- published: 08 Mar 2012
- views: 188
Nissim ben Reuven (1320–9th of Shevat, 1376, Hebrew: נסים בן ראובן) of Girona, Catalonia was an influential talmudist and authority on Jewish law. He was one of the last of the great Spanish medieval talmudic scholars. He is also known as the RaN (ר"ן), the Hebrew acronym of his name, as well as the RaNbaR (רנב"ר), the Hebrew acronym of his full name, including his father's name, Reuven (ראובן).
The RaN was born in Barcelona, Catalonia. He was a Physician and had knowledge of astronomy. The RaN's teacher is not known; his works refer to a R. Perez as "morenu" ("our teacher"), but it is thought that his father, Reuben b. Nissim, was his primary teacher. RaN was considered the greatest Halachic authority of his generation, and queries were sent to him from throughout the Jewish diaspora. His closest disciples were the Rivash (Isaac ben Sheshet) and Hasdai Crescas.
In his analyses, Nissim frequently refutes other rishonim; in his legal rulings however, he generally adopts their opinions in practice. He was "no friend of mysticism", and even reproved Nahmanides for devoting too much time to the Kabbalah.
Rabbi Nissim of Girona on the Constitutional Power of the Sovereign--Zev Harvey
Rav A. Somekh - Talmud Sanhedrin 10
How Do You Run A Modern State According To Jewish Law?
שיחות הר'ן ד יא ראפ עם מוזיקה
שיחות הר'ן קעז פ ואח'כ א ג
שיחות הר'ן יב כב ראפ עם מוזיקה
هدف حسام أبو صالح - السعودية و فلسطين | كأس العرب
Exposing Banking System:- Hasnainkhan
Lecturas en Hebreo - Diálogo 5: Información (מודיעין)
[096] Dance History Mix Winter 2007 Edition Part 2
Fifth Annual Ivan Meyer Lecture in Jewish Law, delivered by Zev Harvey, Hebrew University. For More information please visit http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/
Corso di Talmud 5774 - Trattato di Sanhedrìn, Secondo Capitolo - Decima lezione. Pag. 19a-19b. Approfondimenti sul confronto istituzionale tra Shimon ben Shetach e il re Yannài. I commenti delle Tosafòt che sembrano sostenere l'operato di Ben Shetach. Il commento del Ran (Rabbenu Nissim di Gerona) che invece pone qualche dubbio. Alcuni paralleli linguistici in altri trattati. 17.2.14, Milano - Residenza Arzaga. Registrazione D. Piazza
http://lukeford.net/blog/?p=42599 In his sixth lecture on R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinksi for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: According to Rav Nissim of Girona (aka The RaN) says that in our Jewish system, there are two types of governance — Torah law and the law of the king. Take a look at how difficult it is to convict people in Jewish law. You have to have two witnesses. The perpetrator needs to be warned. How do you run a state like this? How do you put people in jail? Every single person in jail would not be in jail by Torah law. First, there's no jail in Torah law. None of these people were warned before committing their crime. According to Wikipedia: "Nissim ben Reuven (1320--1376, Hebrew: נסים בן ראובן) of Girona, Catalonia was an influential talmudist and author...
BH nanach singing and sometimes just read or/and translated the seforim/holy books of the holiest one leader guide teacher etc. rebbe of israel rebbe na nach nachma nachman meuman halvai i have a hand in spreading his words my intention is word for word halvai and if only they where sung and danced to in all languages in all types of dance and song a big part of this was done in hope that others, better singers holier people, more profesional etc hear it and say i can do that to and/or better and bezH see how it is needed i dream and hope all types of song and will be uplifted and brought to their right root which is the rebbe and halvai that each word be sung in the perfect fitting tone for and dance like his wish omaaiiinnn!!!nanach also i myself love to hear torah lectures but wish i...
BH nanach singing and sometimes just read or/and translated the seforim/holy books of the holiest one leader guide teacher etc. rebbe of israel rebbe na nach nachma nachman meuman halvai i have a hand in spreading his words my intention is word for word halvai and if only they where sung and danced to in all languages in all types of dance and song a big part of this was done in hope that others, better singers holier people, more profesional etc hear it and say i can do that to and/or better and bezH see how it is needed i dream and hope all types of song and will be uplifted and brought to their right root which is the rebbe and halvai that each word be sung in the perfect fitting tone for and dance like his wish omaaiiinnn!!!nanach also i myself love to hear torah lectures but wish i...
BH nanach singing and sometimes just read or/and translated the seforim/holy books of the holiest one leader guide teacher etc. rebbe of israel rebbe na nach nachma nachman meuman halvai i have a hand in spreading his words my intention is word for word halvai and if only they where sung and danced to in all languages in all types of dance and song a big part of this was done in hope that others, better singers holier people, more profesional etc hear it and say i can do that to and/or better and bezH see how it is needed i dream and hope all types of song and will be uplifted and brought to their right root which is the rebbe and halvai that each word be sung in the perfect fitting tone for and dance like his wish omaaiiinnn!!!nanach also i myself love to hear torah lectures but wish i...
هدف حسام أبو صالح - السعودية و فلسطين | كأس العرب بطولة العرب المقامة في الطائف و جدة المباراة من المجموعة الأولى A ________ الهدف الأول الاول لفلسطين على المنتخب "السعودية وفلسطين" "فلسطين والسعودية" "فلسطين والسعوديه" "السعوديه وفلسطين" كاس العرب العربية العربيه السعودية وفلسطين فلسطين والسعودية فلسطين والسعوديه السعوديه وفلسطين HD HQ VS
Hasnainkhan exposing the Baking System, how Jews are making fool to the world. in Dawah Workshop on 14th January 2012. You can reach Hasnainkhan @ www.pathanhasnain.co.cc
BLOG: http://hebreo-moderno.blogspot.com.es/ Curso de hebreo moderno (עברית מודרנית) gratis en español (ספרדית) para todas las edades en dónde aprendemos a escribir el alfabeto, vocabulario básico, gramática, diálogos, numerología, kabballah (Cábala), curiosidades culturales, canciones, etc. Para todos aquellos que quieran aprender este maravilloso idioma, todas las religiones son bienvenidas. Para todos aquellos que quieran visitar Israel (ישראל), aprender de las tres culturas monoteístas y tener una experiencia enriquecedora. Mi nombre es Sonia y es un placer compartir con vosotros este pequeño conocimiento, deseo que lo disfruten ;)
Tracklist: - Milk & Sugar "What is love" - Lucky Twice "Lucky" - Wally Lopez "Don't you" (Richard Grey remix) - Amuka "I want more (cling on to me)" (Offer Nissim remix) - J. Louis & Ferran vs. Taito Tikaro "Unbelievable" (Ferran & Elastika remix) - Mason vs. Princess Superstar "Perfect exceeder" - Kurd Maverick "The rub" - Dirty South vs. Evermore "It's too late" (Dirty South mix) - Mustache feat. Dave "Little 15" (The Cube Guys & Delano remix)