Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
President Assad Interview with Charlie Rose-CBSNEWS| 29 Mar 2015
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
President al-Assad swearing-in ceremony & full milestone speech
Bashar al-Assad Interview with Fox News Part 1
President Bashar al Assad celebrates New Year's Eve with Syrian Army on the battlefront
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
President Assad Interview with Charlie Rose-CBSNEWS| 29 Mar 2015
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
President al-Assad swearing-in ceremony & full milestone speech
Bashar al-Assad Interview with Fox News Part 1
President Bashar al Assad celebrates New Year's Eve with Syrian Army on the battlefront
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
Assad to RT: 'I'm not Western puppet - I live and die in Syria' (EXCLUSIVE)
Documentary series About Secret World of Bashar al-Assad( english translation) part 1(
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad interview with Portuguese State Television, RTP
Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News
Bashar Al-Assad Song - 2015 Music Video
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
How Bashar al-Assad Destroyed Syria
Mengapa Syiah Mendukung Pembantaian Sunni di Suriah?
Syrian Alawis: "We worship Bashar al-Assad before Allah.."
Entrevista de Bashar al Assad à TV Portuguesa
Entrevista Especial con el presidente de Siria Bashar Al-Assad, TeleSur
Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
SYRIA: Bashar al Assad Charlie Rose Interview (full)
Intervista del Presidente Bashar Al-Assad con il canale RaiNews 24,
Full Interview of Syrian President Bashar Assad with Fox News in Damascus (Aired Sep 18, 2013)
Pujadas interview Bachar Al-Assad - Exclusif France2
Entrevista completa al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad (En español)
Charlie Rose | Bashar al-Assad - President of Syria
bashar asaad dan Syiah Nushairiyah menentang ALLAH SWT 1
السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد يؤدي صلاة عيد الفطر المبارك في جامع الحمد بدمشق 17/7/2015
Entrevista exclusiva con el presidente Bashar Al Assad
Syrian President Dr. Bashar Assad Full Interview with Mayadeen
Zionists and USA Set to Kill Bashar al Assad and Vladmir Putin 06-04-2015 ~ Sheikh Imran Hosein
President Bashar Al-Assad's Interview with italian RaiNews 24 channel.
Full Speech of Dr. Bashar al-Assad President of the Syrian Arab Repubblic, Damascus 06/01/2013
في شهر الخير والبركة حفل إفطار جماعي في بانياس
حكاية جديدة و ذكريات شكلت محطة بذاكرة ما .
الإخبارية السورية || يوميات سورية 13/7/2015
الإخبارية السورية || يوميات سورية 11-7-2015
الإخبارية السورية || يوميات سورية 12-7-2015
Allah, Syria and Bashar!
US John Kerry willing to talk with Bashar al Assad
Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Interview On Fox News [Full] [HD] September 18, 2013
US, Saudis to target Syria’s Assad along with ISIL
Syria News 13/5/2015, President al-Assad received Chairman of the Iranian Shura Council
دير الزور تشهد عمليات مكثفة ضد التجمعات الإرهابية
Qasem Soleimani
نصائح طبية - كيفية التغلب على التخمة في رمضان
ساعة إخبارية "الثامنة صباحاً" 12/7/2015 رائف مرعي
Bashar al-Assad Interviewed by French TV on 19 April 2015
وحدة من الجيش و المقاومة اللبنانية تتقدم في الزبداني
الإخبارية السورية || ساعة اخبارية11-7-2015 جلال ابراهيم
الإخبارية السورية || النشرة الرئيسية11-7-2015 ربى الحجلي
استديو الحدث 11-7-2015 حسين الفياض
Syrian Civil WarMilitary Conflict Bashar al Assad's Tanks Attack Rebel In Jobar 720p
Rebels Failiqus Syam Participated in the Liberation of Sanqul Village From Bashar al Assad's Regime
Syrian Rebels Attack Bashar al Assad's Aleppo clashes Al Hosh in northern countryside June 2015 72
Bashar al Assad's T 72 Tanks Ambush in Daraa, Syria 720p