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Gabon : Opposition rally turns violent (No Comment)
AFRICA NEWS ROOM - Gabon, Politique : Ali Bongo Ondimba face au Front Uni des opposants
Jean Ping, ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères du Gabon notre pays est au bord du gouffre
GABON 2015/Preuve qu'alain bernard n'est pas un bongo
Gabon vs mali 4-3 tous buts complet Goals full 25/03/2015 HD .
GABON 2015: Jean Ping et la Diaspora gabonaise 2 le 23/02/2015
Confession : j'étais homosexuel (Gabon 2015)
Sports News Africa: Jeptoo doping test, Gabon rugby, AFCON qualifiers.
AFRICA NEWS ROOM - Gabon, Société : Chefferie traditionnelle et engagement politique
Gabon/Musique : Arielle T : viens m'embrasser - NEWS VIDÉOCLIP 2011
Gabon : un vent de contestation
NEWS : Frenchman Fights For Gabon Gorilla Haven
You've all heard the news, now relive the moments of that infamous rally in Rio during which 1 person was killed.
Politique. Ali Bongo Ondimba face au Front Uni des opposants, avec Pierre-Claver Maganga Moussavou président du Parti social démocrate Gabon Abonnez-vous à la chaine: Like notre page Facebook: Suivez nous sur Twitter: AFRICA24: La première chaîne mondiale d'information pour l'Afrique. Les infos d'Afrique pour le monde, les infos du monde pour l'Afrique.
les burkinabés ont chassé leur cafard,gabonais commencer à vous procurer du timor...FAITES TOURNER BIENTOT LE CLIP...
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Gabon vs mali 4-3 buts complet Goals full 25/03/2015 HD mali vs Gabon . 35 Malik Aifuna 65 Pierre-Aymeric Opamiang 90 Bruno Aikhuela Manga 6 Sombala Diakite 57 Wague 82 Sakho
ALI ESPECE DE CAFARD! "Tu ne coucheras pas aussi avec un homme, comme on couche avec une femme. C'est une abomination" (Lé.18:22) "Or nous savons que la loi est bonne pour celui qui en fait un usage légitime, sachant ceci, que ce n'est pas pour le juste que la loi a été établie, mais pour les méchants et les rebelles, pour les impies et les pécheurs, pour les irréligieux et les profanes, pour les parricides, les meurtriers, pour les fornicateurs, pour les homosexuels, pour les voleurs d'hommes, pour les menteurs, pour les parjures, et contre telle autre chose qui est contraire à la saine doctrine, selon l'Evangile de la gloire du Dieu béni, Evangile qui m'a été confié." (1 Tim. 1:10)
Sports News Africa brings you Africa's sports headlines in two minutes. Subscribe to get daily news: Find us here: WWW: G+: F: T:
Société, Chefferie traditionnelle et engagement politique, avec Amzat BOUKARY Historien Bénin Abonnez-vous à la chaine: Like notre page Facebook: Suivez nous sur Twitter: AFRICA24: La première chaîne mondiale d'information pour l'Afrique. Les infos d'Afrique pour le monde, les infos du monde pour l'Afrique.
Arielle T NEWS VIDÉOCLIP 2011 Elle a le vent en poupe Arielle T ! La go d'à côté », change en or tout ce qu'elle touche ! Dernière réalisation, la reprise du succès des années 80 « Viens m'embrasser » de Julio Iglesias, dont la vidéo devrait mettre du feu dans bien des foyers...Arielle T, que l'on y découvre plus suave que jamais, a opté pour la carte de la séduction et du désir. Le slow des années 80, a pris ici des colorations caraïbéennes pour le bonheur des mélomanes et férus de ces tendances musicales chaudes. Pour le tournage, la chanteuse gabonaise a choisi une équipe de choix, Ultramax, l'une des plus sollicitées actuellement au Gabon et au-delà pour la qualité de ses services... Rappelons que l'artiste, avait été nominée aux Trophées des Arts Afro Caribéens l'année dernière, dans la catégorie « Artiste Révélation de l'année », avant d'investir deux mois plus tard, le Titan Club de Paris, pour un showcase qui aura fait parler de lui ! La nouvelle égérie du label Direct-Prod rappelons-le, lance sa carrière solo en milieu 2000. Elle s'illustre dans l'orchestre Mbala et va à la rencontre des mélomanes dans divers pianos bar qui lui permettront non seulement de se faire un nom, mais également de se perfectionner dans l'art du chant et des prestations sur scène. Vidéo réalisé par Max NGASSA pour UXfilm
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : Au Gabon, Ali Bongo doit faire face à une contestation grandissante, sur fond de manifestations et de difficultés économiques. Parmi les épines dans le pied du président gabonais, le livre de Pierre Péan qui l'accuse de nombreuses falsifications. En France, les médias sont parfois critiqués, notamment sur les réseaux sociaux, pour leur traitement de plusieurs attaques violentes dans le pays. Des attaques sans liens entre elles... Notre site : Rejoignez nous sur Facebook: Suivez nous sur Twitter :
NEWS : Frenchman Fights For Gabon Gorilla Haven, Hearing the dreaded sound of human footsteps, three enormous gorillas jump down from the branches of central Gabon’s lush rain forests and rush off into the distance. Follow CKN100 - News here: ► ON YOUTUBE at : ► ON BLOGGER at : ► ON TUMBLR at : ► ON WORDPRESS at : ► ON FACBOOK at : ► ON GOOGLE + at : +1 the post and share it if you are interesting in !!!
Sports News Africa brings you Africa's sports headlines in two minutes. Subscribe to get daily news: Find us here: WWW: G+: F: T:
Sports News Africa brings you Africa's sports headlines in two minutes. Subscribe to get daily news: Find us here: WWW: G+: F: T:
Nous ne sommes pas des victimes qui s'ignorent car notre sort d'aujourd'hui est celui déjà accompli sur nos regrettés défunts et NON VENGER par notre justice...
Keep up-to-date with the latest news, subscribe here: The noble lion has made a comeback in southeast Gabon, after disappearing for years, according to US wildlife organisation Panthera, which recently took live video footage of a male. Duration: 00:32 Follow AFP English on Facebook: Latest news on AFP English Twitter: Share your top stories on Google+
gabon news 2012 gabon news english gabon news online gabon africa news gabon news articles. By :@Rachid Agawins
★Site web : ☆Page Facebook : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►Vous pouvez trouver plus de musique, clips, films, émissions et médias gabonais sur notre site.
Sports News Africa brings you Africa's sports headlines in two minutes. Subscribe to get daily news: Find us here: WWW: G+: F: T:
Sports News Africa brings you Africa's sports headlines in two minutes. Subscribe to get daily news: Find us here: WWW: G+: F: T:
( Despite constrained political conditions, it's small population, abundant natural resources and considerable foreign support have helped...
( Despite constrained political conditions, it's small population, abundant natural resources and considerable foreign support have helped...
VOA's Paul Ndiho just returned from Gabon, and tells how the Gabon government is trying to attract private investment.
c'est ça le vrai langage du pays. A Travers cette vidéo, je veux juste vous montrer ce qu'on vit dans ces quartiers dit: Ghetto ,kwate, pivot, piguina, mapane ou encore Cité.
Al Qarra - Graduating from high school, Cedric dreamt of attending university. But without funding, he had to stop everything and look for a job. After being...
RTG le Gabon premier OHADA selon le rapport Doing business
I didn't think I'd make it into Gabon after my time in Yaounde at their terrible embassy, but after getting a visa with ease at the border (as seen in the last episode) I'm here. The truth is, this country has such brilliant potential. The scenery is unbelievable, there is money here in the oil and timber industry, and there is wildlife as well. However, despite a couple fun days in Gabon with a Dutch couple I met on the road, I quickly grew to despise Gabon. The people here were the least friendly I met in all of Africa, they seemed to resent me being in their country. Moreover, well at the pride and joy of Gabon tourism, Lope National Park, we learned how unprofessional they can still be when it comes to business. Gabon, thus far has been so insanely frustrating but mostly due to the fact that it has so much potential, but the people don't seem to care even the slightest about the tourists that come here hoping to explore. There are many places I'd rather see develop a tourism in West and Central Africa. And it annoys me to no end that the one country in the region that has the money, stability, and the natural blessings is completely neglecting it. Anyways, rant over. After this episode I roll on towards the town of Franceville as I have to catch the train since there is no fuel left in the town of Lope. Stay tuned. For travel articles and photography, visit my blog at Or check out my travel magazine
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Training and discussing youth employment
Teaser d'annonce de la campagne de communication LE GABON QUI GAGNE qui vise a promouvoir les talents gabonais qui se demarque dans le sport/musique/art/business/leadership. One Media
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For twenty years, The Joshua Generation International Network has traveled worldwide, delivering the Good News, ministering to and inspiring government leade...
LE GABON QUI GAGNE a pour objectif de promouvoir auprès de la jeunesse gabonaise la notion d'excellence de résultats, issus de différents secteurs d'activités (Sport - Musique - Art - Leadership - Diaspora - Business).
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Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : GABON - Tout a commencé avec une bagarre entre étudiants fin novembre dans une université de Franceville à l'est du Gabon. Onze personnes sont emmenées par la police. Mais leurs camarades se révoltent pour obtenir leur libération. La suite c'est Norbert, un étudiant, qui nous la raconte. On a été bizuté par les bérets rouges, écoutez son témoignage... Notre site : Rejoignez nous sur Facebook : Suivez nous sur Twitter :
Please join us urgently to demand the end of corruption and impunity, as well as justice for people of Gabon: We will be releasing a twitter storm package in...
Fake business proposal to invest into Gabon tourism.
Les habitants d’Owendo à Libreville n’en ont pas cru leurs yeux lorsqu’ils ont vu samedi 13 décembre un avion des forces aériennes gabonaises circuler sur la voie publique. Notre site : Rejoignez nous sur Facebook : Suivez nous sur Twitter :
Simon Reeve travels to one of Africa's most expensive cities, Libreville, to learn more about the reality of the Gabon oil industry. Free video clip from BBC...
Angèle Assélé first came into prominence with her debut album "Esperancia" (1984) backed by the orchestra Les Diablotins; she was 17 at the time - pretty noteworthy. Behind « Esperancia », the first album of Angèle Assélé, stood two monsters of the Gabonese show business. Her aunt, the diva Patience Dabany, wife of President Omar Bongo then, now exiled in L.A., and her father, General Jean-Boniface Assélé who directed the first recording studio in Libreville, a controversial politician who still leads the Circle of Liberal Reformers. Between 84 and 86, Studio Mademba released three other angelic albums : « Amour sans Frontières », « Angèle Assélé et Les Diablotins », and « Papi ». They invest not only in music but also in humanitarian causes and Angèle becomes an artist-ambassador for the United Nations. Then she retired from singing for ten years and entered the direction of Cultural Affairs. She finally made another album, « Feeling Love », in 1998. She still performs today. Late 80's mellow Afro-Zouk with a harmonious vibe. Check out that sebene - very sweet like honey to the ears. Currently don't have the credits, but will look.
Who are the Baka Pygmies? The Baka people, known in the Congo as Bayaka (Bebayaka, Bebayaga, Bibaya), are an ethnic group inhabiting the southeastern rain forests of Cameroon, northern Republic of Congo, northern Gabon, and southwestern Central African Republic. They are sometimes called a subgroup of the Twa, but the two peoples are not closely related. Likewise, the name "Baka" is sometimes mistakenly applied to other peoples of the area who, like the Baka and Twa, have been historically called pygmies, a term that is no longer considered respectful. The Baka people are hunter-gatherers, formerly called Pygmies, located in the Central African rain forest. Having heights of no more than 1.52 meters (5 feet) as well as a semi-nomadic lifestyles, the Baka are often discriminated against and marginalized from society. The tropical rain forest in Gabon, Central Africa where some of the Baka reside They reside in south-eastern Cameroon, northern Gabon and in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Congo, the Baka people are otherwise known as the Bayaka. Some Baka are also found in the Southwestern African Republic. Although, the Baka people are located throughout the Central African rain forest, they are mainly concentrated in Cameroon as the Baka community of Cameroon represents roughly 30 000 individuals. The Baka are a semi-nomadic people, like other hunter-gatherers such as the Bagyeli and the Twa. However, they are slowly becoming a more sedentary people due to the intensive deforestation of the Central African Rainforest. Pressures from their taller and more dominant neighbors, the Bantu, have also slowed the Baka people's mobility. The Baka have successfully maintained their language, also called Baka. Unlike their neighbors' languages (Koozime, Bakoum and Bangandou) which have Bantu roots, Baka comes from a different language famiy, Ubangian. The Baka people are the principal hunter-gatherers of the tropical rainforest of Central West Africa. Groups establish temporary camps of huts constructed of bowed branches covered in large leaves (though today more and more homes are constructed following Bantu methods). The Baka hunt and gather their own food. The men hunt and trap in the surrounding forest, using poisoned arrows and spears to great effect. The men also welcome the help of dogs when going on hunting excursions. Fishing is very important in Baka culture as young boys are taught to use fishing rods at a young age
Gabon's president Ali Bongo talks on managing investments in Africa.
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The Republic of Cameroon is a unitary republic of central and western Africa. It is bordered by Nigeria to the west; Chad to the northeast; the Central Afric...
Very little was known about Gabon's marine ecosystem prior to National Geographic's October 2012 Pristine Seas expedition with the Waitt Institute and Wildlife Conservation Society. On November 12, 2014, President Ali Bongo expanded his father's conservation legacy by creating a network of marine parks covering 23 percent of Gabon's territorial waters. For more information, please visit
Afro Fusion Brands is a local Milwaukee family concept developed by native Africans who now call Milwaukee home. It is a lifestyle brand made of several offe...
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Cameroon Culture Guide to Cameroon and Cameroonian culture, society, language, etiquette, customs, manners and protocol.Cameroon - Countries and Their CulturesCameroon has a rich and diverse culture made up of a mix of about 250 indigenous populations and just as many languages and customs. The country is . Ahtina Cameroon - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette.This name later was applied to the coastal area between Mount Cameroon and Rio Muni. Cameroon has distinct regional cultural, religious, and political .Culture of Cameroon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cameroon history - geography :: Cultural life. - BritannicaInformation on Cameroon — map of Cameroon, flag of Cameroon,. history, politics, government, economy, population, culture, religion, languages, largest cities.Cultural Information - Cameroon Centre for Intercultural.Dec 1, 2013 - Italian sponsorship enabled the establishment of a series of cultural heritage museums in north and northwest Cameroon. The national library .The people of Cameroon are so diverse that it is usually not that easy to predict... Learning about a culture as rich and diverse as Cameroon's requires that you .Cameroon: Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture. Cameroon's CultureIt's common for a child in Cameroon to speak at least three languages - a local African mother-tongue, French and English.Cameroon Society and Culture - World MapThe culture of Cameroon has over 130 ethnic groups. There are five main ones in Africa today. They are Bamileke, Bamoun in the west, Fulani and Kirdi in the north, and Ewondo which is around Yaounde. The group of Bamileke is the most populous group in the west.People & Culture — Cameroon — Our AfricaCameroon- Society and Culture provides an overview of the various amazing aspects relating to the diverse components of the society which includes culture, .
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Zeliang tribe from Nagaland displaying their dance at Hornbill festival 2013. Nagaland is known as the land of festivals, as each tribe celebrates its own fe...
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The cultural and historic relations between Africa and Brazil was on full display in Washington during a recent week long celebration that included festivals, performances, workshops and food. VOA's Lisa Vohra has more.
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This two-part series explores the lifestyle and culture of the indigenous inhabitants of New Ireland, a large island found in Papua New Guinea.
Tout l'amour du monde ne peut égaliser à ce qu'a une mère pour ses enfants...
female figure, Fang people This figure presents a problem of ethnic identification. On stylis...
UNESCO: Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2008 URL: Description: The Aka Pygmies living in the south-west region of the Central African Republic have developed a distinctive vocal musical tradition, which involves a complex type of contrapuntal polyphony based on four voices, mastered by all members of the Aka community. Music and dance form an integral part of Aka rituals including ceremonies related to the inauguration of new encampments, hunting and funerals. Unlike polyphonic systems that are written down in notation, the vocal tradition of the Aka Pygmies allows for spontaneous expression and improvisation. During performances, each singer can change his or her voice to produce a multitude of variations, creating the impression that the music is continuously evolving. The songs are generally accompanied by various percussion and string instruments, each one played for a specific occasion.Among the most common instruments are a local type of drum (enzeko), a harp-like instrument known as the geedale-bagongo, and the single-string bow (mbela). The songs perpetuate essential knowledge for the cohesion of the group and the preservation of community values. The dances are performed to the accompaniment of vibrant hand-clapping. Depending on the ritual, some dances feature men only, while others may be executed by couples or by male and female solo dancers. Relying entirely on oral transmission, the Aka Pygmies have succeeded in preserving their musical knowledge within the community by including children in rituals from an early age. The lifestyle of the Aka Pygmies has been drastically disrupted due to the changes currently taking place in the Central African Republic. The scarcity of game resulting from deforestation, the rural exodus and the folklorization of their heritage for the tourist industry are the principal factors contributing to the gradual disappearance of many of their traditional customs, rituals and skills. Country(ies): Central African Republic
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Ancient African Cultures Early African civilisations: Ancient Egypt, Nubia and Swahili.. Swahili language to unite the people and create a new culture unique to the East coast of Africa.Culture of Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAfrican roots of human society and culture.. The "stone ages" (Old and New) ended when ancient humans began to use metals, such as copper or iron, as their . Ahtina Early civilisations - South African History OnlineMaulana Karenga , African Culture and the Ongoing Quest for Excellence.. The roots of North African cuisine can be traced back to the ancient empires of .Ancient African Civilizations [PDF]Early African Civilizations 2000 B.C.–A.D. 1500Aug 13, 2013 - Section 1 Development of African Civilizations. Section 2 Kingdoms and States of Africa. Section 3 African Society and Culture. Early African. African society & culture - SlideShareThrough its peoples, astounding cultures have grown and flourished.. The lack of serious and positive attention that has been given to Africa's ancient and ..Ancient african civilization - SlideShareNov 2, 2012 - African cultures ppt sonyameverett 9,394 views.. Much of what we know about Ancient African society comes from the writings of foreign .Africa [ushistory]Nov 2, 2012 - Ancient African Civilizations Kush, Axum, Ghana, Mali, Songhai &
VOA's health correspondent Linord Moudou talks to Gabonese Health Minister Leon Nzouba about the right health system for Africa.
Report - Gabon:The impact of Areva's uranium mining For 40 years Comuf, a subsidiary of French nuclear giant Areva, mined uranium in the town of Mounana, in ...
We are one of the world's leading brokers advising on worldwide health insurance. We operate with all the major world-wide health insurance coverage organiza...
Who are the Baka Pygmies? The Baka people, known in the Congo as Bayaka (Bebayaka, Bebayaga, Bibaya), are an ethnic group inhabiting the southeastern rain forests of Cameroon, northern Republic of Congo, northern Gabon, and southwestern Central African Republic. They are sometimes called a subgroup of the Twa, but the two peoples are not closely related. Likewise, the name "Baka" is sometimes mistakenly applied to other peoples of the area who, like the Baka and Twa, have been historically called pygmies, a term that is no longer considered respectful. The Baka people are hunter-gatherers, formerly called Pygmies, located in the Central African rain forest. Having heights of no more than 1.52 meters (5 feet) as well as a semi-nomadic lifestyles, the Baka are often discriminated against and marginalized from society. The tropical rain forest in Gabon, Central Africa where some of the Baka reside They reside in south-eastern Cameroon, northern Gabon and in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Congo, the Baka people are otherwise known as the Bayaka. Some Baka are also found in the Southwestern African Republic. Although, the Baka people are located throughout the Central African rain forest, they are mainly concentrated in Cameroon as the Baka community of Cameroon represents roughly 30 000 individuals. The Baka are a semi-nomadic people, like other hunter-gatherers such as the Bagyeli and the Twa. However, they are slowly becoming a more sedentary people due to the intensive deforestation of the Central African Rainforest. Pressures from their taller and more dominant neighbors, the Bantu, have also slowed the Baka people's mobility. The Baka have successfully maintained their language, also called Baka. Unlike their neighbors' languages (Koozime, Bakoum and Bangandou) which have Bantu roots, Baka comes from a different language famiy, Ubangian. The Baka people are the principal hunter-gatherers of the tropical rainforest of Central West Africa. Groups establish temporary camps of huts constructed of bowed branches covered in large leaves (though today more and more homes are constructed following Bantu methods). The Baka hunt and gather their own food. The men hunt and trap in the surrounding forest, using poisoned arrows and spears to great effect. The men also welcome the help of dogs when going on hunting excursions. Fishing is very important in Baka culture as young boys are taught to use fishing rods at a young age. The men fish using chemicals obtained from crushed plant material. Using fast-moving river water, they disperse the chemical downstream. This non-toxic chemical deprives fish of oxygen, making them float to the surface and easily collected by Baka men. Another method of fishing, performed only by women, is dam fishing, in which water is removed from a dammed area and fish are taken from the exposed ground. Young-girls often accompany the women when they go fish-bailing in nearby streams. Their job is to help the women by watching over the infants while they fish. Women cultivate plants, such as plantains, cassavas and bananas, and practice beekeeping. The group remains in one area until it is hunted out. It then abandons the camp and settles down in a different portion of the forest. The group is communal and makes decisions by consensus. During the dry season, it is common for the Baka to move and set camp within the forest in order to facilitate fishing and overall nutritional gathering. The Baka are the most active during these dry seasons. Men hunt from dawn until dusk and the women gather two types of fruits: the "mabie" and the "pekie", which are used for the provision of juice and nuts. The Baka people continue to monitor bee activity in order to obtain honey or "poki". The Baka people are skilled in using various plants in which they may wash out chemicals. They often mash these plants into a pulp to treat illness and infertility. Children's health is of a particular concern as they are particularly susceptible to diseases that can often result in death. Their skills in this traditional medicine are such that even non-Baka often seek out their healers for treatment. After hunting successfully, the Baka worship Jengi with songs of thanksgiving and dancing in a ritual called Luma.
Gabon is the Key the Economical, Ecological key; not only for the continent of Africa but the entire global community. Establishing and building 10000 Emerg...
Gabon's public sector unions met in the capital Libreville to map out ways of forcing their government to give in to their salary demands after weeks of industrial action without fruit. Teachers and health workers have stayed off work since the beginning of February prompting the administration to dock their pay.
Stephane Lasme - The Gabon Beast stings Olympiakos.
Site web : ☆Page Facebook : ------------------------------------------. Biens mal acquis profitent toujours, enquête sur un pillage d'Etats Ils dépensent des dizaines de millions d'euros pour s'offrir des voitures de luxe, des ya. Pièce à conviction : bien mal acquis profite toujours: une enquête de Magali Serre Journaliste et auteur du documentaire et de William Bourdon Avocat de tran. La chasse aux biens mal acquis par l'entourage de l'ancien président sénégalais est ouvertement encouragée par Paris, où le parquet a ouvert début décembre u.
In this edition: US President Barack Obama's health care reform is the subject of huge online discussion while, in Gabon, it's Omar Bongo's succession that's...
Around 20 foreigners a year travel to Gabon to undertake the ancient ritual of Bwiti - one that can lead to psychedelic hallucinations and, according to some, cure drug addictions. Duration: 02:27
JOIN US: Against New World Order Hello citizens of the world. We are anonymous, This is...
Where once a full figure was a mark of a woman's beauty, in Gabon's capital Libreville women feel under pressure to mirror the more slender image of Western models. But an association of larger ladies is looking to buck this trend. Duration: 02:18
ERI-TV: NEWS Asmara, 20 January 2014 -- Installation of a pipe line for potable water along Villagio - Adi-Segudo, Asmara, is underway at a total expenditure...
Ebola "Le virus tueur" [ Virus Ebola ] like, subscribe and share for more video Ebola (Disease Or Medical Condition) ebola virus outbreak zebov infection africa Guinea Liberia Sierra Leone Nigeria vaccine indoline alkaloids ebolavirus diseases Gabon hemorrhagic fever health medicine science sci show news hank green liberia disease epidemic bushmeat death aids VICE News VICE VICE Magazine documentary interviews world news breaking news happening now documentaries interview culture wild lifestyle world exclusive independent underground videos funny funny videos journalism vice guide vice presents vice news vice vice magazine vice mag vice videos euronews Disease Spain Ebola virus ebola outbreak 2014 ebola spain west africa ebola virus video Gary Franchi Next News Network Mike Adams health ranger Health (Industry) Health Care (Industry) Medicine (Field Of Study) United States Of America (Country) economy politics obama america us war liberty movement amtv greenewave alternative media television talk radio christopher greene cgreene34 ebola virus ebola virus 2014 ebola 2014 ebola patent ebola vaccine ebola vaccine conspiracy ebola vaccine eugenics ebola tekmira ebola cdc depopulation agenda 2014 agenda 21 Barack Obama (US President) ebola conspiracy ebola zombie ebola documentary ebola virus documentary 2014 ebola america ebola united states symptoms ebola symptoms ebola virus symptoms Ebola Virus (Disease Cause) conspiracy conspiracies cdc centers for disease control ebola origin mysterious military department of defense dark5 dark 5 list of facts top 10 top ten top 5 top five vice news commercial vice spot vice news ad vice commercial vice ad Alex Jones Infowars Nightly News Police State Martial Law 9/11 Alternative Media Nuclear War putin ww3 John Kerry irs cps Hillary Clinton Drones CIA NATO EU UN Obamacare Benghazi Al-Qaeda Prisonplanet NWO RealAlexJones truth 10/8/2014 Michael Savage Ebola Ebola Virus Ebola Dallas dallas gupta david quammen Thomas Eric Duncan DALLAS EBOLA SECOND CASE UPDATE dr nozman nozman ebola maladie The New York Times NY Times NYT Times Video newspaper feature reporting ebola outbreak hospital 2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak (Disaster) monrovia liberia ebola ebola epidemic infected ebola infected patient ebola patient jfk hospital vomiting health crisis doctors without borders ebola treatment morovia slum slum Dr. Rima Laibow weaponized ebola airborne ebola CNN News CNN TV CNN Newsroom thomas eric duncan dead texas Interview ROBERT SCOTT BELL THOMAS DUNCAN Quarantine (Invention) Monrovia Ebola Outbreak Ebola Epidemic World
Source : Curtis UK Vous pouvez voir plus de vidéos d'émissions gabonaises et/ou sur le Gabon, ainsi que plus de clips, musiques et films gabonais sur le sit...
VOA's Paul Ndiho recently returned from Gabon and reports on how they are preparing for the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations with Equatorial Guinea.
Visit a Gabon village with no electricity and no Internet and see how the VSee telemedicine kit allows an Albert Schweitzer intern send ultrasound, iris scan...
Bafana Bafana beat Mali 3 nil in Libreville in Gabon to wrap up their preparations ahead of the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations. Coach Shakes Mashaba has yet to lose since taking over the National team, he's unbeaten in 10 matches, the team is unbeaten in 12. Bafana begin their Afcon campaign against Algeria on Monday... For more News visit: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
Gabon's government has moved to reduce simmering tensions in the capital Libreville, a day after three people reportedly died in a demonstration against President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The public protector said on Sunday that one person - a 30 year old male student had died - contradicting an opposition coalition's toll of three deaths following clashes with security forces the previous day. Guy Bertrand Mapangou, the country's interior minister, told a news conference that the student "had died outside the scene of the protests". "An investigation has been launched by the prosecutor of the Republic to determine the circumstances of this tragedy," he said. In response to a peaceful demonstration... the head of state mobilised special units of the gendarmerie and the police and directed the weapons of the republic against peaceful, unarmed Gabonese. Opposition statement. The opposition had called for a new protest on Sunday afternoon but there were no signs of a gathering as security forces fanned out across the coastal city. Hundreds had gathered on Saturday at Libreville's Rio Intersection for a rally that had been outlawed by the interior ministry the day before. "Ali, get out! 50 years is too long!" the crowd chanted. Security forces were out in large numbers to prevent hundreds of demonstrators from gathering at the intersection. The opposition coalition accused the government of mobilising special units to squash the demonstrations. "In response to a peaceful demonstration... the head of state mobilised special units of the gendarmerie and the police and directed the weapons of the republic against peaceful, unarmed Gabonese," the opposition statement said. "We have already recorded three deaths, many serious injuries and numerous arrests," it said, condemning "killings committed in cold blood and [with] live ammunition". There was no independent confirmation of the death toll claimed by the opposition. The country's interior minister said many members of the security forces had been injured, adding there had been widespread destruction with shops looted and vehicles damaged. "About 100 people, including 90 Gabonese nationals and 10 foreigners" were arrested on Saturday, he said. "Some were carrying knives, or jerry cans of petrol and others were visibly under the effect of drugs." The political climate in Gabon worsened recently with the publication of a book by French journalist Pierre Pean that accuses the president of having falsified his birth certificate and diplomas.
Hello citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. This is an urgent message. A new and terrible thing is happening in the west coast, central-African nation of ...
Ebola Awareness: How to Stay Protected [ Ebola ] Ebola (Disease Or Medical Condition) ebola virus outbreak zebov infection africa Guinea Liberia Sierra Leone Nigeria vaccine indoline alkaloids ebolavirus diseases Gabon hemorrhagic fever health medicine science sci show news hank green liberia disease epidemic bushmeat death aids VICE News VICE VICE Magazine documentary interviews world news breaking news happening now documentaries interview culture wild lifestyle world exclusive independent underground videos funny funny videos journalism vice guide vice presents vice news vice vice magazine vice mag vice videos euronews Health WHO Ebola virus Gary Franchi Next News Network Mike Adams health ranger Health (Industry) Health Care (Industry) Medicine (Field Of Study) United States Of America (Country) pewdiepie pewdie pewds let's play playthrough walkthrough play walk through walk through video games ebola outbreak isis update democrats obama fallout greg hunter LeFloid LeNEWS sexy Nerdgasm Satire Heute Show Kabarett Volker Piespers Nerd Ranking Top 10 best of community EBOLA Zombies Metal Red Bull verklagt Fl\u00fcgel DIY iphone 6 iphone 6 plus print AR 15 Jailbreak bending Fappening Release Emma Watson UN NATO IS ISIS islamischer Staat DNER Taddl Gronkh PewDiePie Doktor Froid epic FAIL Floid Army Vlog DoktorFroid BTP Schweineb\u00e4rmann Sidekick InformOverload iO ebola victim american ebola victim us ebola victim ebola patient dies ebola victim dies Thomas Eric Duncan Thomas Eric Duncan dies of ebola breaking new Dahboo77 2014 False flag attack wow crazy Must see Conspiracy truth exposed Flight 370 World war Newest Border Invasion Video Pics Illuminati Killuminati NWO Busted October 10 Pandemic newest Sick Joke kicked off plane US Airways (Airline) Philadelphia (City/Town/Village) Hazmat police scare arrested You're All Screwed Ebola Sleep Stress Meditation Happy Motivational Video Law of Attraction Ralph Smart Smile Spirit Science Third Eye Dream Chill Out Relax Healing Relationships Positive Music Infinite Waters Dealing with Panic Attacks \u0026 Anxiety | Zoella The Secret Love Inspiring Your Body Jenna Marbles Michelle Phan Hope Frequency Fun Vsauce AsapSCIENCE Ancient Knowledge Thinking About You Summer Your Love Chakras Power Anxiety Worrying Free Alex Jones Infowars Nightly News Police State Martial Law 9/11 Alternative Media Nuclear War putin ww3 John Kerry irs cps Hillary Clinton Drones CIA EU Obamacare Benghazi Al-Qaeda Prisonplanet RealAlexJones media Patient (Character Occupation) Liberia (Country) Disease Spain ebola outbreak 2014 ebola spain west africa ebola virus video ebola virus ebola zombie ebola documentary ebola virus documentary ebola 2014 ebola america ebola united states ebola patent symptoms ebola symptoms ebola virus symptoms Ebola Virus (Disease Cause) conspiracy conspiracies cdc centers for disease control ebola origin mysterious military department of defense dark5 dark 5 list of facts top 10 top ten top 5 top five bbc bbc news frontline Sierra Leone (Country) sierra leone ebola treatment cure 2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak (Disaster) Oliver Johnson HURRICANE VONEFONG US BPEARTHWATCH Tropical Cyclone (Disaster Type) Tropical Cyclone Warnings And Watches Weather Forecasting (Software Genre) economy politics obama america us liberty movement amtv greenewave alternative television talk radio christopher greene cgreene34 ebola virus 2014 ebola vaccine ebola vaccine conspiracy ebola vaccine eugenics ebola tekmira ebola cdc depopulation agenda 2014 agenda 21 Barack Obama (US President) ebola conspiracy
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Nigeria's Golden Eaglets were defeated by the Gabonese team 2-1 in the 2015 African Youth Championship Qualifier match played in Gabon. The coach, Emmanuel Amuneke, said he loved the approach the team gave to the game. Analysts take a look and Nigeria's chances of qualifying from the group. For more information, visit
Sports News Africa brings you Africa's sports headlines in two minutes. Subscribe to get daily news: Find us here: WWW: G+: F: T:
SPORTS:Les Aigles du Mali vont se préparés au Gabon pour la CAN 2015 avec deux matchs Amicaux son prévu entre l'Afrique du Sud et le Gabon.
Le magazine des sports de GABON TÉLÉVISION, présenté par Pablo MOUSSODJI NGOMA.
Le magazine des sports de GABON TÉLÉVISION du lundi 10 novembre 2014, présenté par Pablo MOUSSODJI NGOMA.
Retrouvez l'intégralité du magazine des sports de Gabon Télévision, "Grand sport" du lundi 08 août 2014, présenté par Pablo MOUSSODJI NGOMA, en cliquant sur cette adresse :;=video&id;=395&Itemid;=130
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Coopération Gabon – Lesotho dans le domaine du sport - audience entre le ministre des sports, Blaise Louembe et son homologue du Lesotho - Eritrean Sport Report about the 10th Tour de Gabon - La Tropicale Amissa Bongo presented by EriTV.
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Tweet this video! - Although competition can be a good thing, especially when it spurs people on to achieve what was once thoug...
Guinée équatoriale vs Gabon 2-0 -- Equatorial Guinea vs Gabon 2-0 (But Complet) African Cup of Nations 2015 Equatorial Guinea 2-0 Gabon But Complete Gabon 0-2 Equatorial Guinea
WELCOME TO FC BAMENDA SPORTS & EDUCATION ACADEMY FC Bamenda Sports Academy offers a unique Education,individualized cross-training sports program. Designed a...
Qualification CAN 2015 Maroc ( LBV- Stade Angondje - sam 6 sept 2014 )
Kevin Campbell, Lydia Tavera and Chima Simone interview various reality stars from CBS Big Brother and Survivor at the Vegas Bash 2011.
Jimmy got registered as an Uber driver and then took to the streets to give rides and change lives. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: Watch the latest Mean Tweets: Connect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online: Visit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: Like Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: About Jimmy Kimmel Live: Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy nominated "Jimmy Kimmel Live," ABC's late-night talk show. "Jimmy Kimmel Live" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 1.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like "I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo. Now in its eleventh season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon. Jimmy Kimmel the Uber Driver
Ghanaian Dancehall “Queen” Kaakie rocked fans in Gabon when she performed at Stade De Nzeng Ayong.Before her performance she did radio and Tv interviews and also interacted with celebrities in Gabon.One lucky man had the chance to enjoy a Hot lap dance from the dancehall
Watch the now infamous celebrity speed lap that led to the second to last corner of the Top Gear track being named after the brilliant British actor Michael ...
Leading economic expert Jim Rogers traveled to 150 countries over 150000 miles in three years - follow his adventures here on FentonReport. In this video Ji...
official fan made season finale Simvivor tv Jeff Probst Micronesia Todd Earl Yul Far East Survivor Challenge Tribal Council Camp Island Allstars Episode Vote...
Survivor Gabon intro. Intro of the American version of Survivor known as Survivor: Gabon - Earth's Last Eden.
View more , Authorities searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane have widened their search, with the west coa...
Meet Ken, a Survivor in Gabon, Earth's Last Eden.
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FORMIDABLE Best moment 7:22 Plus :
Gabon, Africa February 2013 Women's Bwiti Initiation in Moukoumou village. This was a dancing ritual that took place after a whole night of ceremony, still going strong the following morning and through most of the day. Iboga House took staff and students to the village for a full initiation and to film a documentary about iboga.
Celebrities like Kim Kardashian has given a whole new meaning to big backside and curves. But just because she has the most famous b*tt in the world doesn’t mean that it’s the best and only celebrity curvy-b*tt. In recent years, Africa entertainment industry has seen rising number of stunning figures like in Nollywood and Ghollywood. Popular African entertainment sites like BellaNaija, Talk of Naija and other social network have helped expose the curvaceousness of these stars to the world. These ladies are not just curvy, they’re gorgeous in every sense. Check out our 2015 list of the top 20 most curvy African celebrities. You be the judge! ------------------------------------------------------------- C O P Y R I G H T D I S C L A I M E R ------------------------------------------------------------- "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." Please comment or subscribe!
Watch as the final four cast their votes, which causes Matty and Bob to compete in a firemaking tie-breaker challenge.
Vidéoclip en hommage à l'équipe de soccer-football, du Gabon Les Panthères Artiste : Jyrell'M Réalisation et Production : BigVision Film ( Brunel M Kalala ) et Jean Reliques Matoumba ( Jyrell'M) Musique: Jyrell'M et BODB Studio (mixage) et Deff Record ( enregistrement et son) Collaborateur: Jean Dieu Matoumba , Rappeur J.Flex et Annick Nzie Artistes Sid Abdul Moise S Pouchon Lala ( Larissa) Maryke Prisca Ndala Nickson Jaguar Natalie Gelman Jean Remy Alice Daisy Bianka Richer Ymma MP Shooting Star ( Équipe de meneuse de claques Vallée de la Haute Gatineau ) Droits d'auteur sur les paroles, la musique et la vidéo intégrale: Jean Reliques Matoumba
Kevin Campbell, Lydia Tavera and Chima Simone interview various reality stars from CBS Big Brother and Survivor at the Vegas Bash 2011.
Gay wedding - Traditional African gay wedding a first Subscribe to eNCA for latest news. No Fear. No Favour: For more stories visit Kwadukuza, April 7 - The small town of KwaDukuza was set abuzz this weekend as a young couple said "I do".What was unusual about the ceremony was that it was the area's 'First Traditional African Gay Wedding'. Connect with eNCA now to follow the top stories and have your say:
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Season 9: Vanuatu – Islands of Fire Season 10: Palau Season 11: Guatemala – The Maya Empire Season 12: Panama – Exile Island Season 13: Cook Islands Season 14: Fiji Season 15: China Season 16: Micronesia – Fans vs. Favorites Season 17: Gabon – Earth's Last Eden Season 18: Tocantins – The Brazilian Highlands Season 19: Samoa Season 20: Heroes vs. Villains Season 21: Nicaragua Season 22: Redemption Island Season 23: South Pacific Season 24: One World Season 25: Philippines Season 26: Caramoan – Fans vs. Favorites Season 27: Blood vs. Water Season 28: Cagayan Season 29: San Juan del Sur – Blood vs. Water season 30 season 31 Expedition Robinson Survivor (UK TV series) Survivor BG Survivor Philippines Australian Survivor Celebrity Survivor Survivor South Africa Survivor Srbija Pirate Master Total Drama List of longest-running U.S. primetime television series
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Ivindo 3 000 km² Great elephants, gorilla populations that never came in contact with man, beautiful waterfalls forest. (We do not own rights to this video. All rights are owned by
Gabon is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and the Congo. The 800km- (500-mile-) long sandy coastal strip is a series of palm-fringed bays, lagoons and estuaries. The lush tropical vegetation (which covers much of the interior) gives way in parts to the savannah. There are many rivers along which settlements have grown. Many of the Bantu people are concentrated in coastal areas and villages along the banks of the many rivers. The main cities are Libreville, Port Gentil, Lambaréné, Moanda, Oyem, Mouila and Franceville. ********** This description is from WORLDTRAVELGUIDE. World Travel Guide own all copyright to this description. Visit here - **********
Kijk meer video's op!/gemist/rtl-travel-10769. Floortje Dessing is in 'De Tuin van Afrika', Gabon, en ze bezoekt daar de Nederlanders F...
TCW SERIES Watch part two of the Travel to Gabon Series. Dr. Allana Da Graca travels with hubster to a small village in Central Africa. Enjoy the adventure Dr. Allana Da Graca holds a Doctorate in Education (Professional Studies) from Capella University. She received a Master’s Degree in Communication with a specialization in New Media from Emerson College. Dr. Da Graca has served as a freelance professional and radio host for notable media conglomerates. She has served on various panels pertaining to community advocacy and diversity awareness. For the past seventeen years, Dr. Da Graca has taught a variety of public speaking and theatre courses at the High School, and University Level. For ten years she directly assisted a non-profit in using arts and communication techniques to foster retention and academic success. Currently she teaches a variety of communication courses (Mass Media, Intro to Comm, Social Media, Group Comm) as an online instructor at Walden University. She is the recipient of the Robert C. Ford Fellowship, Martin Luther King Leadership BHCC Award, and the Chahara Foundation Award. Her focus as an educator is to help adult learners with professional development with respect to they way in which they communicate in personal and professional settings. In addition to this, Dr. Da Graca has an passion for civic engagement with communities and organizations that foster the development of self-esteem and persistence in young girls and women. http://drallanadagraca.c
Leading economic expert Jim Rogers traveled to 150 countries over 150000 miles in three years - follow his adventures here on FentonReport. In this video Ji...
Leading economic expert Jim Rogers traveled to 150 countries over 150000 miles in three years - follow his adventures here on FentonReport. In this video Ji...
Vlog Series of Dr. Da Graca travel to Gabon.
During our trip South, we cross Gabon. Fantastic roads, the worst roads and plenty of friendly people.
Preview of Vmarchal's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Lope, Gabon Entry Title: "Parc National de la Lope" Entry: "Le parc national de la Lope est facilement accessible par le train. Ce dernier etant la veritable colonne vertebrale du pays. Il est lent mais moderne. Lope etait l occasion de voir les mandrills mais ces derniers qui sont normalement radio-tracke, ont ete perdus car l emetteur ne fonctionne plus. Tant pis, au lieu des mandrills on visitera la jungle en bateau, et on s initiera a la culture du bwiti." Read and see more at: Photos from this trip: 1. "Vipere" 2. "Makoghe" 3. "Jungle" 4. "Portage moteur pirogue" 5. "Filet de peche" 6. "A la peche" 7. "Ecailles de poissons" 8. "Mise a l eau de la pirogue" 9. "Machette" See this TripWow and more at
Gabon (/ɡəˈbɒn/; French pronunciation: [ɡabɔ̃]), officially the Gabonese Republic (French: République gabonaise), is a sovereign state on the west coast of Central Africa. Located on the equator, Gabon is bordered by Equatorial Guinea to the northwest, Cameroon to the north, the Republic of the Congo on the east and south, and the Gulf of Guinea to the west. It has an area of nearly 270,000 square kilometres (100,000 sq mi) and its population is estimated at 1.5 million people. Its capital and largest city is Libreville. More info visit: Top Most Amazing and Best Unbelievable Breathaking Places To Travel in Equatorial Gabon gabon pictures gabon tourism gabon food gabon currency gabon facts gabon map gabon religion shell gabon gabon africa libreville gabon survivor gabon gambia gabon news libreville gabon map cbs survivor gabon Axel Rouvin Brian Gratwicke Géry Parent Marcus Dominicius
Plateau Bateke 2 050 km² The park is the last refuge of wildlife Leke, greater diversity of birds for city dwellers. (We do not own rights to this video. All...
Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: Guinea Ecuatorial), officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: República de Guinea Ecuatorial, French: République de ...
Silverback gorilla and his family walking in gabonese forest. Une famille de gorilles à Nyonié Au sud de Libreville et au bord de l'atlantique vivent plusieurs familles de gorilles. On les voit rarement car elles sont très prudentes. Une caméra-piège les a filmés pour ceux qui n'ont pas eu la chance de les croiser lors de leur séjour à Nyonié
Moukalaba-Doudou 4 500 km² It includes the last populations of animals of the savannah with waterbuck and jackal. (We do not own rights to this video. All ri...
Pongara 870 km² Beautiful beaches and mangrove swamps in front of the capital Libreville. This is a recreation for city dwellers. (We do not own rights to th...
En marge de la Coupe africaine des Nations (CAN), le footballeur Daniel Cousin adresse un message d'intérêt général en faveur de la vaccination des enfants c...
Антониони Ара Папян Арарат Аричаванк Аркадий Гукасян Арман Киракосян Армен Айвазян Армен Мовсисян Армен Тигранян Армия Армия и разведка Армении в 1918-1920 Армяне Армяно-Турецкие Протоколы Армяно-турецкие отношения Армянская архитектура Армянская калиграфия Армянская кулинария Армянская музыка Армянская церковь Армянские дизайнеры Армянские орнаменты Армянский Легион Армянский алфавит Армянский вопрос Армянский тараз Армянский язык Армянское кино Арсен Джульфалакян Арт-директора Артавазд Пелешян Артур Абраам Артур Багдасарян Архивные материалы Арцах Арцахская (Нагорно-Карабахская) Республи Аслан Масхадов Ассирйицы Ахмадинежад Ахмед Давутоглу Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo - Democratic Republic of, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Faroe Islands, Finland, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Holy See (Vatican City State), Honduras, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia - Federated States of, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, West Bank, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
For more information log on to
The UK prime minister has written to President Ali Bongo Ondimba after oil assets were expropriated ...
Financial Times 2015-04-20... begins their campaign to qualify for the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) to be staged in Gabon.
Big News Network 2015-04-20... find two late goals to draw 2-2 with CF Mounana of Gabon in the CAF Confederation Cup yesterday.
Sowetan Live 2015-04-20... which pitted Zimbabwe against Malawi, Guinea and Swaziland, the journey to Gabon 2017 "will not.
All Africa 2015-04-20... Bangladesh, Cambodia, Egypt, Gabon, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Singapore, and Thailand.
Antara News 2015-04-20Orlando Pirates claimed an away draw against Gabon’s CF Mounana in the first leg of their second ...
News24 2015-04-19... begins their campaign to qualify for the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) to be staged in Gabon.
All Africa 2015-04-19Maroc Telecom, which has operations in Gabon, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Mali and this year also ...
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-19Former Burkina Faso and Gabon coach Portuguese Paulo Duarte makes his Confederation of African ...
BBC News 2015-04-19million bid for the 25-year old Gabon international following the news that Jurgen Klopp is set to leave .
Big News Network 2015-04-18After struggling to be among the first 10 in the just concluded Moanda Open in Gabon, Sunday ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18The stage was crammed with the fruits of Amadinda's travels — from a Fang wood xylophone from Gabon ...
Voa News 2015-04-18Gabon ( /ɡəˈbɒn/; French pronunciation: [ɡabɔ̃]), officially the Gabonese Republic (French: République Gabonaise) is a state in west central Africa sharing borders with Equatorial Guinea to the northwest, Cameroon to the north, and with the Republic of the Congo curving around the east and south. The Gulf of Guinea, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean is to the west. It covers a land area of nearly 270,000 km² and has an estimated population of 1,500,000. Its capital and largest city is Libreville.
Since its independence from France on August 17, 1960, Gabon has been ruled by three presidents. In the early 1990s, Gabon introduced a multi-party system and a new democratic constitution that allowed for a more transparent electoral process and reformed many governmental institutions. Gabon is also a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2010-2011 term.
Low population density together with abundant natural resources and foreign private investment have helped make Gabon one of the most prosperous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the highest HDI and the third highest GDP per capita (PPP) (after Equatorial Guinea and Botswana) in the region.
Living life, money mean the world
Higher than a kite, I'm higher than a fly
Used to burn reggie, not the gang got my rights
Belt looking like I'm Babe Ruth, bet I won't strike
All-star gang George, that's when I'm blowing
Astral plane, damn right, shit puffing
Get this hoes open, ask some crazy questions
Tongue stroke it, smell it when it's open
Yeah, it's just something I love
Spinning vanilla dutches with different color buds
You can light it, smoke it, fill it, tone it
Roll this shit right and you can be roasting
Yeah, we still here rockin', this is DJ Smoky lot
Hey, I like this shit man, I like this shit, man
I like this shit
I'm a stoner like a hippie, I fell in love with trippy
In '99 but now I'm on a sour D sticky, got to happen
A new addition, I call it Ricky
I'mma tight the roller cone up and throw in a 50
With a little bit of leaf from a marijuana chief
Win a lot, get the paper, sex in between the sheets
I twist the top of the class, I made the honor roll
I won the heist, man, not the chronic bow
You know that medical smell soon as you pop the top
I'm on a space state, baby, captain Kirk got the spot
Capone hate it, baby,
I'm a big bamboo roll, this the bong
This was smoking in the hallway or spin in the yard
Rank in out in a robe, wait
I smoke till my eyes bloody red, hoe
Laid up, let the stress go
Yeah, Smoky right back at you motherfuckers with a big, fat joint
We gonna roll up behind the plain right now, we keeping lifted
Capone and young Haiti
Could these motherfuckers smoke like a motherfucker? Motherfucker
Hey yo pass my shit
Die Geschichte von Victor "Noreaga" Santiago und Kiam "Capone"
Holley liest sich wie ein spannender Roman voller Höhen und Tiefen: Gefängnis,
Erfolge, Verluste, wieder Gefängnis und so weiter. Aber der Reihe nach.Kennen
gelernt haben sie sich in der Greenhaven Besserungsanstalt für jugendliche
Straftäter im Staat New York. Sie finden schnell einen Draht zueinander, da beide
aus Queens stammen. Sie spielen Basketball, schreiben Reime und lesen Bücher
zusammen. Nach Absitzen ihrer Strafe tun sie sich mit dem befreundeten Rapper
Tragedy Khadafi zusammen und nehmen '96 als CNN mit Mobb Deep den Track "LA
LA" auf, der als Antwort auf den New York-Diss "NY NY" vom Dogg Pound
gedacht ist. In einer Zeit, in der durch Medienhype die schwellenden
Eastcoast-Westcoast Auseinandersetzungen aufgebauscht werden sollen, ernten Capone
und Noreaga wegen der ironischen Lyriks und dem Hammer-Hook viel Respekt:"LA
LA, Big City of Dreams, but everything in LA, ain't always what it seems, you might
get fooled, if you come from outta town, cuz we comin from Queens and gets
down." Da die Labels zu der Zeit, beeinflusst durch Gruppen wie Mobb Deep oder
den Wu-Tang Clan, ihr Ohr auf der Straße haben, können Capone & Noreaga bald ein
Vertrag mit Tommy Boy unter Dach und Fach bringen und so steht '97 das Debut
"The War Report" in den Läden. Es gilt bis heute als Klassiker,
vollgepackt mit Straßenhymnen. Der Beat pumpt rauh, unterlegt von dunklen und
pathetischen Klassiksamples, die Vocals kommen hart und dreckig, "Real Thug
Life". Capone & Noreaga bilden '97 zusammen mit Mobb Deep die Speerspitze des
Hardcore-Raps aus Queensbridge, die den Ball wieder zurück nach New York holen. Das
Album bekommt trotz Undergroundstatus Gold.Doch auf ein Hoch folgt bei CNN
bekanntlich ein Tief und so muss Capone kurze Zeit später wieder hinter Gitter.
Noreaga ist plötzlich auf sich allein gestellt und versucht nun Solo weiter zu
arbeiten. Er hält aber immer die Erinnerung an seinen Partner am Leben. Und so
findet sich auf seiner '98 veröffentlichten Scheibe N.O.R.E (Niggaz on Da Run Eatin)
unter den Produzenten auch der Name "Capone". Das Album mit Features von
Big Pun, Nas, Busta Rhymes usw. wurde mit Platin ausgezeichnet und bringt Noreaga in
die Riege der Superstars wie Ll Cool J, Nas, Jay-Z. Die Platte selbst ist poppiger
als der Erstling geraten und lässt, trotz einiger Kracher, ein wenig die Intensität
und Roughness aus Anfangstagen vermissen. Wie fast alle seiner berühmten Rapkollegen
avanciert Noreaga neben Method Man, Ol' Dirty Bastard oder Busta Rhymes zu einem der
begehrtesten Gastrapper. So tritt er u.a. auf Werken von Onyx, Big Punisher und Fat
Joe in Erscheinung.Der nächste Rückschlag aber kommt prompt. Nachdem schon Noreagas
Mutter Barbara Marie Holley 1996 gestorben ist, trifft es im Juli '98 auch seinen
Vater Victor Mambo Santiago. In dieser Zeit hätte er Capone dringend gebraucht, doch
der sitzt immer noch im Knast, und so versucht er über die Musik seine Trauer zu
verarbeiten. Heraus kommt '99 sein zweites Soloalbum "Melvin Flynt: Da
Hustler" und erweist sich als ein halbgares, überstürzt auf den Markt
geworfenes Produkt, das bei Fans und Kritikern nicht besonders gut abschneidet. Es
verkauft sich zwar 500.000 mal, aber man merkt, dass ihm sein Freund und Partner
Capone in jeder Hinsicht fehlt.Alles wendet sich zum Guten, als Capone Ende '99 aus
der Haft entlassen wird. Nach langsamem Abtasten und der Rehabilitierung Capones im
Rapbusiness durch Gastauftritte u.a. bei Screwball beginnt man mit der Arbeit am
legitimen Nachfolger von "The War Report". Ende November steht dann die
Platte "The Reunion" in den Läden und knüpft an alte CNN-Tage
an.2000 The Reunion1999 Melvin Flynt: Da
Hustler1998 N.O.R.E.1997 The War Report
What's up ese
This is the notorious Capone
Back to clean up all that industry bullshit
Trying to fuck my name up dog
This is for you you fucking rankers
Fuck the intro, straight to the point
The mero mero's back here to rock this joint
Straight from the streets with the gangster beats
Run the Goddamn calles like the police
I'm that cholo pelon, el mas chingon, pinche cabron with the corazon
Texas my home, don't fuck with this
In the water with the weighst around your feet and your wrists bitch
You know what's up dog
I'm on top of the streets like the California smog
They get flattened fucking with this Latin
Dopest rapping, from Los to Manhatten
I ain't bragging, just stating the truth
I'm the baddest Mexicano in the sound booth
I serve em all with this dope, my barrio dope
All my enemigos choke from the shotgun smoke
I'm that homey in the locs, the old school chucks
I'm the vato that the supermodels pay to fuck
I'm the gangster with no concious, I handle up
Like Timothy McVeigh, dog I blow shit up
What, gangster gangster gangster scrub
Capone got that Chicano gangster flow
Fuck the rest holmes, I'm Bad like Mike
Potent like twenty kilos of un-cut light
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
I got your barrio dope, got your barrio dope
Gangster rolas for cholos and cholas
Gangster guns for levas and solcas
Can't stand the haters and gangster fakers
Latino Jam be some real regulators
Fill the house like Shaquille and the Lakers
Independant, having money like the majors
Brown rhyme sayer, kilo gram weigher
Master's degree, triple beam operator
Surrounded by gangsters, Mexican issue
God sent me here to diss you
Take a nap, you vatos are wack
You couldn't feel me if I was standing right on top of your back
Two turntables and a microphone
This ain't Beck, it's a vato putting rappers in check
Here to collect the street respect
Got my infared beam on your turtleneck, boy
One two, one two, stomp the shit out of you
Tres cuatro, it's suicide fucking with this vato
Don't get caught up in something gacho
You're just another amateur at Night At The Apollo
I'm the professional, stay off my testicles
Pay check, with a whole bunch of decimals
Got your addiction, what's you fix
I got dope on cassette and compact disc
Calling out names on all you lames
Can't touch my style holmes, I'm straigh cocaine
Capone, remember the letters
Disrespect and get shanked through your Polo sweater
Latin assasin, gangster action
Rearrange your face like Michael Jackson
Latino Jam be a big ass gang
Full of Mexicanos with the barrio slang
What you need homey
yea, yea, yea, what' up ya'll , this is your boy
capone, what happened, not me ?
Got my voice filter on the track , killin'them , ...
that's good money
For those homies who're drivin' the cars to a hundred
miles plus
This one's 4 u, No seatbelt wearers
Buckle up , it's the law ! I'll tell you like this :
You wanna' see me at house point
I'm from New York City , I like drag racing out here
I'll start it like this :
Ain't nobody driver can stop when dippin' through the
got the nitro button insane you donuts in the rain
like six four impala hollow , you got wheels
get a car , can you paint it famous and I got bills
Like Mario Andretti, I'm heavy upon that gas pedal
Breakin' competition I'll deeply get the brass medal
v12 you can't see me , I'm takin' over with speed
I got a fast car I'll crash for the bash Ya'all
I need speed !
When I fly through the hood, the ... the mood
In 24's lookin good, ah ah !!
Throw up the keys !!
The big body cool drivers, the big truck and' all
We let noone get by us, aha ah !
I need speed !!
When I'm racin' that strip I got the button' n' chip
The car like tells me to strip, ah ah !!
Throw up the keys !!
The .. to describe who ever put in the dollar , hollow
, we see a car hotter
Yo !!
I'm cuttin' corners like I'm crazzy
I know how to burn a strip
Me and my car got a bomb like we .. keep
Go with the 5'th , go with the 4'rth
Break it back down to third ,
Bring it back up to 6'xth once around this curve
I feel the tension , not to mention ,
The intervention from the coppers
We got pay bills , pay the ticket, only flex , that
ain't gonna' stop us !!!
Do look sure from the posh or red line
Once I'm crossed the finish you know that I's bad time
What more can I say , I'm true to this
My car's got a computer chip with no speed the way It's
loosin' it !!
I need speed !
When I fly through the hood, the ... the mood
In 24's lookin good, ah ah !!
Throw up the keys !!
The big body cool drivers, the big truck and' all
We let noone get by us, aha ah !
I need speed !!
When I'm racin' that strip I got the button' n' chip
The car like tells me to strip, ah ah !!
Throw up the keys !!
The .. to describe who ever put in the dollar , hollow
, we see a car hotter
And ya'all I'm in a need for speed
My rock's stampeed with horses four fourty
in that C.o. coop the rims with the ..
Cuz' I don't obey when red say stop and green say go
I fly by through your ghetto in the UFO
Unidentified Foreign Object
you can't believe that Aston Martin is barelin' your
No matter what happin' , It's elementry watchin'
Cuz after you bench you might not beat that tricked out
Can't lose the battle when ur' whole clicked out watch
And my car comes equiped with smoke screen and spit out
Just rub your engines, pop the clutch, burn out ,
I'll show you how a real race turned out ..
I need speed !
When I fly through the hood, the ... the mood
In 24's lookin good, ah ah !!
Throw up the keys !!
The big body cool drivers, the big truck and' all
We let noone get by us, aha ah !
I need speed !!
When I'm racin' that strip I got the button' n' chip
The car like tells me to strip, ah ah !!
Throw up the keys !!
The .. to describe who ever put in the dollar , hollow
, we see a car hotter,
ahh huh ah !!
Yeah man ! I need speed man !
All you race car drivers out there,
Everybody with the fast cars,
Keep goin' as fast as you can baby ! , don't look back
Intro: Raekwon]
Yo 'Pone what up?
It's Shallah, you know I came to see you, boy
Boy-boy, the Vatican
Pain, Time, Roc 4 lid-Life (Nigga)
Gorilla shit, what up?
[Chorus 2X: Capone]
Chitty chitty bang bang
I'm on my grizzly for shizzy
I pop that clizzy, let your muthafuckin' brains hang
Chitty chitty bang bang
Yo, where that 50, who is he?
Actin' dizzy, nigga, watch me do my thang thang
Will I die before 50, tried to get my palms read
I'm dead through the eyes of a gypsy, bloodshed
Survivors move wise through the city
Word to mother, only a few alive off of pity
High ride, and a five palm clutched on a blinky
Other hand, pull up another dutch that I twizzy
Soaking a C.I., slow look out in the street
Few goons, singing the same tune walkers on the beat
Little niggaz that's try'nna put Jordans on they feet
O.G.'s that's try'nna get to Portland, where's it's
I move with that Indian hustle in me
That fat cat, that world, that black jaded Bentley
Got bucks, but I'mma trynna get "moore" like Demi
Time's up, don't even try to duck the semi'
Only cowards deal with lust and envy, greed and hate
Chitty chitty bang bang, I blast niggaz who fake
[Chorus 2X]
We hold fort, blowing holes in pussies
Come through the town and it's on
Watch me get the globe with crushed weeds
All my got it together, back the baddest bitches
All my flowing with Jags, and got the rags stitching
Play it for them niggaz in yards, the Gods come through
in the nod
She's reading the Korans, the Clarksmiths
Can't tell me nothing from nothing
Touch a hair on me, and press a button
Might throw you out of a lady jumping
Yeah, we Niked up, piped up
Representing ninety generals at one time, looking
striped up
Dinner plates, nothing but salmons and handlers y'all
Interstate, nothing but cameras and scanners, y'all
So when you see us, just believe us
Extraordinary young men, walk through the town, fuck
all the divas
Me and 'Pone, twin gambinos, out in Rio
With them big elephant guns, and fly 'Zito's
They'll be a man
One to lead his people into victory
One who goes through time
One who seen pain
The one who see's the glory
That man is I, Capone
The leader, follow me
They wanna beat me like Rodney
See me like Pac
Have me like O.J. doing 100 in the drop
Railroad me like the Hurricane but I won't stop, let's go
Look at my life (look at my life)
Look at my life, I'ma gangsta (gangsta, gangsta, gangsta)
Look at my life (look at my life)
Look at my life, I'ma gangsta (gangsta)
I'ma gangsta
[Verse 1]
Yo, yo
Take a journey through my life
Walk through the nights with me
It's a long road ahead of us, I hope that your ???
Queensbridge, a trife city ??? slums
I've seen political homicides and crack related ones
Pac and Bigggie, god bless em I don't know where to begin
Forgive me lord for I've committed a sin
I sold crack to my mans mom
I feed my uncle dope in his arm
I testify to every word wrote in this song
Except the 5th commandment, thou shall not kill
I obviously ignored it cause my blood shall not spill
So I chose to squeeze first
Put you 6 feet deep in the dirt
And watch your cold soul emerge from the earth
I was a star first, then I grew into the sun
Destined to shine over the planet
Till I came across a gun, infactutated by the sound
When the shots get sprayed, like (gunshots)
I'm about to take the streets to another phase
[Verse 2]
I'm amazed I'm still living
I came close to the end of my days
I couldn't let the streets raise my two siblings
Or my kid, I'm too thoro, I survived through prison
Collide with rival clicks spitting, listen
I live life like I'm racing to an early death
Exceeding the speed limit, with no brakes
Quiet when I step, reality bites
I'm gangsta for life, so I squeeze like
I hold the mac precise
With 32 shot clips
And turn your hard top into a convertible drop whip
They talking to rappers, chose my name to reflect
I'm hot, grimy entertainers come
Drama east to west
I don't wanna kill no more
At times I hear death knocking at my front door
Feeling like I'm being watched everytime that I score
What if the pigs got me on survaillance
A rebel to the law, I got 2 strikes against me
1 shot in me, a vest and a semi
[Verse 3]
??? bust from jail, a mink
A pound of the real, a 37 inch link
Money in the bank, a Coup to match it
I was released like a boss ???
You know the kind of thing a gangsta could relax in
Lifes a bitch, but fuck it
Trying to keep my whole faculty covered
And spits more like an iraqian thugging
If you wanna take me, mommy I'm coming
But if not, they can never break
I'ma keep gunning and bust shots
[Capone & Noyd]
Light up! Light up! That's right! Bring it! Whatever you want!
Bring it! QB!(Guns, knives, whatever you want)
Whatever ya'll niggas want, man, whatever!
Bring money, lye, whatever you want!
You expect to come correct nigga!
Bring it, thugs, gangstas, whatever you want!
QB, Capone and Noyd, what?
Niggas don't want beef, they don't wanna see me
They don't wanna be with their wiz and kids
And get fronted with heat
They don't wanna die, niggas wanna live
I know niggas wanna smoke blunts, puff puff and give
Believe niggas don't want it with the kid
Niggas rather drown down Bicardi and party and shit
You know my hoods though be bout this shit
My dunns are a hundred sick, thugs who thump, thugs who pump
You weak, we deep, niggas from Queens
And we eat niggas with Jim, and get em for bling (bling!)
You know my dun smoke more than fiends
My broads fit more coke in they ass and jeans
Which is great cause we dealin with a couple of apes
Til' we pull out these eights and get your safe
No masks, let these niggaz see our face
Pawn yourself, boy, cause we robbin the place, what?
[Chorus: Capone and Noyd]
[C]We can shoot, fight, smoke, drink
Jail, nigga, bust that ass down with shanks
[N]We can thump, chump, we aim to kill
Thug nigga put it down, the game is real
[C]We can shoot, fight, smoke, drink
Jail nigga, bust that ass down with shanks
[N]Nigga we can thump, chump, we aim to kill
Thug nigga put it down, the game is real
Yo, yo, hey yo, niggas never learn
Til' they shot and get a jail term
Both havin bullets is hot
The average ran by the room
And the city is ridin', cops knockin'
The streets is watchin', without shades
I don't stop, I just keep clockin'
Haters played on my bad judgment
Like dude's numbers (you want it?)
Then floss for a few summers
Newcomers walk in my steps, often I rep
Bang guns, still got corporate respect
They think they fuckin' up the projects,
Installing cameras, niggas'll shoot them shits out
And get 'em more bananas, you know the ghetto life
Jail, blood, sweat, and tatted tears
Block wars, every young bitch having kids
I'm the lost boy of Queensbridge, drama never told
Been a piranha in the streets since seven years old
Two and a half years cold, now scorchin'
Like a bullet bucked from a four fifth
Grunt nigga, fallin'
[Noyd (Capone)]
Yo, yo, now we the niggas cockin' the hammers, rockin bandanas
My whole clique gangsta boy (Straight bananas!)
(Compulsive gamblers bet the X-5)
(It's money on the line, I form better, the all bets on the side)
To death niggas ride, with the guns you can get it live
(Slain in the public, the game we above it)
And we don't discuss nothin, we leave the guns buckin'
You get knocked down with four pounds, keep frontin'
We rep Queensbridge and you heard of us all
There's Noyd and Capone and we murder you all
(Leave you in the morgue, toe tag, and polaroid picture)
(If my shit jam, and don't bust, then Noyd'll hit you)
And I won't stop 'til I get a man, pop a nigga
Or pull out the box cutter and 'ox the nigga
(Who can stop this killa? Capone, the block guerilla)
(I snap shots, still got the picture)
These are the dos and these are the don'ts
These are the dos and these are the don'ts
These are the dos and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Yo, These are the do's and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Real niggas stay ready to dump
These are the do's and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Real niggas stay ready to dump, leave ya slumped
Do ride to the death, don't fuck with jake,
Do squeeze on a nigga find out he a snake
Don't walk in my hood after 11 or 12,
Do the right thing and always stack money for bail,
Don't fuck with the soft, do fuck with the hard,
Don't ever wear a walkman when you spin in the yard,
Do come through prepared, don't wait to blast,
Don't think you gunna' win if you likin' that ass
Do your business in person don't talk on the jack
Do know the consequences getting caught and a tap
Don't let a nigga put a battery in your back,
Do salute me when you see me, don't fuck up a pact,
Do realize the villain of the city is back,
Don't shoot it in air waste bullets for that,
Do understand these codes or you will get clapped,
Yo, these are the dos and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Real niggas stay ready to dump
These are the dos and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Real niggas stay ready to dump, leave ya slumped
Don't fuck with white liquor, do shots of the yaght,
Don't trust when you see a nigga hoodied in black,
Do whipe your prints off when you tossin' a gat,
Don't let a 10-4 get a nigga the snatch,
Do the white air forces, keep a tee to match,
Don't fuck with my good boy, breath with that,
Do look out the peephole before you leave,
Don't let a nigga catch you comin' out the crib and
Do push her face down when she givin' you top,
Don't let her spit it out make her swallow every drop,
Do watch for the feds, cuz they seekin' indictment,
Don't go do a hit a buck and whip out hydrant,
Do walk around New York vest under your jacket,
Don't promise a jail nigga, kites in a package,
Do smoke till they have your last bag of piff,
Don't fuck with a drug that'll make you scratch and
Do understand these codes, or you will get clapped,
Don't forget to put it down like an OG black,
Yea yea, these are the codes, this is the manual,
You must abide by this
Yo these are the dos and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Real niggas stay ready to dump
These are the dos and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Real niggas stay ready to dump, leave ya slumped
Do take A or C, don't neglect the kids,
Do the math, look at all the bodies droppin'
Don't front on your soldiers, take em' out gun shoppin'
Do wear a seat belt when you hop in,
Don't open they knockin' to ask around, ain't nobody
can stop em,
Don't fuck your man family, that shit is a problem,
Do live by this manual consider the doctrine
Yo these are the dos and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Real niggas stay ready to dump
These are the dos and these are the don'ts
I'll give it to ya real nigga, take it how ya want
Live life by the codes and get a shotgun pump
Bounce wit me, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce wit me, bounce, bounce, bounce
Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah
Oh Oh No No
Oh Oh No No
I bust to the scening cuss to the scening
I admit a little bit I lust for the crideam
Everytime you see me see me biggin up my teaming
on the dream of winning trying to make crideam
Thugged out even when you catch me in the cuisine
my clan mad dirty yall too cliddean (clean)
Hennessey and Smirnoff make a nigga middean (mean)
I need two more like I was a fiddean (fiend)
Drinks galore everytime I'm in the citting (city)
0 to 60 didn't want a sixteening
You see it in my coats or you see it in my jizzeans
you can't tell you should know the way I lizzean (lean)
Water so clear I think I'm in Carribbing (Carribbean)
everybody gone like we straight clipping
you better watch out when we start flipping
seen you fuckin and you know we're not slipping
Ayo verse 2 coming with my Heineken brew
N O R putting people back in I C U
You ain't even thiddink that I need a driddink
hit you up quick before you could even bliddink
Give you a splitting cut you up with the shiddank
tell your accountant to go and just check the biddank
I damn near broke you and I ain't even thiddink
I gotta churrda lurrda girls like Shabba Riddanks
Guaranteed to be there just like Fed Ex
We write our own rhymes kid you can check the credits
me and Nature stay fuckin with grimlettes
yo the hood baddest the bitches pussy is the fattest
Smack Smack Smack Smack peep Gladys
if you don't know yo then I don't know
I'm gonna get me some head right after the show
you can meet me at the room shit 664
I told yall flippers all of yall quitters
don't be contemplating my figgas
Cuz I hang with go getters straight flow spitters
crys and mo sippers carry yo niggas
I told yall flippers all of yall quitters
don't be contemplating my figgas
Cuz I hang with go getters straight flow spitters
crys and mo sippers carry yo niggas
It's all goodnud do my songs for the hoodnud
platinum nigga while yall thangs go woodnud
Yo you try to dis me ya man told you that you shouldnud
I blew over you and I told you that I couldnud
Me and Drag pack it Neptunes on the wheels
he sneakin in at tables and he's sneakin in feels
People walkin in my section that I don't even know
I'm like get lost yo you stay ya ass home
You a frizzeak always see you in the strizzeet
walkin walkin til you get widdeak
You on the E train 7 train plus the bus
I don't even like you cuz you can't be trust
You need to get up out my face ain't nuttin to discuss
you don't like me then cool yo I don't care
but if you get up in my face yo I don't care
it's a dirty game and both of us ain't playin it fair
I told yall flippers all of yall quitters
don't be contemplating my figgas
Cuz I hang with go getters straight flow spitters
crys and mo sippers carry yo niggas
I told yall flippers all of yall quitters
don't be contemplating my figgas
Cuz I hang with go getters straight flow spitters
I was slowly passing an orphan's home one day
And stopped there for a moment just to watch the
children play
Alone a boy was standing and when I asked him why
He turned with eyes that could not see and he began to
I'm nobody's child, I'm nobody's child
I'm like a flower just growing wild
No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smile
Nobody wants me I'm nobody's child
People come for children and take them for their own
But they all seem to pass me by and I am left alone
I know they'd like to take me but when they see I'm
They always take some other child and I am left behind
No mother's arms to hold me or soothe me when I cry
Sometimes it gets so lonely here I wish that I could
I'd walk the streets of heaven where all the blind can
And just like all the other kids there'd be a home for
I just can't seem to figure out
Why the folks all pass me by
Cause I know that it's true that god takes
Little blind children with him in the sky
And they tell me that I'm oh so pretty
And they seem to like my big curls of gold
But then they take some other little child
And I'm left here all alone
I'm nobody's child, I'm nobody's child
I'm like a flower just growing wild
No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smile
I met a boy who didn’t know
Which way to turn which way to go
He didn’t like books, he didn’t like girls
He didn’t like going to school
But when he said he didn’t like Reggae
I just had to lose my cool
I said what you talkin’ ’bout
You say you don’t like the Reggae beat
I said what you talkin’ ’bout
You say you don’t like the Reggae beat
You must be cray ay ay yeah ah, cra-zy (oh)
You must be cray ay ay yeah ah, cra-zy (you must be)
I met a man who didn’t know
Which way to turn which way to go
He didn’t like cars, he didn’t like books
He didn’t like anything fast
But when he said he didn’t like Reggae
In his face I had to laugh (ha)
Repeat first verse
I was a fool, broke every rule, blue darling
Saw the tears that took the place of your sweet smile
My heart would break if ever I should lose you
Blue darling you're the lone and only one
So please, please, please forgive me
Im sorry for the wrong that I have done
My heart would break if ever I should lose you
Blue darling, you're the lone and only one
I'll be leaving on account of you
So please don't ever think of me
We used to love together, we two
So please don't ever think of me
Won't someone be kind and make you happy all the time
Your love for me has faded away
Although my heart is aching dear
Be happy and never think of me
(Chorus 2)
So please, please forgive me
I'm sorry for the wrong that I have done
My heart would break if ever I should lose you
Blue darling you're the lone and only one
She's my lady, she's my baby, she's my woman Lord above
And I'll love her till the end of time
And I'll love her till the end of time
Said I'll love her till the end of time
Her lips are kissed by the sweet morning mist
Her eyes as bright as the full moon at night
She's my lady my tropical baby and she's mine
Until the end of time, my Tropical Lady, my island baby
Said I love her till the end of time
Said I love her till the end of time, Lord above
Said I love her till the end of time
But I, don't know what to say to her
And I don't know what to do
But one thing I know girl,
She's my Tropical Lady, my island baby
She's my woman, Lord above
And I'll love her till the end of time
And I'll love her till the end of time
Said I'll love her till the end of time
Everyday I'm away from you
I get these Tropical Lady blues
How can I live when I'm feeling so blue
When all I want is to be by you
My Tropical Lady, my island baby
And she's my woman, Lord above
And I'll love her till the end of time
And I'll love her till the end of time
And I'll love her till the end of time
But I, don't know what to say to her
And I don't know what to do
But there's one thing I know girl, I love you
My Tropical Lady, I love you, my island baby
Said I'll love her till the end of time
Said I'll love her till the end of time
Said I'll love her till the end of time
Said I'll love her till the end of time (end of time)
Said I'll love her, I love her, till the end of time (end of time)
Said I'll love her, till the end, of time (end of time)
Until the end of time (end of time)
Do that to me one more time
Once is never enough with a man like you
Do that to me one more time
I can never get enough of a man like you, oh
Kiss me like you just did
Oh, baby, do that to me once again
Pass that by me one more time
Once just isn't enough for my heart to hear
Whoa, tell it to me one more time
I can never hear enough while I got ya near, oh
Say those words again that you just did
Oh, baby tell it to me once again
Do that to me one more time
Once is never enough with a man like you
Whoa, do that to me one more time
I can never get enough of a man like you, oh
Kiss me like you just did
Oh baby, do that to me once again
Whoa baby, do that to me once again
Whoa baby, do that to me one more time
(Do it again)
One more time
(Do it again)
One more time
(Do it again)
One more time
(Do it again)
One more time
(Do it again)
One more time
(Do it again)
I was a fool, broke every rule, blue darling
Saw the tears that took the place of your sweet smile
My heart would break if ever I should lose you
Blue darling you're the lone and only one
So please, please, please forgive me
Im sorry for the wrong that I have done
My heart would break if ever I should lose you
Blue darling, you're the lone and only one
I'll be leaving on account of you
So please don't ever think of me
We used to love together, we two
So please don't ever think of me
Won't someone be kind and make you happy all the time
Your love for me has faded away
Although my heart is aching dear
Be happy and never think of me
(Chorus 2)
So please, please forgive me
I'm sorry for the wrong that I have done
My heart would break if ever I should lose you
Blue darling you're the lone and only one
The lights in the harbour, don't shine for me
I'm like a lost ship, adrift on the sea
The sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress
So divine, how I wish
You were mine, again my dear
I'm on this sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
How did I lose you?
Oh, where did I fail?
Why did you leave me?
Always to sail
This sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress
So divine, how I wish
You were mine, again my dear
I'm on this sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
Oh, what I'd give to sail back to shore
Back to your arms once more
Come to my rescue
Come here to me
Take me and keep me
Away from the sea
The sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress
So divine, how I wish
You were mine, again my dear
I'm on the sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
Sea of heartbreak
Some folks love in confusion
Want an easy solution
Walk with eyes shut wonderin' why they bump into walls
Can't see no real love at all
But our love ain't no kinda magic
Ain't no tarot cards, don't work no charms
Some people just can't undersand it
Want an easy fix, gotta give to get
Said it ain't no kinda magic
No potion in a jar, no readin' stars
Ain't no lovin' only halfway, it‘s another love I'm thinkin' of
Some folks say ‘I love you truly'
(while the sun still shines)
Until the weather gets gloomy
(then it's goodbye)
But I won't run for cover when raindrops fall
I want you, I want it all
You want it, you need it
Know it when you see it
Eyes open all the way
Tried to call you n' got the answer phone
Now I'm glad I'm free to spend a weekend on my own
Do the shopping
Jog in the park
And there's a lot of housework
That needs to be done
I'm turning myself into
A superhero of sorts
And I'm so happy now
You didn't take my call
Blow Up Your Video
Blow Up Your Video (1988)
LIVE (1992)
SINGLE: That's The Way/Kissin' Dynamite-Borrowed Time (1988)
(Young, Young, Johnson)
Party's gonna happen at the union hall
Shaking to the rhythm 'til everybody fall
Picking up my woman in my Chevrolet
Glory hallelujah gonna rock the night away
I'm gonna roll roll roll
I'm gonna roll roll roll
I'm gonna take this town, turn it around
I'm gonna roll roll roll
Now there's a blue suede bopping on a high heeled shoe
Balling round together like a wrecking crew
Oh be bopper lubba baby what I say
You gotta get a dose of rock and roll on each and every day
We're gonna roll roll roll
We're gonna roll roll roll
We're gonna take this town, turn it around
We're gonna roll roll roll
I'm gonna blow up my video
Shut down my radio
Told boss man where to go
Turned off my brain control
That's the way I want my rock and roll
That's the way I want my rock and roll
That's the way
Ooh that's the way I like my rock and roll
That the way I want my rock and roll
That's the way
That's the way
That's the way I want my rock and roll
That's the way
That's the way
That's the way I want my rock and roll
That's the way
That's the way
To rock and roll!
Roll, roll, roll,
I'm gonna roll, roll, roll
I'm gonna take this town, turn it around,
I'm gonna roll, roll, roll
I'm gonna roll, roll, roll
That's the way I want it
Roll, roll, roll
Gotta hear it loud
Gonna take this town, turn it 'round
Gonna roll, roll, roll
Blow up my video
Shut down my radio
Told boss man where to go
Turned off my brain control
That's the way I want my rock and roll
That's the way I want my rock and roll
Well, you say I'm being cruel now, 'cause I make you struggle and strain
And you cry, 'Baby, don't leave me out in the rain'
When you snapped your fingers in the past they'd all come around
Now's your first crusade to conquer this holy ground
Take this lesson 'bout the birds and bees
He who wants got to say, 'pretty please'
Some teasin', that might be good for you
A little bit of patience is a virtue, too (remember)
Don't be rude, don't forget what Mama told you
You know it's true, you'll catch more flies with honey
And you look like you're in shape to me
Show me how you swim upstream
'Cause the makings of a champion don't come easy.
Take this lesson
Old school love
Yeah, it works for me
Is it worth the energy?
Guess you'll have to wait and see
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout commuter love
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout commuter love
(We're both hoping for that empty seat)
Always running just to miss this train
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout commuter love
(I can't find a way to get it straight)
When I'm late you're early
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we ain't gonna make it
When I'm late you're early
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: you're not coming around
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout diverted love
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout diverted love
(We're just running on colliding trains)
Get off before we leave the track
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout diverted love
When I'm stuck you're ready
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we ain't gonna make it
When I'm stuck you're ready
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we're just messin' around
Messin' around
I'm the fox you're the hound
Or the other way round
I'm lost when you're found
Or the other way round
We're both losin' ground
Don't know where you're bound
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout late-comer love
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout late-comer love
(We're just never going to meet again)
Always running just to miss this train
('Cause our date is constantly delayed)
(Yes I'm) Talkin' 'bout a dead-end track
When you're late I'm early
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we ain't gonna make it
When I'm stuck you're ready
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we're just foolin' around
Foolin' around
Don't know where you're found
Keep turnin' around
I'm testin' the ground
While you're messin' around, boy
I'm up when you're down
Or the other way round
When you're light I'm heavy
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we ain't gonna make it
When you're drunk I'm sober
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we're a lethal compound
A lethal compound
I'm just dancin' around
Now you're losin' this ground
'Cause I'm shifting my ground
And I won't be around
I'm talkin' 'bout commuter love
I'm talkin' 'bout commuter love
Come on, boy, talkin' 'bout love on a dead-end track
Talkin' 'bout diverted love
Talkin' 'bout commuter love
Talkin' 'bout diverted love
Talkin' 'bout love on a dead-end track
Talkin' 'bout late-comer love
You know, I'm just talkin'
You know, I'm just walkin', talkin'
On a dead-end track
'Cause when I'm late I'm early
Or the other way round, now
You know, when I'm light I'm heavy
Or the other way round, now
Let's face it: we ain't gonna make it
When you're light I'm heavy
It don't mean a thing
If It ain't got that swing
It don't mean a thing
If It ain't got that swing
Doo Uap, Doo Uap, Doo Uap, Doo Uap
I took a trip to the mountains
I saw you trapped up in the cable-way
I prayed that you would fall
And come floating down to me, oh yeah
You fall free style
You down from the sky
Oh i've been waiting
I've been waiting
I say leap into my arms, babe
C'mon dive into my soul
C'mon jump into my heart, babe
C'mon dive into my soul
I say leap into my arms, babe
C'mon dive into the snow
C'mon jump into my bob-sled
C'mon dive into my soul
Does it have to start right now
When you were almost ready
When you were almost ready
To leap from the sky down to me
Throwing your future into the wind, fearless
C'mon leap down from the sky
Down here by my side
Oh i've been waiting
You know that i've been waiting
I say leap into my arms, babe
C'mon dive into my soul
C'mon jump into my heart, babe
C'mon dive into my soul
I say leap into my arms, babe
C'mon dive into the snow
C'mon jump into my bob-sled
C'mon dive into my soul
I say don't look back, look back