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Nimes France
LIVE: Nimes 2015 Finals | Indoor Archery World Cup S3
Affaire à suivre - Feria de Nîmes
Metallica - Français Pour Une Nuit - Nîmes 2009, Full Concert
Pharrell Williams - HAPPY / WE ARE FROM NÎMES
Rammstein - Les Arènes de Nîmes (live)
Balade à Nîmes
Mark Knopfler - Nîmes 2010 =HD=
C'est pas sorcier -Pont du Gard et Arènes de Nîmes : L'architecture gallo-romaine
Marche républicaine Charlie Hebdo à Nîmes - 11/01/2015
Provence, France: Pont du Gard and Nîmes
Rammstein - Reise, reise (Völkerball) (Arènes De Nîmes) HD 1080p
Nouvel An 2015 Nîmes Concours Chant "Yasmi Pajyi Yang - Ntiaj Tej Tsaus Nti"
Lutte contre la délinquance à Nîmes Nimes, in the south of France, has several of Europe's best ancient Roman sites and a charming downtown with pedestrian lanes, a cathedral, and many things to see. The Roman temple and amphitheater are spectacular, and nearby you can visit Pont du Gard, the largest ancient aqueduct bridge ever built by the Romans.
Live recurve and compound finals from the third stage of the Indoor Archery World Cup in Nîmes, France. Order of play… Bronze matches: – compound women, men – recurve women, men Gold matches: – compound women, men – recurve women, men Commentary: English and French announcers (no live commentary) See more at and
C'est l'un des plus grands événements populaires de France. Chaque année, Nîmes voit déambuler près de 1 million de personnes dans ses rues. Deux fois par an, depuis 1952, la ville vit au rythme des ferias. Casitas, Bodegas, Corrida. Un petit air de Séville souffle sur les pavés. Pentecôte, au Printemps. Et Vendanges, fin septembre. Deux pics de fréquentation. Deux événements indispensables pour les commerçants, et pour l'économie de la ville. Les coulisses de la feria de Nîmes en 4 questions: La fiche émission: Toutes nos vidéos en replay sur
Track listing The Ecstasy of Gold (Intro) Blackened Creeping Death Fuel Harvester of Sorrow Fade to Black Broken, Beat & Scarred Cyanide Sad but True One All Nightmare Long The Day That Never Comes Master of Puppets Dyers Eve Nothing Else Matters Enter Sandman Stone Cold Crazy Motorbreath Seek & Destroy
J'ai passé la barre des 300 abonnés, du coup je suis super content ! ▻ ▻ Abonne toi si ça t'as fai...
Rammstein - Les Arènes de Nîmes full concert. France July 23th, 2005 1. Reise, Reise 2. Links 2 3 4 3. Keine Lust 4. Feuer frei 5. Asche zu Asche 6. Morgenst...
Balade à Nîmes.
Concert de Mark Knopfler - Nîmes 2010 =HD=
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3. C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science. Après avoir conquis la Gaule, les romains i...
Images de la marche républicaine pour #JeSuisCharlie de Nîmes où entre 40000 et 50000 personnes sont descendues dans la rue. Images du rassemblement avant le début de la marche, du cortège vu depuis le sol et depuis la grande roue. Vidéo réalisée en hommage aux victimes des attentats, mais également aux forces de sécurité et aux secours qui ont été mobilisés ces derniers jours.
More info about travel to Provence: In this video, we'll travel to France's Provence region to explore the P...
Rammstein -- Völkerball (Live Aux Arènes De Nîmes) Arènes De Nîmes, France 23 Juillet 2005 Playlist:
New Year 2015 Nîmes "Yasmi Pajyi Yang - Ntiaj Tej Tsaus Nti"
Sites webs/blogs, copiez cette vidéo avec le bouton "Intégrer" ! Si vous voulez télécharger, allez sur . Policiers, douaniers e...
Mike "The Flying Dutchman" Schloesser became this first archer in history to shoot a perfect 600 points on the 60-arrow ranking round at Nîmes 2015. That‘s after he became the first European in history to win the compound men’s division at The Vegas Shoot in 2014 and won the outdoor worlds in 2013! Reo Wilde has been at the top of the game for over a decade – and won more World Cup medals than any other. Full compound men’s gold medal match from the third stage of the Indoor Archery World Cup 2014/15 in Nîmes, France. Mike SCHLOESSER (NED) vs Reo WILDE (USA) All matches from this event: See more archery at and - - - - Athletes: Mike Schloesser; Reo Wilde Event: Nimes 2015 (13888) Competition: Compound Men Phase: Gold Match Tags: Full match Commentary: none
From the Live "français pour une nuit", outstanding performance.
"Scala & Kolacny Brothers-Engel", tonaufnahme Verwaltet von: 100:56 WMG "Rammstein-Los", tonaufnahme Verwaltet von: 111:53 UMG © Alle rechte vorbehalten. © Rammstein GbR. © Universal Musik GmbH, Germany. Rammstein GbR, bestehend aus: Richard Kruspe, Paul Landers, Till Lindemann, Christian Lorenz, Oliver Riedel, Christoph Schneider.ènes_de_Nîmes (EN) The Arena of Nîmes is a Roman amphitheater found in the French city of Nîmes. Built around 70 AD, it was re...
Rammstein -- Völkerball (Live Aux Arènes De Nîmes) Arènes De Nîmes, France 23 Juillet 2005 Playlist:
Inondation route de Beaucaire, près du pont de la voie ferrée à Nîmes, suite à l'orage de la nuit du 11/10/2014 après une première vague orageuse la nuit d'avant. Intervention des pompiers pour une voiture avec moteur noyé. Près de 50cm d'eau au plus fort de la crue par endroits, généralement de 20 à 40cm.
Omar s'invite sur scène.
Rammstein -- Völkerball (Live Aux Arènes De Nîmes) Arènes De Nîmes, France 23 Juillet 2005 Playlist:
Extrait de la mixtape à LIM - Violences Urbaines 4 disponible depuis le 19 Mai 2014 (Prod. La Baze Prod) Retrouvez toute son actu sur Facebook & Twitter : LIM 92 OFFICIEL : TOUS ILLICITES :
Résumé du match de Ligue 2 SM Caen 1-1 Nîmes Olympique du 13 mai 2014 à Michel d'Ornano.
Travel video about destination Nimes in France. For almost two thousand years an imposing Roman amphitheatre has dominated the French city of Nimes. Prior to the Romans the Celts established a settlement in Nimes. During the rule of Julius Caesar and Emperor Augustus the city grew in importance. The Arena was once the setting for gladiatorial battles but today it is matadors who fascinate their audiences during the Whitsuntide Feria. The amphitheatre was built in around 70 A.D. Nimes, or "Nemausus" as the Romans named their colony, developed into an important centre. In the 2nd century A.D. emperors Hadrian and Antonius Pius ordered the construction of two further splendid buildings, thus the town was enriched by fine architecture. In contrast to the famous Roman Arena at Arles the Nimes replica of the Colosseum still contains some well-preserved sections of the highest floor, the Attika. Today the beautiful view from the most highly elevated seats of the Amphitheatre extends across the rooftops of the picturesque old town of Nimes and its two thousand years of glorious history.
France South. Avignon Pont du Gard Nimes Arles Montpellier Sete My Travels Neil Walker.
Money-Talks-Travel-Guide present: Concert in Nimes, France, June 2009
Nimes Entdecken Sie mit dieser kostenlosen App die antike Stadt Nîmes, auch das "Rom Frankreichs" genannt. Viele eindrucksvolle Bilder mit kurzen Beschreibungen zeigen Ihnen die wichtigsten historischen und modernen Sehenswürdigkeiten sowie jährliche Events, kulinarische Spezialitäten. Kleine, spielerische Interaktionen wie ein Olivenspiel, Sand wegwischen, ein Karussel antreiben uvm. lassen Sie die Stadt auf ganz neue Weise kennenlernen. Zusätzlich finden Sie einen Offline-Plan der Region und der Stadt sowie eine Sprachenseite mit Audiobeispielen der wichtigsten Wörter in der Landessprache. Über die eingebundene Webseite des örtlichen Tourismusverbandes ist eine direkte Online-Buchungsmöglichkeit ebenfalls gegeben. Travel Appetizer machen mit ausgewählten Appetit-Happen in Bild, Ton und Interaktivität Lust auf eine Destination.
Nimes description: Entdecken Sie mit dieser kostenlosen App die antike Stadt Nîmes, auch das "Rom Frankreichs" genannt. Viele eindrucksvolle Bilder mit kurzen Beschreibungen zeigen Ihnen die wichtigsten historischen und modernen Sehenswürdigkeiten sowie jährliche Events, kulinarische Spezialitäten. Kleine, spielerische Interaktionen wie ein Olivenspiel, Sand wegwischen, ein Karussel antreiben uvm. lassen Sie die Stadt auf ganz neue Weise kennenlernen. Zusätzlich finden Sie einen Offline-Plan der Region und der Stadt sowie eine Sprachenseite mit Audiobeispielen der wichtigsten Wörter in der Landessprache. Über die eingebundene Webseite des örtlichen Tourismusverbandes ist eine direkte Online-Buchungsmöglichkeit ebenfalls gegeben. Travel Appetizer machen mit ausgewählten Appetit-Happen in Bild, Ton und Interaktivität Lust auf eine Destination.
Four cities in south of France, Medieval castle at Carcassonne; Roman coliseum at Nimes; Pope palace at Avignon
Preview of Jonnyandliz's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Nimes, France Entry Title: "Menton, Cacassone and Nimes" Entry: "As some of you have noticed we have been rather quiet for the last couple of weeks. That would be because since we've now finished travelling, we have been able to rest and psyche ourselves up for the uber blog. For those of you who can't get enough, here are the last installments of our travels on the continent.... After the cruise ended we headed to Menton, a lovely seaside city close to the Italian and French border. Yes it was a lovely town, but our impressions of it will always be marred because of 'the hill'. Our trusty Lonely Planet book mentioned our accommodation was less than 1 km away which is nothing compared to mileage we had been clocking up so naturally we trusted one of the most popular travel guides in the world. Silly us. What it failed to say was this 1km was based on taking a staircase up the side of this hill, so of course not knowing this we took the road. The route by road must have been a good 4km long and it was straight up the hill. It was the middle of the day and the temperature was over 30 degC. We almost died. The town itself was lovely though and we stayed for three nights. It wasn't as commercial as other parts of the Riviera and we actually found a beach with some sand on it. We spend our days eating olives and drinking ridiculously cheap wine. What more could you want? Next stop was nearly on the other side of France at an inland city called Carcassone. It was a good full day of rail travel along the south coast of France and then up towards Bordeaux. Once again the only hostel in town was a good 40min walk from the railway station, but man was it a great location. Carcassone is a bustling city with a massive fortified old town to its south which was where we were heading. Just like the UK castles it was perched on a hill with massive walls surrounding it and windy cobbled streets inside. Not many locals still live in the old town and it is very tourist orientated but a great spot none the less, especially for a budget hostel. We had dinner at a ****** restaurant and witnessed the most impressive thunder/lightning/rain storm we had ever seen. (It outdid the one in Beaune.) The cobbled streets started filling up with water and the old building shook every time the booming thunder came down. Impressive stuff - thankfully we were inside eating the worst meal of the trip, really dry chicken, and almost burnt chips.. Once the rain subsided we walked the city walls by night and enjoyed the novelty of wearing trousers (it had been over 1 month since we last had). As we were leaving Carcassone, we seriously considered calling it a day and heading back to the UK early. The exhaustion of having to figure every thing out was finally wearing us down, but as that would have meant spending loads of money and travelling over night we persevered and headed to our final stop, Nimes. We didn't make a conscious decision to go to Nimes. It just happened to be where there was a cheap flight at the right time, (thanks RyanAir), but it turns out there is plenty there to keep even the most jaded traveller occupied. It ended up being one of our favourite stops. Nimes boasts the most complete Roman temple anywhere, the most well-preserved amphitheatre outside Rome, and is a short drive from the biggest aqueduct in the world. As you should have figured out by now, Nimes' claim to fame is its Roman history. The temple is great to look at from the outside, but if you're expecting an authentic temple experience inside, you'll be disappointed. (We weren't, we only went inside because it was free for people staying at our hostel - score!) Instead of seeing a load of boring statues, we were treated to the best 3-D movie we have ever seen. Granted the story line was a little naff, but the visual effects were good enough to override any narrative cheesiness. The amphitheatre was nice to walk around and we now know more than we need to about bullfighting and gladiators. Typically we were a week late to see some real ..." Read and see more at: Photos from this trip: 1. "Aquaduct 1" 2. "Aquaduct 2" 3. "Aquaduct 3" 4. "Cacasonne 1" 5. "Cacasonne 2" 6. "Cacasonne 3" 7. "Cacasonne 4" 8. "Liz posing" 9. "Menton" 10. "Nimes Ampitheatre 1" 11. "Nimes Ampitheatre 2" 12. "Nimes Gardens" 13. "Nimes Temple" 14. "Oldies playing petanque" 15. "The lolly shop" 16. "When it rains it pours" See this TripWow and more at
The star attraction of Nimes is the worlds best-preserved ancient Roman amphitheater, Les Arenes. The arena is very similar in age and appearance to the Colo... Suivez notre reporter Mathieu à Nîmes, à la découverte des vestiges romains. La maison Carrée, la place du Forum, le temple de Diane, la tour Magne et les Arènes font de Nîmes la "Rome française". Aux halles, Mathieu goûte à la brandade de morue, avant de partir pour une oliveraie puis de découvrir le Clos Gayard. La route se termine devant le célèbre pont du Gard.
Gran Tour Iberica 2010, viaggio nella penisola Iberica attraversando il nord della Spagna e del Portogallo. Tappa a Nîmes.
Découvrez la Camargue et les sites à visiter autour de La Grande Motte : Aigues Mortes, la plage de l'Espiguette, le Pont du Gard, Nîmes, les Saintes Marie de la Mer, Sète... Discover the Camargue and the must-see sites around La Grande Motte. Residéal, votre résidence de vacances à La Grande Motte, vous invite à découvrir les lieux où vous pourrez vous rendre durant votre séjour au bord de la Méditerranée. Residéal, your tourist residence in La Grande Motte, invites you to visit the places you will like to see during your stay on the French Mediterranean coast.
FR : en TGV Duplex, un trajet direct entre Marseille-Saint-Charles et Nîmes. J'ai créé une fiche de route, pour ne pas avoir l'aide à la conduite sur l'écran. EN : in a TGV Duplex, an express travel between Marseille-Saint-Charles and Nîmes. I created a roadmap, in order not to have the driving assistance on the screen. Lien pour la route / Link for the route :
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, as he explores Nimes' The Pont du Gard in Provence. The major Roman Aqueduct stonework runs between Uzès and Nîmes in the South of France. Go to to check out the full Let's Go Travel Guide on Provence.
After visiting the Carcassonne area my wife & I went to see the Roman amphitheatre at Nimes. Then we travelled to the delightful city of Avignon where we vis...
Travel video about destination Provence. Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchanting region full of contrast.The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the fifth century, the mighty Abbaye Saint Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians. Aix-En-Provence, along with its numerous lanes, is one of the most beautiful cities in France. More than forty spectacular fountains help to cool down this ancient town in the hot months of summer when both foreign and French tourists visit the city. ‘Sur Le Pont D’Avignon’ are the words of the world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the bridge of the Pont Saint Bénézet but it is more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge as that is the location of its bars! For almost two thousand years an imposing Roman amphitheatre has dominated the city of Nîmes. It is the capital of the Departement Gard that is situated on the periphery of Provence. One of the most well preserved mediaeval fortifications in Europe surrounds the small town of Aigues-Mortes along the western periphery of the Camargue in the south of France. The town was established in 1240. From the city wall that is eleven metres high and six metres thick, there is a wonderful view across the rooftops of the impregnable city. With historic towns in which both the Romans and the Papacy felt at home, and with blossoming fields of lavender and ancient mountain villages, Provence is a land of sweet aromas and radiant light.
Nîmes is a city in southern France. It is the capital of the Gard department in the Languedoc-Roussilon. Nîmes has a rich history, dating back to the Roman E...
Emily and Jim travel around the South of France in 2002.
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, on his long journey from Cadeques, Spain to France, visiting Sombre, Nimes, and eventually Avignon. Avignon is cosidere...
Preview of Worldtraveller9's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos:
Pont du Gard, near Nimes. The giant Roman Aqueduct from 1st century.
This video is about 2014-07-16 Arena Arles
voyage Le 27 fév 2008 Photo Montage Musique: Scherzo-valse (extrait de 10 Pièces pittoresques) d'Emmanuel Chabrier.
Ryanair already operates at the Nîmes, Tarbes Lourdes Pyrénéens, and Tours airports, which are all ...
noodls 2015-03-24Marilyn Monroe was one of the first Hollywood starlets to be photographed in her cotton 'de Nîmes', ...
The Independent 2015-02-21The city of Montpelier joins the 40 other French cities that offer PayByPhone's mobile payment ...
noodls 2015-02-19Monaco, currently eighth in Ligue 1, have defeated Nîmes 2-0 in the round of 64, Evian TG by the ...
noodls 2015-02-12Paris, February 3, 2015 Mercialys announces BREEAM In-Use certification for the Cap Costières shopping center in Nîmes.
noodls 2015-02-03Visit StreetInsider. com at http: //www. streetinsider ... html for the full story.
StreetInsider 2015-02-03In December 2014, Mercialys acquired a further eight large food stores in Angers, Anglet, Fréjus, ...
noodls 2015-01-26... first Michelin star in 1988 at Roc en Val in Tours, and another at Cheval Blanc in Nîmes in 1991.
noodls 2015-01-09"Club president? ... Nîmes - Monaco Valencia - Real Madrid Montpellier - PSG Atlético Madrid - Real Madrid Real Madrid - Espanyol.
Goal 2015-01-04... including Ajaccio, Laval, Limoges, Lorient, Montauban, Nîmes, Niort, Pau, Perpignan and Vannes.
noodls 2014-12-15The other members of the delegation were Yvan Lachaud, Chairman of the Agglomeration Community of ...
noodls 2014-12-04... by such flagship projects as the Nîmes-Montpellier rail bypass and the Beaugrenelle shopping centre.
noodls 2014-12-04The Nîmes appeal court has awarded libel damages and costs of more than 91,000 euros jointly against ...
noodls 2014-11-29Coordinates: 43°50′16″N 4°21′39″E / 43.8378°N 4.3608°E / 43.8378; 4.3608
Nîmes (/niːm/; French: [nim]; Provençal Occitan: Nimes) is the capital of the Gard department in the Languedoc-Roussillon region in southern France. Nîmes has a rich history, dating back to the Roman Empire, and is a popular tourist destination.
The city derives its name from that of a spring in the Roman village. The contemporary coat of arms of the city of Nîmes includes a crocodile chained to a palm tree with the inscription COLNEM, for Colonia Nemausus, meaning the "colony" or "settlement" of Nemausus, the local Celtic god of the Volcae Arecomici. Veterans of the Roman legions who had served Julius Caesar in his Nile campaigns, at the end of fifteen years of soldiering, were given plots of land to cultivate on the plain of Nîmes.
The city was located on the Via Domitia, a Roman road constructed in 118 BC which connected Italy to Spain.
The site on which the built-up area of Nîmes has become established in the course of centuries is part of the edge of the alluvial plain of the Vistrenque River which butts up against low hills: to the northeast, Mont Duplan; to the southwest, Montaury; to the west, Mt. Cavalier and the knoll of Canteduc.
Mark Freuder Knopfler, OBE (born 12 August 1949) is a Scottish-born British guitarist, singer, songwriter, record producer and film score composer. He is best known as the lead guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter for the British rock band Dire Straits, which he co-founded in 1977. After Dire Straits disbanded in 1995, Knopfler went on to record and produce six solo albums, including Golden Heart (1996), Sailing to Philadelphia (2000), and Get Lucky (2009). He has composed and produced film scores for eight films, including Local Hero (1983), Cal (1984), and The Princess Bride (1987). In addition to his work with Dire Straits and as a solo artist and composer, Knopfler has recorded and performed with many prominent musical artists, including Phil Lynott, Chet Atkins, The Chieftains, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Jools Holland, Sonny Landreth, and Van Morrison. He has produced albums for Tina Turner, Bob Dylan, and Randy Newman.
Knopfler is one of the most respected fingerstyle guitarists of the modern rock era, and was ranked 27th on Rolling Stone magazine's list of 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. Knopfler and Dire Straits have sold in excess of 120 million albums to date. A four-time Grammy Award winner, Knopfler is the recipient of the Edison Award and the Steiger Award, and holds three honorary doctorate degrees in music from universities in the United Kingdom.
Take my hand my dear
We know that the time it is near
Be strong and be brave,my dear
Let me go now,let me go
How it came to this
It's not clear
Long and lonely nights
Now I fear
Though I need your hand to hold,
My dear
Let me go now,let me go
Let me go now,let me go
Take my hand my dear
We were drifting year after year
When we tried our best to fly,my dear
Let me go now,let me go
How it came to this
It's not clear
Long and lonely night
Now i fear
Be strong and be brave
My dear
Let me go now,let me go
Let me go now,let me go
Take my hand my dear
Love takes us far away from here
Tell me once again so I hear
Let me go now,let me go
Let me go now,let me go
Let me go now,let me go
Bist du nicht so 'n Typ der den Schickimicki Tick hat / jeden Tag 'ne Frau trifft
mit der er 'n _____ hat / 'n Blick hat wo keine Nein sagen kann, mit' m Geld
klickert was ich nicht ertragen kann / erwarten dann die Frauen daß du besser im
Bett bist / ach laber nicht die v__eln doch nicht weil du nett bist / die
woll'n nur deine Kohle man und 'n fettes Essen / und nach einer Woche Geschichte
vorbei vergessen / jetzt kaufste dir 'ne Neue / besorgst es ihr so richtig und
hälst nichts von Treue / doch bitte freue dich nicht zu früh du denkst du bist
so erwachsen / dabei bist du noch eigentlich'n Kind und machst Faxen / uh doch
die Scheisse die du jetzt getan hast / holt dich später wieder ein wie'n Date
bei deinem Zahnarzt / dir gehts nur um's Image, Prestige und Geld / leider alles
nur Fassade eigentlich biste gar kein Held /
uh du hast keinen Stil / kein Gehirn aber Scheine haste viel / du bist
nicht cool und du bringst nicht die Vibes / Mr. Noname besser wenn du mir vom
Leib bleibst /
Du hast 'ne Austrahlung wie 'ne Frikadelle mit Pommes / ich mein jeder hier
weiss das du 'n Arsch bist wie kommt es / das so viele Mädels immer in deinem
Auto abhängen / es ist doch nur die Kohle denn die sind dir doch um Längen /
voraus ich meine du tust als ob du voll der Harte wärst / obwohl du bei mir
immer voll den Smarten fährst / leerst 'ne Dose bier erst nach drei Stunden / da
frag' ich dich ey wo hamse dich 'n gefunden / hey Sinker mach mal Blinker wieder
rein / schlägst eh dein ganzes Leben nie 'ne andere Richtung ein / komm mal
runter erweiter lieber deine Horizonte / schon in der Ori konnte der Harry
Belafonte / der Untauglichkeit Mädels um den Finger wickeln / ich versteh nich
wie man auf so 'n dummen Geldsack mit Pickeln / reinfall'n kann an alle Chicks
und Amigos / hier kommt Mr. Noname a.k.a. Ziehlos /
uh du hast keinen Stil / kein Gehirn aber Scheine haste viel / du bist
nicht cool und du bringst nicht die Vibes / Mr. Noname besser wenn du mir vom
Leib bleibst /
An alle Nonames mit ihren dicken Schlitten / inmitten eurer Anwesenheit darf
ich bitten / verschont mich den Autos dem Labern den Chicks / den Fahrern dem
Mix aus Posen und Tricks / eurer nehm ich mich nich an du machst auf Brecher /
bist furchtbar aufgepumpt doch 'n ganzen schlechter Stecher/ der Rächer der
Entnervten macht jetzt 'n Abgang / Film aus Schnitt Cut der Abspann /