Obama-hurmos laantui maailmalla

photo: AP / Joseph Kaczmarek

Kiinalaiset ovat menettäneet luottamuksensa Yhdysvaltain presidenttiin Barack Obamaan. Tänään julkaistun kyselyn mukaan Obamaan uskoo enää alle 40 prosenttia kiinalaisista, kun kolme vuotta sitten hänen takanaan oli runsaat 60...

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US President Barack Obama's full speech at a Delhi townhall

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Barack Obama Singing Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen

Barack Obama Singing Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
This is crazy. Watch it maybe? If you like this video, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks :) Check out our website! http://baracksdubs.com Like on Facebook for updates! http://facebook.com/baracksdubs Or if you're a tweeter: http://twitter.com/baracksdubs SWAG SHIRT | Only 200 available! http://bit.ly/obamaswag MORE SHIRTS: http://baracksdubs.spreadshirt.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/baracksdubs Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/baracksdubs MTVACT/MTVPowerof12! (http://twitter.com/mtvact | http://twitter.com/mtvpowerof12) Credits: Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWNaR-rxAic Video content from whitehouse.gov public domain. Audio content is an instrumental beat made by Steve Shane (@steveshane) and Matty Trump (@mattytrump). -- Barack Obama (US President) barack obama Call Me Maybe dub parody singing autotune Carly Rae Jepsen carly rae jepsen baracksdubs Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/syw/

President Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address

President Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address
President Barack Obama delivers his sixth State of the Union address, at the United States Capitol, January 20, 2015.

The Speech that Made Obama President

The Speech that Made Obama President
In 2004, a one-term senator from Illinois took the stage to deliver the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. By the time Barack Obama had finished speaking, Democrats across the country knew they had seen the future of their party. Political speech experts featured in this episode include: Michael A. Cohen Author, Live From The Campaign Trail Mario Cuomo Former Governor of New York Robert Lehrman Chief Speechwriter for Vice President Gore and Professor of Speechwriting, American University Charlton McIlwain Professor of Communication, New York University Jeff Shesol Speechwriter for President Clinton and Founding Partner, West Wing Writers PODIUM is a bi-weekly series that embraces the art of public speaking and honors those with something to say. From historic political speeches, to contemporary commencement addresses, to wedding toasts, the series explores various genres of speechmaking and provides inspiring, insightful analysis including "how-to" content. Created and produced by @radical.media, THNKR gives you extraordinary access to the people, stories, places and thinking that will change your mind. Follow @THNKR on Twitter for the latest! Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thnkrtv Check out what we're into on Tumblr: http://thnkrtv.tumblr.com/

First Presidential Debate: Obama vs. Romney (Complete HD - Quality Audio)

First Presidential Debate: Obama vs. Romney (Complete HD - Quality Audio)
President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney discuss domestic policy in the first debate of the 2012 presidential election from Denver, Colorado. Subscribe to The Daily Conversation http://bit.ly/WZnLnd Join the conversation on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thedailyconversation Add TDC to your circles on Google+ https://plus.google.com/100134925804523235350/posts Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/thedailyconvo Keywords: First Presidential Debate Barack Obama Mitt Romney Complete Full Election 2012 Governor Republican Democrat Domestic Policy Economy Jobs Entitlements Social Security Medicare Obamacare Affordable Health Care Act Recession Recovery Role Government Policy Issues Michelle Debt Jim Lehrer PBS Denver Economics Plan Federal News Politics USA America United States Campaign Vote Joe Biden Paul Ryan Conservative Liberal Congress Senate "Barack Obama (US President)" Education Teachers Schools CC Closed Captions 2014 State of the Union

Election 2012 | Obama's Complete Victory Speech | The New York Times

Election 2012 | Obama's Complete Victory Speech | The New York Times
Obama's 2012 Presidential Acceptance Speech. Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nytvideo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nytimes Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nytimes/ Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube. Election 2012 | Obama's Complete Victory Speech | The New York Times http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNewYorkTimes

American Stories, American Solutions: 30 Minute Special

American Stories, American Solutions: 30 Minute Special
Obama 2012: Are you in? http://my.barackobama.com/30minvid Visit http://www.BarackObama.com for more information.

U S President Barack Obama's Speech From SiriFort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015 HD

U S President Barack Obama's Speech From SiriFort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015 HD
Obama's Speech From Siri Fort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015 [SpellBound Speech] FULL SPEECH Obama's Speech From Siri Fort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015 [SpellBound Speech] FULL SPEECH US President Obama's Great Speech in India at SiriFort New Delh 27 Jan 2015 U S President Barack Obama's Speech From SiriFort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015 U S President Barack Obama's Speech From SiriFort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015 U S President Barack Obama's Speech From SiriFort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015

Election 2012 | Obama vs. Romney: Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate | The New York Times

Election 2012 | Obama vs. Romney: Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate | The New York Times
The second presidential town hall debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in the run up to the general election in November. Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nytvideo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nytimes Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nytimes/ Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube. Election 2012 | Obama vs. Romney: Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate | The New York Times http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNewYorkTimes

Obama In India: US President Barack Obama reaches Rashtrapati Bhavan

Obama In India: US President Barack Obama reaches Rashtrapati Bhavan
The Indian PM Narendra Modi and President Pranab Mukherjee officially welcomed Obama upon reaching Rashtrapati Bhavan For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.com/abpnewsTV

US President Barack Obama In India: PM Narendra Modi Recieves Obama

US President Barack Obama In India: PM Narendra Modi Recieves Obama
Subscribe Now To Our Network Channels :- Times Now : http://goo.gl/U9ibPb The NewsHour Debate : http://goo.gl/LfNgFF ET Now : http://goo.gl/5XreUq US President Barack Obama on Sunday (January 25)arrived here on a three-day visit during which both sides will seek to break the deadlock in operationalising the civilnuclear pact, firm up a defence cooperation agreement besides broadening ties in areas like trade and investment.In a departure from protocol, Prime Minister Narendra Modi received Obama, who was accompanied by his wife Michelle and a high-level delegation, at the Palam airport. Modi and Obama hugged each other, reflecting their personal chemistry. Obama will be the first US President to grace the Republic Day parade as the Chief Guest tomorrow. Social Media Links :- Facebook - http://goo.gl/CC7rGc G+ - http://goo.gl/O1iEp5 Twitter - http://goo.gl/uHYsqP Also visit our website - http://goo.gl/XPUXe8

Obama Speech: 'A More Perfect Union'

Obama Speech: 'A More Perfect Union'
Obama 2012: Are you in? http://my.barackobama.com/moreperfectvid Barack Obama speaks in Philadelphia, PA at Constitution Center, on matters not just of race ...

U S President Barack Obama's Speech From SiriFort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015

U S President Barack Obama's Speech From SiriFort New Delhi ,India 27 Janaury 2015
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PM Narendra Modi & US President Barack Obama in "Mann Ki Baat"

PM Narendra Modi & US President Barack Obama in
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barack Obama jointly addressed "Mann Ki Baat" programme on All India Radio on Tuesday, 27th Jan, 2015.

Kid President meets the President of the United States of America

Kid President meets the President of the United States of America
After previously only speaking via can and string, Kid President and President Barack Obama finally meet face to face. The two met in the Oval Office to discuss how kids and grown-ups can work together to change the world. This meeting is proof that dreams can come true and ordinary people can do extraordinary things. Thank you for watching and spreading the Kid President message! You made this happen. Footage courtesy of The White House. Featuring the song "Next to Me" by Sleeping At Last (http://sleepingatlast.com) http://twitter.com/iamkidpresident http://facebook.com/kidpresident Kid President is a family project started by Brad Montague and Robby Novak. We believe kids and grown ups can change the world. We're on a mission to spread good. Find out more at http://kidpresident.com Subscribe to our youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=SoulPancake Buy our book! http://book.soulpancake.com Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/SoulPancake Tweet us at: http://twitter.com/SoulPancake

Vardaat: Super-tight security for US President Barack Obama

Vardaat: Super-tight security for US President Barack Obama
As many as 500 US Secret Service agents, 10,000 NSG and paramilitary soldiers, 80,000 Delhi Police men, one Air Force-1 plane, three marine-1 helicopters, six fighter planes, 16,000 guests will be put in place for the safety of US President Barack Obama during his four-day visit to India for Republic Day celebrations. Follow us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/aajtaktv?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aajtak Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aajtak

President-Elect Barack Obama in Chicago

President-Elect Barack Obama in Chicago
Obama 2012: Are you in? http://my.barackobama.com/preselectvid Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States on November 4th, 2008 in Chic...

US President Barack Obama addresses town hall meeting

US President Barack Obama addresses town hall meeting
President of the US Barack Obama interacts with students

PM Modi & President Obama Joint Address at US-India CEO Forum meeting

PM Modi & President Obama Joint Address at US-India CEO Forum meeting
Prime Minister Narendra Modi & US President Barack Obama Joint Address at US-India CEO Forum meeting in New Delhi

Election 2012 | Obama vs. Romney: Complete 3rd Presidential Debate | The New York Times

Election 2012 | Obama vs. Romney: Complete 3rd Presidential Debate | The New York Times
President Obama and Mitt Romney wrapped up a series of defining debates on Monday night with a bristling exchange over America's place in the world as each sought to portray the other as an unreliable commander in chief in a dangerous era. Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/timesvideonewsletter Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nytvideo Instagram: http://instagram.com/nytvideo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nytimes Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nytimes Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube. Election 2012 | Obama vs. Romney: Complete 3rd Presidential Debate | The New York Times http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNewYorkTimes

President Obama’s Message at the 2015 GRAMMY Awards

President Obama’s Message at the 2015 GRAMMY Awards
Join the "It's On Us" campaign to stop violence against women by taking the pledge at ItsOnUs.org. President Obama delivers a message about “It’s On Us” at the 2015 GRAMMY Awards on Sunday, February 8, 2015.

PM Narendra Modi welcomes US President Barack Obama at airport

PM Narendra Modi welcomes US President Barack Obama at airport

US President Barack Obama heads for India

US President Barack Obama heads for India
As President Barack Obama headed to India the White House called it a "genuine honour" and said he was very interested in injecting a new energy and vitality into the US-India relationship.

US President Barack Obama wraps up three-day visit to India

US President Barack Obama wraps up three-day visit to India
President Barack Obama said the US could be India's "best partner" as he wrapped up a three-day visit, highlighting the shared values of the world's biggest democracies. Mr Obama and his wife Michelle flew out on Air Force One a short while ago. Watch more videos: http://www.ndtv.com/video?yt

US President Barack Obama's Address To India at The Siri Fort - FULL SPEECH

US President Barack Obama's Address To India at The Siri Fort - FULL SPEECH
Subscribe Now To Our Network Channels :- Times Now : http://goo.gl/U9ibPb The NewsHour Debate : http://goo.gl/LfNgFF ET Now : http://goo.gl/5XreUq Making a strong pitch for religious tolerance, US President Barack Obama on Tuesday (January 27) said every person has the right to practice his faith without any persecution and that India will succeed so long it is not "splintered" on religious lines. Addressing a Town hall event at the Siri Fort auditorium on the third and final day of his visit to India, Obama also said that America can be India's "best partner". Social Media Links :- Facebook - http://goo.gl/CC7rGc G+ - http://goo.gl/O1iEp5 Twitter - http://goo.gl/uHYsqP Also visit our website - http://goo.gl/XPUXe8

U S President Barack Obama Speaks at the SIRI FORT, New Delhi INDIA 27-jan-2015 [FULL SPEECH]

U S President Barack Obama Speaks at the SIRI FORT, New Delhi INDIA 27-jan-2015 [FULL SPEECH]
U S President Barack Obama Speaks at the SIRI FORT, New Delhi INDIA 27-jan-2015 [FULL SPEECH] US President Barack Obama has addressed a town hall-style meeting with young people in Delhi on the final day of his visit to India. The US can become India's "best partner", Mr Obama told the gathering of university students and activists. Speaking at a joint business forum in Delhi on Monday, Mr Obama said there was "much untapped potential" in the US-Indian economic relationship. He was also the chief guest at India's Republic Day military parade.

US President Obama tries SRK DDLJ dialogue: Senorita, bade bade deshon mein

US President Obama tries SRK DDLJ dialogue: Senorita, bade bade deshon mein
US President Barack Obama was seen trying Shah Rukh Khan's (SRK) famous Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jaayenge (DDLJ) dialogue, saying Senorita, Bade Bade Deshon Mein. For all top and best news stories happening all around you SUBSCRIBE to http://www.youtube.com/user/MangoNews?sub_confirmation=1 For all the news and latest updates, like us @ https://www.facebook.com/MangoNews Follow us on Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/Mango_News Check us out on Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+mangonews Visit us @ http://themangonews.com

President Obama Delivers a Statement on Cuba

President Obama Delivers a Statement on Cuba
On December 17, 2014, President Obama delivered remarks on next steps he’s taking to chart a new course on U.S.-Cuba relations.

PM Narendra Modi & US President Barack Obama Joint presser

PM Narendra Modi & US President Barack Obama Joint presser
PM Narendra Modi & US President Barack Obama Joint presser