24 year old Saeed’s hunger strike should have stirred the nation, but barely a whisper

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - April 2nd, 2015 - Barely a whisper about 24 year old Saeed Hassanloo’s 40 days of hunger striking – willing death rather than spending more time in Australia’s dirty detention system. Mr Hassanloo has been held in detention since he was 19 years old – the bloom of his young adult life bled in Australia’s catastrophic human rights abuse – immigration detention. The young man is near death at Royal Perth Hospital.


Opinion Piece is BACK with a stellar all-female panel discussing ‪#‎Treaty‬.


Important  viewing if you can spare one hour tomorrow night, Friday March 27th-NITV [Ch 34]  .
You will note the First Nation's Aboriginal women on the panel and includes an important  video message by the  late Malcolm Fraser (of 2011) .
Hope you have time to view it. Please circulate widely

 NITV   Friday 27th March 7.30pm


Opinion Piece | Friday (March 27) | Ch 34


Save our oceans

When seasoned sailor Ivan Macfadyen returned from his last Pacific crossing he raised an ominous alarm:

"I'm used to seeing turtles, dolphins, sharks and big flurries of feeding birds. But this time, for 3000 nautical miles there was nothing alive to be seen.”

This once vibrant expanse of sea was hauntingly quiet, and covered with trash.


Join Dr John Hewson and Save Renewables!

Below is an important message to GetUp members from Dr John Hewson AM, former leader of the Liberal Party, economist and company director. Your details have not been shared with anyone. You can join with Dr Hewson taking action to save the Renewable Energy Target by switching your power to the greenest energy retailer in under 5 minutes: http://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/renewable-energy/switch/join-the-switch-to-save-renewables?t=2QVxXh1om


Save our SBS

By Margaret Pomeranz and Quentin Dempster

The SBS amendment bill was just introduced in Parliament today. If passed, this law will see the doubling of ads and commercials breaks on our SBS, effectively turning it into Australia's fourth fully commercial TV channel.


Western Australian rednecks govern – stop the dumb-ass racism, leave the homelands alone

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - Nearly two years ago I wrote about the potential closure of up to 180 remote communities – homelands – of First Peoples. My insiders’ claims were rubbished and labelled fanciful and conspiratorial. Late last year, the Western Australian Government announced the potential closure of up to 150 communities. The South Australian Premier followed soon after with a similar announcement, threatening to close up to 100 communities in northern South Australia.


Forced to dance to the White Man’s song – Australia, steeped in racism

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - A Wiradjuri Elder once said to me, “There is a sickness in this country, and it is called racism – we stand in it knee deep.” Whether you are Black, Brown or Yellow, the only way you can majorly get ahead in the ways White Australians do is to sing the White man’s song, and dance to the White man’s song – do as they do or be damned. This is what assimilation means – do as they do, be as they are, deny who you are, betray truths, turn against your own (heritage).


19 March - GLOBAL DAY of ACTION: One mob, one fight - against government plans to commit genocide with intent

Media release 18 March 2015

19 March - GLOBAL DAY of ACTION: One mob, one fight - against government plans to commit genocide with intent

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union, Head of State of the Euahlayi Republic and co-founder of the 1972 Aboriginal Embassy said from Sydney today:


Aunty Pat Eatock Passes Away Quietly After a Lifetime Of Glorious Noise Making

New Matilda

Vale Aunty Pat Eatock

17 Mar 2015

Aunty Pat Eatock Passes Away Quietly After a Lifetime Of Glorious Noise Making

By Chris Graham


She brought down a right-wing columnist. She was even partly responsible for bringing down a

Prime Minister. Chris Graham reports on the passing of Pat Eatock.


Iconic Aboriginal activist Pat Eatock passed away this morning after a long bout of ill health.


Aunty Pat was famous for a lifetime of Aboriginal activism, but rose to particular prominence in


12,000 anti-nuclear activists demonstrated in more than 200 German towns

By Diet Simon

About 12,000 anti-nuclear activists demonstrated in recent days in more than 200 German towns in commemoration of the Fukushima catastrophe four years ago and against the current nuclear situation in Germany.
