
22 Monywa Standing Buddha, Myanmar (Burma)
We Said Go Travel http://www.wesaidgotravel.com/ During our drive we could begin to see th...
published: 12 May 2013
author: WeSaidGoTravel
22 Monywa Standing Buddha, Myanmar (Burma)
22 Monywa Standing Buddha, Myanmar (Burma)
We Said Go Travel http://www.wesaidgotravel.com/ During our drive we could begin to see the 420ft tall Buddha and the lying Buddha which is also enormous. It...- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 285
- author: WeSaidGoTravel

Bodhisattva - Chinese Standing Buddha
This video is a single take from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. I usually favor Japanese...
published: 27 Dec 2008
author: Daibusshi
Bodhisattva - Chinese Standing Buddha
Bodhisattva - Chinese Standing Buddha
This video is a single take from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. I usually favor Japanese sculpture, but this particular Bodhisattva was exceptional, compar...- published: 27 Dec 2008
- views: 517
- author: Daibusshi

The Four Standing Buddha Images in the Ananda Temple,Bagan
The Ananda Temple in Bagan,Myanmar
The Ananda temple was erected by king Kyansittha in 10...
published: 31 Oct 2013
The Four Standing Buddha Images in the Ananda Temple,Bagan
The Four Standing Buddha Images in the Ananda Temple,Bagan
The Ananda Temple in Bagan,Myanmar The Ananda temple was erected by king Kyansittha in 1090 A.D.It is filled with Myanmar architectural mansonry so that the visitors from abroad extol its architectural beauty and splendor. Unlike other shrine,which have only one main entrance,this temple has four entrances,four different directions so that it was built in the shape of a cross.Only one other religious temple,the Dhammayangyi was built in a similar shape. The rectangular shaped wings on each side measure 200 feet wide with the entrance gate a little lower.The height of the shrine is about 172 feet.From one end of the wing to the other opposite end it is 289 feet.The walling from east to west is 596 feet,and from north to south is 592 feet.The shrine consists of seven tiers There are three circular walkways.The extreme outer walkway is meant for all pilgrims,the middle one is for the royalty,and the innermost walkway is meant for monks.Towards the middle of the entrance there is stone tablet with the foot imprint of Buddha.This stone tablet is now surrounded by an iron grille. Along the walkway one can see a lot of Buddha images in niches of the walls.Although the edifice is in the form of a cave,it is built in such a way that there is good ventilation and light within.It is said that there are altogether about 10000 lesser stupas on the entire edifice. There are also a vast collection of green glazed terracotta plaques in the Ananda which depict Buddha's victory of Mara,the Evil spirit and his army and the Buddha's 550 lesser lives and 10 major lives of Jataka. The entrance to each of the four porticoes is guarded by two door guardians seated on pedestals in arched riches.Within the portico itself,with its four huge pillars,a further two guardians guard the entrance to the main square block. Inside the main block,two narrow vaulted corridors run parallel to each other along the four sides.Two tiers of small lancet windows along the thick walls provide a dim illumination creating the impression of being in a deep natural grotto.The block of masonry in the centre,which supports the superstructure above,Within these alcoves are standing Buddha images,31 feet high,their faces wonderfully illumined by light filtering in from dormer windows above. Standing Buddhas Kassapa -- South facing Kakusandha -- North facing Konagamana -- East facing Gotama -- West facing The four standing Buddhas are adorned withgold leaf and each Buddha image faces a direction, from north to south, stated to represent attainment of a state of nirvana; each is given a specific name, Kassapa (in Pāli),the third of the five Buddhas' of the present kalpa (the Bhaddakappa or 'Fortunate Aeon'),-- south facing, Kakusandha (in (Pāli),the name of the first of the five Buddhas of the present kalpa,-- north facing, Konagamana,the name of the second of the five Buddhas of the present era,--east facing, and Gotama facing west. Out of the four images, the images facing north and south are said to be original,of the Bagan-style depicting the dhammachakka mudra, a hand position symbolizing the Buddha's first sermon, while the other two images are new replacements, after the originals were destroyed by fires. All the four images are made of solid teak wood. The original south facing Buddha (called the Kassapa) has a unique architectural display, as, when it is viewed from close quarters depicts a sad look. However, the same image viewed from a distance gives an expression of mirthfulness. The east and west facing Buddha images are made in the later Konbaung or Mandalay style. The east-facing image of Buddha (known as 'Konagamana') is shown holding, between the thumb and middle finger,a small nutlike sphere --a herb. This herb is said to symbolically represent the Buddha suggesting dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) as a cure for misery and distress. In this mudra, both arms hang at the sides with palms stretching out. This mudra is not seen in traditional Buddhist sculpture outside this temple. In the west-facing Buddha, titled Gotama, the abhaya mudra is displayed -- with hands outstretched in the gesture of fearlessness. At the feet of this Buddha two life-size statues made in lacquer, representing the crowned figure of King Kyanzittha kneeling piously in prayer, and Shin Arahan, the Mon monk who converted the King into Theravada Buddhism (meaning "the Teaching of the Elders").- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 26

220+218ヴィーナスと釈迦立像(再検証)Venus and Standing Buddha
220 神と仏の物的証拠・精査検証版(Physical Evidence of God and Buddha) ミロのヴィーナス、ガンダーラの釈迦立像は、同じデータ・ベースで作られ...
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: Hiroshi Hayashi
220+218ヴィーナスと釈迦立像(再検証)Venus and Standing Buddha
220+218ヴィーナスと釈迦立像(再検証)Venus and Standing Buddha
220 神と仏の物的証拠・精査検証版(Physical Evidence of God and Buddha) ミロのヴィーナス、ガンダーラの釈迦立像は、同じデータ・ベースで作られていた。ギリシアの神も、ガンダーラの仏も、エイリアンだった。ここにその証拠をお見せします。 (Venus in Milo and Bu...- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 100
- author: Hiroshi Hayashi

Sri Lanka - Construction of the largest standing Buddha statue in South Asia will begin on Vesak day
Construction of the largest standing Buddha statue to begin The construction of the larges...
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: manel08uk
Sri Lanka - Construction of the largest standing Buddha statue in South Asia will begin on Vesak day
Sri Lanka - Construction of the largest standing Buddha statue in South Asia will begin on Vesak day
Construction of the largest standing Buddha statue to begin The construction of the largest standing Buddha statue in South Asia will begin on the forthcomin...- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 461
- author: manel08uk

Standing Buddha at Takiap Hill in Hua Hin
Standing Buddha at Takiap Hill in Hua Hin Hua Hin, Thailand Videos property and credits to...
published: 10 Dec 2011
author: Carlos Melia
Standing Buddha at Takiap Hill in Hua Hin
Standing Buddha at Takiap Hill in Hua Hin
Standing Buddha at Takiap Hill in Hua Hin Hua Hin, Thailand Videos property and credits to CM by Carlos Melia / www.carlosmeliablog.com / www.carlosmelia.com...- published: 10 Dec 2011
- views: 106
- author: Carlos Melia

양덕리 석조여래입상 (Stone Standing Buddha Statue of Yangdeok-ri)
[한국향토문화전자대전] 양덕리 석조여래입상 (Stone Standing Buddha Statue of Yangdeok-ri) 불상의 대좌 아래쪽에 지름 50㎝, ...
published: 05 Sep 2012
author: Korean Culture Channel
양덕리 석조여래입상 (Stone Standing Buddha Statue of Yangdeok-ri)
양덕리 석조여래입상 (Stone Standing Buddha Statue of Yangdeok-ri)
[한국향토문화전자대전] 양덕리 석조여래입상 (Stone Standing Buddha Statue of Yangdeok-ri) 불상의 대좌 아래쪽에 지름 50㎝, 높이 5㎝의 1단의 받침석이 마련되었는데, 이는 불상 대좌가 상대석으로, 중대석과 하대석이 있었던 것으로 해석할 수 있다...- published: 05 Sep 2012
- views: 6
- author: Korean Culture Channel

worlds tallest standing buddha
evelyn, nao, shinga & ewan at the world's tallest standing buddha in japan....
published: 21 Dec 2008
author: Evelyn Caro
worlds tallest standing buddha
worlds tallest standing buddha
evelyn, nao, shinga & ewan at the world's tallest standing buddha in japan.- published: 21 Dec 2008
- views: 602
- author: Evelyn Caro

Wat Inthara Wihan - Standing Buddha - Bangkok
Wat Inthara Wihan - Standing Buddha - Bangkok.
Fly free bird!...
published: 23 Dec 2013
Wat Inthara Wihan - Standing Buddha - Bangkok
Wat Inthara Wihan - Standing Buddha - Bangkok
Wat Inthara Wihan - Standing Buddha - Bangkok. Fly free bird!- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 124

An artistic sandstone sculpture of standing Buddha in abbayamudra
An artistic sandstone sculpture of standing Buddha in abbayamudra. Archaeological Survey o...
published: 26 Jun 2013
author: WildFilmsIndia
An artistic sandstone sculpture of standing Buddha in abbayamudra
An artistic sandstone sculpture of standing Buddha in abbayamudra
An artistic sandstone sculpture of standing Buddha in abbayamudra. Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) presented an exhibition, Rediscovering India 1961-201...- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 16
- author: WildFilmsIndia

South Asia's largest standing Buddha Statue in SL - President holds discussions
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: Newsfirst Sri Lanka
South Asia's largest standing Buddha Statue in SL - President holds discussions
South Asia's largest standing Buddha Statue in SL - President holds discussions
- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 61
- author: Newsfirst Sri Lanka

Standing Buddha in Ratchaburi
Asia Travel Guide and Travel Information
Standing Buddha in Ra...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Standing Buddha in Ratchaburi
Standing Buddha in Ratchaburi
Asia Travel Guide and Travel Information http://www.asiabethere.com Standing Buddha in Ratchaburi- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 1

mammoth ivory carving Standing Buddha handcrafting demo
A NEW mammoth ivory carving was being handcrafted by an artist. The theme of this new carv...
published: 07 Jul 2010
author: Leung RP
mammoth ivory carving Standing Buddha handcrafting demo
mammoth ivory carving Standing Buddha handcrafting demo
A NEW mammoth ivory carving was being handcrafted by an artist. The theme of this new carving is "Standing Buddha". The working process shown in this video w...- published: 07 Jul 2010
- views: 240
- author: Leung RP

Phutthamonthon: The World's Highest Standing Buddha Statue
At a height of 15.87m, Phutthamonthon park has the highest free-standing Buddha statue in ...
published: 29 Jan 2014
Phutthamonthon: The World's Highest Standing Buddha Statue
Phutthamonthon: The World's Highest Standing Buddha Statue
At a height of 15.87m, Phutthamonthon park has the highest free-standing Buddha statue in the world. It's located in the Nakhon Pathom province, about 40 km west of Bangkok.- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 2
Youtube results:

백운사 석조여래입상(Stone Standing Buddha in Baekunsa Temple)
[한국향토문화전자대전] 백운사 석조여래입상(Stone Standing Buddha in Baekunsa Temple) 우암산 남쪽 기슭인 상당구 용담동 산 18번...
published: 04 Oct 2012
author: kculturechannel
백운사 석조여래입상(Stone Standing Buddha in Baekunsa Temple)
백운사 석조여래입상(Stone Standing Buddha in Baekunsa Temple)
[한국향토문화전자대전] 백운사 석조여래입상(Stone Standing Buddha in Baekunsa Temple) 우암산 남쪽 기슭인 상당구 용담동 산 18번지 백운사의 입구에 남향(南向)으로 안치(安置)되어 있는 불상(佛像)이다. 이 불상의 크기는 전체 높이(全高) 91㎝, ...- published: 04 Oct 2012
- views: 15
- author: kculturechannel

Standing Buddha Stone Garden Statue in Abhaya Mudra
This beautifully carved Buddha is standing on a small double lotus base with both his hand...
published: 17 Sep 2013
Standing Buddha Stone Garden Statue in Abhaya Mudra
Standing Buddha Stone Garden Statue in Abhaya Mudra
This beautifully carved Buddha is standing on a small double lotus base with both his hands held open in the abhaya mudra. He wears stunning brocade robes with a lotus flower finial arising from the top of his head. His skin is polished to a darker color that contrasts beautifully with his saffron colored robes. He is hand carved from one piece of lava stone! he would be an amazing addition to any outdoor Zen garden! Click here to view this Buddha statue: http://www.lotussculpture.com/69ls98.html- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 2

Bangkok Pattaya Trip Day 5 - Visit to Standing Buddha Wat Intharawihan
visit to the Wat Intharawihan (Standing Buddha) area...
published: 06 Sep 2011
Bangkok Pattaya Trip Day 5 - Visit to Standing Buddha Wat Intharawihan
Bangkok Pattaya Trip Day 5 - Visit to Standing Buddha Wat Intharawihan
visit to the Wat Intharawihan (Standing Buddha) area- published: 06 Sep 2011
- views: 33

Standing Buddha in Khao Takiab Mountain Hua Hin Thailand
Asia Travel Guide and Travel Information http://www.asiabethere.com/ Standing Buddha in Kh...
published: 10 Jan 2013
author: Asiabethere
Standing Buddha in Khao Takiab Mountain Hua Hin Thailand
Standing Buddha in Khao Takiab Mountain Hua Hin Thailand
Asia Travel Guide and Travel Information http://www.asiabethere.com/ Standing Buddha in Khao Takiab Mountain Hua Hin Thailand.- published: 10 Jan 2013
- views: 15
- author: Asiabethere