Why do we wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin?
Stump The Rabbi - Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Why do we wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin in addition to our Rashi Tefillin?
To ask a question and for more answers visit:
This project was made possible by
The Chanin Fund
Reliable Fast Cash, LLC http://reliablefastcash.com/
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel http://insidechassidus.org
published: 03 Jan 2017
Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin and a Miracle
published: 15 Jul 2022
Rabbeinu Tam Itzik Manger
Mendy Cahan, Olga M i guest performers: Gershon Leizerson (violin), Dan Sela (contrabas), Ira Shiran (accordion), Ariel Armoni (percussion) in Eden-Tamir Music Center in Jerusalem.
published: 16 Jun 2011
Chukas: Meet R' Yaakov ben Meir - RABBEINU TAM
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• Order Rabbi Glatstein's Books: https://www.rabbidg.com/rabbi-glatstein-books
Date This Shiur Was Given: 7/6/2022
#Torahstudy #Judaism #Jewish #Torah #Rabbi #Chumash #Parasha #Parsha #Gemara
published: 07 Jul 2022
Why doesn't Chabad follow Rabbeinu Tam’s 72 minutes for ending Shabbos and Yom Tov?
Stump the Rabbi - Rabbi Noam Wagner
Why doesn't Chabad follow Rabbeinu Tam’s 72 minutes for ending Shabbos and Yom Tov?
To ask a question and for more answers visit:
This project was made possible by
The Chanin Fund
Reliable Fast Cash, LLC http://reliablefastcash.com/
STR 294
published: 23 Mar 2018
Making a stipulation on wearing Rabbenu Tam Teffilin - Rav Meir Elbaz 5782
#RavElbaz #OhelSimcha
published: 20 Jun 2022
Rabbeinu Tam. Yiddish song. English translation
Lyrics by Itsik Manger, mysic by Hertz Rubin, singing by Leilele Fisher,
English translation by Alexandra Shamarova:
I sing a ditty, dear folks,
Haydl, didl, dam,
One day a golden peafowl
Appeared in the sky.
It had a letter and hold it tight
With a poem sent this far -
To him, to Rabbi Tam,
To him, to Rabbi Tam.
Hay didl lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lay
Didl didl lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lam
Lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lay
Didl didl lay dam
Hay didl dam
Who could write and send the note?
Haydl, didl, day,
The Turkish Princess wrote the note,
When she was sad and crying.
She used her own blood to write
This poem of her greatest love
And her broken heart,
Her broken heart, my God.
Hay didl lay dam.....
What else was there in the note?
Haydl, didl, deh
Not only words ‘I love’,‘R...
published: 10 Jun 2019
Putting on teffilin of Rashi and Rabbenu Tam at the same time - Rav Meir Elbaz 5782
#RavElbaz #OhelSimcha
published: 22 Jun 2022
Chava Alberstein - Rabbi Tam
Rabbi Tam
lomir zingen dos sheyne lid,
haydl, didl, dam,
vi di goldene pave flit
ibern shvarts yam.
un trogt a libes-brivele,
a sheynem libes-brivele,
far dem rabeynu tam.
ver hot geshribn dos brivele?
haydl, didl, day
geshribn hot dos brivele
di malke fun terkay.
geshribn es mit roytn tint
un far|khasm|et es geshvind
mit heyse trern dray.
vos shteyt geshribn in brivele?
haydl, didl, du
rabeynu tam ikh libe dikh,
vos-zhe shvaygstu, nu?
ikh ese nisht, ikh trinke nisht,
ikh ver tsezetst fun benkenish,
ikh habe nisht keyn ru.
vos-zhe tut rabeynu tam?
haydl, didl, deh
er glet di peye un di bord
un makht dray mol fe ...
un dos tsigele in shtal,
un dos vayse tsigele
helft im unter meh.
nu, un zi, di rebitsin?
haydl, didl, doy
zi ...
published: 19 Oct 2008
Why the Difference between Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin? Raved and Shimusha Rabba? Explained
What is the Difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam Tefillin? Raved and Shimisha Rabba?? Rabbi Kass
How can you tell the difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam follow the link
0:00 Introduction, what are Tefillin?
5:00 What is the difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam?
6:08 So why the disagreement?
10:29 What is Shimusha Rabba and Raaved?
published: 19 Nov 2021
Why do we wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin?
Stump The Rabbi - Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Why do we wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin in addition to our Rashi Tefillin?
To ask a question and for more answers visit:
Stump The Rabbi - Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Why do we wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin in addition to our Rashi Tefillin?
To ask a question and for more answers visit:
This project was made possible by
The Chanin Fund
Reliable Fast Cash, LLC http://reliablefastcash.com/
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel http://insidechassidus.org
Stump The Rabbi - Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Why do we wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin in addition to our Rashi Tefillin?
To ask a question and for more answers visit:
This project was made possible by
The Chanin Fund
Reliable Fast Cash, LLC http://reliablefastcash.com/
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel http://insidechassidus.org
- published: 03 Jan 2017
- views: 4815
Rabbeinu Tam Itzik Manger
Mendy Cahan, Olga M i guest performers: Gershon Leizerson (violin), Dan Sela (contrabas), Ira Shiran (accordion), Ariel Armoni (percussion) in Eden-Tamir Music ...
Mendy Cahan, Olga M i guest performers: Gershon Leizerson (violin), Dan Sela (contrabas), Ira Shiran (accordion), Ariel Armoni (percussion) in Eden-Tamir Music Center in Jerusalem.
Mendy Cahan, Olga M i guest performers: Gershon Leizerson (violin), Dan Sela (contrabas), Ira Shiran (accordion), Ariel Armoni (percussion) in Eden-Tamir Music Center in Jerusalem.
- published: 16 Jun 2011
- views: 18936
Chukas: Meet R' Yaakov ben Meir - RABBEINU TAM
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos!!!
• Visit the Rav's site: https://www.rabbidg.com
• Have a Question? Contact the Rav: https://www.rabbidg.com/con...
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos!!!
• Visit the Rav's site: https://www.rabbidg.com
• Have a Question? Contact the Rav: https://www.rabbidg.com/contact
• Order Rabbi Glatstein's Books: https://www.rabbidg.com/rabbi-glatstein-books
Date This Shiur Was Given: 7/6/2022
#Torahstudy #Judaism #Jewish #Torah #Rabbi #Chumash #Parasha #Parsha #Gemara
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos!!!
• Visit the Rav's site: https://www.rabbidg.com
• Have a Question? Contact the Rav: https://www.rabbidg.com/contact
• Order Rabbi Glatstein's Books: https://www.rabbidg.com/rabbi-glatstein-books
Date This Shiur Was Given: 7/6/2022
#Torahstudy #Judaism #Jewish #Torah #Rabbi #Chumash #Parasha #Parsha #Gemara
- published: 07 Jul 2022
- views: 131
Why doesn't Chabad follow Rabbeinu Tam’s 72 minutes for ending Shabbos and Yom Tov?
Stump the Rabbi - Rabbi Noam Wagner
Why doesn't Chabad follow Rabbeinu Tam’s 72 minutes for ending Shabbos and Yom Tov?
To ask a question and for more answe...
Stump the Rabbi - Rabbi Noam Wagner
Why doesn't Chabad follow Rabbeinu Tam’s 72 minutes for ending Shabbos and Yom Tov?
To ask a question and for more answers visit:
This project was made possible by
The Chanin Fund
Reliable Fast Cash, LLC http://reliablefastcash.com/
STR 294
Stump the Rabbi - Rabbi Noam Wagner
Why doesn't Chabad follow Rabbeinu Tam’s 72 minutes for ending Shabbos and Yom Tov?
To ask a question and for more answers visit:
This project was made possible by
The Chanin Fund
Reliable Fast Cash, LLC http://reliablefastcash.com/
STR 294
- published: 23 Mar 2018
- views: 1428
Rabbeinu Tam. Yiddish song. English translation
Lyrics by Itsik Manger, mysic by Hertz Rubin, singing by Leilele Fisher,
English translation by Alexandra Shamarova:
I sing a ditty, dear folks,
Haydl, didl, ...
Lyrics by Itsik Manger, mysic by Hertz Rubin, singing by Leilele Fisher,
English translation by Alexandra Shamarova:
I sing a ditty, dear folks,
Haydl, didl, dam,
One day a golden peafowl
Appeared in the sky.
It had a letter and hold it tight
With a poem sent this far -
To him, to Rabbi Tam,
To him, to Rabbi Tam.
Hay didl lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lay
Didl didl lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lam
Lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lay
Didl didl lay dam
Hay didl dam
Who could write and send the note?
Haydl, didl, day,
The Turkish Princess wrote the note,
When she was sad and crying.
She used her own blood to write
This poem of her greatest love
And her broken heart,
Her broken heart, my God.
Hay didl lay dam.....
What else was there in the note?
Haydl, didl, deh
Not only words ‘I love’,‘Respond! ‘,
She also wrote to him that:
‘I don’t eat, I don’t sleep,
I’ve lost my wings and inner peace,
I’m dying of my angst,
Oh, you disturbed my rest!’
Hay didl lay dam……….
And what he did, that Rabbi Tam ?
Haydl, didl, deh,
He just stayed wise, he just stayed calm
And then he said his ‘fe’.
All the cows were called to him
To give advice in time of need,
They only mooed a bit,
It looked like that was it.
Hay didl lay dam………
What did the Rabbi’s wife do?
Haydl, didl, du,
She smacked him with a rolling pin
And told him something too:
‘Don’t you dare do that, love!
I won’t stand for it.
I’m still your faithful wife.
And you are mine. That’s it.’
Hay didl lay dam………..
Who could write this little song?
Haydl, didl, dam,
One taylor made this song
For him, for Rabbi Tam.
The taylor slept one day and night,
In dream he made the equal lines,
He used a subtle rhyme
And all turned out fine.
Hay didl lay dam……..
Иной (http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/kleiman) - перевод на русский язык:
Давайте песенку споём,
Как летел однажды днём
Золотой павлин,
Нёс он в клюве письмецо,
нёс любовное письмо
раввину с кличкой Там,
для ребе с кличкой Там,
ЧтО же было в том письме?
Писала о своей беде
Турецкая княжна,
Кровавыми чернилами
Писала и полила их
Горючею слезой,
Ну просто Боже мой,
И что ж княжна писала там,
Люблю тебя, раввинчик Там,
Что же ты молчишь?
Из-за тебя не ем, не сплю,
Я лопнуть от тоски могу,
Покоя нет теперь!
И лопну, ты поверь!
Что ж делает наш рэбе Там,
Он крутит пейсы, чешет там…
И говорит лишь - Фу-у!…
И всех коров, жующих там,
Приводят к рэбе Таму там,
Чтоб помогли ему, -
И все мычали: Му-у!…
Что ж делает его жена?
Там скалкой бьет его она,
И нежно шепчет так:
Эх тЫ, лишь девки на уме,
забыл о дуре, обо мне,
О любящей жене,
Что так верна тебе,
Кто эту песню сочинил?
Портняжка сам ее пошил
Для рэбе с кличкой Там,
И день и ночь в субботу спал,
И шил стихи и их равнял,
Шил рифмой сквозь свой сон,
Шил тонкой рифмой он,
Lyrics by Itsik Manger, mysic by Hertz Rubin, singing by Leilele Fisher,
English translation by Alexandra Shamarova:
I sing a ditty, dear folks,
Haydl, didl, dam,
One day a golden peafowl
Appeared in the sky.
It had a letter and hold it tight
With a poem sent this far -
To him, to Rabbi Tam,
To him, to Rabbi Tam.
Hay didl lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lay
Didl didl lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lam
Lay dam
Hay didl didl didl lay
Didl didl lay dam
Hay didl dam
Who could write and send the note?
Haydl, didl, day,
The Turkish Princess wrote the note,
When she was sad and crying.
She used her own blood to write
This poem of her greatest love
And her broken heart,
Her broken heart, my God.
Hay didl lay dam.....
What else was there in the note?
Haydl, didl, deh
Not only words ‘I love’,‘Respond! ‘,
She also wrote to him that:
‘I don’t eat, I don’t sleep,
I’ve lost my wings and inner peace,
I’m dying of my angst,
Oh, you disturbed my rest!’
Hay didl lay dam……….
And what he did, that Rabbi Tam ?
Haydl, didl, deh,
He just stayed wise, he just stayed calm
And then he said his ‘fe’.
All the cows were called to him
To give advice in time of need,
They only mooed a bit,
It looked like that was it.
Hay didl lay dam………
What did the Rabbi’s wife do?
Haydl, didl, du,
She smacked him with a rolling pin
And told him something too:
‘Don’t you dare do that, love!
I won’t stand for it.
I’m still your faithful wife.
And you are mine. That’s it.’
Hay didl lay dam………..
Who could write this little song?
Haydl, didl, dam,
One taylor made this song
For him, for Rabbi Tam.
The taylor slept one day and night,
In dream he made the equal lines,
He used a subtle rhyme
And all turned out fine.
Hay didl lay dam……..
Иной (http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/kleiman) - перевод на русский язык:
Давайте песенку споём,
Как летел однажды днём
Золотой павлин,
Нёс он в клюве письмецо,
нёс любовное письмо
раввину с кличкой Там,
для ребе с кличкой Там,
ЧтО же было в том письме?
Писала о своей беде
Турецкая княжна,
Кровавыми чернилами
Писала и полила их
Горючею слезой,
Ну просто Боже мой,
И что ж княжна писала там,
Люблю тебя, раввинчик Там,
Что же ты молчишь?
Из-за тебя не ем, не сплю,
Я лопнуть от тоски могу,
Покоя нет теперь!
И лопну, ты поверь!
Что ж делает наш рэбе Там,
Он крутит пейсы, чешет там…
И говорит лишь - Фу-у!…
И всех коров, жующих там,
Приводят к рэбе Таму там,
Чтоб помогли ему, -
И все мычали: Му-у!…
Что ж делает его жена?
Там скалкой бьет его она,
И нежно шепчет так:
Эх тЫ, лишь девки на уме,
забыл о дуре, обо мне,
О любящей жене,
Что так верна тебе,
Кто эту песню сочинил?
Портняжка сам ее пошил
Для рэбе с кличкой Там,
И день и ночь в субботу спал,
И шил стихи и их равнял,
Шил рифмой сквозь свой сон,
Шил тонкой рифмой он,
- published: 10 Jun 2019
- views: 725
Chava Alberstein - Rabbi Tam
Rabbi Tam
lomir zingen dos sheyne lid,
haydl, didl, dam,
vi di goldene pave flit
ibern shvarts yam.
un trogt a libes-brivele,
a sheynem libes-brive...
Rabbi Tam
lomir zingen dos sheyne lid,
haydl, didl, dam,
vi di goldene pave flit
ibern shvarts yam.
un trogt a libes-brivele,
a sheynem libes-brivele,
far dem rabeynu tam.
ver hot geshribn dos brivele?
haydl, didl, day
geshribn hot dos brivele
di malke fun terkay.
geshribn es mit roytn tint
un far|khasm|et es geshvind
mit heyse trern dray.
vos shteyt geshribn in brivele?
haydl, didl, du
rabeynu tam ikh libe dikh,
vos-zhe shvaygstu, nu?
ikh ese nisht, ikh trinke nisht,
ikh ver tsezetst fun benkenish,
ikh habe nisht keyn ru.
vos-zhe tut rabeynu tam?
haydl, didl, deh
er glet di peye un di bord
un makht dray mol fe ...
un dos tsigele in shtal,
un dos vayse tsigele
helft im unter meh.
nu, un zi, di rebitsin?
haydl, didl, doy
zi klapt im mitn valgerholts
un zogt tsu im azoy:
shikses lign dir in zin,
nu un yakh un yakh vu bin,
dayn heys-gelibte froy?
treft, ver s'hot dos lid gemakht?
haydl, didl, dam
a shnayder-yung hot es gemakht
l|koved rabeynu tam.
un shabes tsvishn tog un nakht
hot a lets arayngelakht
akurat tsum gram.
Rabbi Tam
lomir zingen dos sheyne lid,
haydl, didl, dam,
vi di goldene pave flit
ibern shvarts yam.
un trogt a libes-brivele,
a sheynem libes-brivele,
far dem rabeynu tam.
ver hot geshribn dos brivele?
haydl, didl, day
geshribn hot dos brivele
di malke fun terkay.
geshribn es mit roytn tint
un far|khasm|et es geshvind
mit heyse trern dray.
vos shteyt geshribn in brivele?
haydl, didl, du
rabeynu tam ikh libe dikh,
vos-zhe shvaygstu, nu?
ikh ese nisht, ikh trinke nisht,
ikh ver tsezetst fun benkenish,
ikh habe nisht keyn ru.
vos-zhe tut rabeynu tam?
haydl, didl, deh
er glet di peye un di bord
un makht dray mol fe ...
un dos tsigele in shtal,
un dos vayse tsigele
helft im unter meh.
nu, un zi, di rebitsin?
haydl, didl, doy
zi klapt im mitn valgerholts
un zogt tsu im azoy:
shikses lign dir in zin,
nu un yakh un yakh vu bin,
dayn heys-gelibte froy?
treft, ver s'hot dos lid gemakht?
haydl, didl, dam
a shnayder-yung hot es gemakht
l|koved rabeynu tam.
un shabes tsvishn tog un nakht
hot a lets arayngelakht
akurat tsum gram.
- published: 19 Oct 2008
- views: 213477
Why the Difference between Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin? Raved and Shimusha Rabba? Explained
What is the Difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam Tefillin? Raved and Shimisha Rabba?? Rabbi Kass
How can you tell the difference between Rashi and Rabeinu ...
What is the Difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam Tefillin? Raved and Shimisha Rabba?? Rabbi Kass
How can you tell the difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam follow the link
0:00 Introduction, what are Tefillin?
5:00 What is the difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam?
6:08 So why the disagreement?
10:29 What is Shimusha Rabba and Raaved?
What is the Difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam Tefillin? Raved and Shimisha Rabba?? Rabbi Kass
How can you tell the difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam follow the link
0:00 Introduction, what are Tefillin?
5:00 What is the difference between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam?
6:08 So why the disagreement?
10:29 What is Shimusha Rabba and Raaved?
- published: 19 Nov 2021
- views: 1774