HEART-vennWhat is HEART WG?

The HEART Working Group intends to harmonize and develop a set of privacy and security specifications that enable an individual to control the authorization of access to RESTful health-related data sharing APIs, and to facilitate the development of interoperable implementations of these specifications by others


List of Specifications

Below are proposed specifications that we intend to link to HTML as the specifications are released:

  • HEART profile for OAuth 2.0.
  • HEART profile for OpenID Connect.
  • HEART profile for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) OAuth 2.0 scopes.
  • HEART profile for User-Managed Access (UMA).
  • HEART profile for FHIR UMA resource set types, scopes, and claims-gathering flows (referencing the previous specifications as appropriate).


The easiest way to monitor progress on the HEART Specification is to join the mailing list at http://lists.openid.net/mailman/listinfo/openid-specs-heart.

Please note that while anyone can join the mailing list as a read-only recipient and listen to the calls, posting to the mailing list or actively contributing (all spoken comments are considered contributions) to the specification itself requires the submission of an IPR Agreement. More information is available at http://openid.net/intellectual-property. Make sure to specify the working group as “OpenID HEART”.

Links to the wiki and other relevant sources can be found on our Resource page

The working group specification repository is kept at http://svn.openid.net/repos/specifications/heart/1.0/ . In this repository, only approved sub-versions are committed.

Meeting Venue and Schedule

NOTE  SPECIAL DATE and TIME – F2F : April 15th 9am – 12 PM Central time @ HIMSS in Chicago N138 in the Convention Center

iCal Link:

  •  Weekly Monday Meetings

  • GoToMeeting software is available on Mac, PC, iPhone, and Android Phone.
  • Using VoIP option of GoToMeeting is preferred. If you have to absolutely use plain old telephone some reason, here is the US phone number: +1 (619) 550-0003. Access Code 785-234-357
  • Please Note: Number of the participation to the call is limited to 20 most active members at the discretion of the chair due to the number of lines available.

Version Control

The working repository of this WG uses Git for version control, hosted by Bitbucket.
To set up for contribution, you need to do the following (examples are given for the Git Command line client):
1. Fill in the contribution agreement and join the “HEART Working Group”
2. Install a Git client, such as one of these:
3. Create a Bitbucket account. If you want to use SSH authentication (recommended), upload your SSH public key into your bitbucket account.
  •   Tell Debbie/Eve the userid – they will get you write privileges.
4. Fork the HEART repository on the bitbucket site by clicking the “fork” button on the HEART repository. This creates an independent copy of the repository on your bitbucket account.
5. Clone your fork. This creates a local copy of your fork on your computer, with your bitbucket fork as a remote (usually named “origin” by default; note that this example uses ‘myuserid’ as an example username, substitute your own).
  •   git clone git@bitbucket.org:myuserid/heart.git
6. Add the HEART repository as a second remote (for example, named “upstream”).
  •  git remote add upstream git@bitbucket.org:openid/heart.git
To create and submit a contribution, you need to do the following:
1. Pull updates from the HEART repository’s master branch into your local master branch
  •  git checkout master
  •  git pull upstream master
2. Create a new branch from master to house your edits
  •  git checkout -b newbranch master
3. Edit the files and save them locally
4. Stage and commit your changes to your local branch
  •  git add changedfile.xml
  •  git commit -m ‘Reworded introduction in changedfile.xml’
5. Push your local branch to your bitbucket fork
  •  git push origin newbranch
6. On the bitbucket page for your fork, create a pull request from your fork’s newly pushed branch to the HEART master branch
The HEART editors will be notified and will review your changes.
For more advanced information on using Git, see the Git Book online: http://git-scm.com/book
  • TBD

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