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History of the Internet
Does the Internet Attract & Love Negativity? - #CUPodcast
Scumbags of the Internet #9
Why Would You Put That on the Internet? #93
The Internet - Dontcha
Death and Terrible Internet (Zombie Army Trilogy - Part 2)
Interestingly Odd "Leaked" Images of Mewtwo Flood the Internet! What do you Believe...?
Hayrettin'den Korkutan İnternet Cafe Şakası!
Internet, You Ain't So Bad - Break Clip Compilation March 2015
Doug Kerney Freaks over Internet Explorer's Phaseout
Actors Eric Canada (director), Eric Canada (editor), Eric Canada (producer), Danielle Stewart (producer), Shayla Cowan (producer), Ray Daniels (producer), Shayla Cowan (actress), Ray Daniels (director), Ray Daniels (writer), Brandie Benson (miscellaneous crew), Damani Barham (actor), Torrian Brown (actor), Brandie Benson (actress), Damani Barham (producer), James Abrahart (actor),
Actors Dominique Zardi (actor), Henri Attal (actor), Jean-Pierre Mocky (editor), Jean-Pierre Mocky (producer), Jean-Pierre Mocky (writer), Patrick Boshart (miscellaneous crew), Jean Abeillé (actor), Jean-Pierre Mocky (director), Carmen Maura (actress), François Morel (actor), Christian Chauvaud (actor), Christophe Bier (actor), Guillaume Depardieu (actor), Jean-Pierre Clami (actor), Anne Coesens (actress),
Internet Melts 4. Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: T-shirts: The 4th episode in the series of 'Ban These Internet Melts'. Business: SnapChat: thewellard @PhotosCringes: Thanks for watching!
You can watch the radio show at 9:00PM GMT on BBC Radio 1 or at!! :D :D Thank you so much for continuing to watch my stuff, you guys are the reason I'm able to do these awesome things ❤
"History of the internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet. The clip was made ...
Does the internet attract negativity? Pat & Ian discuss this #CUPodcast Q&A.; ►More #CUPodcast: ►Full podcasts: ►Support the podcast Patreon: ►Follow on twitter! &
Internet Bonus Reactions: SUBSCRIBE! New vids every Sun/Thu/Sat: Watch all episodes of REACT Wat...
Tinder gets its first mention on Scumbags of the Internet, and not for the reasons you might think... a tale of love and sadness at SXSW. Nerd Rants: Series 2: Nerd Rants: Series 1: You Are Not Special:
Check out 10 Photos Taken Right Before DEATH! ►► Quick! Subscribe! Tweet Me: ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT: robdyke My Gaming Channel: My Vlogging Channel: Facebook Fanpage: Instagram: Twitch: Tumblr:
The Internet - Dontcha FEEL GOOD Available for pre-order at Directed by Lacey Duke Produced by Melissa Llewellyn...
In this episode we stumble into our first real encounter and get plowed until our bodies are hollow husks, void of all feeling. We learned the hard way that you need a god damn game plan. - My Poor Friends - Sark: APL: NFEN: • Twitter: • Live Stream:
My Omni sense is tingling. SOURCES: Follow me on Twitter and Twitch, bitch. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Music in my Smash Bros news videos is from Artsy Omni: Also from the Smash Bros WiiU/3DS Soundtrack. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Music in ALL my AoT News Videos is: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Email (Business inquiries AND personal, This is the BEST way to contact me): The camera I use is a Canon Rebel T4i w/ 18-135mm lens kit. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ~Squad Members~ Guys/Males/Sausages: Noodler: Mario: CryziesX: Reckless Yuki: Simon: Frannts: Gals/Females/Donuts: Bingu: Lilikoi Juice: Chelsea: -------------------------------------------
Hayrettin internet cafeye girdi. Bilgisayarlara korkunç görüntüsünü yükledi, herkesi korkuttu! Arşiv çalışmalarına beğenilen videolardan bir yenisini daha ekleyerek devam ediyoruz. Kanalıma Hemen Abone Ol: ------Resmi Kanallar------
Now you can watch feature-length Movies on Break for free! Watch here ►► Don't forget to submit us your videos ►► Become a Breaker for new compilations every Saturday! ►► A Robot Butler, a Moose Chaser, Sledding Gandalf, and the Bruno Mars of the Drive-through - we've got the brightest videos of the internet. The internet is a place of injuries, arguments, and trolls; but it also has some promising moments. Moments that lift us up and remind us it's not all that bad. So we tip our hats to you internet, 'cause you ain't so bad. Internet, You Ain't so Bad Feb '15 ►► Meanwhile . . . In Florida ►►
Voici 4 ans que l'émission existe. Et comme chaque année, la tradition exige une chanson ! TÉLÉCHARGER le morceau : (Bientôt). S'ABONNER : FACEBOOK : TWITTER : T-SHIRTS : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Réalisé en collaboration avec Alexis Lloyd (qui m'aide aussi sur toutes les compositions des Instants Panda). Vous êtes libre de le soutenir, lui ainsi que ses projets musicaux en achetant ce morceau. Retrouvez le travail d'Alexis : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip réalisé au Bar Concert du Buzz. (106 Boulevard de Belleville 75020 PARIS). Merci à eux ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Un énorme merci à Pierre pour sa réalisation. Et bien entendu, merci à tous les figurants qui ont participé à ce clip : Thomas Pavic, Lucie, Laurène, Hylenir, Tessa, Sylvain, Vadhim, Alexis, Tom, Laëtitia, Curtis, Ségolène, Randy, Eleanor, Victor, Alyson, Basile, Océane ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Depuis mars 2011 j'anime l'émission Salut les Geeks : Review de vidéo du web en compagnie de mes multiples personnalités ! J'essaye de mettre du contenu très régulièrement : - Deux épisodes de Salut les Geeks par mois. - Un Envers du Décor, émission où je vous montre les coulisses, les bêtisiers, où je discute du contenu des épisodes et je réponds bien évidement à vos questions. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Microsoft is getting rid of Internet Explorer for Windows 10, and one Tonight Show staff member doesn't take it too well. Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35/10:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Follow The Tonight Show: Like The Tonight Show: The Tonight Show Tumblr: Get more NBC: NBC YouTube: Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Tumblr: NBC Google+: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show including: comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives. Doug Kerney Freaks over Internet Explorer's Phaseout
Oft bekommen wir zu hören, dass das Internet kein sicherer "Ort" ist. Doch es gibt sogar Verbrechen, die mit Hilfe des Internets gelöst wurden. 10 davon gibt's heute bei Top Zehn! -- Teile das Video auf Facebook: -- Hier geht's zu "10 Möglichkeiten, wegen des Internets verhaftet zu werden": Hier geht es zum Zweitkanal StrengGeheim: Danke an CutterSnake für die Unterstützung! Bei uns wird rückwärts gezählt. Zehn Schnappschüsse zu einem Thema - von der Verschwörungstheorie, über Benimmregeln, bis hin zu kuriosen Erfindungen. Auf jeden Fall immer spannend, informativ, kurzweilig und interessant. Bist du bereit? Der Countdown läuft!
What is quantum entanglement, and what does it mean for the future of the Internet? Follow Crystal on Twitter: Read More: Traveling without moving: Quantum communication scheme transfers quantum states without transmitting physical particles “While Einstein considered quantum entanglement as ‘spooky action at a distance,’ and those who fully accept entanglement acknowledge it to be counterintuitive, current entanglement-based quantum communication schemes for transferring an unknown quantum state from one place to another require classical transportation of particles between sender and receiver.” ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube Subscribe now! DNews on Twitter Trace Dominguez on Twitter Julia Wilde on Twitter DNews on Facebook DNews on Google+ Discovery News Download the TestTube App: - SIMPLE explanation of how the internet really works. Understand networks, inter-networks, data packets, peering and intern...
A cool trick the cable company doesn't want you to know! Twitter ►!/thiojoe Facebook ► Instagram ► Website ►
The internet is not a fuzzy cloud. The internet is a wire, actually buried in the ground. Computers connected directly to the internet are called "Servers," while the computers you and I use are "clients," because they are not connected directly to the internet, but through an Internet Service Provider. Routers shuttle packets of information across the internet, and transmit e-mail, pictures, and web pages.
MA PIRE ANGOISSE, c’est qu’elle ne ressemble pas du tout aux photos… ! S'abonner à la chaîne du Before : MA PIRE ANGOISSE sur Facebook : MA PIRE ANGOISSE sur Twitter : Le Before sur Facebook : Le Before sur Twitter : Toutes les vidéos du Before : ****************************** Une série créée par Romain Lancry et Vladimir Rodionov Avec Romain Lancry – Aude Gogny-Goubert Réalisateur : Vladimir Rodionov Producteur : Renaud Chélélékian Producteur exécutif : Maxime Govare Production : Les Improductibles & Kaly Productions – Les Productions de l’Aventure Auteurs : Romain Lancry - Vladimir Rodionov Directeur de production : Johann Barichasse Assistante de production : Cathy Kerbrat Assistante-réalisateur : Jennifer Peyrot Aide de plateau : Coline Morand Directeur de la photographie : David Tabourier Cadreur : Ugo Tsvetoukhine 1èr assistant OPV : Bérenger Brillante Régisseur général : Romain Cordonnier Chef électricien : Richard Valentini Machiniste : Raphaël Drouhot Chef opérateur son : Miguel Dias Styliste : Hélène Leclerc Chef décorateur : Dork Alayan Accessoiriste : Maxime Fourmond Scripte : Gaëlle Gauthier Maquilleuse-coiffeuse : Emma Franco Directeur de post-production : Antoine de Montremy Monteur : Axel Lattuada Assistant-monteur : Anton Iversen Effets-spéciaux : David Tabourier – Pierre Fournier Habillage graphique : Sophie Bourdon – Christophe Lavacry – Korantin Grall – Marc Roger – Constance Govare Etalonnage : Julien Bru Mixeur – Sound Design : Emilien Bernaux Musique : MiM Musique générique de fin : Taylorythm -- Remerciements : Arielle Saracco, Christelle Graillot, Sebastien Michineau Nadié Koné, Coline Morand, Maël Deslandes, Jean-Marie Bonny Les Improductibles, Le Studio Graphique RVZ, Next Shot, DCA, Diffraction Michaël Ben Zakoun, Romain Manson, Anastasia Collas, Jean-Baptiste Guionie, Bastien de Robertis, Thomas Lebrun, Adrien Labastire Avec le soutien du Centre National de la Cinématographie
RESERVE TA PLACE POUR LE WOOP ICI: MON FACEBOK: MON TWITTER: MON INSTA: Remerciements: Hakim Jemili Camille Ruby Malcolm TotheWorld Jeremie Dethelot Mike Kenli Credits Audio: Geronimo & Mike Kenli
They’re the infectious online trends we couldn’t get enough of. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 Internet fads. Check us out at, and Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at :) Special thanks to our users Jacob Clark, ViolaCello, Vanessa Hagerty, WatchDogsFan47 and Ackalata for submitting the idea through our Suggest Tool at Check out the voting page here, If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at :) We have T-Shirts! Be sure to check out for more info. WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about. We update DAILY with 2-3 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!
Check out this hilarious Iggy Azalea's Black Widow (Ft Rita Ore) parody! Watch Wiggy take on a whole new hood persona with loads of plastic surgery from Dr NamPaiKid in Black Woman featuring Wiggy Azalea & Rita Wh*re. Subscribe for more funny videos! Lyrics I really love ya But I just hate me And I'm gonna show ya What's really crazy I've saved all my money To get plastic surgery. I'm gonna be ya, I'm gonna be ya Gonna be ya, gonna be ya Be a black woman, baby This twisted appropriation game is always the same What did you say? When did your white girl accent go astray? Your ass when from nothing to something, with loads of stuffing It was us against you and now you're just mocking I'd like you loved me so much you had to be me Feeling stupid for the weave that I had gave you You're not white or black, just something strange in between You've got so much plastic surgery you are a fiend Like it'll last forever but now have you seen Bruce Jenner? Just like his face your entire career is so wrong. You were different from me but now you've got me mirrored I thought you were Austrailian but now you couldn't sound blacker. Now leave. You couldn't be more thirsty how you just wanna be me Take it off, that fake ass weave Let your hood act rest in piece I'm gonna be ya With some surgery (Right) And I'm gonna show ya (Please don't) What's really crazy I've saved all my money to get plastic surgery (kill me now) I'm gonna be ya, I'm gonna be ya Gonna be ya, gonna be ya Be a black woman, baby Black, black woman, baby I'm gonna get lip injections until it hurts Just to be you I'm doing whatever works You've never met nobody That'll do you how I do ya Except for twerking Miley Praise Jesus hallelujah Did that sound right? nailed it? Tyler Perry is where I heard it I will do any and everything for it I want to be you I fiend for it Wake up and dream about it This weave look good? Went to the ghetto for it 'Till they rolled their eyes and said check your mind And it's nothing but me, on it (no it's me) Now it's me-time believe that If it's yours and I want it I would do anything to be black till I'm everything but actually black I'm not an Australian hick This aint no fatal attraction so I fake it all so I don't look like shit. You couldn't be more thirsty how you just wanna be me Take it off, that fake ass weave Let your hood act rest in piece I'm gonna be ya With some surgery (Right) And I'm gonna show ya (Please don't) What's really crazy I've saved all my money to get plastic surgery (kill me now) I'm gonna be ya, I'm gonna be ya Gonna be ya, gonna be ya Be a black woman, baby Black, black woman, baby Credits: Director - Nicolas Wendl Assistant Director - Angie Polkovich DP - Olesya Saveleva Writer - AgentShawnee Lyrics performed by Katja Glieson Composed by Dre Dimura Edited by Pimplywimp Cast: Iggy Azalea - Lauren Francesca Rita Ore - Shanna Malcom Dr NamPaiKid - NamPaiKid: Manager - Tommy Otis Nicki Manaj/Dancer - Tiffany Tynes Miley Cyrus/Dancer - Emma Monk Bruce Jenner - Dre Dimura Twin Tails - AgentShawnee Makeup artist: A special thank you to Cam Caddie for providing equipment and the filming location! Visit their site: Props - Steven Zurita Production Assistant Elias Thompson Lauren Francesca Po Box 151064 Los Angeles Ca 90015 Please Subscribe to All of my social media!!! Vine: iwantmylauren Snapchat: iwantmylauren facebook: iwantmylauren instagram: iwantmylauren twitter: lauren francesca Other Channels: traditional japanese interior with tatami matting and Shoji paper screens this image by photoeverywhere / is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. changes were made Bonsaï - EXPO - Enghien this image by is licensed under changes were made This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license by Rich Niewiroski Jr. changes were made footage Lauren Francesca Po Box 151064 Los Angeles Ca 90015 Please Subscribe to All of my social media!!! Vine: iwantmylauren Snapchat: iwantmylauren facebook: iwantmylauren instagram: iwantmylauren twitter: lauren francesca Other Channels:
Clique para se inscrever ► Link para todos os videos: Gostou? Compartilhe no seu FACEBOOK, ajuda DEMAIS! Não esqueça de clicar no "Gostei" caso tenha curtido =) Camisetas Oficiais do Nostalgia - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Divulgue no seu Facebook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curta nossa FANPAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nostalgia no Google + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Narração do começo do vídeo por Guilherme Briggs @teatrobonecos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWITTER @FeCastanhari @Fabio_APereira @rodrigotucano --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTAGRAM @FeCastanhari @fabioapereira --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIÇÃO POR - Rodrigo Tucano - @rodrigotucano Esse é o canal Nostalgia. Vídeos novos todas as Quartas e Domingos.
Here's the new album of The Internet, par of OFWGKTA More musical discoveries :
Filme baseado na história verdadeira de Philip Markoff, um estudante de medicina que foi acusado de assassinar Julissa Brisman em Boston, Massachusetts, em 2...
Video aula de Noções de Informática - Introdução à internet completa Curso preparatório para concursos públicos Download apostilas e videos aulas: http://con...
Full Documentaries -The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz - Full Documentary Movie Here are best documentary movie about The Internet's Own Boy i...
This is the FULL MOVIE! - The Internet's Own Boy depicts the life of American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. It features interviews with his family and friends as well as the internet luminaries who worked with him. The film tells his story up to his eventual suicide after a legal battle, and explores the questions of access to information and civil liberties that drove his work. Director / Producer: Brian Knappenberger Contact Information: This movie is made available under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Remix, transform and build upon the material as you like Please support the creators of this movie! Rent it on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Instant, XBox Video, Vudu, Sony Entertainment Network or other platforms or see it in the cinema. you can also load the full movie here:
Confira a estreia da temporada 2015 do Famosos da Internet. Fique por dentro de tudo o que rola no programa. Inscreva-se em: Curta a página do programa no Facebook: Siga o perfil oficial do programa no Twitter: Saiba mais em:
Rocket Beans TV präsentiert: Almost Daily #139 | Die ersten Erfahrungen mit dem Internet Infos zum Kanal: | Unsere Videos: | Unser Shop: | Support: Das Talkformat mit dem goldenen Tisch! Willkommen bei Almost Daily. Hier werden Themen ohne Tabus besprochen und Unterhaltsam aufbereitet. Eine Punchline jagt die nächste und wenn es um flotte Sprüche geht, dann macht unseren Jungs niemand etwas vor. Coole Konzepte und interessante Gäste. Die #1 Video-Talkrunde auf YouTube. Web: Facebook: Twitter: @TheRocketBeans
"Quand Internet fait des bulles" est un documentaire inédit de Benjamin Rassat qui revient sur la création d'Internet, son évolution irrationnelle, sa croiss...
Retour sur les mouvements de défense des libertés sur internet, apparus en réaction à la régulation croissante du web. Un reportage Arte. Visible également sur Arte+7:
A classic video that helps show kids how to use the internet/email/chat. Very 90's and very funny to watch.
Creative Commons BY:SA - Il était une fois Internet
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3. C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science. D'où viennent les virus ? Comment peut-on l...
O ATUAL CONCURSOS [] tem como objetivo capacitar nossos alunos de maneira prática,rápida e eficiente com os mais diversos conteúdos para Concursos.
The awesomeness that is internet box is back! But only temporarily... This had me laughing my ass off, I hope it does the same to you. Hope you enjoy! I do not own any rights to this video. I'm Simply posting it in case anyone missed it.
Porque no hay nada oculto que no haya de ser manifestado; ni escondido, que no haya de salir a luz. Marcos 4: 22.
Nuestra querida paisana aprendió muchísimo acerca de computadoras y se actualizó respecto a lo que ya sabía acerca de su uso. Hasta aprendió a reparar PC's. ...
Ganar dinero por Internet y desde casa cada vez es mas real, el Internet permite llegar a millones de personas, tanto a empresarios como a emprendedores o particulares que buscar alternativas para generar riqueza, el único problema es que nadie esta dispuesto a compartir de forma desinteresada y sin metas económicas toda la información que hay que saber antes de emprender el viaje hacia ganar dinero desde casa o trabajar desde casa! En este video te enseñare muchos métodos de como ganar dinero, te enseñare como ganar dinero con multinivel, google adsense, clickbank, ebay, dropshipping, apuestas/casinos, encuestas, como trabajador freelance, con las PTC o pago por click. Son los métodos que mejor funcionan para ganar dinero por Internet, ya que he conocido mucha gente que trabaja desde casa con algunos de estos métodos, es mas yo mismo vivo de Internet sobre todo con las opciones binarias que es lo que a mi mejor me ha funcionado, las inversiones siempre fueron el método mas rentable de ganar dinero y sobre todo desde casa. Hay personas que buscan negocios por Internet, y desconocen que tenemos todas las herramientas listas para utilizarse para vender por Internet desde la comodidad de nuestra casa y así conseguir dinero rápido y sin salir de casa. Algunas personas necesitan dinero urgente y recurren a endeudarse, sin antes ver formas de ganar dinero que permitan salir de deutas y mejorar la calidad de vida con algunas de las formas que enseño en este video de ganar dinero! Muchas personas se encuentran atrapadas en alguna de las formulas de ganar dinero, como podían ser multinivel, google adsense o clickbank, al estar limitado a una forma de ganar dinero, se nos escapan otras oportunidades de aumentar nuestra riqueza. Quiero que las personas que ahora la están pasando mal por que la economía de su país no genera suficientes puestos de trabajo, se tomen la molestia de ver este video y encuentre la forma de ganar dinero desde internet y desde la comodidad de nuestra casa, eso no significa acomodarse, eso significa adaptarse a las tecnologías para mejor nuestra calidad de vida, hay negocios que ni si quiera requieren una inversión y son totalmente validas para empezar a ver algo de dinero obtenido fuera de un trabajo convencional. Si realmente nos trasamos la meta de vivir de Internet y nos mentalisamos con alguno de los métodos que se muestran en este vídeo como multinivel o google adsense o clickbank, ebay, dropshipping, PTC, apuestas etc etc etc.. Si realmente nos tomamos la molestia de aprender de personas que ya hayan conseguido la meta que nosotros queremos conseguir, y seguimos el camino que esas personas han seguido, podemos conseguir un sueldo proveniente solamente de Internet. Espero de corazón que este video sea de utilidad para tener un visión global de maneras de ganar dinero desde casa, y así tomar una buena decisión y ahorrar tanto tiempo como el dinero y ir directamente al método que se nos haga mas fácil el camino y que nos guste mas. Aquí os dejo el enlace de descarga del excel en USD: Aquí os dejo el enlace de descarga del excel en EUR: Tags: trabajar por internet ofertas empleo ganar dinero desde internet oportunidades de negocio adsense negocios rentables trabajo desde casa dinero rapido ganar dinero por internet como conseguir dinero rapido negocios por internet dropshipping ganar dinero desde casa apuestas como ahorrar dinero casino necesito dinero urgente trabaja desde casa donde invertir dinero trabajo negocio internet trabajo desde casa truco trabajo en casa ganar dinero en internet freelance ganar dinero necesito dinero oportunidades de negocio trabajo en casa ruleta dinero urgente necesito dinero negocios por internet ganar dinero rapido clickbank
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San Francisco Chronicle 2015-04-18Comcast on Friday said it will offer faster Internet at a speed of 2 gigabits per second for 3 ...
Contra Costa Times 2015-04-18... feverishly preparing for next year’s Olympic Games, has failed to pay its phone and Internet bills.
New York Times 2015-04-18defended his Internet ... In a statement on, where else, Facebook, he said: "Net .
Big News Network 2015-04-18Facebook is facing some heat in India as their Internet ... Bloomberg's Sunanda Jayaseelan reports on .
Big News Network 2015-04-18Mark Zuckerberg has hit out at claims that his Internet.
Big News Network 2015-04-18... feverishly preparing for next year’s Olympic Games, has failed to pay its phone and Internet bills.
New York Times 2015-04-18The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email.
Most traditional communications media including telephone, music, film, and television are reshaped or redefined by the Internet, giving birth to new services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). Newspaper, book and other print publishing are adapting to Web site technology, or are reshaped into blogging and web feeds. The Internet has enabled and accelerated new forms of human interactions through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social networking. Online shopping has boomed both for major retail outlets and small artisans and traders. Business-to-business and financial services on the Internet affect supply chains across entire industries.
They say that every day is a struggle
and it takes time,
but do they do they have a clue?
How do i do i tell the truth from a lie now?
They try to say hello it's goodbye tomorrow
Throw a little "kush" up in the bowl
You'll be all right
You'll be all right
Just think if things were perfect
would it be worth it if even had all
So don't act like you can't take it
we were built to be greatless
I know how easy (I know how easy)
it is to give up (it is easy give up)
but don't let people (don't let people)
hold you down (hold you down)
and I know sometimes (I know sometimes)
that it will amaze you (that it will amaze you)
but don't let it fade you (don't let it fade you)
hold your ground (hold your ground)
they say they say hmm
they say they say hmm
they say they say hmm
Why do we trust does we don't know?
There's no need to hide
You know what's inside
Why do we hate when there's love to spare?
Why don't we understand
that the only way to grow is make love
Just think if things were perfect
would it be worth it if even had all
So don't act like you can't take it
we were built to be greatness
you can weather the storm
I know how easy (I know how easy)
it is to give up (it is easy give up)
but don't let people (don't let people)
hold you down (hold you down)
and I know sometimes (I know sometimes)
that it will amaze you (that it will amaze you)
but don't let it fade you (don't let it fade you)
hold your ground (hold your ground)
they say they say hmm
they say they say hmm
[Verse 1]
Drivin' in my car
Damn near cut me off
Now you're in the fast lane
So you better not slow me down
And I refuse to change my direction
So you best make up your mind
Before I get caught in the intersection
And I'm blinded by traffic lights
Said that we'd make signals
Get right or get left
Don't seem like you're ready
So just get out of my way
Said that we'd make signals
Get right or get left
Don't tell me you're sorry
So just get out my lane
Slowin' me down [x2]
[Verse 3:]
And now we're moving faster
You're catching up to speed
And yes your car looks good to me
And you know it, don't try to speed off
Like I didn't teach you, well you know
Are you ready for the open road
Slowin' me down [x2]
Warning signs were there, but we never cared
So we crashed and learned a lesson
And to take care of the damage
We need to admit that accidents happen
Hey baby. Where you going?
You look good to me.
You look good to me.
Walking by yourself.
Maybe I can help
I wanna, I wanna,
Do you wanna do some cocaine?
I wanna, I wanna,
Do you wanna do some cocaine?
Baby just ignore the consequence,
You look like you could use a little confidence.
So follow me into a better dream in paradise.
And now that you know what this feeling's like,
You know you can have it for the rest of your life.
Just follow me, just follow me
She high as fuck up in my truck,
Shocked up looking for a bitch to fuck.
I'm high on coke, she high on coke.
Coast to coast baby float my boat,
Got coke to sniff and weed to roast.
Plus no need to boast; let's snort
Two in the back, one in the front,
Do you wanna ride in my car
I wanna, I wanna,
Do you wanna do some cocaine?
I wanna, I wanna,
Do you wanna do some cocaine?
Hey don't trip
I'll just try it once
I wanna, I wanna,
Don't worry
I wanna, I wanna,
Just follow me
Baby just ignore the consequence,
You look like you could use a little confidence.
So follow me into a better dream in paradise.
And now that you know what this feeling's like,
You know you can have it for the rest of your life.
What happened to make you,
To make you start to hate me
I almost felt you heart,
And you were my everything.
Sometimes i wonder why,
I still try ..
Dont say some words...
Cause we both know nothings perfect
Baby i feel like this could be worth it.
Ooh ,
Cause i havent felt like myself lately
What i gotta do to get back my baby,
Ooooooh ,
[Verse 1: Matt Maritans]
Open the door
I look you in your face, realize I don't love you no more
You ask me why
Reoccurring thoughts of him are there
You'll never understand
You asked to be put on this level and I ignored you
And now I see
So the bong is where I stare
[Hook x2: Syd tha Kyd]
Girl. You know I love you, girl. You know I care
[Verse 2: Syd tha Kyd]
Frank clouds
Seem to like to follow me around since I lost you
Ask me how
I could leave with something so small and unsure like I didn't love you anymore
But you
Pushed me to a level of insanity, I know
Now, all I ask
Is if I ever had a chance
Or were we never gonna last
[Hook x2]
[Verse 3: Pyramid Vritra]
Texting me "I love you" as you were getting digged down by and old flame
At least you asked first when you preferred to win home games
Fuck it I'll let her smile, like everything that you do
For everything thing that you do, and it's a girl will in school
But as the moonlight crept in to her vacant room
She she's in the coup
Her naked, breaking curfew, nuts, and zippers too
See, ocean blue right after the hundredth argument
Dipped just as quick as you read
Quit the new beau and my crush hates me now
I'm 50 states away so ask me about your day
If you listen to the album I sent you
You shouldn't expect an answer
And it's
Shit, I'll find some new bitches I think that you can turn
By any chance, as it stands, that you still want me
I'll be in the same state you left me in
Or maybe I'll be with a bad bitch and I will check you
And tell you that you're nothing special
But you are
[Verse 1]
You love me? Tell me you do
Cause too often love gets lost in the translation
So when I tell you I love you, I know that it is real
Baby, I can be your motivation
Your attitude is right, for real
Can't get you out of my mind, girl
And anything you need I got
Just tell me that you be mine, girl
If they tryna hate, so what?
Roll up and kill them with kindness
And if the temptation is real
Then maybe we can be timeless (timeless)
Stay here with me, sleep beauty, in my palace
Wanna be free? Frolic in my fabrics
Wrapped up in sheets (wrapped up in sheets)
Close your eyes imagining another day
Waking up next to me, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
[Verse 2]
In the morning or when the [?]
All I wanna do is stay under the covers with you, baby
Any others be in the way [?]
Cause it's something about your love I can't get over
Your attitude is right, for real
Can't get you out of my mind, girl
And anything you need I got
Just tell me that you be mine, girl
If they tryna hate, so what?
Roll up and kill them with kindness
And if the temptation is real
Then maybe we can be timeless (timeless)
Stay here with me, sleep beauty, in my palace
Wanna be free? Frolic in my fabrics
Wrapped up in sheets (wrapped up in sheets)
Close your eyes imagining another day
Waking up next to me, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
Hey, I wanna get with ya, yeah!
I wanna get with ya, yeah!
I wanna get with ya, yeah!
I wanna get with ya, yeah!
Stay here with me, sleep beauty, in my palace
Wanna be free? Frolic in my fabrics
Wrapped up in sheets (wrapped up in sheets)
Close your eyes imagining another day
Waking up next to me, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
No other way, waking up next to you, baby
Du bist wie eine Fliege ins Netz geflogen
und sie haben nachgewiesen, du hast schon mal gelogen
Diese Sünde nagt an deinem Gewissen
und ohne es zu wissen, hast du schon angebissen
Für ein paar hundert Mark bist du dabei
und wenn du weiter schön blätterst, bald sorgenfrei
Das gibt dir einen Kick, du denkst, es wär korrekt
wenn ein netter Typ mit einem Hilfekurs neckt
Lös dich vom Netz
Erst nach dem siebten Kurs wird es dir bewußt
die wollen nur das Geld, darauf hast du keine Lust
Du möchtest diesen Club gerne verlassen
die netten Leute fangen an, dich zu hassen
Was, du willst raus? Du bist ja widerlich
Was, du willst raus? So was gibt es hier nicht
Was, du willst raus? Du bist ja widerlich
Es gibt kein Zurück, sagen sie dir ins Gesicht
Eines Tages fällt es dir auf
wann warst du zum letzten Mal cool drauf?
Der Kontakt zu deinen alten Freunden ist abgerissen
und du denkst noch, du könntest auf die pissen
Doch diesen Kontakt mußt du pflegen
dich bewegen und mit ihnen reden
Nutz die kleine Chance, ja nutze sie aus
[Verse 1: Matt Maritans]
Open the door
I look you in your face, realize I don't love you no more
You ask me why
Reoccurring thoughts of him are there
You'll never understand
You asked to be put on this level and I ignored you
And now I see
So the bong is where I stare
[Hook x2: Syd tha Kyd]
Girl. You know I love you, girl. You know I care
[Verse 2: Syd tha Kyd]
Frank clouds
Seem to like to follow me around since I lost you
Ask me how
I could leave with something so small and unsure like I didn't love you anymore
But you
Pushed me to a level of insanity, I know
Now, all I ask
Is if I ever had a chance
Or were we never gonna last
[Hook x2]
[Verse 3: Pyramid Vritra]
Texting me "I love you" as you were getting digged down by and old flame
At least you asked first when you preferred to win home games
Fuck it I'll let her smile, like everything that you do
For everything thing that you do, and it's a girl will in school
But as the moonlight crept in to her vacant room
She she's in the coup
Her naked, breaking curfew, nuts, and zippers too
See, ocean blue right after the hundredth argument
Dipped just as quick as you read
Quit the new beau and my crush hates me now
I'm 50 states away so ask me about your day
If you listen to the album I sent you
You shouldn't expect an answer
And it's
Shit, I'll find some new bitches I think that you can turn
By any chance, as it stands, that you still want me
I'll be in the same state you left me in
Or maybe I'll be with a bad bitch and I will check you
And tell you that you're nothing special
But you are
But I probably won't
[Small Laughter Intro]
I hope you notice the lack of social contact
It's not that your not all that
It's just I know how this will end
Don't try to say you'll change for me
But that's not the way to go
And even before
I don't wanna try again with you
That's not the mood, Nooo
Your jus caught up in a web of me
Don't realize the reason why we never speak
It's you not me
Your jus caught up in a web of me
Don't realize the reason why we never speak
It's you not me
And you should know
I never tried to hurt you girl
Just got tangled up in the idea of being together
We can live different lives
Together, Gotta move on
Just let it go, Move on
I'm not the one for you and I know it
Call me, you need it
I got chu'
Don't call me babe cus I wanted you
You know I'll end up going
Ask me for head when I want it
Make sure it's pure and it's friendship (so pure)
Your jus caught up in a web of me
Don't realize the reason why we never speak
It's you not me
Your jus caught up in a web of me
Don't realize the reason why we never speak
It's you not me
Your jus caught up in a web of me
Don't realize the reason why we never speak
It's you not me
Your jus caught up in a web of me
Don't realize the reason why we never speak
Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on T.V
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
To me...
I Reached inside myself
And found nothing there
To ease the pressure of
My ever worrying mind
All my powers waste away
I fear the crazed and lonely looks
The mirror's sending me
These Days
Please don't ask me to defend
The shamefull lowlands
Of the way I'm drifting
Gloomily through time
I reached inside myself today
Thinking there's got to be some way
To keep my troubles distant
Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on TV
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
[Verse 1: Kilo Kish]
I see you, I see what I need
Upside down cause it's not how it seems
Intricacies, making believe
Your diary is inside of me
Come fly with me, way down below
And scream silently in the undertows
It's society that makes it hard to sleep
I close my eyes but I still see
The fire
[Hook x2: Syd tha Kyd]
I know that I'll never forget you girl [x3]
Cause I see you in my dreams
[Verse 2: Kilo Kish]
It's hard to tell whether or not I wanna know
I'm thinking all the time and I guess it shows
It's tough for us to go back in time
To the night before everything was fine
When you talked to me and I talked to you
We watched pedophiles on the morning news
And the water dripped from my faucet top
If I collect it all, could we get it back
[Hook x2]
[Bridge x2: Kilo Kish]
Baby, will you forget a-bout me
You're at the front of mind
Sitting behind my eyes all the time
[Verse 1:]
Her state of mind is constantly changing
To Hell and back
She drives, switching lanes
Not knowing what she has till she knows where she's going
If she can just get passed this traffic
She tries and tries to peace of mind
But these days? in your face
So she stays?
Blowin' smoke in the sky
Cause it's her only vice
I wonder why
She blows smoke in the air, in the air, in the air
Cause she don't give a fuck [x4] no
She shaved off all of her hair, of her hair, of her hair
Cause she don't give a fuck [x4] no
[Verse 2:]
Some people seen the way she is changing
They don't know the struggles that she was raised with
So shut the fuck up
Just shut the fuck yup
Stop thinking that you know everything
You don't and you never will so just let it go
And be free as long as you're kind and [?]
So don't wonder why