Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) (pronounced [ˈriːcɪsˌuːtvar̥pɪð] or [ˈruːv]) (English: 'The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service') is Iceland's national public-service broadcasting organization.
Operating from studios in the country's capital, Reykjavík, as well as regional centres around the country, the service broadcasts a variety of general programming to a wide audience across the whole country via radio channels Rás 1 and Rás 2, and one television channel.
RÚV began radio broadcasting in 1930 and its first television transmissions were made in 1966. In both cases coverage quickly reached nearly every household in Iceland. RÚV is funded by a television licence fee collected from every income tax payer, as well as advertising revenue. RÚV has been a full active member of the European Broadcasting Union since 1956.
Since 1986, the year in which its monopoly as the only permitted domestic broadcaster was ended, RÚV has faced competition from a number of private broadcasting companies, most notably the 365 corporation.
Ari Eldjárn Uppistand RÚV 2013
EM 2014 á RÚV - Tökur á auglýsingu
Dans dans dans - 24-11-2012 RÚV
Dans dans dans RÚV 27-10-2012
Toyota-fjölskyldan á RÚV, Mistök
Skaup 2013. Rúv Rústa þér. - skaupið 2013
Veðurfræðingur á RÚV klúðrar fréttunum 8. apríl 2012
RÚV - Fréttir - 2013
RÚV Fréttir 8. febrúar 1997 / Icelandic news
Haustdagskrá RÚV 2014
Sjónvarpið RÚV Start-Up 1989ish
HM í handbolta 2015 á RÚV
Nútíminn.is - Sigurður Einarsson í viðtali á RÚV
Menningarnótt 2014 - Tónaflóð - Skálmöld, Mammút, Mono Town, Nýdönsk (RÚV)
Ari Eldjárn Uppistand RÚV 2013
EM 2014 á RÚV - Tökur á auglýsingu
Dans dans dans - 24-11-2012 RÚV
Dans dans dans RÚV 27-10-2012
Toyota-fjölskyldan á RÚV, Mistök
Skaup 2013. Rúv Rústa þér. - skaupið 2013
Veðurfræðingur á RÚV klúðrar fréttunum 8. apríl 2012
RÚV - Fréttir - 2013
RÚV Fréttir 8. febrúar 1997 / Icelandic news
Haustdagskrá RÚV 2014
Sjónvarpið RÚV Start-Up 1989ish
HM í handbolta 2015 á RÚV
Nútíminn.is - Sigurður Einarsson í viðtali á RÚV
Menningarnótt 2014 - Tónaflóð - Skálmöld, Mammút, Mono Town, Nýdönsk (RÚV)
Ólafur Arnalds - 'Fok' live on Kastljós, RÚV TV Iceland
Sjónvarpsþula - Brynja Björk Harðardóttir RÚV september 2000
Mary Poppins - Djöflaeyjan RÚV
Björk - KUKL - Rokk Arnir - Live Special @ Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) Iceland (1986) - [Betamax Rip HD]
Legendið Ólafur Stefánsson - RÚV Samantekt ferill - Takk fyrir Óli #takkoli
Áramótaball Rúv - Stuðmenn 1986
Neyðarsöfnun UNICEF fyrir börn á Filippseyjum vegna hörmunganna í kjölfar fellibylsins Haiyan
Hrottalegt ofbeldi gegn börnum í Mið-Afríkulýðveldinu - Fréttir RÚV 9. janúar 2014
Ohhh.. Ohh..
I use to tell myself that you would wait
I borrowed time for two and I twisted fate
I left us floating in the air for wind to hold on to
It let me down it let you go
I drive around like everything's okay
And I feel the lightening in our own mistakes
And I was gonna tell you
I wish all our wrongs could be right
I'm too late
I looked in my rearview
And now I don't see you
Sometimes the things you want are hard to take
Sometimes the ones you love are risks you don't make, yeah
The dust has settled into nothingness
And I yearn for yesterday
Just look around
I'm still the same
I drive around like everything's okay
Like everything's okay
And I feel the lightening in our own mistakes
And I was gonna tell you
I wish all our wrongs could be right
I'm too late
I looked in my rearview
And now I don't see you
So many things that we didn't say
So many reasons the world's not the same
Oh, it's not the same
I drive around like nothing's here has changed
But I know the sky has one more cloud to break
And I was gonna tell you
I wish all our wrongs could be right
I'm too late
I looked in my rearview
And now I don't see you
I said I
I drive and everything has changed
And I feel the lightening it's in my own mistakes
And I was gonna tell you
I wish all our wrongs could be right
I'm too late
I looked in my rearview
And now I don't see you
I used to tell myself
That you
She don't keep you moving
I know how to move you
Does it every time
You're gonna lose your mind
She don't keep you and [move you]
Presents you can't give her
She does it every time
She's gonna lose her mind