
Of liberal insight
Motor vote, I say motorhead
I work a job, I don't lay in bed
Payed my dues, pay my way
I earned the right too have my say
I'm sick to death, of liberal views
The liberal fools are fucking you to
You'll know what I'm saying
Chubby chick you look hip
When you dress up in tie die
So now what will you do that Jerry's dead
Will you finally wash your hair
And join the real world
Or wait for Bob Wier to tour instead
Everybody peace out
And look at the cool clouds
Granola parades, make up your weekend
Taking acid, eating your tofu
Wearing sandles, keeps you down to earth
When in reality, it's gravity versus girth
Miss Hippypottomus it's 1996
You gotta work to live
You just can't enjoy the trip...
Miss Hippypottomus
I really think that Jerry was ultra cool
Get yourself a razor blade
Get yourself a video
Drown your thoughts with J.B.
Masquerade your misery
No need to hide your attitude
No ones here to listen
Scrambled thoughts, now scrambled eggs
Your nostrils caked and gustened
Floating in your cosmic sewer
Of love, peace and horse manure
You decide to hitch a ride with
Captain Kaos on pesticide
Fill your head with empty thoughts
Of mistletoe and sugar plum demons
Stoke the furnance, the flame glows brighter
Laughing as your face grows whiter
No need to hide your solitude
When no one ever listens
Building your own arsenal
Of hatred and misgivings
You thought he was dead
It was just in your head
You better get ready for Freddy
You thought you saw him die
But it's you who's crucified
So now you'll pay for his sins
He'll come while you sleep
You're gonna rest in peace
He's in the mirror hanging on the wall
He'll rip out your chest
Your body he'll molest
Then laugh and use your blood
To paint the walls
First he kils one
Then he kills two
Number three on his list is you!
He's the man of your dreams
He lives to hear you scream
That's his satisfaction guaranteed
You thought you'd escape
You felt that you were safe
Then you felt his blade
Around your neck
He'll dice up your throat
On your blood you'll choke
Jim Gorden, the man who was insane
Jim Gorden, had Glaxo in his brain
Jim Gordon was insane
He took his mother's life
He used the hammer first
So she wouldn't feel the knife
He's gone insane
He's lost his mind
The voices in his head
Prove the bastard nuts
He bashed his mother's head in
Because she killed Paul Lynd
He couldn't play the drums
Cause people moved his hand
Was he just a mad man
We may never understand
He's gone insane
He's lost his mind
The voices in his head
Prove the bastard nuts
He bashed his mother's head in
Because she killed Paul Lynd
Jim Gorden was insane
He took his mother's life
He used the hammer first
So she wouldn't feel the knife
He's gone insane, he's lost his mind
He couldn't play his drums
Cause people moved his hands
Was he just a mad man
Short but Sweeeeet! (wooo)
Soggies suck
I was sitting up at night
I was feeling so uptight
I was just fucking around
There was something dragging me down
Thinking of a bite to eat
Thought this would be really neat
Cheerios are stale that's beat
But Captain Crunch is fun to eat
Captain Crunch, Captan Crunch
He's inviting you to munch
Captain Crunch, Captain Crunch
Munch a bunch a munch a munch
Fuck my brain
Scoffing down this yellow wheat
Is making me feel kind of beat
My head is spinning round and round
Now my teeth are turning brown
My face is starting to come apart
From this overdose of starch
I really wish mom wasn't here
I'll have another box of beer
Captain Crunch, Captain Crunch
He's inviting you to munch
Captain Crunch, Captain Crunch
Is that your hair or a Tina Turner wig
You should be ashamed of yourself
Now you shaved your head,
And that's a fashion too
With your ears you look like an elf
Sitting in my kitchen
Stuffed from having ate
What should I do now
With what's left on my plate
Maybe I should save it
But naw I got the cash
Think I'll take the easy way
And throw it in the trash
U.S.A. for Africa
What a fucking scam
Charity begins at home
What about our land
America has it's own problems
That's what should come first
So fuck those nigger's charity
And let them die of thirst
U.S.A. for U.S.A.
That's what I'd like to see
But sympathetic assholes
Send it all to their own countries
They want the food to grow
On what they call home land
But don't you know
You can't grow anything in sand
I think of people starving
But do you think I care
Let them all die hungry
So I can breathe their air
Sitting in my kitchen
Stuffed form having ate
What should I do now
Rise and shine
Crossing boarders can be fun
Causing crime
No relief from what you've done
Refried beans, U.S. dreams
Pancho villa lives next door to me
Time to ride
In your chevy you look sharp
Rising crimes
Broken bottles in the park
Jesus Christ
Those velvet paintings sure look nice
Pay the price
Oranges, pesos or your life
I bust my balls
I break my back
To come home to a slut
You broke your vows
You dirty bitch
I'll kick you in the cunt
I choked on a piece of the american dream
The taste of blood, apple pie
Scars and stripes, was enough to make me scream
I cried as a piece of the rock went south
It crossed the border at half past twelve
Thanks to that dick, in the white house
Speak with your heart
With your heart you will pay
Think your own thoughts
Your rights are cast away
Fit in the mold, then
You get to plant your seed
But...silence your sin
I wipe my tears as I gaze at the red, white and blue
I think of god and of family pride who were
Sacrificed, for shit like you
It burns, to watch your flag, go in flames
I see the fire burning up, from thunderbird
You came here to see a show.
We came here to rock n' roll.
Hit the lights, we'll hit the stage.
We'll make this place go freakin' insane.
The crowd is loud and feeling strong.
We're gonna party all nite long.
We're gonna rock tonite...
Turn the power up to ten.
I've come to crush, not make friends.
Feel the beat thumpin' hard, thundering bass, crushing guitars.
Feel the sound, pound you down.
It's loud, it's true, it's underground.
Hear the sound, so loud and true.
And know these sounds were meant for you.
Raise your fist and heed the call, of music made for one and all.
It's loud, it's true.
A crucial sound that butchers you.
The crowd is loud and feeling strong.
We're gonna party all nite long.
We're gonna rock tonite...
You criticize a way of life.
And don't agree to their struggle or their plight.
Then you're branded, left dead, stranded.
Freedom of thought, I don't ask, I demand it.
You point the finger, but your guilt lingers.
You agree just to blend, so you dont figure,
talk is cheap, flesh is weak.
Actions make the man, so judge him by his deeds.
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race... What a disgrace.
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race... What a disgrace.
You criticize a way of life.
And don't agree to their struggle or their plight.
Then you're branded, left dead, stranded.
Freedom of thought, I don't ask, I demand it.
You point the finger, but your guilt lingers.
You agree just to blend, so you dont figure, talk is cheap, flesh is weak.
Actions make the man, so judge him by his deeds.
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race... What a disgrace.
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race...
The unhuman race... What a disgrace.
Live a life of shame, of profanity and pain.
Salvation's down the drain.
Standing on a corner
Frozen to the bone
You have to make a living
But you'd rather be at home
Your eyes start getting heavy
Still you forge on
Wake up and face the world
You get a little older
Your bones are brittle and weak
Dizzy in the morning
Your pulse is sounding weak
You hate to go to work
Just living for a job
Wake up and smell the coffee
And get a real job
Soon you will retire
Or maybe have a stroke
You cannot feel your finger tips
Because some veins have closed
But still you drive a hack
Or push a hotdog cart
Now it's too late for you
The rides are fast, the thrill is mean.
Your heart is pumping, you're sure to scream.
You'll always go, for another ride.
The second time, you'll be on the other side.
You hold on tight, you have no sight, not even a clue.
The carnie man has a plan, they know what to do.
Round and round and round and round and round you go.
Where you get off, only we'll know.
You find yourself in a cold room of glass.
Signs of counless children, reflections past.
Things you knew and loved are hard to see.
Your body's empty, your wills been taken by me.
Submerged - Tell ya what I'm gonna do.
Submerged - Someone's gonna make a slave out of you.
Submerged - Not really sure the price you'll bring.
Submerged - And you're not gonna say anything.
Submerged - Now for the shocking truth.
Submerged - Our conditioning it's "fool proof".
Submerged - Endless stock, supply and demand.
Submerged - How about another ride, the kiddies ride for free.
Another day, another town.
Gather round for the greatest show on earth.
That's it folks, there's for one and all.
And the kiddies ride for free.
Turn the TV on, don't touch that dial
Watch the video's, on the latest styles
Smash or trash, just 95 cents a call
Get your fix, fix your head, right said Fred
Real worlds, comin' through just for you
Top ten, comin' through just for you
Our voice, comin' through just for you
Pledge your faith
The tunes are blastin'
The atest fashion
Watch the ratings soar
As morals come down crashing
We're the demigods
And we're here to stay
On empty V..U.S.A.
The T.V.'s on and uncle Tom is watching, just for you
Made his fame from buttheads name
Thanks too the likes of you
Cobain is dead, but not for long
We got his ass unplugged, pardon the pun
Real worlds comin' through just for you
Top ten comin' through just for you
Our voice comin' through just for you
Here comes Godzula to stomp on Tokyo.
Awakened, nuclear test, he rises, sub-zero.
His roar fills you with terror.
The very earth he'll break.
Man has screwed up once again and God has sealed our fate.
Buildings crumble, the power lines are down.
Call out the army, they're the hunters now.
They try to melt him down with 60 million volts.
their efforts are in vein,
God's will he must invoke.