Erik Range (born 10 April 1977, in Brunswick, Germany, AKA Gronkh), best known for creating and publishing the YouTube 'playthrough' video games Let's Play. Range markets the 'playthrough' video games through the company ''PlayMassive GmbH'', a computer games website. Gronkh is the most popular representative of the 'Let's Play' genre in Germany.
Range operates a real-life channel called ''Die Superhomies'' in cooperation with Rahmel, focused around the two men's travels. A special theme of the channel is ''Let's eat,'' where Gronkh and Sarazar (Rahmel) eat food from other countries. The channel has gathered around 300,000 subscribers since 2006.
His best-known series is his ''Let's Play Minecraft'' series, which he started 19 October 2010. He publishes 10- to 20-minute episodes and generally collects around 150,000 views per video. There are over 1,000 parts of this series. Since May 18, 2012, the online video portal MyVideo usually features a live stream in which Sarazar and Gronkh play new games together or interact with the online community. The live stream regularly reaches over 65,000 spectators. On March 1, 2013, Range worked together with other representatives of Let's Play. They organized MyVideo live streams featuring ''Last Man Standing'' videos, in which he played various computer games with his team against ''
As of June 5th 2013, he is the most subscribed YouTube channel in Germany with more than 2,765,000 subscribers, overtaking the former holder of the first place in Germany's YouTube ranking YTITTY.
2010, Krang, Richy... I dalje.
ujem ljude kako kažu
[Refren - Richy]
Koliko stvari se promenilo?
Imamo li merilo?
- nemamo
- nemamo
Ljudi kažu scena drema,
Kažu, sve je isto, samo Kranga nema.
Koliko stvari se promenilo?
Imamo li merilo?
- nemamo
- nemamo
Istrošena scena drema,
Kažu, sve je isto, samo Kranga nema.
Stanje krize na sceni, gde su dizeli lideri
Devedesete na kredit, da bi reprize videli.
Svi na jednu foru, mi u poslu oni jedva na birou
Mi s Bossom na bossu drugi tek na prvom nivou...
Kriterijuma nema, svima tu misterija doe k'o neman
Neko zbunjen pokunjen, samo niko doek'o spreman.
Neko bi rek'o presedan, drugi bi rekli klasik
Krang je poeo megdan, pedigre smo stekli u praksi.
Tri godine posle, opet vam idemo u goste
Vidim, sve je isto, scena za primer a primer za odstrel.
Preko rime do stava, tu ništa me ne udi
Ko sa decom spava, kažu ljudi upišan se budi.
Devedesete na kredit? Gde je reset Krang, zajebi,
Ovu igru nismo hteli, sve na fenseraj su sveli.
Igara I hleba, deci autotjuna I para
Lom majmuna hara, nigde Vilisa kada ti treba.
Ovo je podzemlje, sa mnom su samo Haron I kerber,
U isto vreme najgori kreten I najbolji reper
Hopom ne zavodim žene, ne želim da me zavoli dete,
Ja bih da ti razbolim pretke jer su zaboli tebe,
Zarobim sve te fensere koji žele smešne pesme,
Tretiram ih ko Rusi Nemce posle etres' šeste.
Hip hop ekspert, ekstrem, k'o een fanatik
K'o Sadam I Gadafi, zvezde kasapim, gadan lik.
Razvalim svaki vers k'o Kris Braun Rijanu,
Vaša zika je delikt k'o prevara u Iranu,
Zbog nje se zlatna ribica pretvara u piranu
Brdo retarda gubi glavu, proda dupe da kupi slavu.
uti smradu, zvuIš gadu kao ja sa pet promila.
Kakva bre gomila? Sa tobom skae rodbina.
Šta se foliraš, ti samo kopiraš Dip set
Ali za razliku od njih nemaš ni vozila ni keš.
Ne možeš da pokidaš ni vers, obian si fejk
Još ne znaš da repuješ, brdo godina si slep,
Odlian ti cert... šaka dece koju oblaI Todor,
Svršavas dok zamisljaš kako povlaIš oroz.
Misterija je bila manifest I pravi test podzemlja,
To je pravi hip hop batice koji granice pomera,
A vi želite pozera da vam se smešI sa postera,
I za ženice bednice pesmice dotera.
Ja sam previše moderan za deje umove,
Ja sam previše poseban za srpske uslove.
Ja sam previše bolestan za fensi klubove,
ReI surove, uporne, bude duhove, trulo je
Puklo je sve u ovoj zemlji pa I hip hop scena
Sem Boss-a Riija I mene u Hadu nikog nema.
Sinko gledaj, u hopu mi smo peti element
Bolje da pratiš u stopu ovaj sveti precedent.
Jebeš rep jer svet je slep za metafiziku
Nemaš liriku, flow, dikciju a vrebaš priliku?
Ne znaš istinu, al' kad pristignu horde
Koje nose viziju borbe vreme je da odeš.
Augijeva štala, 2010... stara igra.
Richy, Krang... I dalje.
Više ne sanjam I svaka aša briše seanja,
Ne pratim vreme pa me letnje obuenog stigne meava,
Ime ne kaljam, rime predstavljam iako sam mator
Dete veruje u uda zato nije skapiralo naš napor.
U hip hopu sam imao zaklon u životu stagnirao stalno
Od sebe sakrivao stvarnost pa je zalivao gajbom,
Studirao pravo I bio sam veiti student
KažI da sam veliki luzer, hop mi je jedini uspeh.
Ne vidim ljude, ja sam Heseov stepski vuk
U igri zbog hopa ne da bih iz popa preneo fensi zvuk,
Retko ko ceni trud nemam volje da se izvadim iz ubreta
Ne mešam se s vama k'o Diogen ne izlazim iz bureta.
Prilazi mi sujeta kad god legnem da spavam
Kritikujem sam sebe znam recept sad je vreme da šljakam,
Dete da stvaram, šta se pravdam neu se prodati nikome
I dalje bogatim bitove, ne moram da ostvarim prihode.
[Refren] 2x
Živim za pesme, što se raduješ kad vidiš da venem?
Sutra u boju misli na mene.
Roen da pišem, tu sam gde jesam nemam volje za više
Uvek sam iskren, znam nisam ovek za primer,
Pa mi doe da zbrišem, da pobegnem u šumu
Što dalje od ljudi, ne mogu da podnesem tu glumu.
Ponesem svu mjuzu, samo da imam da založI'm neku vatru,
Pustim ziku I usmerim oI u jednu taku.
Uh, neu gandžu, neu radžu, od svega sam umoran
Kad me kurva ne sluša nisam besan na drugoga.
Svestan sam uslova, Srbija je švorc, istina mit
Kažu ti si jak lik a niko ne da etiristo kinti za disk.
Site se tvojoj propasti dok sami spremaju album
Ni oni nee opstati, al' retardi nemaju razum.
Vrebaju šansu, na sceni koju upravo oni razaraju
Isti takvi su Karaora proboli na spavanju.
Oni ipak sanjaju, nadaju se da hop donosi kurve I slavu
Uspeh I paru, za mene je hop ono što uva zdrav razum.
Ne maštam više, I dalje brdo pesama pišem,
Ozbiljan život eka, nema više zezanja, igre.
Prestar sam sine, nema izlaza u poroku I travi
Al' me neka sila tera da uzmem olovku I papir.
Ne nadam se proboju ni slavi pišem da bih opstao,
Cura kaže baš si propao, majka sine naI posao
A mi rokamo za sebe I za ljude sline sebi
Ko vas jebe licemeri za pravi hop niste spremni.
Vi ste bedni lešinari, zbog vas krenuh na golijata
U borbi stradah pili ste krv iz mojih rana,
Prizori jada... tada je od vas napravio robove
Sebi sagradio dvorove, vama stavio okove,
Nama spalio grobove, nije naišao na trunku otpora
Vi ste ti koji ste ubili vou opora.
A kad se rodi novi voa I preuzme sav rizik na sebe
On e sutra u boju da misli na mene.
Ovo je vek medija, pa se mudar ovek nervira
Jer se ovde preferira samo ono što se servira.
Vi niste ljudi, ve serija kvazi robota
Pravih robova, a mediji kažu da si slobodan?
Baš si pogodan za sve oblike manipulacije
Dok vi trendujete, ja branim duh nacije
Krang pravi zvuk akcije, batice besnim zbog Granda
Pesnikog škarta, farme I velikog brata.
Ovce iz stada - vi ste žrtve iste taktike
Nosite iste patike, bodrite iste laike
Volite iste navike, vodite iste abrove
Imate iste strahove, praznite iste rafove
Pratite iste stavove, hvalite iste škartove
Pravite iste planove, imate iste dukseve
Dame iste bruseve, itaju iste kurseve
Slikaju iste luzere, primaju iste kureve.
Uvee uvuete bulje u iste farmerke...
Zbog iste namere, oI vam bulje u iste frajere.
Žene manje više vode iste prazne prie
Imaju iste ravne šIške I iste glatke pike.
Mediji vas ue šta je dobro a šta zlo,
Mediji vas ue šta je tuga a šta bol.
Mediju vas ue svemu,
Zdrava svest za pravu cenu.
Sve vas vole mediji,
Za vas I vama mediji.
TV ih zatupi pa ih muI vazdušni sindrom
Pa su za jadnike air max patike statusni simbol
Pritom, I vi u frci s kintom pratite modu
Najku pravite lovu jer skupo platite robu.
Shvatite foru. svuda kopije silnih zvezda
Svako bi da oseti miris keša, izgleda ko MTV gengsta.
Ti si smešan, sve što ti piješ su batine
Pa priviaš viski, kurve, kilo platine.
Sinko žalim te, pratite vaše krimi mentore
MTV trendove, Wejnove, Westove, Fifti centove
Kad vam vidim tekstove hvata me melanholija
Setim se pesama koje pisah sa sedam godina.
Svako je bleda kopija, krvopija, scena sarkazma
Ironije u balkanskom repu uopšte nema Balkana.
Jebena farma, zvezde granda, to gleda cela nacija
Retardi se smeju retardima borio bih se al nema naina.
U srednjem veku inkvizitori danas mediji vešaju
Oni ubeuju svet u ono što veliki spremaju.
Nama smeštaju, teraju proces globalizacije
Koji treba da pogazi nacije, odstrani razlike,
Postavi navike, pa se ne pije ništa sem kole I fante
Ne sluša ništa sem lejdi Gage, nose levis I najke,
Fensi marke, niko ne želi da bude otpadnik
Ne umem da budem podanik, deo kulture bogatih.
ujes, odrasti. Shvati, nije ti krek slistio pamet
Sve dok svako misli izgleda I živi k'o amer,
Oni e Ii po pare mi u steaj, brate ispaše
Da mi finansiramo njihove nove ratne igrake.
Budale klicae, na svaku bajku pristae
Kako da u klancu istraješ kad si zadnja karika u lancu ishrane?
I kad su predatori siti nastavie sa borbama
U znak zahvalnosti od srca nagradie nas bombama.
... nou, kad izgreje meseina,
eka njega, krvnika, da s njim namiri raune.
Taj ratnik je uklet, vrebam vas koji bacite ubre
Ko karijes zube, ubaci dizel pokvarieš super
Pravite bunker al ne možeš da sakriješ dupe
Ja I'm savijem ruke I u vrat I'm zarijem zube.
Njih najviše umre, jer imaju slab organizam
Gladnim ocima je mozak plitak, njima je moda bitna
Njihov krik je moja himna ujed zapone stravini ciklus
Jer ne mogu da podnesu vampirski virus
Pa I'm zdimi um, ako nisi glup-zapone koagulacija
Tvoja mutacija I svaka moja frustracija
Bice tvoja okupacija ova nacija je zbunjena
Konfrontacija je suena eutanazija je umešna.
Nee da te spasi ni debeo pancir
Ja se rado hranim plenom koga je na dvoru ekao tanjir
Rep je kao vampir I'm izae na svetlost trune
Umetnost umre publika nije mera za njegov uspeh
Jer želi ubre.
Kad nas dotakne sunce, zraci ostave suze na svetlu su samo prodane duše.
Ostajem uklet uvek je vaša krv naša trpeza
Il' te je tama uzela il si masa truleža.
Ja sam vampir srce bacam na papir
Probodi ga, praštam al' pamtim
Ja sam vampir treba mi sveža krv
Da bi živeo u tami jer na svetlu me eka smrt.
Nisu to vuci, nego nešto drugo zavija.
Sve što u vam reI, živa je istina.
Moja savest tumara, pretvara grehove u snove,
Bez ulara, slobodna da cehove u zaborav zove.
Moj amanet me vara, dovoljno hladan je da zbuni
Zavet se stara, pravda da glad me vodi do ljudi.
Zavesa je pala, al pria tek poinje za neke
Kad nestane svetala ja kliem jer potiem iz senke.
Moje rane su moje medalje, vode me dalje...
Moj elan kroz obrede spaljen, uz pobede trajem.
Mitovi vremenom blede, dela bez vere ne vrede.
Ljudi robuju lažI, hirovi s bremenom sede.
Zidovi moji su bedem... u stanju da slede.
... kapiju dižem da vas na drugu stranu odvedem.
Putujem sam, puteve znam, porokom zvan u kraj
Gde istovremeno I bez krune sam prorok I kralj.
Ne tražI bocu, u ovoj buri je brodolom, punim je otrovom,
Novim jutrom ja umirem ponovo, jer
Plašili bi me krstom al se desio brodolom vernika
Proboli kolcem al imam oklop od elika
Posuli svetom vodicom da I'm je ruka dovoljno velika
Slušaj govor pesnika koji otrov servira.
Non stop precizan, moja peina je gusarsko blago
Svi je traže al sem vampira niko nije ušao tamo,
Lutamo tamom slušamo stalno krike nejakih
Vriske zentavih retardi kad ti se predstavim
Ti se prestraviš vi ste preslabi za vampirske gene,
Ratnike teme, nemate stomak za stravine scene
Nemate mozak pa traite vreme
Na laike pesme ekate Boga a slavite kletve
Tražite respekt davno si sjebao obraz
Tebi I meni je zajedniko to što nemamo odraz
Kolega, ti da se vineš u visine, ja u ogledalu
Pravi vernici naše tragove uvaju ko medalju.
[Refren] 2x
You wanna smoke to this
You wanna drink to this
You wanna get a blunt smoke and get high to this
You wanna ride to this
You wanna grind to this
You wanna take a couple shots and get crunk to this
[Verse 1]
Yeah I quit for a little bit, then I took a little hit
Then I took a big hit, now I'm makin this hit!
No I never pay cuz I get it for free, I got respect like that
Dealers listen to me, and my money stack fat
Who realer then me! it's C-R-O-N-I-K
Fort Myers, f-l-a, Lemme introduce you to the place
Where I stay
All we do around here is smoke blunts and get crunk
Aint shit else to do If you was in the same shoes
You would do the same dude, Yeah I get money too
But that's another topic, I'm stickin to the cronik
Who want it cuz I got it, but it aint gon last long
Ya better be high by the end of this song
Cuz by that time all the weed will be gone
So get crunk or get high, bass bumpin thru the ride
Hear me comin down the street
"Cronik got that good weed"
[Verse 2]
I'm on da grind (on da grind)
Get that money rewind, make it one mo' time
You think I aint shit, I think you lost yo mind
Think you crossed that line, it's simple, basic
Sit back and play this, dance if you want
Get crunk if you want, I don't hate do what you do
Make ya moves and stay true, look
This is that track that you play back to back
Livin life to the fullest, and if you aint yet
Then you soon to regret, I'm not s beezy
But I'll youtube this, leavin you clueless
If you don't do this, do this, smoke this
Hope this'll get you high, take a shot
Get crunk, bass bumpin thru the ride
Hear me comin down the street
"hey! is that cronik? he got that good weed!"
[Verse 3 (Lil Ak)]
I wanna get high, I wanna smoke!
I got that hydro, I got that kryppie
It's so sticky, who got that shit? ay!
Cronik do, and pardon me for, fuckin wit' you
Lokust made the beat, me and cronik blazed it
Up, Like when we get a blunt, we blaze the shit up
Walk around lit up, and that's that
Get the weed pass that, gettin cash I make that
See yo stash I take that, I don't know the record
But ima break that, how much can I smoke
We gon see that! A go getta so sicka I can make
Ya hoe shivva when she see what ima give her
She just a dick licker!! So don't worry
I wont get wit her!! Not in a hurry
One Day I know She's Gon' See That
You ain't living ya life if ya like that
You ain't nothing in the place that you be at
You know you gonna have to go ahead in leave that!
[Verse 1]
I know this one chick
She ain't no dumb chick
She called me up crying
She had problems at home
Hanging out with them druggies
So she wont feel alone
Yeah she's got goals
But the pain she can't hold
Her mom always cussing in fussing
Up in the house
Tells her daughter that she hates her
Then kicks her out the house
Her mom calls the cops
But she ain't no runaway
Wen will this stop
She can't be thrown away
She's a star she gon' shine
Take it one day at a time
Gotta get herself together
Under pressure through the weather
What about the long run
Pop pills, smoke weed, OD, ya done
She's smarter then that
[Verse 2]
I know this other chick
And she stay taking shit
She claim she gon' quit
But she ain't doing shit
But popping more pillz
Her little brothers worried
Missing his older sister
While she's crushing up pills
Snorting on a family picture
And shit gets sicker
She lets her man hit her
At school she's a quitter
Her man says he loves her
She thinks she's a winner
But little does she know
He just wants to get in her
He's another loser
Slash drug abuser
She has it all
Good family in all
But she just doesn't no
She's wrecking it all
She drinks away her problems
Wit all that alcohol
[Verse 3]
It's like these people wont change
It's like they don't see
But when you on drugs
You really can't see
You refuse to, you choose 2
Do what you do to
Solve your problems
Just like I use to
I grew up quicker
They might never grow up
There's nothing wrong wit weed
But when u smoking everyday
There's something wrong wit you
So this songs for you
Just cause I see your struggle
Wake up and see
It ain't worth all the trouble
Me, I'm no angel
But I can look at life
From a whole other angle
Everything I said is true
From me to you
Be careful who you fuck wit
Make his fight on the hill in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey
On they fight, for their right
Yes, but who's to say?
For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know
Stiffened wounds test their pride
Men of five still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Time Marches On
For whom the bell tolls
Take a look to the sky just before you die
It is the last time he will
Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery
He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now they see what will be, blinded eyes to see
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Time Marches On
The Plantman knows that the plants will grow
The Plantman knows that the plants will grow
The Plantman knows that the plants will grow
The Plantman kno--oh--oows...
Plant man... (yee-ow-oo-wow-oo)
Plant man... (yee-ow-oo-wow-oo)
Plant man... (yee-ow-oo-wow-oo)
Plant man...
The Plantman knows where the plants will go
The Plantman knows that the plants will grow
The plants don't know what the plants will go
The Plantman knows if the plants will grow
Plant man... (yee-ow-oo-wow-oo)
Plant man... (yee-ow-oo-wow-oo)
Huh-uh... (oooooooooowwwwl)
Plant man...
The Plantman knows if the plants will grow
The Plantman knows where the plants will grow
And the plants will know if the Plantman knows
The plants will know if the Plantman knows
He's the Plant man...
He's the Plant man... (look at him!)
He's the Plantman...
Plant man...
Plant man...
Plant -uh -- man
Plant man...
The Plantman knows where the plants will grow
The Plantman knows if the plants will grow
The Plantman knows that the plants will grow
The Plantman kno--oh--oows...
Plant man...
Follow the morning rain, it’s pouring down my street
And just like my father said, there’s no way I’ll
Be like the boys in the park, drinking my days away
I’m waiting for you to come home, my son I can say
I’d be lost without you all…
So here we go chasing the dream and its running around my mind
But just like my father said, you never know
So let the doubters frown while you push on with your day
I’m waiting for you to come home, my son I can say
I’d be lost without you…
Oh Daddy I, won’t let it show, I won’t make a sound
But I want you to know, I won’t let you down
I won’t let you down
Now here it all comes again, knocking on my door
And just like my father said, go with it now
Don’t wanna be like the boys down the park, drinking your days away
I’m waiting for you to come home, my son I can say
I’d be lost without you…
…Oh Daddy I, won’t let it show, I won’t make a sound
But I want you to know, I won’t let you down
I won’t let you down
I won’t let you down
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Come this way!
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Christmas Day.
Welcome, Welcome
Fah who rah-moose
Welcome, Welcome
Dah who dah-moose
Christmas day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas
Bring your cheer
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome all Who's
Far and near
Where are you Christmas,
I think I found you
This time I'll make you stay
You'll hear us singing
Bells will be ringing
Now and forever,
[Young Poe:]
Lo! 't is a gala night
A mystic throng bedecked
Sit in a theater to see
A play of hopes and fears
While the orchestra breathes fitfully
The music of the spheres
Mimes, mutter and mumble low
Mere puppets they, who come and go
Disguised as gods
They shift the scenery to and fro
Inevitably trapped by invisible Wo
This motley drama
to be sure
Will not be forgotten
A phantom chased for evermore
Never seized by the crowd
Through they circle
Returning to the same spot
Circle and return to the selfsame spot
Always to the selfsame spot
With much of madness and more of sin
And horror and mimic rout
The soul of the plot
out are the lights
out all
And over each dying form
The curtain a funeral pall
Comes with the rush of a storm
The angels haggard and wan
Unveiling and uprising affirm
That the play is the tragedy "Man"
[Originally performed by Thurl Ravenscroft]
You're a mean one Mr. Grinch
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
And as charming as an eel,
Mr. Grinch!
You're a bad banana,
With a greasy black peel!
You're a monster, Mr. Grinch!
Your heart's an empty hole.
Your brain is full of spiders.
You've got garlic in your soul,
Mr. Grinch!
I wouldn't touch you
With a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!
You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch!
You have termites in your smile.
You have all the tender sweetness
Of a seasick crocodile,
Mr. Grinch!
Given the choice between the two of you,
I'd take the seasick crocodile!
You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch!
You're a nasty, wasty skunk!
Your heart is full of unwashed socks.
Your soul is full of gunk,
Mr. Grinch!
The three words that best describe you
Are as follows, and I quote,
"Stink, stank, stunk!"
You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch!
You're the king of sinful sots!
Your heart's a dead tomato,
Splotched with moldy, purple spots,
Mr. Grinch!
Your soul is an appalling dump-heap,
Overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable,
Mangled-up in tangled-up knots!
You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch!
With a nauseous super naus!
You're a crooked jerky jockey,
And you drive a crooked hoss,
Mr. Grinch!
You're a three-decker sauerkraut
And toadstool sandwich,
There was once a time
When I thought of no one else but you
You'd look into my eyes
And I'd see the whole world in front of me
We were perfect for each other
No one else would dare compare, no
Thought that we were steadfast
But feelings don't last, oh no
But if you ever change your mind
Don't you dare come back to me crying
I want you back again
Cause though what we had was more than fine
I needed someone who would love me
More than he loved himself
You said you'd never lie
That you'd never make me cry my dear
Did you mean every word you said
Or were you messing with my head all these years
Were we perfect for each other
Or was this all just pretend oh
Seems it ended so fast
But feelings don't last oh no
But if you ever change your mind
Don't you dare come back to me crying
I want you back again
Cause though what we had was more than fine
I needed someone who would love me
More than he loved himself...
More than he loved himself... himself... himself
But if you ever change your mind
Don't you dare come back to me crying
I want you back again
Cause though what we had was more than fine
I needed someone who would love me
Seesaws and swings and pedal boat rides
You play with the light of the stars and your whispers are blown by the wind
But nothing you say can keep me from thinking the worst.
You got that look in your eyes, that I hate to know
I'm humming the song that I sing when I feel like I wanna go home
But nothing you say can keep me from thinking the worst
I guess that sometimes you can't help but fight
You're dynamite, dynamite
Now I see your fires, burning up in your eyes
Well somebody stamp out the flames 'cause salvation is coming tonight
But nothing I say can keep you from thinking the worst
I guess that sometimes you can't help but fight
You're dynamite, dynamite
Hear what I say, I'll keep it in line
We can't go on playing with fire
So hold on tight, dynamite, dynamite...
Hold out your hand let me lead you away
Oh and hold out your hand let me lead you away
Oh and hold out your hand let me lead you away
Oh and hold out your hand let me lead you away...
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woah oh oh oh
I guess that sometimes you can't help but fight
I guess that sometimes you think it's alright
I guess that sometimes you can't help but fight
Will you follow me now
From this old town I'll carry you home, carry you home
In your life, there's something I don't know
We all love, love you so
When you're lost, you can take my hand
We can find your promised land
Free like summer kisses, waterfalls and wishes
Beauty all around me, sunlight, sunlight
Free like summer kisses, waterfalls and wishes
Beauty all around me, sunlight, sunlight
Now you're miles away, hey, hey
And this whole place is dragging me down, dragging me
In your light, there's nothing I can show
You know I love, I love you so
When you're lost, you can take my hand
We can find our promised land
Free like summer kisses, waterfalls and wishes
Beauty all around me, sunlight, sunlight
Free like summer kisses, waterfalls and wishes
Beauty all around me, sunlight, sunlight
This heartache you're feeling, it's only love can heal
You want it, you got it, sunlight sunlight
Free like summer kisses, waterfalls and wishes
Beauty all around me, sunlight, sunlight
Lately I’ve started seeing, things it takes a little
faith to believe in
And it feels a little easier like you’ve got someone
holding your hand
So hang a bouquet from your pocket and if it starts a
conversation you can talk about the way it seems we’re
starting to discover we’re all in this thing together
after all
We can make it better, if we work together
Like a soul projector, I wanna see it this way
I wanna see it this way
I don’t belong on this planet but for the moment this is
where I am so no point in wasting this vacation, I wanna
see all I can.
And if some day I’m flying around it, I’d like to say I
left it better than it was the day I found it and I hope
that when I’m home I’ll recognise a couple faces I know
We can make it better, if we work together
Like a soul projector, We wanna see it this way
We wanna see it this way
da da daa da da daa da da da da da da daa
We can make it better, if we work together
Like a soul projector, I wanna see it this way
I wanna see it this way.
Yeaaah yeah yeah