Tsunami in Hilo Bay - February, 2010
Using a tape measurer a week later I determined that some of the rocks submerged in the
Wailuku River were more than 6ft above sea level
. If the 2 to 3ft trough that preceded many of the waves is included, the total wave heights can be assumed to have reached 8 to 9ft in the back of the
Wailuku estuary.
If you can't tell in the footage, I broke the law in a thousand ways to make this film. My mom, aunt and
I were the only ones we could see in the tsunami evacuation area. All of the parkland around us was created after a tsunami in
1960 leveled all of the buildings in the center of the city. I am very aware that what I did was not safe. If a 35ft wave were to have unexpectedly come in, I could have easily been killed. Even so, I live to see incredible displays of natures power like this
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