The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

Could Ferguson, New York or South Carolina happen here? Answer: It already has

"Science tells us, we [police officers] have limited time. Action is always faster than reaction. So what we are telling officers is, they have to understand that if you're waiting for a person to do something, chances are, you're going to be behind the curve, and you're going to have to play catch-up. Our policy, as it's written, states that an officer does not have to wait for a person to act first. But what we want an officer to be able to do is to look at the situation based on what we know about how a person may attack, assault, resist or run; and understand, that maybe, just maybe, we [police officers] want to act first in that situation."

Urbana IMC Celebrates our Collective Victory for Internet Freedom

WE DID IT! This morning the FCC voted 3-2 to adopt rules that prevent Internet service providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon from blocking, throttling or otherwise discriminating against Web traffic and services. “The UCIMC was founded on the principle of media access, rights and representation – especially for underrepresented communities and perspectives,” shared 

C-U Black Activists Call for Diversity and Access at the University of Illinois

Two long-time African-American community activists, Terry Townsend and Martel Miller, will be holding a press conference on Friday, Feb. 27, 4 p.m. at the University YMCA in the Board Room (1001 S Wright St., Champaign). They are releasing a report documenting the failure of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to fulfill its land grant mission of providing accessibility to all residents of Illinois, particularly its African-American residents.

Civil Rights and Media Activists Rally in Front of AT&T, Demanding Internet Freedom

Champaign, IL – Despite the snow storm, a crowd of civil rights activists and supporters gathered outside of AT&T store today, demanding the company and other Internet service providers (ISPs) nationwide #DontBlockMyInternet.

See more photos from the protest here. Photos available for use. Please credit: Jeffrey Putney

Watch the video of Aaron Ammons open the rally.

April 19: Coalition for Police Demilitarization to Deliver Statement to County Board

On Thursday, Feb. 19, the Coalition for Police Demilitarization will make its first appearance before the Champaign County Board. The attached statement agreed to by the entire coalition, an assembly of 23 different groups, will be delivered by Rev. Melinda Carr, of the Ministerial Alliance of Champaign and Vicinity during public comment (the meeting begins at 6:30 p.m., with public comment near the beginning). We are a coalition of students, community members, people of faith, labor organizations, artists, civil libertarians, and people across racial and ethnic lines concerned about the growing trend of police militarization.

FCC Is moving to support internet freedom

UCIMC joins MAG-Net and allies in counting down the days to the most historic FCC vote of our lifetimes. We applaud Chairman Wheeler for listening to the 7+ million public comments and coming out in support of Net Neutrality. We expect the FCC to vote in favor of the people and against the Comcast/Verizon/ATT oligopoly. Click below to call your rep and tell them "don't stand in the way of the FCC - stand up for Net Neutrality!"

***We'll be having a watch party at the IMC Thursday, Feb. 26, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Join the Facebook page here.

Urbana Council Votes 6-1 to Get Tasers for Police

Despite overwhelming opposition, tonight Urbana City Council voted to allow the Urbana Police Department to carry tasers. Tasers are weapons that use 50,000 watts of power to temporarily disable people. Although referred to as non-lethal, they have been linked to over 600 deaths in the US.

Reclaiming MLK's Radical Roots

'History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.' -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.CUCPJ and UCIMC will host “Reclaiming MLK’s Radical Roots” as part of a national effort to bring the #BlackLivesMatter movement into the New Year.  The event will be:

250 Rally, Sing, Pray, and Shut Down Main Street to call for Justice in Ferguson, and Champaign

The day after the announcement that no charges will be brought against the police officer that killed unarmed 18 year old Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, over 250 people took to the streets in Urbana as part of a national call to action. A diverse group -- representing campus and community, black, white and brown, young and old -- chanted, sang, shared poetry, and marched in a "circle of hope" between the Champaign County Courthouse and the Sheriff's office and county jail. See photo gallery. Watch the rally on Urbana Public TV

CUCPJ Opposes Taser Purchase and Policy in Urbana





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