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David Howard (VI)


David was born in Cedar City, Utah, and raised in Arizona. See more trivia »
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3 wins. See more awards »


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 1999 Galaxy Quest (screenplay) / (story)

Personal Details

Other Works:

Wrote Adam Alone (2001), a hilarious and fanciful treatment of the story of Adam and Eve that explores what might have happened had Adam refused to partake of the fruit after Eve did. In this satirical view of the sexes, Eve leaves the garden and begins to experience the challenges of mortality, while Adam remains blissfully ... See more »

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Personal Quote:

In plays...out of have to deal with language and ideas, whereas converting ideas into visuals involves using a whole different part of your brain. There is a transition to be made there. So, I suppose I would encourage any writer to write a play, for a number of reasons. First of all, because it forces you to deal with ideas rather than just blowing things up, or creating special ... See more »


David was born in Cedar City, Utah, and raised in Arizona. See more »

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A genius, with only Galaxy Quest to show for it? vaughnmcash2
Wow... midgetman94
IS THERE AIR? magunga
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