Această lună va fi plină de evenimente cultural artistice în Cernavodă - Litoral TV
Seria evenimentelor cultural artistice continuă la Cernavodă - Litoral TV
Autostrada Cernavodă Constanţa, gata în 2012
Începând de astăzi, telespectatorii români au la dispoziţie o noua sursă de inspiraţie pentru călătoriile lor - televiziunea Travel Mix. Travel Mix îşi propu...
Nuclear Safety Programmes in Romania and Bulgaria - EEA and Norway Grants
This film informs about two Regional Excellence Programmes on Safe Nuclear Energy in Bulgaria and Romania.
Romanian programme background: The Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) agreed to fund an IAEA Extra Budgetary Programme (EBP) on safe nuclear energy in Romania. The programme aimed to reduce the risk o
The Hamangia Thinker / Ganditorul de la Hamangia
In 1956 in Cernavoda, Romania, near to the banks of the Danube, a strange neolithic statuette was discovered, dated to 4.000 – 3.500 BC. it represents a man in cogitant position, a motive for which it was baptized the Thinker. Since it belonged to the neolithic culture of Hamangia, she was named „Thinker of Hamangia“. In respect to this value, the UNESCO soon approved his being part of the Cultura
Aproximativ 50 de angajaţi ai societăţii Argos din Cernavodă au protestat - Litoral TV
Corul I.D. Chirescu Cernavoda Stralucitoare Veghe.wmv
Corul I.D.Chirescu din Cernavoda la festivalul cu acelasi nume sub conducerea maestrului dirijor Theodor Vladimir Radulescu.
Butmir is the oldest and best-known late Stone Age archaeological site in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was discovered in 1893 and represents the entire cultura...
DJ223 Cernavoda - Capidava - Horia - Saraiu august 2010
Podul de la Cernavoda 4K By iphone 5s
Doina Cernavoda si Ct pe G5 la Fundulea indoor
Cernavoda se pregăteşte să marcheze sărbătoarea vinului. Potrivit primarului Gheorghe Hânsă, după o vară lungă presărată cu evenimente cultural-artistice, a venit momentul ca producătorii din întreaga ţară să îşi expună roadele muncii din 2013.
Sute de lampioane au invadat în acest weekend centrul orașului Cernavodă - Litoral TV
Joan Baez!Edy Cernavoda!!!
Autorităţile locale din Cernavodă au început deja pregătirile pentru sezonul rece - Litoral TV
radio guerilla cernavoda live in calarasi
Caminul cultural din Saraiu a fost gazda Caravanei Litoral TV - Litoral TV
Badfish + Lady Cop -Stone Cold Culture
Kidzstock in Fairfax w/Joan Baez June 2010 Sublime's Badfish followed by LADY COP.
Elena Roxana Balan - Caminul Cultural Dumesti 2014
92.7 Cultural Mangalia peste Tananana
Autostrada Cernavodă Constanţa, gata în 2012
Începând de astăzi, telespectatorii români au la dispoziţie o noua sursă de inspiraţie pentru călătoriile lor - televiziunea Travel Mix. Travel Mix îşi propu......
Începând de astăzi, telespectatorii români au la dispoziţie o noua sursă de inspiraţie pentru călătoriile lor - televiziunea Travel Mix. Travel Mix îşi propu...
wn.com/Autostrada Cernavodă Constanţa, Gata În 2012
Începând de astăzi, telespectatorii români au la dispoziţie o noua sursă de inspiraţie pentru călătoriile lor - televiziunea Travel Mix. Travel Mix îşi propu...
Nuclear Safety Programmes in Romania and Bulgaria - EEA and Norway Grants
This film informs about two Regional Excellence Programmes on Safe Nuclear Energy in Bulgaria and Romania.
Romanian programme background: The Romanian Natio...
This film informs about two Regional Excellence Programmes on Safe Nuclear Energy in Bulgaria and Romania.
Romanian programme background: The Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) agreed to fund an IAEA Extra Budgetary Programme (EBP) on safe nuclear energy in Romania. The programme aimed to reduce the risk of nuclear accidents and improve preparedness and response of emergency organizations and personnel in Romania.
The programme consisted of ten projects that addressed the enhancement needs of CNCAN and the Romanian nuclear power plant operator Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN) regarding safety related activities. The programme had a special focus on the revision and establishment of regulatory instruments such as regulations, guidelines, documents and quality assurance of regulatory activities. Improvements were done in five focus areas: safety assessment, safety culture, capacity building, emergency preparedness and response, and management systems.
85% of the programme funds came from The EEA and Norway Grants and the grant organization Innovation Norway (project: 2008/115227) on the basis of an application from CNCAN, the programme promoter, and NRPA, the main programme partner partner. 15% of the programme funds came from Romania in form of cash and in-kind (human resources) contributions.
Bulgarian programme background: The programme on Safe Nuclear Energy in Bulgaria is analogous to the Romanian one, though smaller in scope and with technical differences due to distinction in the type of nuclear power plants.
The programme was initiated by the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA), NRPA and implemented as IAEA Extra Budgetary Programme (EBP) on safe nuclear energy in Bulgaria. 85% of the programme funds came from EEA and Norway Grants and Innovation Norway (project: 2008/115264). 15% of the programme funds came from Bulgaria in form of financial contributions. The programme consisted of four projects that addressed the enhancement needs of the BNRA and the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant regarding safety related activities. Improvements were done in two focus areas: safety assessment, and emergency preparedness and response.
Both Romanian and Bulgarian programme on Safe Nuclear Energy were concluded with a joint Bulgarian-Romanian exercise "Nautilus-2011" involving a transport of nuclear materials along the Danube River. All activities under two programmes were completed on 30 April 2011.
For more information:
Pavel Tishakov, project manager
Department for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety,
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority
wn.com/Nuclear Safety Programmes In Romania And Bulgaria Eea And Norway Grants
This film informs about two Regional Excellence Programmes on Safe Nuclear Energy in Bulgaria and Romania.
Romanian programme background: The Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) agreed to fund an IAEA Extra Budgetary Programme (EBP) on safe nuclear energy in Romania. The programme aimed to reduce the risk of nuclear accidents and improve preparedness and response of emergency organizations and personnel in Romania.
The programme consisted of ten projects that addressed the enhancement needs of CNCAN and the Romanian nuclear power plant operator Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN) regarding safety related activities. The programme had a special focus on the revision and establishment of regulatory instruments such as regulations, guidelines, documents and quality assurance of regulatory activities. Improvements were done in five focus areas: safety assessment, safety culture, capacity building, emergency preparedness and response, and management systems.
85% of the programme funds came from The EEA and Norway Grants and the grant organization Innovation Norway (project: 2008/115227) on the basis of an application from CNCAN, the programme promoter, and NRPA, the main programme partner partner. 15% of the programme funds came from Romania in form of cash and in-kind (human resources) contributions.
Bulgarian programme background: The programme on Safe Nuclear Energy in Bulgaria is analogous to the Romanian one, though smaller in scope and with technical differences due to distinction in the type of nuclear power plants.
The programme was initiated by the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA), NRPA and implemented as IAEA Extra Budgetary Programme (EBP) on safe nuclear energy in Bulgaria. 85% of the programme funds came from EEA and Norway Grants and Innovation Norway (project: 2008/115264). 15% of the programme funds came from Bulgaria in form of financial contributions. The programme consisted of four projects that addressed the enhancement needs of the BNRA and the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant regarding safety related activities. Improvements were done in two focus areas: safety assessment, and emergency preparedness and response.
Both Romanian and Bulgarian programme on Safe Nuclear Energy were concluded with a joint Bulgarian-Romanian exercise "Nautilus-2011" involving a transport of nuclear materials along the Danube River. All activities under two programmes were completed on 30 April 2011.
For more information:
Pavel Tishakov, project manager
Department for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety,
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority
- published: 21 Oct 2011
- views: 3419
wn.com/Percheziție La Cernavodă
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 25
The Hamangia Thinker / Ganditorul de la Hamangia
In 1956 in Cernavoda, Romania, near to the banks of the Danube, a strange neolithic statuette was discovered, dated to 4.000 – 3.500 BC. it represents a man in ...
In 1956 in Cernavoda, Romania, near to the banks of the Danube, a strange neolithic statuette was discovered, dated to 4.000 – 3.500 BC. it represents a man in cogitant position, a motive for which it was baptized the Thinker. Since it belonged to the neolithic culture of Hamangia, she was named „Thinker of Hamangia“. In respect to this value, the UNESCO soon approved his being part of the Cultural Patrimony of Mankind. // visit our blog for more : http://www.neokoolt.com/
wn.com/The Hamangia Thinker Ganditorul De La Hamangia
In 1956 in Cernavoda, Romania, near to the banks of the Danube, a strange neolithic statuette was discovered, dated to 4.000 – 3.500 BC. it represents a man in cogitant position, a motive for which it was baptized the Thinker. Since it belonged to the neolithic culture of Hamangia, she was named „Thinker of Hamangia“. In respect to this value, the UNESCO soon approved his being part of the Cultural Patrimony of Mankind. // visit our blog for more : http://www.neokoolt.com/
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 44
Corul I.D. Chirescu Cernavoda Stralucitoare Veghe.wmv
Corul I.D.Chirescu din Cernavoda la festivalul cu acelasi nume sub conducerea maestrului dirijor Theodor Vladimir Radulescu....
Corul I.D.Chirescu din Cernavoda la festivalul cu acelasi nume sub conducerea maestrului dirijor Theodor Vladimir Radulescu.
wn.com/Corul I.D. Chirescu Cernavoda Stralucitoare Veghe.Wmv
Corul I.D.Chirescu din Cernavoda la festivalul cu acelasi nume sub conducerea maestrului dirijor Theodor Vladimir Radulescu.
Butmir is the oldest and best-known late Stone Age archaeological site in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was discovered in 1893 and represents the entire cultura......
Butmir is the oldest and best-known late Stone Age archaeological site in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was discovered in 1893 and represents the entire cultura...
wn.com/Old Europe Butmir Culture 5500 4500 Bc Spirit Of The Past
Butmir is the oldest and best-known late Stone Age archaeological site in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was discovered in 1893 and represents the entire cultura...
wn.com/Sărbătoare La Cernavodă
- published: 13 Sep 2015
- views: 5
wn.com/Prejudiciu La Spitalul Cernavodă
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 11
Cernavoda se pregăteşte să marcheze sărbătoarea vinului. Potrivit primarului Gheorghe Hânsă, după o vară lungă presărată cu evenimente cultural-artistice, a ven...
Cernavoda se pregăteşte să marcheze sărbătoarea vinului. Potrivit primarului Gheorghe Hânsă, după o vară lungă presărată cu evenimente cultural-artistice, a venit momentul ca producătorii din întreaga ţară să îşi expună roadele muncii din 2013.
wn.com/Târguri De Toamnă
Cernavoda se pregăteşte să marcheze sărbătoarea vinului. Potrivit primarului Gheorghe Hânsă, după o vară lungă presărată cu evenimente cultural-artistice, a venit momentul ca producătorii din întreaga ţară să îşi expună roadele muncii din 2013.
- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 26
Badfish + Lady Cop -Stone Cold Culture
Kidzstock in Fairfax w/Joan Baez June 2010 Sublime's Badfish followed by LADY COP....
Kidzstock in Fairfax w/Joan Baez June 2010 Sublime's Badfish followed by LADY COP.
wn.com/Badfish Lady Cop Stone Cold Culture
Kidzstock in Fairfax w/Joan Baez June 2010 Sublime's Badfish followed by LADY COP.
- published: 04 Jul 2010
- views: 114
author: David Wong
Romanian Traditions in Motion Festival 1st Edition 2013 - Magura Play with Claudiu Bleont
Magura - Where legend is life is a romantic comedy written by George Smarandache that will immerse you in traditional, Romanian village life. Whether experie...
Inedit! Expoziție de icoane și colinde la Tribunalul Vâlcea
Etajul I al Tribunalului Vâlcea a fost gazda unui evenimet cultural inedit pentru o instituție de acest gen.
Șase artiști plastici au expus lucrări de pictură pe lemn si pe stică, sclupturi reprezentând scene biblice din Nașterea Domnului, icoane cu Maica Domnului, Sf Filofteia, sau Sf. Martiri Brâncoveni Mioara Comănescu, etc.
În centru atenției unui public select au fost Filofteia Pisăru, Cosm
Colinde de Crăciun 2 - CMSC "Sfântul Apostol Andrei" - Beclean
Concert de Colinde [2], organizat de CENTRUL MiSiONAR SOCiAL CULTURAL "Sfântul Apostol Andrei" din oraşul Beclean. Desfăşurarea a avut loc în data de 20.12.2012.
O carte, un adevar, o istorie- Si ei au fost la Periprava
Lt. col (r) Victor Epure, a lansat in sala de festivuitati a Caminului Cultural din Izvoarle,Olt, sambata 14 ianuarie 2012, volumul ,, Si ei au fost la Perip...
Corul Liceului de Arte Victor Giuleanu Valcea
Eveniment cultural-artistic dedicat Zilei Culturii Naţionale
Joi, 15 ianuarie 2015, în Holul Mare al Bibliotecii Judeţene "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea a avut loc un eveniment prilejuit de celebrarea a 165 de ani de la naşterea marelui nostru poet, Mihai Eminescu.
Cei prezenţi au vizionat documentarul "Eminescu, lumina culturii naţionale" realizat de Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea şi a
Travel Planet Donau - The Amazon River of Europe
Classified as an international waterway, it originates in the town of Donaueschingen—which is in the Black Forest of Germany—at the confluence of the rivers Brigach and Breg. The Danube then flows southeast for 1,914 km (1,189 mi), passing through four capital cities before emptying into the Black Sea via the Danube Delta in Romania and Ukraine.
Once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire,
Doctor Honoris Causa prof. Denes Berenyi
Data evenimetului: 26 martie 2010 Rectoratul, Consiliul Academic şi Facultatea de Fizică a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai vă invită să luaţi parte la ceremonia d...
14 iunie 2013 Inundatii comuna Pestera NO COMMENT
La porţile ceriului - Rusii lipoveni
Emisiunea Credincioși de rit Vechi Ruși Lipoveni din data de 17 mai 2012.avi
Sumarul emisiunii Credincioși de Rit Vechi, Rusi Lipoveni Din 17 mai 2012 Tema emisiunii Prezentarea tezei de doctorat și a activității literare a istoriculu...
Elena si Virgil din Cuza Voda CT Nunta 2
Dumbrava minunată a cailor!
Nuclear Security Summits: Impact and Assessment
The explosion of one crude nuclear device in one city would change our world forever. Since the end of the Cold War, a serious effort has been under way to f...
ansamblul MUGURELUL JR.la hotel PALACE Venus Constanta
Litoral TV- "Egalitatea in islam", interviu cu Bari Nerdin
Litoral TV- "Egalitatea in islam", interviu cu directorul centrului Islamul Azi din Constanta, dl. Bari Nerdin.
Prin însoritul judeţ.
© TVR Identități- Satul MANOLEA/ Деревня Маноля
Ideea monografiei satului Manolea, lucrare în curs de finalizare, a apărut cu mai mulți ani în urmă, când Leonte Ivanov lucra ca redactor şef al revistei bil...
Atacul hackerilor
Definitia patriotismului - d-na Rodica Belea din Timisoara artă populară
Târg popular la CORA Severin. Oameni fascinanţi şi fermecători aduşi pentru noi de CORA - pe lângă care trecem poate mult prea repede... Merită ascultată până la capăt această femeie minunată care este de fapt inginer hidrotehnician care a construit hidrocentrale...
Acest film este needitat, captat cu telefonul celular iar doamna Rodica are un har special de a povesti...
Prin Sibiu - Autostrada + strazi
Autostrada Sibiu
Romanian Traditions in Motion Festival 1st Edition 2013 - Magura Play with Claudiu Bleont
Magura - Where legend is life is a romantic comedy written by George Smarandache that will immerse you in traditional, Romanian village life. Whether experie......
Magura - Where legend is life is a romantic comedy written by George Smarandache that will immerse you in traditional, Romanian village life. Whether experie...
wn.com/Romanian Traditions In Motion Festival 1St Edition 2013 Magura Play With Claudiu Bleont
Magura - Where legend is life is a romantic comedy written by George Smarandache that will immerse you in traditional, Romanian village life. Whether experie...
Inedit! Expoziție de icoane și colinde la Tribunalul Vâlcea
Etajul I al Tribunalului Vâlcea a fost gazda unui evenimet cultural inedit pentru o instituție de acest gen.
Șase artiști plastici au expus lucrări de pictură ...
Etajul I al Tribunalului Vâlcea a fost gazda unui evenimet cultural inedit pentru o instituție de acest gen.
Șase artiști plastici au expus lucrări de pictură pe lemn si pe stică, sclupturi reprezentând scene biblice din Nașterea Domnului, icoane cu Maica Domnului, Sf Filofteia, sau Sf. Martiri Brâncoveni Mioara Comănescu, etc.
În centru atenției unui public select au fost Filofteia Pisăru, Cosmin Cristian Pisăru, Daniel Ilinca, Augustin - Cătălin Cantea, Ionelia - Irina Ionescu, Mihail - Marius Ionescu, ale căror lucrări au fost cumpărate în totalitate, însă vor fi admirate toată săptămâna.
Expoziţia se intitulează „Lumina Crăciunului” şi include lucrări de ţinută, pe lemn, sticlă şi chiar fragmente de frescă, dar şi câteva cruci din lemn şi alte obiecte.
Poate este mai neobişnuită o astfel de locaţie, însă spaţiul este unul generos şi în special, foarte “vizitat”, în plus,o mare parte din angajaţii Tribunalului sunt mari amatori de artă şi frumos, în general, fiind nişte obişnuiţi ai expoziţiilor. A participat şi fostul preşedinte al Tribunalului, Petre Dinescu, un mare împătimit de artă.
Organizatorul ineditei expoziții prof. dr. Florin Epure, directorul Direcţiei Judeţene pentru Cultură Vâlcea a explicat celor prezenți de ce a fost aleasă această locatie pentru respectivele lucrări. ( mai multe in Semnalul Oltului, Ramnicului si Argeșului)
Redctor Georgiana Raicu, op. imag Viorel Raicu, VGtv www.vgtvolt.cabanova.com
wn.com/Inedit Expoziție De Icoane Și Colinde La Tribunalul Vâlcea
Etajul I al Tribunalului Vâlcea a fost gazda unui evenimet cultural inedit pentru o instituție de acest gen.
Șase artiști plastici au expus lucrări de pictură pe lemn si pe stică, sclupturi reprezentând scene biblice din Nașterea Domnului, icoane cu Maica Domnului, Sf Filofteia, sau Sf. Martiri Brâncoveni Mioara Comănescu, etc.
În centru atenției unui public select au fost Filofteia Pisăru, Cosmin Cristian Pisăru, Daniel Ilinca, Augustin - Cătălin Cantea, Ionelia - Irina Ionescu, Mihail - Marius Ionescu, ale căror lucrări au fost cumpărate în totalitate, însă vor fi admirate toată săptămâna.
Expoziţia se intitulează „Lumina Crăciunului” şi include lucrări de ţinută, pe lemn, sticlă şi chiar fragmente de frescă, dar şi câteva cruci din lemn şi alte obiecte.
Poate este mai neobişnuită o astfel de locaţie, însă spaţiul este unul generos şi în special, foarte “vizitat”, în plus,o mare parte din angajaţii Tribunalului sunt mari amatori de artă şi frumos, în general, fiind nişte obişnuiţi ai expoziţiilor. A participat şi fostul preşedinte al Tribunalului, Petre Dinescu, un mare împătimit de artă.
Organizatorul ineditei expoziții prof. dr. Florin Epure, directorul Direcţiei Judeţene pentru Cultură Vâlcea a explicat celor prezenți de ce a fost aleasă această locatie pentru respectivele lucrări. ( mai multe in Semnalul Oltului, Ramnicului si Argeșului)
Redctor Georgiana Raicu, op. imag Viorel Raicu, VGtv www.vgtvolt.cabanova.com
- published: 20 Dec 2014
- views: 5
Colinde de Crăciun 2 - CMSC "Sfântul Apostol Andrei" - Beclean
Concert de Colinde [2], organizat de CENTRUL MiSiONAR SOCiAL CULTURAL "Sfântul Apostol Andrei" din oraşul Beclean. Desfăşurarea a avut loc în data de 20.12.2012...
Concert de Colinde [2], organizat de CENTRUL MiSiONAR SOCiAL CULTURAL "Sfântul Apostol Andrei" din oraşul Beclean. Desfăşurarea a avut loc în data de 20.12.2012.
wn.com/Colinde De Crăciun 2 Cmsc Sfântul Apostol Andrei Beclean
Concert de Colinde [2], organizat de CENTRUL MiSiONAR SOCiAL CULTURAL "Sfântul Apostol Andrei" din oraşul Beclean. Desfăşurarea a avut loc în data de 20.12.2012.
- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 105
O carte, un adevar, o istorie- Si ei au fost la Periprava
Lt. col (r) Victor Epure, a lansat in sala de festivuitati a Caminului Cultural din Izvoarle,Olt, sambata 14 ianuarie 2012, volumul ,, Si ei au fost la Perip......
Lt. col (r) Victor Epure, a lansat in sala de festivuitati a Caminului Cultural din Izvoarle,Olt, sambata 14 ianuarie 2012, volumul ,, Si ei au fost la Perip...
wn.com/O Carte, Un Adevar, O Istorie Si Ei Au Fost La Periprava
Lt. col (r) Victor Epure, a lansat in sala de festivuitati a Caminului Cultural din Izvoarle,Olt, sambata 14 ianuarie 2012, volumul ,, Si ei au fost la Perip...
Corul Liceului de Arte Victor Giuleanu Valcea
Eveniment cultural-artistic dedicat Zilei Culturii Naţionale
Joi, 15 ianuarie 2015, în Holul Mare al Bibliotecii Judeţene "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea a avut loc u...
Eveniment cultural-artistic dedicat Zilei Culturii Naţionale
Joi, 15 ianuarie 2015, în Holul Mare al Bibliotecii Judeţene "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea a avut loc un eveniment prilejuit de celebrarea a 165 de ani de la naşterea marelui nostru poet, Mihai Eminescu.
Cei prezenţi au vizionat documentarul "Eminescu, lumina culturii naţionale" realizat de Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea şi au ascultat câteva piese corale în interpretarea grupului coral de la Liceul de Arte "Victor Giuleanu", coordonat de prof. Doina Ghiţan.
Un moment special a fost oferit de soprana Monica Scurtu, acompaniată la pian de Irina Stratulat.
Întâlnirea s-a încheiat cu prezentarea proiectelor viitoare pe care biblioteca le va derula începând din această lună.
wn.com/Corul Liceului De Arte Victor Giuleanu Valcea
Eveniment cultural-artistic dedicat Zilei Culturii Naţionale
Joi, 15 ianuarie 2015, în Holul Mare al Bibliotecii Judeţene "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea a avut loc un eveniment prilejuit de celebrarea a 165 de ani de la naşterea marelui nostru poet, Mihai Eminescu.
Cei prezenţi au vizionat documentarul "Eminescu, lumina culturii naţionale" realizat de Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea şi au ascultat câteva piese corale în interpretarea grupului coral de la Liceul de Arte "Victor Giuleanu", coordonat de prof. Doina Ghiţan.
Un moment special a fost oferit de soprana Monica Scurtu, acompaniată la pian de Irina Stratulat.
Întâlnirea s-a încheiat cu prezentarea proiectelor viitoare pe care biblioteca le va derula începând din această lună.
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 2
Travel Planet Donau - The Amazon River of Europe
Classified as an international waterway, it originates in the town of Donaueschingen—which is in the Black Forest of Germany—at the confluence of the rivers Bri...
Classified as an international waterway, it originates in the town of Donaueschingen—which is in the Black Forest of Germany—at the confluence of the rivers Brigach and Breg. The Danube then flows southeast for 1,914 km (1,189 mi), passing through four capital cities before emptying into the Black Sea via the Danube Delta in Romania and Ukraine.
Once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire, the river passes through or touches the borders of ten countries: Romania (29.0% of basin area), Hungary (11.6%), Serbia (10.2%), Austria (10.0%), Germany (7.0%), Bulgaria (5.9%), Slovakia (5.9%), Croatia (4.4%), Ukraine (3.8%), and Moldova (1.6%).[4] Its drainage basin extends into nine more.
There are also some parcels of unclaimed land (terrae nullius) along the Danube's western coastline, due to a technicality in the Croatia–Serbia border dispute. Activist Vít Jedlička from the Czech Party of Free Citizens has proclaimed the micronation Liberland on the largest of these land masses.
The Danube is navigable by ocean ships from the Black Sea to Brăila in Romania and by river ships to Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany; smaller craft can navigate further upstream to Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. About 60 of its tributaries are also navigable.
Since the completion of the German Rhine–Main–Danube Canal in 1992, the river has been part of a trans-European waterway from Rotterdam on the North Sea to Sulina on the Black Sea, a distance of 3,500 km (2,200 mi). In 1994 the Danube was declared one of ten Pan-European transport corridors, routes in Central and Eastern Europe that required major investment over the following ten to fifteen years. The amount of goods transported on the Danube increased to about 100 million tons in 1987. In 1999, transport on the river was made difficult by the NATO bombing of three bridges in Serbia during the Kosovo War. Clearance of the resulting debris was completed in 2002, and a temporary pontoon bridge that hampered navigation was removed in 2005.
At the Iron Gate, the Danube flows through a gorge that forms part of the boundary between Serbia and Romania; it contains the Iron Gate I Hydroelectric Power Station dam, followed at about 60 km (37 mi) downstream (outside the gorge) by the Iron Gate II Hydroelectric Power Station. On 13 April 2006, a record peak discharge at Iron Gate Dam reached 15,400 m3/s (540,000 cu ft/s).
There are three artificial waterways built on the Danube: the Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal (DTD) in the Banat and Bačka regions (Vojvodina, northern province of Serbia); the 64 km (40 mi) Danube-Black Sea Canal, between Cernavodă and Constanţa (Romania) finished in 1984, shortens the distance to the Black Sea by 400 km (250 mi); the Rhine–Main–Danube Canal is about 171 km (106 mi), finished in 1992, linking the North Sea to the Black Sea.
The Danube Delta has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1991. Its wetlands (on the Ramsar list of wetlands of international importance) support vast flocks of migratory birds, including the endangered Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus). Rival canalization and drainage schemes threaten the delta: see Bystroye Canal.
The Danube Delta (Romanian: Delta Dunării pronounced [ˈdelta ˈdunərij]; Ukrainian: Дельта Дунаю, Del'ta Dunaju) is the largest river delta in the European Union, and is the most preserved on the continent. The greater part of the Danube Delta lies in Romania (Tulcea county), while its northern part, on the left bank of the Chilia arm, is situated in Ukraine (Odessa Oblast). The approximate surface is 4,152 km2 (1,603 sq mi), of which 3,446 km2 (1,331 sq mi) are in Romania. If one includes the lagoons of Razim-Sinoe (1,015 km2 (392 sq mi) of which 865 km2 (334 sq mi) water surface), which are located south of the delta proper, but are related to it geologically and ecologically (their combined territory is part of the World Heritage Site), the total area of the Danube Delta reaches 5,165 km2 (1,994 sq mi).
The waters of the Danube, which flow into the Black Sea, form the largest and best preserved of Europe's deltas. The Danube delta hosts over 300 species of birds as well as 45 freshwater fish species in its numerous lakes and marshes.
Although the headwaters of the Danube are relatively small today, geologically, the Danube is much older than the Rhine, with which its catchment area competes in today's southern Germany. This has a few interesting geological complications. Since the Rhine is the only river rising in the Alps mountains which flows north towards the North Sea, an invisible line beginning at Piz Lunghin divides large parts of southern Germany, which is sometimes referred to as the European Watershed.
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Classified as an international waterway, it originates in the town of Donaueschingen—which is in the Black Forest of Germany—at the confluence of the rivers Brigach and Breg. The Danube then flows southeast for 1,914 km (1,189 mi), passing through four capital cities before emptying into the Black Sea via the Danube Delta in Romania and Ukraine.
Once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire, the river passes through or touches the borders of ten countries: Romania (29.0% of basin area), Hungary (11.6%), Serbia (10.2%), Austria (10.0%), Germany (7.0%), Bulgaria (5.9%), Slovakia (5.9%), Croatia (4.4%), Ukraine (3.8%), and Moldova (1.6%).[4] Its drainage basin extends into nine more.
There are also some parcels of unclaimed land (terrae nullius) along the Danube's western coastline, due to a technicality in the Croatia–Serbia border dispute. Activist Vít Jedlička from the Czech Party of Free Citizens has proclaimed the micronation Liberland on the largest of these land masses.
The Danube is navigable by ocean ships from the Black Sea to Brăila in Romania and by river ships to Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany; smaller craft can navigate further upstream to Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. About 60 of its tributaries are also navigable.
Since the completion of the German Rhine–Main–Danube Canal in 1992, the river has been part of a trans-European waterway from Rotterdam on the North Sea to Sulina on the Black Sea, a distance of 3,500 km (2,200 mi). In 1994 the Danube was declared one of ten Pan-European transport corridors, routes in Central and Eastern Europe that required major investment over the following ten to fifteen years. The amount of goods transported on the Danube increased to about 100 million tons in 1987. In 1999, transport on the river was made difficult by the NATO bombing of three bridges in Serbia during the Kosovo War. Clearance of the resulting debris was completed in 2002, and a temporary pontoon bridge that hampered navigation was removed in 2005.
At the Iron Gate, the Danube flows through a gorge that forms part of the boundary between Serbia and Romania; it contains the Iron Gate I Hydroelectric Power Station dam, followed at about 60 km (37 mi) downstream (outside the gorge) by the Iron Gate II Hydroelectric Power Station. On 13 April 2006, a record peak discharge at Iron Gate Dam reached 15,400 m3/s (540,000 cu ft/s).
There are three artificial waterways built on the Danube: the Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal (DTD) in the Banat and Bačka regions (Vojvodina, northern province of Serbia); the 64 km (40 mi) Danube-Black Sea Canal, between Cernavodă and Constanţa (Romania) finished in 1984, shortens the distance to the Black Sea by 400 km (250 mi); the Rhine–Main–Danube Canal is about 171 km (106 mi), finished in 1992, linking the North Sea to the Black Sea.
The Danube Delta has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1991. Its wetlands (on the Ramsar list of wetlands of international importance) support vast flocks of migratory birds, including the endangered Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus). Rival canalization and drainage schemes threaten the delta: see Bystroye Canal.
The Danube Delta (Romanian: Delta Dunării pronounced [ˈdelta ˈdunərij]; Ukrainian: Дельта Дунаю, Del'ta Dunaju) is the largest river delta in the European Union, and is the most preserved on the continent. The greater part of the Danube Delta lies in Romania (Tulcea county), while its northern part, on the left bank of the Chilia arm, is situated in Ukraine (Odessa Oblast). The approximate surface is 4,152 km2 (1,603 sq mi), of which 3,446 km2 (1,331 sq mi) are in Romania. If one includes the lagoons of Razim-Sinoe (1,015 km2 (392 sq mi) of which 865 km2 (334 sq mi) water surface), which are located south of the delta proper, but are related to it geologically and ecologically (their combined territory is part of the World Heritage Site), the total area of the Danube Delta reaches 5,165 km2 (1,994 sq mi).
The waters of the Danube, which flow into the Black Sea, form the largest and best preserved of Europe's deltas. The Danube delta hosts over 300 species of birds as well as 45 freshwater fish species in its numerous lakes and marshes.
Although the headwaters of the Danube are relatively small today, geologically, the Danube is much older than the Rhine, with which its catchment area competes in today's southern Germany. This has a few interesting geological complications. Since the Rhine is the only river rising in the Alps mountains which flows north towards the North Sea, an invisible line beginning at Piz Lunghin divides large parts of southern Germany, which is sometimes referred to as the European Watershed.
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 2
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