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Why Don't Jews Believe In Jesus? (in one minute)
Nahmanides in Medieval Catalonia History Community and Messianism скачать
BATTLE for JEWISH SOULS - Missionary Threat to Jews - Rabbi Michael Skobac
● FORMER JEW FOR JESUS SPEAKS: Larry Levey (Jewish Voice, Messianic Jews for Jes
Atcidente en Boca Chica mini Cooper
The Disputation 1 of 5
Vikoeach ( dispuut or disputation ) tussen rabbi Mosjé ben Nachman en Pablo Christiani
Girona, Catalonia - Spain
Shiur n Shmooze: Gila Fine
Mustard Field Jews For Jesus? Ever wonder why the Jews rejected Jesus? What are the Jewish objections to Jesus? Th...
Скачать Nahmanides in Medieval Catalonia: History, Community, and Messianism можно по ссылке Автор книги Nina Caputo
Rabbi Michael Skobac takes you on a fascinating exploration of how a small Messianic movement within Judaism, 2,000 years ago, transformed into a radically non-Jewish world religion. In this lecture, you will learn about the Jewish roots of Christianity, how those roots became obscured over the course of time and what surprising developments may lie ahead. Questions should be directed to CORRECTION: Please note that at 1:13 Rabbi Skobac quotes from Matthew 11. It should be Matthew 2. Learn More: Facebook+Like: YouTube+Subscribe: Twitter+Tweet: Donate Now: Jews For Jesus? Ever wonder why the Jews rejected Jesus? What are the Jewish objections to Jesus? This video will give you the reasons why Jews don't believe that Jesus was Messiah. Moses Nahmanides and The Debate in Barcelona, Spain, 1263 The most famous of all Jewish-Christian debates was between the apostate Jew Pablo Christiani and Moses Nahmanides (the Ramban). Nahmanides argued that the central issue separating Christianity and Judaism was not the issue of Jesus messiahship, but whether or not Jesus was divine. There was no basis in Judaism, Nahmanides said, for believing in the divinity of the Messiah or, indeed, of any man. To Nahmanides, it seemed most strange "that the Creator of heaven and earth resorted to the womb of a certain Jewess and grew there for nine months and was born as an infant, and afterwards grew up and was betrayed into the hands of his enemies who sentenced him to death and executed him, and that afterwards he came to life and returned to his original place. The mind of a Jew, or any other person, cannot tolerate this." Nahmanides told the Spanish monarch, "You have listened all your life to priests who have filled your brain and the marrow of your bones with this doctrine, and it has settled with you because of that accustomed habit." Had King James heard these ideas propounded for the first time when he was already an adult, Nahmanides implied, he never would have accepted them. ---- Judaism vs Christianity Jews vs Christians debateBob Mendelsohn gives us an update from 72nd and Broadway.Jews For Jesus and Professor Macklin "Jesus In The Passover" - Christian Apologetics ClassJews for Jesus presents a Bible Study by Jhan Moskowitz from the Book of Chronicles. We hope you are blessed by this study. For more visit http://jewsforjesus.orgWhat do you think about this debate? Live chat with us now Also visit: Ocallagham explores the interesting debate between Richard Harvey a Messianic Jew and Rabbi Shmuel Boteach L'Chaim Society, Oxford about do Jews need Jesus. Live chat with us now Also visit:
- FOR NOTES TO THIS LECTURE, CLICK ON THIS LINK: - Session #1 of a 12-part lecture series entitled the "Counter-Missionary Survival Seminar", which responds to the 2,000 year-old claim by Christian missionaries that Jesus is the Jewish messiah. Using the Jewish Bible, where the concept of the Jewish Messiah has its foundation, Rabbi Skobac explains how two Billion Christians are wrong and that Judaism is correct in rejecting Jesus as the Messiah. Today, the worldwide Jewish community is being aggressively targeted by over 1,000 evangelical Christian organizations. This eye-opening exposé explains why these missionaries are obsessed with converting Jews and what techniques they are now using with devastating effectiveness. If you are concerned about this serious problem and want to keep Jews connected to Judaism, don't miss this vital program. Questions should be directed to Learn More: Facebook+Like: YouTube+Subscribe: Twitter+Tweet: Donate Now: Jews For Jesus? Ever wonder why the Jews rejected Jesus? What are the Jewish objections to Jesus? This video will give you the reasons why Jews don't believe that Jesus was Messiah. Moses Nahmanides and The Debate in Barcelona, Spain, 1263 The most famous of all Jewish-Christian debates was between the apostate Jew Pablo Christiani and Moses Nahmanides (the Ramban). Nahmanides argued that the central issue separating Christianity and Judaism was not the issue of Jesus messiahship, but whether or not Jesus was divine. There was no basis in Judaism, Nahmanides said, for believing in the divinity of the Messiah or, indeed, of any man. To Nahmanides, it seemed most strange "that the Creator of heaven and earth resorted to the womb of a certain Jewess and grew there for nine months and was born as an infant, and afterwards grew up and was betrayed into the hands of his enemies who sentenced him to death and executed him, and that afterwards he came to life and returned to his original place. The mind of a Jew, or any other person, cannot tolerate this." Nahmanides told the Spanish monarch, "You have listened all your life to priests who have filled your brain and the marrow of your bones with this doctrine, and it has settled with you because of that accustomed habit." Had King James heard these ideas propounded for the first time when he was already an adult, Nahmanides implied, he never would have accepted them. ---- Judaism vs Christianity Jews vs Christians debateBob Mendelsohn gives us an update from 72nd and Broadway.Jews For Jesus and Professor Macklin "Jesus In The Passover" - Christian Apologetics ClassJews for Jesus presents a Bible Study by Jhan Moskowitz from the Book of Chronicles. We hope you are blessed by this study. For more visit http://jewsforjesus.orgWhat do you think about this debate? Live chat with us now Also visit: Ocallagham explores the interesting debate between Richard Harvey a Messianic Jew and Rabbi Shmuel Boteach L'Chaim Society, Oxford about do Jews need Jesus. Live chat with us now Also visit:
● This video responds to Jews for Jesus and Messianic Jewish Christian missionaries like Jewish Voice, Chosen People Ministries, Jonathan Bernis, Michael Rood, Itzhak Shapira, Ahavat Ammi, First Fruits of Zion, Maoz Israel, Paul Wilbur, Jonathan Settel, Joel Chernoff, Jonathan Cahn, Sid Roth, Harbinger, David Brickner, The Health Watchman, Torah Life Ministires, UMJC, MJAA, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Dan David, Its Supernatural, Rabbi Jacobs, Michael Rood Ministries, Marty Goetz, Rose Price, Messianic Vision, MAOZ, Nehemia Gordon, Lion of Judah, Zola Levitt, Jonathan Settel, Art Katz, El Shaddai Ministries, Ted Pearce, Rabbi Schneider, A Rood Awakening, Rock of Israel, Shabbat Night Live, Karen Davis, Israel Ministries, The Sound of the Spirit, Ray Gannon, Howard Morgan Ministries, Flame Foundation, Barry and Batya Segal, Congregation Melech Yisrael, City of David Messianic Synagogue, Kehilat Melech Yisrael, Marty Goetz, Rabbi Jeff Forman, Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc., HaDavar Ministries, ChosenPeopleUSA, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Tents of Mercy, Revive Israel Ministries, Maoz Israel, Tikkun International, Tikkun Olam Ministries, Ahavat Yeshua, Dan Juster, Asher Intrater, Tikkun Ministries, Passion for Truth Ministries, Jewish Voice Today, Yeshuas Harvest, Zola Levitt Ministries, One for Israel, Hebraic Roots Network and Dr. Michael Brown. FORMER JEWS FOR JESUS MISSIONARY Larry Levey was raised in a Conservative Jewish home. While working in Los Angeles, he had a "born-again" experience and became a "Jew for Jesus". He went from professional attorney to professional missionary for a leading "Hebrew Christian" missionary group. (1992). Questions should be directed to Learn More: Facebook+Like: YouTube+Subscribe: Twitter+Tweet: Donate Now: Jews For Jesus? Ever wonder why the Jews rejected Jesus? What are the Jewish objections to Jesus? This video will give you the reasons why Jews don't believe that Jesus was Messiah. Moses Nahmanides and The Debate in Barcelona, Spain, 1263 The most famous of all Jewish-Christian debates was between the apostate Jew Pablo Christiani and Moses Nahmanides (the Ramban). Nahmanides argued that the central issue separating Christianity and Judaism was not the issue of Jesus messiahship, but whether or not Jesus was divine. There was no basis in Judaism, Nahmanides said, for believing in the divinity of the Messiah or, indeed, of any man. To Nahmanides, it seemed most strange "that the Creator of heaven and earth resorted to the womb of a certain Jewess and grew there for nine months and was born as an infant, and afterwards grew up and was betrayed into the hands of his enemies who sentenced him to death and executed him, and that afterwards he came to life and returned to his original place. The mind of a Jew, or any other person, cannot tolerate this." Nahmanides told the Spanish monarch, "You have listened all your life to priests who have filled your brain and the marrow of your bones with this doctrine, and it has settled with you because of that accustomed habit." Had King James heard these ideas propounded for the first time when he was already an adult, Nahmanides implied, he never would have accepted them. ---- Judaism vs Christianity Jews vs Christians debateBob Mendelsohn gives us an update from 72nd and Broadway.Jews For Jesus and Professor Macklin "Jesus In The Passover" - Christian Apologetics ClassJews for Jesus presents a Bible Study by Jhan Moskowitz from the Book of Chronicles. We hope you are blessed by this study. For more visit http://jewsforjesus.orgWhat do you think about this debate? Live chat with us now
Kapparot was strongly opposed by some rabbis, among them Nahmanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Yosef Karo. They considered it a non-Jewish ritual that conflicte...
● FOR NOTES TO THIS LECTURE, CLICK ON THIS LINK:● Session #6 of a 12-part lecture series entitled the `Counter-Missionary Survival Seminar`, which responds to the 2,000 year-old claim by Christian missionaries that Jesus is the Jewish messiah. Isaiah 53 is one of the most popular proof-texts used by missionaries to convert Jews. They claim this bible verse refers to Jesus. In this session, Rabbi Michael Skobac de-consturcts the Missionary interpretation of this passage and clearly shows how Isaiah 53 can only refer to Israel and cannot refer to the Messiah. Questions should be directed to RabbiSkobac@JewsForJ: +Like: +Subscribe: +Tweet: : Jews For Jesus? Ever wonder why the Jews rejected Jesus? What are the Jewish objections to Jesus? This video will give you the reasons why Jews don't believe that Jesus was Messiah. Moses Nahmanides and The Debate in Barcelona, Spain, 1263 The most famous of all Jewish-Christian debates was between the apostate Jew Pablo Christiani and Moses Nahmanides (the Ramban). Nahmanides argued that the central issue separating Christianity and Judaism was not the issue of Jesus messiahship, but whether or not Jesus was divine. There was no basis in Judaism, Nahmanides said, for believing in the divinity of the Messiah or, indeed, of any man. To Nahmanides, it seemed most strange "that the Creator of heaven and earth resorted to the womb of a certain Jewess and grew there for nine months and was born as an infant, and afterwards grew up and was betrayed into the hands of his enemies who sentenced him to death and executed him, and that afterwards he came to life and returned to his original place. The mind of a Jew, or any other person, cannot tolerate this." Nahmanides told the Spanish monarch, "You have listened all your life to priests who have filled your brain and the marrow of your bones with this doctrine, and it has settled with you because of that accustomed habit." Had King James heard these ideas propounded for the first time when he was already an adult, Nahmanides implied, he never would have accepted them. ---- Judaism vs Christianity Jews vs Christians debateBob Mendelsohn gives us an update from 72nd and Broadway.Jews For Jesus and Professor Macklin "Jesus In The Passover" - Christian Apologetics ClassJews for Jesus presents a Bible Study by Jhan Moskowitz from the Book of Chronicles. We hope you are blessed by this study. For more visit http://jewsforjesus.orgWhat do you think about this debate? Live chat with us now Also visit: Ocallagham explores the interesting debate between Richard Harvey a Messianic Jew and Rabbi Shmuel Boteach L'Chaim Society, Oxford about do Jews need Jesus. Live chat with us now Also visit:
Joven dominicana recién llegada de Italy Embriagada de alcohol estrella su míni Cooper contra una pared en Boca Chica
The Disputation of Barcelona (July 20-24 1263) was held at the royal palace of King James I of Aragon in the presence of the King, his court, and many promin...
Vikoeach (dispuut) tussen rabbi Mosjé ben Nachman en Pablo Christiani, juli 20-24 1263, aan het hof van Jaime I van Aragon. The Disputation of Barcelona was ...
Ferries to Spain: Girona / Gerona is a city in the northeast of Catalonia, Spain at the confluence of the rivers Ter, Onyar, Galliga...
Shiur n Shmooze: Gila Fine "The Tragedy of Heruta: The Madonna Who Became a Whore" . Why are women divided into honest housewives and faithless femmes fatale...
MUSTARD SEEDS: Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants. The seeds are usually about 1 or 2 mm in diameter. Mustard seeds may be col...
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Kabbalah is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubal . This v...
Прочитать Phenomenology and Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience можно с сайта Автор книги Anthony J. Steinbock
Le Chemitta de nos jours est-elle une mitsva de la Torah ou des Sages, ou alors même un commandement concernant uniquement les gens pieux? Question qui a intéressé Rabbi, Abayé, Rava, Ramban, Rambam, Rabbi Yossef Karo, le Sma'... Le Rav Botschko y répond en expliquant, comme à son habitude, le sens des choses.
Girona Spain.. The Museum of Jewish History, the Cathedral, the Arab baths.
ניתן לצפות בשיעור זה ועוד שיעורים נוספים באתר השיעורים של מכון אורות ישראל בכתובת:
Загрузить The Church of the Holy Spirit можно по ссылке Автор книги Nicholas Afanasiev
Dans le calendrier de l'année juive, que vient commémorer Roch Hachana ? Contrairement aux autres fêtes, la Torah ne nous le précise pas. Pourquoi l'année ju...
Rabbi Shlomo ben Adret, known to his student by the acronym of his name Rashba, was one of the most brilliant Talmudists of medieval Spain. Student of Nachmanides (Ramban) and teacher to the Ritva, his writings are studied to the present day. Part of the Jewish Biography as History series by Dr. Henry Abramson, more available at This is the edited version of the Rashba lecture, cutting out some of the quiet time.
This Wednesday is Halloween. The question often is, is Halloween a holiday for Jews? Halloween is based on the Christian holiday of All-Hallows Day, so the a...
I do not own the copyright on this video and no infringement is intended. This is for education purposes only and not for profit. If you are going to post, please keep it clean, debate, don't insult. If you can post links to back up any claims for or against let's keep it rational and allow others to check out any claims. Any foul, abusive or insulting posts will be deleted. Trolls will be tolerated as long as you keep it clean, don't insult people's belief or lack thereof and at least try and be funny. If too many use this to vent their hatred of religion and reason with out addressing the content all comments by that poster will be flagged for spam and later deleted. (Apologies, I have merged the parts of this lecture together so it may not fit together correctly but I hope that does not spoil it for you) I will be gathering together more videos on the Scientific Case for God, for as a Catholic I know, Faith without reason is dead. I believe God created the universe 13 -14 billion years ago and that when science cannot prove or does not know I then go on faith alone. But nothing in science so far has been able to disprove God, rather the more science learns the more proof there seems to be for a Creator. Dr Gerald Schroeder From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia Gerald Lawrence Schroeder is an Orthodox Jewish physicist, author, lecturer and teacher at College of Jewish Studies Aish HaTorah's Discovery Seminar, Essentials and Fellowships programs and Executive Learning Centre, who focuses on what he perceives to be an inherent relationship between science and spirituality. Education Education Schroeder received his BSc in 1959, his MSc in 1961, and his PhD in nuclear physics and earth and planetary sciences in 1965, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He worked five years on the staff of the MIT physics department. He was a member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Aliyah to Israel After emigrating to Israel in 1971, Schroeder was employed as a researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Volcani Research Institute, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He currently teaches at Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies. Religious views His works frequently cite Talmudic, Midrashic and medieval commentaries on Biblical creation accounts, such as commentaries written by the Jewish philosopher Nachmanides. Among other things, Schroeder attempts to reconcile a six day creation as described in Genesis with the scientific evidence that the world is billions of years old using the idea that the perceived flow of time for a given event in an expanding universe varies with the observer's perspective of that event. He attempts to reconcile the two perspectives numerically, calculating the effect of the stretching of space-time, based on Einstein's theory of general relativity. Antony Flew, an academic philosopher who promoted atheism for most of his adult life indicated that the fine-tuned universe arguments of Gerald Schroeder convinced him to become a deist. In precise adjunct to accurately focus the late Flew's stated position, Flew has concluded his book, There Is A God, wherein he credits Gerald Schroeder at length, with these final words: "I am very much impressed [with] the case for Christianity... Is it possible that there can be divine revelation? As I said, you cannot limit the possibilities of omnipotence except to produce the logically impossible. Everything is open to omnipotence." Personal Schroeder's wife Barbara Sofer is a popular columnist for the English language Israeli newspaper, Jerusalem Post. The couple have five children. Prizes In 2012 Schroeder was awarded the Trotter Prize by Texas A&M; University's College of Science. Works Genesis and the Big Bang (1990), ISBN 0-553-35413-2 The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom, (1997), ISBN 0-7679-0303-X The Hidden Face of God: Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth, (2002), ISBN 0-7432-0325-9. God According to God: A Physicist Proves We've Been Wrong About God All Along, (2009), ISBN 978-0-06-171015-5. In the multiverse, anything can happen for no reason at all, in other words, the materialist is forced to believe in random miracles as an explanatory principle. In a theistic universe, nothing happens without a reason. Miracles are therefore intelligently directed deviations from divinely maintained regularities and thus are expressions of rational purpose. Dr Bruce Gordon
DAY started yrs ago: 1..15.750 mln.......Big Bang (energy into matter, time grabs a hold) 2....7.750 mln 3....3.750 mln 4....1.750 mln 5.......750 mln......m...
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Rav Tsion Taieb et 613TV ont le plaisir de vous partager un chiour très intéressant sur Roch Hachana, à Ouman. Pour plus de vidéos, abonnez-vous sur Free/Num...
Murder on Purim? That's the charge of Socrates Scholasticus, whose lone account of an alleged Purim celebration that got out of hand in the year 415. Althoug...
This week's parshah, Vayeshev, contains one of the key events in the Torah: the sale of Joseph into slavery by his brothers. But when we read the Torah close...
Il s'agit d'une lecture talmudique du traité Macot (5, a et b) au sujet des faux témoins. Analyse de la polémique entre les rabbins (pharisiens) et les saduc...
Lecture on Rachel, Wife of Akiva, from Dr. Abramson's Lecture Series in Jewish History at Young Israel of Bal Harbour. Lors de la soirée organisée à la Synagogue Emouna Cheléma de Jérusalem. David Cohen nous a lu qu...
In this segment, Chuck MIssler discusses the ten dimensional universe. This segment comes from "Angels: Volume 1" briefing pack recorded in 2011 and publishe...
Rather it is more than 700 years old and is from the great rabbinic sage, Nahmanides ... Nahmanides ...
Huffington Post 2015-01-23... of this verse among several great medieval commentators, including Rashi and Nahmanides.
Huffington Post 2014-06-03The giants of Jewish history — Maimonides, Nahmanides, Yehudah Halevi — are here, rendered as human, ...
The Dallas Morning News 2014-03-21... her eyes so that she could see the well that was there all along (see Nahmanides' comment on 21:19
Huffington Post 2013-10-18... Nahmanides - and their roles as major cultural figures and leaders of their Jewish communities.
The Independent 2013-09-13We settled in South Florida, and on Feb ... Watch the video: ... This raises the question: ... ). Ramban (Nahmanides on Deuteronomy 6:18
Huffington Post 2013-07-30Many interpreters of the Biblical account, including Hebrew scholars such as Onkelos (2nd century), ...
The Examiner 2013-01-17Also…ancient Rabbis/Jewish scholars Nahmanides, Onkelos, Rashi, Maimonides, Philo, and Josephus; ...
The Examiner 2012-11-25Nahmanides, also known as Rabbi Moses ben Naḥman Girondi, Bonastruc ça (de) Porta and by his acronym Ramban, (Porta, Barcelona, 1194 – Land of Israel, 1270) was a leading medieval Jewish scholar, Catalan rabbi, philosopher, physician, kabbalist, and biblical commentator. He was raised, studied, and lived for most of his life in Girona.
"Nahmanides" is a Greek-influenced formation meaning "son of Naḥman". He is also commonly known by his Hebrew acronym, "Ramban", (Rabbi Moshe ben Naḥman). His Catalan name was Bonastruc ça Porta, (also written Saporta, de Porta).
Nahmanides was born at Porta, Barcelona in 1194. He grew up and studied in Girona (hence his name "Girondi"), and died in the Land of Israel about 1270. He was the grandson of Isaac ben Reuben of Barcelona and cousin of Jonah Gerondi (the Rabbeinu Yonah); possibly his brother was Benveniste de Porta, the bailie of Barcelona.[clarification needed] Among his teachers in Talmud were Judah ben Yakkar and Meïr ben Nathan of Trinquetaille, and he is said to have been instructed in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) by his countryman Azriel of Gerona, who was in turn a disciple of Isaac the Blind.
i should like to remember
how i used to forget you
instead i try and discover
a new way to get you
face down in the gutter
i can`t look at the stars
but as i taste this old mud here
i can sense that you are
not too far from home too far from
from your cozy little bed there
with an angry little moan
think of hitting me harder
shoot me back into the
past that brought me thought me up to
haunt you taunt you till you learned that
this is the point of no return
no more deals and no pretence
this is the point of no return
no more open-heart offence
this is the point of no return
no more petty crimes and no amends
no amends
no amends
i should like to remember
how i used to forget you
instead i try and discover
a new way to get you
into my life my world my soul
my poor mind revolves around you-
sweet little kitten
you - a chirpy little bird
i am thoroughly smitten
by the softness of the
word that lays on your tongue your lips
the your breath make believe no less than
this is the point of no return
no more deals...
not too far from home too far from
feeling too alone to stand straight through the
past that brought me thought me up to
haunt you taunt you till you had enough
of my life my world my soul
my poor mind revolves around your
word that lays on your tongue your lips
your breath make believe no less than
this is the point of no return
no more deals and no pretence
this is the point of no return
no more open-heart offence
this is the point of no return
no more petty crimes and no amends
no amends